It's next to impossible that we get to an "I can't afford food" level of economic chaos. Worst case scenario is "I can only afford food" as budgets get too tight for people to afford nonessential services, and even that is fairly unlikely.
The most likely result is a few very unpleasant months, until the mounting political pressure forces the dems to excise the greens/the Republicans retake congress and marginalize them, and then we have the big showdown in 2024 that determines how thing settle out in the long run.
To a point, that's true, no one's going to goto jail for any of this. But there is a very good chance this fiasco forces people to acknowledge how insanely stupid the entire green agenda is, and they respond by banishing the gaia worshipping idiots into the political wilderness for a generation or two.
The most likely result is a few very unpleasant months, until the mounting political pressure forces the dems to excise the greens/the Republicans retake congress and marginalize them, and then we have the big showdown in 2024 that determines how thing settle out in the long run.
What really, really pisses me off is that the sanctimonious retards who brought this upon us will probably get out of this scot free.
To a point, that's true, no one's going to goto jail for any of this. But there is a very good chance this fiasco forces people to acknowledge how insanely stupid the entire green agenda is, and they respond by banishing the gaia worshipping idiots into the political wilderness for a generation or two.