Countering Liberal Elitist Social Theories (and Nebulous Hypotheticals)

That is what the 2A literally was put forth.

It's because we know the time to use it is when all other options are lost

Yeah, and how's that working out for you? You've had an election stolen from you in your own words and now you got the FBI saying they will investigate anyone who looks into it and outright torturing the political prisoners of January 6th with impunity. What you suggest is meant to do nothing more than lull people into a false sense of security so they do nothing at best or, at absolute worst, your proposed course of action is outright dangerous to them in that it allows the goons of the DOJ to disappear them in the middle of the night like we are literally seeing happen across the country right now.

The only solution to the current crisis is to recognize the piece of paper you extol means nothing, we are living in the dystopia we have long feared and the solution to that isn't armed resistance but the exercise of mass political power by a coherent movement. The Republican Party isn't that and neither is Donald Trump; there is no Messiah/Savior in the political realm coming to help, you have to do the work yourselves and get to it, because things are only going to get worse from here. You can't cut and run anymore, if you ever really could; they want you to do the Benedict Option because it makes you weaker and they will still come for you because they want you dead, your kids raped and God alone knows what else. It's time to realize and internalize these facts, and operate from there.
That is what the 2A literally was put forth.

It's because we know the time to use it is when all other options are lost

See, this is a terrible attitude to take. It's exactly emblematic of the "all or nothing" fantasy that so many people particularly on our side have, and actually discourages effective action by promising that there is or will be some mythical clear line that everyone will be able to detect being crossed, and that after that there's this infinitely effective method that can be put together with nearly zero prior organizational structure.

In practice, this is basically "all those brave words by patriots" and avoiding actually doing anything or... people doing retarded lone wolf shit under the delusion that "the line" has been crossed and there's going to be this massive movement coming out of fuckin' nowhere to back them up. And this last one pretty often because feds are lying to them and encouraging them.
From a Youtube Comment:

And of the things you just described, why is it bad? We SOULD be analysing the outcomes of laws we perceive as not being racist because the consequence of laws can impact people differently. For example, in North Carolina the Republican legislators put forward a number of voter ID laws prior to the election. The laws themselves never even mention race once. The supreme Court of NC actually vetoed the law because what they had done is looked up the IDs black people used and attempted to ban them. According to the NC supreme Court, they targeted black people with surgical precision without even mentioning race in their law. If a law is dispraportionally impacting black people more than white people, who should be looking at it to find out why.

My reaction was to call bullshit and demand a source for the incident mentioned.
I don't have any magic bullets for our current situation. I don't think they exist. But I think there's a lot that can be done. "If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary" and all that. I think it's going to be a lot of slow work, a lot of it boring work. It's like that saying about planting a tree - the best time to secure our nation and a future was twenty years ago, second best time is right now.


Please note, I'm Australian. A lot of those options are simply impossible here. There are not Right-Wing groups. No major Right political party. No marches with redeeming features.

Heck, when I looked into politics, I looking into joining the Liberal party, they're supposed to be center Right, although they never act that way.

I couldn't even join as a base member. After all, any new member could force change in the organisation, and that could lose them power!

Please note, I'm Australian. A lot of those options are simply impossible here. There are not Right-Wing groups. No major Right political party. No marches with redeeming features.

Heck, when I looked into politics, I looking into joining the Liberal party, they're supposed to be center Right, although they never act that way.

I couldn't even join as a base member. After all, any new member could force change in the organisation, and that could lose them power!

Ah, yeah. I'm an American, so my perspective is based on my experience here. That sounds discouraging.

I will say I think the whole two-party-and-nothing-else-electorally thing is an American phenomena. I think in Europe third parties are legitimately viable and can break in, and that making a viable nationalist third party is probably a better route forward than attempting to go into a party with essentially hostile leadership. I'm not Australian and know little about it, but looking at your legislature makeup I think Australia is probably closer to Europe than America in this respect. So I'd consider looking into alternative's to the Liberal party. If I was an Australian, I'd probably be considering the National Party, the Australia Party, or One Nation. Of course I am not Australian, so I may not be aware of some details or political realities that you are.
If I was an Australian, I'd probably be considering the National Party, the Australia Party, or One Nation. Of course I am not Australian, so I may not be aware of some details or political realities that you are.

I've looked into all of them.

One Nation has some good things going on, but the Nat's are not worth caring about. Australia Party is pretty much completely ignorable.

The biggest problem we have with new political parties, is that nobody in the Media will even mention them, even ones they like. All existing older parties, Liberal.......

You know what, this isn't the right thread. As far as I know, right now, CRT isn't being taught in Australian Schools. But, the moment they want to, they will.

