Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

Democrats hate Tulsi Gabbard more than just about anybody aside from Donald Trump. The chance of them letting her anywhere near the White House is zero.

And that is why this is going to be so amazing. God bless us all.

Two possible tainted elects? With a Republican base that thinks they cheated? In a Congress the Dems don't dominate (may not even win), and against a Republican SCOTUS? The blood will be flowing in the streets by April.

EDIT -- Oh, and no longer having Trump to act as their punching bag. They put that shit off in 2017 by virtue signaling and promising to banish the evil Drumf. But whether or not Trump is able to hold a second term, he's already accomplished so much of what he set out to do.

Trump has fundamentally altered the very political landscape itself. What would have taken us 8-12 years, he did in 4. God bless him and God bless us.
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And that is why this is going to be so amazing. God bless us all.

Two possible tainted elects? With a Republican base that thinks they cheated? In a Congress the Dems don't dominate (may not even win), and against a Republican SCOTUS? The blood will be flowing in the streets by April.

don't forget that biden said he had a large voter fraud organization on television.

That's not going away.
don't forget that biden said he had a large voter fraud organization on television.

That's not going away.

Oh we all know he's a nitwit. That won't matter.

What matters is the way our world has changed in 4 short years. 4 years! If you'd told me in 2015 that we'd be in a trade war with half the world (and winning!), have built a border wall, told Germany to suck it, cripple Obamacare, flip the courts, rejuvenate a political party, set the US economy into overdrive, crack into the Hispanic/Black vote, and vastly reduced our global footprint around the world...with one President to thank for it, I'd say that was impossible. I'd say it sounds like a Mary Sue fan-fiction.

Trump has done more than just give us hope, he has fundamentally changed the world. And maybe he lost this round. But if he's able and willing, he can run again in 2020. What's more, he's laid down a new DNA chain for the Republican party and it isn't going anywhere. He's proven that with a more brash and aggressive (not to mention fun!) attitude, Republicans can win.

If all the best the Democrats can do is drag the election away from him with .5-2% margins in battleground states--after Trump redefined what a battleground state was, then we are forever in his debt. He's done all we could have asked him to; to change the world. And he did it while these gits nipped at his heels. And even when it looks as though he's down, he's willing to go to the mat for us.

We're more than lucky, we are truly blessed.
If they were committing fraud, you'd think they'd have been able to actually take the Senate. The Democrats aren't smart enough to actually steal an election, and most of those Biden ballots were slowly counted early mail that was always going to go to Biden.

Going to the Supreme Court just makes us look like Stacey Abrams. Accept the loss, and get ready to kick donkey butt in 2022.
Here's my thinking: they don't necessarily need the senate and a strong house majority when government agencies can alter various regulations on their own. Consider what kind of changes a Biden ATF could make on guns and suppressors. Or Trump's public charge rule changes that produced so much trouble in the courts. No bill was needed to make those changes. The "swamp" bureaucracy will also be more open to the Dems. And if they don't pull this fraud off, the end result of all the prolonged court battles and accompanying rallies can be used to justify more resisting and foot-dragging under the claim that Trump stole the election big time this time.

Claims that MI might flip.

Not until it goes to court, do not think things will be over early.
Here's my thinking: they don't necessarily need the senate and a strong house majority when government agencies can alter various regulations on their own. Consider what kind of changes a Biden ATF could make on guns and suppressors. Or Trump's public charge rule changes that produced so much trouble in the courts. No bill was needed to make those changes. The "swamp" bureaucracy will also be more open to the Dems. And if they don't pull this fraud off, the end result of all the prolonged court battles and accompanying rallies can be used to justify more resisting and foot-dragging under the claim that Trump stole the election big time this time.

Not until it goes to court, do not think things will be over early.

Well my good fellow, that's a one-stop trip to the Supreme Court.
Do...do you listen to yourself?

You sound like some crazy conspiracy agent.

"Leftist Agent"-piss off.

All I am saying is that massive voter fraud is extremely hard to pull off, some of it would be caught, and falling into this hole will only make our chances of winning later harder. If Trump loses, those Senate seats in Georgia are almost guaranteed to go Republican, and a 52 seat Republican majority strangles the Biden administration in the crib.

