Economic Fallout: Pandemic, Brandon, Money Printer Go Brr, Ukraine.

It's next to impossible that we get to an "I can't afford food" level of economic chaos. Worst case scenario is "I can only afford food" as budgets get too tight for people to afford nonessential services, and even that is fairly unlikely.

The most likely result is a few very unpleasant months, until the mounting political pressure forces the dems to excise the greens/the Republicans retake congress and marginalize them, and then we have the big showdown in 2024 that determines how thing settle out in the long run.

What really, really pisses me off is that the sanctimonious retards who brought this upon us will probably get out of this scot free.

To a point, that's true, no one's going to goto jail for any of this. But there is a very good chance this fiasco forces people to acknowledge how insanely stupid the entire green agenda is, and they respond by banishing the gaia worshipping idiots into the political wilderness for a generation or two.
It's next to impossible that we get to an "I can't afford food" level of economic chaos. Worst case scenario is "I can only afford food" as budgets get too tight for people to afford nonessential services, and even that is fairly unlikely.

The most likely result is a few very unpleasant months, until the mounting political pressure forces the dems to excise the greens/the Republicans retake congress and marginalize them, and then we have the big showdown in 2024 that determines how thing settle out in the long run.
Russia exports a lot of energy, food and fertilizer to the EU,while they might export that stuff to other places, thus freeing up other sources for us to buy from realignment of already fucked supply chains will cost us money and time, and panic in the EU will not help.
That is assuming that Putin doesn't block a lot of exports entirely,instead of rerouting them.

And even then, the sanctions will impede Russia shipping its stuff to a lot of non-sanctioned places.

Also,I am pretty sure the LNG infrastructure necessary to replace Russian gas doesn't exist atm.
Russia exports a lot of energy, food and fertilizer to the EU,while they might export that stuff to other places, thus freeing up other sources for us to buy from realignment of already fucked supply chains will cost us money and time, and panic in the EU will not help.
That is assuming that Putin doesn't block a lot of exports entirely,instead of rerouting them.

And even then, the sanctions will impede Russia shipping its stuff to a lot of non-sanctioned places.

Also,I am pretty sure the LNG infrastructure necessary to replace Russian gas doesn't exist atm.

Oh, I was referring to the situation in the US. I give Europe like a week before they start eating each other.
Depending on how bad it get, I don’t think they will.
I’ll just be annoyed if the war effect allow Macron to be re-elected.
president Macaroni is IMO a Galaxy Brain compared to the retards in the Eurocracy, NATO and in Germany and the UK.
45,6 liters, so around 12 gallons I guess? It was around 2,15 € per liter, so that’s what, 8€ per gallons? Not familiar with the conversion tbh.
Think we're 1.1 Euro : 1 US Dollar so.. 45.6 L means 98.04 Euros x 1.1 = 107. 84 Dollars on 11.4 Gallons = $9.46 per Gallon
IF I did my math right.
Think we're 1.1 Euro : 1 US Dollar so.. 45.6 L means 98.04 Euros x 1.1 = 107. 84 Dollars on 11.4 Gallons = $9.46 per Gallon
IF I did my math right.
Sound about right, government expect it to go up to 2.5 per liter, at least.

president Macaroni is IMO a Galaxy Brain compared to the retards in the Eurocracy, NATO and in Germany and the UK.
And isn’t that sad.
Friendly Reminder - Tone down the ITG
Time to ship the woke twitter to Ukraine, in hipping containers.
We feed anything "Damaged during delivery" to pigs in poland, then we eat the pork.
I think when gas prices hit about 8$ Americans are going to be like "Ukraine is a made up state and it should be part of Russia!"
I would hope that instead of doing the middle east asshole with oil bingo game fricken' again my countrymen would be intelligent enough to be like 'Oh, hey, we have oceans of this shit in ANWAR, the Dakotas, Texas, and a half-dozen other places. Let's get on that shit?'
I use 'hope' because I do not trust Americans to be intelligent enough to have such a reaction.

Oh, I was referring to the situation in the US. I give Europe like a week before they start eating each other.
Yeah, while this will suck in the US and make basically everything tighter budget-wise (alongside the wonderful world of inflation), and will probably really suck in the Eurozone (with a cherry on top if they go whole-hog on banning Russian oil), the serious people-eating style of famines and problems are probably going to be concentrated where they usually are--middle east and Africa, with splashover in Asia and South America (especially more isolated countries like Venezuela or Norkland).
It's everybody's favorite Boot hear to remind people to act civilly and follow the rules, some folks are getting rather more heated in their rhetoric lately and things are edging a bit into ITG territory.