And there's nothing anybody in Australia can do to stop it, except take their kids out of said schools. No major political party will do more that make token efforts to stop it, except One Nation. (And One Nation represents less than one percent of the vote)
I object to my post - the main one of which directly addressed CRT and the importance of local politics in combating it in schools, being moved to a new thread, which I cannot access. I also object to the habit of staff in moving posts into new threads without prior notice or even after the fact announcement which they create slanted titles for.

I would also like to know which staff member did so, as they have apparently not seen fit to announce it and the notification does not inform me.
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I object to my post - the main one of which directly addressed CRT and the importance of local politics in combating it in schools, being moved to a new thread, which I cannot access. I also object to the habit of staff in moving posts into new threads without prior notice or even after the fact announcement which they create slanted titles for.

I would also like to know which staff member did so, as they have apparently not seen fit to announce it and the notification does not inform me.

I was moving sixty seven posts in this thread and dealing with other reports and staff issues as soon as I got home from work. Sorry I took too long for you.

Usually I made an announcement with a link to a new thread but hadn't got around to it yet because things came up.

Not sure what was slanted about the title though? Whimsical perhaps but not slanted. The main subject seemed to be how to counter liberal elitist social theories (like CRT) in dimensions that were beyond just discussing CRT in schools.

And there were nebulous hypotheticals, or nebulous insurrectionist hypotheticals, as you stated earlier in the discussion. That was the whimsy part. Thanks for the inspiration.

I was moving sixty seven posts in this thread and dealing with other reports and staff issues as soon as I got home from work. Sorry I took too long for you.

Usually I made an announcement with a link to a new thread but hadn't got around to it yet because things came up.

Not sure what was slanted about the title though? Whimsical perhaps but not slanted. The main subject seemed to be how to counter liberal elitist social theories (like CRT) in dimensions that were beyond just discussing CRT in schools.

And there were nebulous hypotheticals, or nebulous insurrectionist hypotheticals, as you stated earlier in the discussion. That was the whimsy part. Thanks for the inspiration.

I get a 'no access' result too. I'm guessing this isn't how it's supposed to work, as your post here doesn't suggest you were trying to kill that discussion?
I get a 'no access' result too. I'm guessing this isn't how it's supposed to work, as your post here doesn't suggest you were trying to kill that discussion?
Pretty sure it was moved to the NSFW forum, which is my main objection and why I got a bit heated about it - moving a discussion to the NSFW forum kills it, since that forum is dead, and and there was nothing there that was NSFW.

Same here. I was avoiding the NSFW forum here, too.
The NSFW forum isnt THAT bad and not a lot of well, NSFW stuff. Not yet at least!

I do think it should not be there
The people have spoken, moved it to the fancy public forum.

And no it wasn't meant to shut down discussion. But when people post 'doomer' stuff about dissolving Congress and the like, I made the judgment to put it in the NSFW forum. Ultimately though, I can see the merit of putting it on a main public forum again.

With that said, the NSFW forums aren't scary places. Only the Pub has (barely) indecent material.
The people have spoken, moved it to the fancy public forum.

And no it wasn't meant to shut down discussion. But when people post 'doomer' stuff about dissolving Congress and the like, I made the judgment to put it in the NSFW forum. Ultimately though, I see the merit of putting it on a main public forum again.

With that said, the NSFW forums aren't scary places. Only the Pub has (barely) indecent material.

Thank you for your hard work, it is appreciated.
It's not about the NSFW forum being scary, it's just a fact that (I'm pretty sure) most people on this site don't have access - and even though it's not really difficult to gain access, there's no real desire for me and I suspect others except when posts get moved there, and it's an extra hassle.

I also think existence of internet pornographic content in general shouldn't exist, so I don't like the idea of requesting access to a forum "for" that sort of thing, even if I've heard that there isn't much of it.

Perhaps there would be some merit to the idea of a separate politics/philosophy forum that's viewable by members only, but is automatically viewable by members, if that's the concern?

Apologize if I got a bit heated, though.
We are firmly on the Spenglarian track for the collapse of the progressive and modernist narratives into mere Caesarism due to the complete lack of intermediating organs of society and the inability of 'civil society' market based communities to replace organic ones.
That's what technology is for. The Alphabet Agencies spying upon everyone and in a couple decades at current rates, Boston Dynamics-brand ED-209s.

This can last for generations (typically around five) before a new vitalist barbarism can smash and overthrow the rot and begin anew.
Barbarians from where? The modern corpocracy's only outsiders are either in the process of being invaded or starving under sanctions while only holding off invasion with the threat of being more trouble to conquer than they'd be worth, in neither case, possessing any kind of capacity to carry out an offensive war.
A World Out Of Time by Larry Niven said:
“Corbell, I have no data on the nature of water-monopoly empires. I had to take your world entirely.”