After how it looked all year, that is a win, and I will take it, run, and start getting ready for Desantis/Noem in 2024.
I see what you're saying, but keep in mind that for example unlike other nations, the US election system is quite screwed up. I'm frankly astounded that it only started collapsing under its own weight now. In the US its often the media which calls an election rather than an independent non-partisan election commission. This is already bad especially since now the media has shown its true colors, showing an overt partisan bias against Trump. They're quasi Democrat/Biden campaign arms at this point. Even Fox News demonstrated this with how they prematurely called Arizona. In regards to Vote-by mail, there's little if any verifiable chain of custody which makes it hard to verify how the votes come in. Even if its not explicit voter fraud, the sheer logistics from mail in votes is something our postal service wasn't really equipped to handle. And in regards to bias, its quite suspect that certain states stopped counting as soon as Trump started leading.

Well, shit. Looks like Biden won Wisconsin by 0.63%? According to DDHQ.
What happened to Trump's base? Based on his crowd's it made its seem like he'd win those states overwhelmingly. That's at least what a lot of right-leaning political/news outlets were saying.

That's not going away.
Twitter: censoring intensifies

hey put that shit off in 2017 by virtue signaling and promising to banish the evil Drumf.
Honestly had Trump been more of his campaign rally self where he focused more on his affable side, he likely could have coasted in a major landslide. A lot of people, especially low information voters were quite turned off by his brash demeanor. I used to be one of them. And while he has grown on me, I can see why others find him abrasive.

He's proven that with a more brash and aggressive (not to mention fun!) attitude, Republicans can win.
So many people were turned off by his more brash "New York tough guy" attitude. Had he been more humorous like say Reagan who had faced similar bias from the media and used humor to disarm his critics, he'd easily coast to victory. Trump is a meme-lord, and has proven that he has a more charming and charismatic self. If he channeled that more, he could have had a much better time overall.

crack into the Hispanic/Black vote, and vastly reduced our global footprint around the world...with one President to thank for it, I'd say that was impossible.
I'm sure the idiot "DeMogRaPhIcS iS dEsTiNy" people are confused by this just like the white progressives who view minorities as without agency that they the "white savior" must uplift. Most Latin Americans and African Americans are generally quite conservative. If you actually do a good job reaching out to these communities like Trump did instead of doing half-baked things like the old GOP establishment, they'd actually support you. Minority groups like Hispanics, and African Americans aren't one monolith, and one of the things I hate about modern US politics is that both sides view them as one group based on race. As an Indian-American this particularly angers me as I've personally experienced the vitriol and racism of the supposedly "anti-racist" Progressives. Though to call them progressive is dumb since they're anything but that.
I see what you're saying, but keep in mind that for example unlike other nations, the US election system is quite screwed up. I'm frankly astounded that it only started collapsing under its own weight now. In the US its often the media which calls an election rather than an independent non-partisan election commission. This is already bad especially since now the media has shown its true colors, showing an overt partisan bias against Trump. They're quasi Democrat/Biden campaign arms at this point. Even Fox News demonstrated this with how they prematurely called Arizona. In regards to Vote-by mail, there's little if any verifiable chain of custody which makes it hard to verify how the votes come in. Even if its not explicit voter fraud, the sheer logistics from mail in votes is something our postal service wasn't really equipped to handle. And in regards to bias, its quite suspect that certain states stopped counting as soon as Trump started leading.

What happened to Trump's base? Based on his crowd's it made its seem like he'd win those states overwhelmingly. That's at least what a lot of right-leaning political/news outlets were saying.
A lot of ballots appeared during the "taking a break" time.

I have a whole post about an article that shows the drastic change in ballots
By the way if the Democrats do get Biden in whose going to bet that their rallying cry in 2022 will be to win the Senate so we pack the courts to stop those mean old conservative judges and justices from blocking our probably unconstitutional executive orders and new regulations...well that and/or win the Senate so California doesn't have a fiscal doomsday of said state's Democrats own making.
Trump has done more than just give us hope, he has fundamentally changed the world. And maybe he lost this round. But if he's able and willing, he can run again in 2020. What's more, he's laid down a new DNA chain for the Republican party and it isn't going anywhere. He's proven that with a more brash and aggressive (not to mention fun!) attitude, Republicans can win.
What's his future with the Republicans should he lose? A millionaire consultant who can utilise his existing base? Be the Republican Soros to carry out influence?
I wonder how the "Based" white ethnonationalist are going to react givin that a good chunck of black and latin americans voted for trump or libertarians while thier "White brethren" though them under Biden's bus. somthing somthing it's all the jews I guess.
I wonder how the "Based" white ethnonationalist are going to react givin that a good chunck of black and latin americans voted for trump or libertarians while thier "White brethren" though them under Biden's bus. somthing somthing it's all the jews I guess.
The White nationalists screech about how Trump "betrayed" them and claim that he's a jewish puppet", Or some other nonsense.

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