EU Dutch Farmers Protest Megathread

Seriously, to hell with emission targets! China, India, and various african nations wipe their ass with the papers restricting emission, yet we are expected to cripple out economy and starve our people for the sake of letting a bunch of brats feel good about themselves.

As soon as the world hits global depression emission targets and a lot of other things will vanish.
After the Dutch government generously offered the farmers to accept to sell their farms at a loss to help with Climate Change, they are now simply going to force them to sell.

Wait until the food riots. There were already going to be heat and food riots all across Europe this winter and into the spring. The Dutch won't be able to deal with the further inflation caused by increased food prices, and it'll echo out on all Euro using countries. The EU is not healthy. Expect that to break up and for European border wars to start up again sometime in the future.

I would seriously expect regime changes all over Europe.

And with the USA falling from Superpower status very quickly and very blatantly, the geopolitical scene is going to be very different in the next few years
Wait until the food riots. There were already going to be heat and food riots all across Europe this winter and into the spring. The Dutch won't be able to deal with the further inflation caused by increased food prices, and it'll echo out on all Euro using countries. The EU is not healthy. Expect that to break up and for European border wars to start up again sometime in the future.

I would seriously expect regime changes all over Europe.

And with the USA falling from Superpower status very quickly and very blatantly, the geopolitical scene is going to be very different in the next few years

The us I think will go through a rough time but it will remain a great power. In my opinion the best days of the country are ahead of it, it's just going to be a really shitty time to get from point a to point b
The us I think will go through a rough time but it will remain a great power. In my opinion the best days of the country are ahead of it, it's just going to be a really shitty time to get from point a to point b

The USA currently has more Aircraft Carriers in their navy than the rest of the world's navies put together. They have military bases in other countries all over the world. The US dollar is the international currency.

They can fall a long way down from where they currently are, and still be a great power.
I’m sure people in the British and Roman Empires said the sort of same things once upon a time…

Were in the Grachi brothers period of the roman republic not the civilizational collapse that came with the end of the empire. Once we get through the end of the modern period (this will be an absolute shit show) we will likely have roughly a couple centuries worth of good times and then the horrible slow death of western civilization as a whole over a period of a couple centuries.

After that we go through a dark age until the next civilizational cycle starts.
I see you still believe that history of USA is carbon copy of Roman history, down to exact timetable.

Civilizations have life cycles, if the russians had won the cold war they would most likely be in our position right now.

If western civilization had not commited suicide in the world wars things would have been different. If we had smothered communism in the crib we would likely not be in this position right now. But the fact is europe did kill itself, we did end up being dragged into an international stage we were not ready for. We did face an utterly fucking evil ideology and ended up greivously wounding ourselves in the process of defeating it.

What we did to win the cold war had a price, and our current problems are a result of that. Just like Romes conflict with carthrage and other conflicts after that ended up impoverishing the plebian farmers who formed the bedrock of Roman life. Our decision to open up our markets to bribe together an alliance to defeat communism ended up hollowing out our industry and impoverishing the bedrock of american life.

The reason I see so much of rome in us is we have made so many similar mistakes to them only you know more retarded.
Civilizations have life cycles, if the russians had won the cold war they would most likely be in our position right now.

If western civilization had not commited suicide in the world wars things would have been different. If we had smothered communism in the crib we would likely not be in this position right now. But the fact is europe did kill itself, we did end up being dragged into an international stage we were not ready for. We did face an utterly fucking evil ideology and ended up greivously wounding ourselves in the process of defeating it.

What we did to win the cold war had a price, and our current problems are a result of that. Just like Romes conflict with carthrage and other conflicts after that ended up impoverishing the plebian farmers who formed the bedrock of Roman life. Our decision to open up our markets to bribe together an alliance to defeat communism ended up hollowing out our industry and impoverishing the bedrock of american life.

The reason I see so much of rome in us is we have made so many similar mistakes to them only you know more retarded.
Not to forget about the foreign policy BLUNDERS on bipartisan group of administrations

Hilariously, the farmers' protest today has been pretty calm and uneventful. It's actually more a political rally for the non-leftist opposition parties (provincial elections are in four days*). The government did bring in foreign (German) water cannons... and used them on the far left "extinction rebellion" scum who were having their own protest. (Where the farmers were civil and normal, the left-wing extremists blocked the highway, despite repeated warnings that they'd be getting the industrial-strength hose if they did. So... they got hosed. The last few crazies have actually climbed into trees, and are being forcibly removed as we speak.)


[*] -- Which is extra relevant because these also determine the allocation of seats in the upper house. The Dutch senate is still elected the way that was also used in the USA prior to 1913: the provincial legislatures elect the senators. There's a pretty good chance of the current govenment being struck lame, if the opposition can capture a majority next Wednesday.
Hilariously, the farmers' protest today has been pretty calm and uneventful. It's actually more a political rally for the non-leftist opposition parties (provincial elections are in four days*). The government did bring in foreign (German) water cannons... and used them on the far left "extinction rebellion" scum who were having their own protest. (Where the farmers were civil and normal, the left-wing extremists blocked the highway, despite repeated warnings that they'd be getting the industrial-strength hose if they did. So... they got hosed. The last few crazies have actually climbed into trees, and are being forcibly removed as we speak.)


[*] -- Which is extra relevant because these also determine the allocation of seats in the upper house. The Dutch senate is still elected the way that was also used in the USA prior to 1913: the provincial legislatures elect the senators. There's a pretty good chance of the current govenment being struck lame, if the opposition can capture a majority next Wednesday.
Providing that they don't stuff the balot box you mean...

Also, why did the USA stop using that system in 1913? (I'm going to guess that bastard Woodrow Wilson was involved somehow...)
Providing that they don't stuff the balot box you mean...
European countries have many problems, but electoral corruption doesn't appear to be anywhere near on the same scale as America. Then again, our systems have a lot more oversight and efficiency.
Providing that they don't stuff the balot box you mean...

What @Lord Sovereign says is true. The Netherlands, like all other non-Third-World countries except the USA, demands voter ID. After a brief experiment, voting machines have also been rejected, because they're just not trustworthy enough. Ballots only.

Last general election, some silly goose of a left-wing girl who volunteered at one of the polling stations tweeted a joke that she might "lose" a few right-wing votes. This was a national outrage for several days, resulted in her being removed immediately (and then detained and questioned by the police), and promptly caused immediate security measures to be taken during that election.

The Dutch establishment doesn't have to stuff the ballot box. They're pretty secure in the knowledge that, if all else fails, they can still form... like... a seven-party establishment coalition that exists purely to keep the populists out of power. And it would change nothing for any of them, because they don't have principles anyway. The supposed business party can easily govern with the socialists: neither have any ideals other than "power for ME".

Also, why did the USA stop using that system in 1913? (I'm going to guess that bastard Woodrow Wilson was involved somehow...)

The seventeenth amendment is one thing we can't actually blame on that bastard Wilson. It was passed by Congress in 1912, before he was elected, and was only ratified by the states in 1913. The only Wilson I can tie to this is James Wilson... the only Founding Father who wanted Senators elected directly. (In fact, most elements of "mass democracy" that are in the USA's political system were put there at James Wilson's urging. It's very interesting that his influence -- for good or ill -- is so often overlooked. But I'm veering off topic...)
European countries have many problems, but electoral corruption doesn't appear to be anywhere near on the same scale as America. Then again, our systems have a lot more oversight and efficiency.
Because in the USA there never was supposed to be this level of federal elections and mostly everything was supposed to be left to the states.

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