“What are you talking about?” His answer came in Corbell’s recorded voice. “I think the State could last seventy or a hundred thousand. See, there water-monopoly empires, they don’t collapse. They rot from within, to the point where a single push from the barbarians outside can topple them. The levels of society lose touch with each other, and when it comes to the crunch, they can’t fight. But it takes that push from the outside. There’s no revolution in a water empire.”

Corbell said, “I didn’t–“

“A water empire can grow so feeble that a single barbarian horde can topple it. But, Peerssa, the State doesn’t have any outside.”

“–I don’t understand.”

“The State could last seventy or a hundred thousand years, because all of humanity was part of the State. There were no barbarians waiting hungrily for the State to show weakness. The State could have grown feeble beyond any precedent, feeble enough to fall before the hatred of a single barbarian. You, Corbell. You”


“Did you exaggerate the situation? I thought of that, but I couldn’t risk it. And I couldn’t ask.”

He’s a computer. Perfect memory, rigid logic, no judgment. I forgot. I talked to him like a human being, and now–“You have heroically saved the State from me. I’ll be damned.”

“Was the danger unreal? I couldn’t ask. You might have lied.”

“I never wanted to overthrow the damn government. All I wanted was a normal life. I was only forty-four years old! I didn’t want to die!”
Why did you think despite the absolutely ridiculous profitability-vs-startup-costs raito of asteroid mining, we're only seeing the Musks and Bezoss of the world beginning to throw funding at private spaceflight now rather than as soon as it became possible? Because the technology to get there and acquire useful resources was one thing, but the computing technology to do so with entirely robotic labor rather than with human astronauts who could inconveniently declare independence and become outside barbarian states as soon as their colonies became self-sustaining and possessors of MAD deterrence in the form of the threat of deliberately deflected asteroids with earthbound civilization's monopoly of force was another.
This is why the right fails. The left has a religion and believes and shudders. The right has not. If you find yourself in a religious war, you need a religion. If you find yourself in a tribal war, you need a tribe. Lolbertarians going it alone in a wilderness of mirrors and a wasteland devoid of sacramental signification is no basis for organization.
No. Or at least, not these alone. These are insufficient. You need a passion for the struggle. You need a raison for the young man to seemly lie, mangled by the bronze spear. Something sacred to defend. Such that a man is ashamed to flee rather than stand and die, with his boots on. Ideals and theories of the soul of the public things can come later, after victory is achieved and we have planted peaceful gardens for our children.
All the modern lolbertarian seems to believe in is cooming and drugs. the AnCom wants to do drugs and fuck children, the AnCap wants to sell drugs and fuck children.
The problem is that the current right wing factions appear to consist of the following:
  • 'Libertarians', aka, useful idiots for massive corporations attempting to recreate feudalism via company towns.
  • Useful idiot patriots with no understanding of the need for reciprocity, who're glad to give up their civil rights in the name of 'security measures' and volunteer to serve as cannon fodder in pointless middle eastern misadventures despite an ever-increasing body of evidence in the form of an ever-increasing number of dispossessed and generally mistreated veterans that the status quo won't reward them for doing so and will discard them as soon as they're no longer useful to it.
  • Religious nuts who want to ban teaching observably confirmed facts that violate their cult beliefs and believe constant pointless war and massive foreign aid for Israel so it can fulfill its propagandized destruction in the end times is a divinely commanded responsibility.
  • The bigots whose sole proposal to fix the modern status quo is 'get rid of or at least re-oppress those groups of scapegoats.' The only way this could theoretically actually help might be to increase the scarcity value of the survivors' labor by decreasing the supply of potential laborers they'd compete with and there are simpler, more direct and less genocidal methods of achieving the same effect.
  • People who don't want to be right wing, don't like most of their fellow right-wingers and their politics, but just really hate the wokeists enough to consider it enemy-of-my-enemy justification.
You'll understand if none of these are particularly inspiring. The only reason they're having any success is because the current left wing factions are equally useless, being the:
  • 'Technocratic feudal corpocracy and the surveillance state are OK so long as the technocrats and alphabet agencies buy indulgences from the woke cult by performance activism' useful idiots.
  • Woke cultist true believer bigots.
From a Youtube Comment:

My reaction was to call bullshit and demand a source for the incident mentioned.

It's not BS, the incident happened as they describe. The point you should have disputed is the logic that disparate impact is a valid legal theory in the first case, not the specifics of one particular incident.

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