Also, the Boot would like to note that the Boot recently had a DNA test done on it and discovered that the Boot has an unexpectedly high amount of Polish and 'Southern Slav' DNA, while the Boot would look horrible in a track suit and is incapable of performing the Slavic Squat, the Boot would like to remind our Slavic members to please confine refighting the various Balkan wars to the alternate history forum and at least be civil to each other when posting.
I would hope that instead of doing the middle east asshole with oil bingo game fricken' again my countrymen would be intelligent enough to be like 'Oh, hey, we have oceans of this shit in ANWAR, the Dakotas, Texas, and a half-dozen other places. Let's get on that shit?'
I use 'hope' because I do not trust Americans to be intelligent enough to have such a reaction.

Seems like the Fallout well the pre Bethesda franchise got the future right after all.
America is the single largest food producer in the world, we have more arable land then any other country in the world. We have large shale reserves and two oil producing countries right next door. Large portions of our country are suitable for wind and solar power and we have a large amount of knowlege about how to make nuclear power work and our own domestic supply of resources that can be turned into nuclear power.

We might have to do with out some luxuries but the only way people are going to starve here is through deep government incopetence or civil war.
Simplest explanation:


The implications of the power being seized by the leaders of the status quo for use against the Russians frightens me more than the Russians.
America is the single largest food producer in the world, we have more arable land then any other country in the world. We have large shale reserves and two oil producing countries right next door. Large portions of our country are suitable for wind and solar power and we have a large amount of knowlege about how to make nuclear power work and our own domestic supply of resources that can be turned into nuclear power.

We might have to do with out some luxuries but the only way people are going to starve here is through deep government incopetence or civil war.

Now if we can elect a government that isn't completely up it's ass and beholden to monied interests, we might get somewhere. Too bad that seems like a pipe dream here in clownworld.
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It's everybody's favorite Boot hear to remind people to act civilly and follow the rules, some folks are getting rather more heated in their rhetoric lately and things are edging a bit into ITG territory.

Also, the Boot would like to note that
the Boot recently had a DNA test done on it and discovered that the Boot has an unexpectedly high amount of Polish and 'Southern Slav' DNA, while the Boot would look horrible in a track suit and is incapable of performing the Slavic Squat, the Boot would like to remind our Slavic members to please confine refighting the various Balkan wars to the alternate history forum and at least be civil to each other when posting.
Is this an admission that you are @ATP's long lost distant cousin? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Rising fuel and food costs push US inflation to 7.9%

"Energy prices in the US jumped 3.5% in February, driven by a 6.6% leap in gasoline prices, according to the Labor Department's monthly report on consumer prices.
Over the past 12 months, the energy index has soared more than 25%, with gasoline surging 38%."
Amazing how it took literally less than a year for the economy to grind to a halt and start plummeting. I love seeing the cope coming from establishment supporters about how this is not that bad or shit like this

Which is starting to make it's way around. I am pretty sure it's a mangled form of the 5 stages of grief going on. First the economy wasn't bad at all, it was amazing and the best ever. Then it was transitory inflation only. Then the high gas price was a "donation for freedom" and the "price of democracy". Now we are seeing attacks on the people who are complaining that they aren't just shutting up and taking it.

I, for one, wanna see the circus catch fire. At this point I am pretty much done being optimistic. I am waiting for the 6 a gallon nationwide in the USA real soon, it is already the case in Commiefornia. I wanna see the fucking "let them eat cake" elites shilling for Uber and telling the masses to tighten their belts "for Our Democracy" watch as their little bubbles of "civilization" start to collapse into anarchy.

Accelerate, just fuck my shit up already. Rip the bandaid off all at once.

At their cope I'd really believe they'd say it would be worse with the Orangeman even if WW3 happened under Biden's watch.
Now if we can elect a government that isn't completely up it's ass and beholden to monied interests, we might get somewhere. Too bad that seems like a pipe dream here in clownworld.

being beholden to monied interests isn't nessarly that big of an issue the problem is that the monied interests are currently well idiots.
America is the single largest food producer in the world, we have more arable land then any other country in the world. We have large shale reserves and two oil producing countries right next door. Large portions of our country are suitable for wind and solar power and we have a large amount of knowlege about how to make nuclear power work and our own domestic supply of resources that can be turned into nuclear power.

We might have to do with out some luxuries but the only way people are going to starve here is through deep government incopetence or civil war.
But do you have the fertilizers for it?
Russia to "temporarily" suspend fertilizer exports

  • Russia has decided to "temporarily suspend fertilizers exports," the Russian Industry Minister announced Thursday, after Putin said, "we don't want to have such price rises on the Russian food market."
  • The announcement comes a week after a statement from the Russian Trade Ministry said "the Ministry had to recommend Russian producers temporarily suspend export shipments of Russian fertilizers until carriers resume rhythmic work and provide guarantees that Russian fertilizer exports will be completed in full."
  • In early February, Russia banned ammonium nitrate exports; however, Russia also accounts for 14% of the global urea market and 21% of the Potash market.

