Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

Redditors on suicide watch.

Keep crying you fucking leftist bastards. Fuck off with you precious Anita and Quinn
VA is being walked back with it being 51% trump yet they called it blue
Uh, to me it kinda look like; cities send in their votes, democrat take the lead, then everyone else pitch in and this lead get slowly shaved away.

EV was tilted heavily for Biden. Dem supervoters went all in and early voted due to fear of the Corona, creating an illusion of overwhelming leads which evaporated once ED voting was processed. Vote cannibalisation on a massive scale.

Here knowing Biden will take Commiefornia, the most recent when I made it to what it looks like should things continue the way they are.

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