Fertilizer: Russia, Ukraine Conflict Could Cause Supply, Price Issues – DTN

For a guide to what might happen to the Russian fertilizer industry under sanctions, examine what happened to another Black Sea region major fertilizer producer. Belarus, a leading producer of potash, saw sanctions in 2021.

In June 2021, the European Union (EU) imposed sanctions on Belarus because of an EU/Belarus border dispute. The U.S. issued their sanctions in December of 2021.

The EU sanctions were imposed on several different industries, including oil, tobacco and potash (here).

Belarus is the third-largest producer of potash in the world, with just under 12 million metric tons (mmt) produced in 2019. The country accounts for 18% of the global potash production.

In addition, Belarus was the second-largest potash exporter in 2019, delivering 10.3 mmt of potash to overseas market. This is about 21% of the global trade.

Lawson said Lithuania’s government has terminated the transport contract with Belarusian potash producer Belaruskali, effective Feb. 1. This leaves the company without a freight carrier to move volumes from its biggest export terminal.

A massive amount of fertilizer is being removed from the market, as well as gas, which is an essential feedstock for making it.

We are talking about a disruption affecting over 50% of supply.
Ukraine and Russia are both major wheat exporters,and the major supplies of staples to the Middle East and Africa.
This will hit US agribusiness as well, food prices will skyrocket in Europe,Africa and Asia and the effects will be felt in the USA eventually.
Oh,and some of your refineries can only work with heavier Russian/Canadian tar sand/Venezuelan crude.
Also, due to massive under-investments in production capacity we can not ramp up oil production to make for all of the shortfalls.
Energy IS the economy!
Arab Spring 2.0 soon.

It's everybody's favorite Boot hear to remind people to act civilly and follow the rules, some folks are getting rather more heated in their rhetoric lately and things are edging a bit into ITG territory.

Also, the Boot would like to note that the Boot recently had a DNA test done on it and discovered that the Boot has an unexpectedly high amount of Polish and 'Southern Slav' DNA, while the Boot would look horrible in a track suit and is incapable of performing the Slavic Squat, the Boot would like to remind our Slavic members to please confine refighting the various Balkan wars to the alternate history forum and at least be civil to each other when posting.
Sorry about that, Boot, thing is I am facing at best sustained double digit inflation here, the poorest segments of my country's population will go hungry,people might actually die because of this.
All because of western social media spergouts,Eurocrat incompetence and the US neocons deciding to shill for Oligarchs and Neo-nazis, and Poland's little vendetta against Russia.
The flees on the tail wagged the dog into something that might turn into a full-blown systems collapse, and the parties responsible probably will not be punished.
Wanna stick even more salt in the wound, well Ukrainian refugees are coming here as well, and guess who will wind up paying for them, and we can say goodbye to revenues from Russian tourists.
The damages are very,very real,the actual damage to me and people I know is very,very real!
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But do you have the fertilizers for it?
Russia to "temporarily" suspend fertilizer exports

Fertilizer: Russia, Ukraine Conflict Could Cause Supply, Price Issues – DTN

A massive amount of fertilizer is being removed from the market, as well as gas, which is an essential feedstock for making it.

We are talking about a disruption affecting over 50% of supply.
Ukraine and Russia are both major wheat exporters,and the major supplies of staples to the Middle East and Africa.
This will hit US agribusiness as well, food prices will skyrocket in Europe,Africa and Asia and the effects will be felt in the USA eventually.
Oh,and some of your refineries can only work with heavier Russian/Canadian tar sand/Venezuelan crude.
Arab Spring 2.0 soon.

Sorry about that, Boot, thing is I am facing at best sustained double digit inflation here, the poorest segments of my country's population will go hungry,people might actually die because of this.
All because of western social media spergouts,Eurocrat incompetence and the US neocons deciding to shill for Oligarchs and Neo-nazis, and Poland's little vendetta against Russia.
The flees on the tail wagged the dog into something that might turn into a full-blown systems collapse, and the parties responsible probably will not be punished.
Wanna stick even more salt in the wound, well Ukrainian refugees are coming here as well, and guess who will wind up paying for them, and we can say goodbye to revenues from Russian tourists.
The damages are very,very real,the actual damage to me and people I know is very,very real!

we can make fertalizers out of natural gas and since were one of the biggest exporters of the stuff were actually fine when it comes to that well as long as we are not retarded about it.

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