United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

Seattle bulldozes BLM garden


The city of Seattle has bulldozed the Black Lives Matter Memorial Garden at Cal Anderson Park, saying it posed a danger to the community. City officials cited homeless drug addicts and a rat infestation.

The garden was originally created as part of a 24/7 Black Lives Matter "cop-free autonomous protest zone." This was known as the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone [CHAZ] and the Capital Hill Occupied Protest [CHOP]. Seattle police conducted a stand down and abandoned multiple city blocks, including an entire precinct headquarters. The CHAZ/CHOP quickly became a symbol of violence and murder.

Between June 7th and June 29th, seven people were shot and two were killed. There were also numerous beatings and other crimes.

A motorist was shot and injured on June 7th. On June 20th, two different people were shot in two different incidents. Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr, a 19-year-old black male, was killed. On June 21st, a fourth person was shot. On June 23rd, a fifth person was shot. On June 29th, a sixth and seventh person was shot. Antonio Mays Jr., a 16-year-old black male was killed.

Antonio Mays Jr and another 15-year-old Black male were in a stolen car that was riddled with bullets, allegedly by armed Antifa "security guards." However, no one has been charged because none of the witnesses would cooperate with police. When the shooting occurred, several Antifa Twitter accounts bragged that their security forces had neutralized two attackers. Mays Jr.'s family is suing the city and police department for refusing to enforce the law. One Antifa, who admits being at the scene, has since been imprisoned on terrorism charges stemming from a different state.

Final vestige of the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP bulldozed. City officials say BLM "garden" was a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts.

Though to be fair, Seattle is a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts
Seattle bulldozes BLM garden

Final vestige of the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP bulldozed. City officials say BLM "garden" was a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts.

Though to be fair, Seattle is a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts

Hard for me to feel any sadness about this.
Seattle bulldozes BLM garden

Final vestige of the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP bulldozed. City officials say BLM "garden" was a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts.

Though to be fair, Seattle is a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts
Same could be said for any Democrat-run city, though.

Los Angeles? Full of homeless and rats outside of the touristy/glitzy areas.

New York? It's breaking down socially, legally, economically, and culturally; they have a massive homeless problem to the point where the city is building benches with spikes, and they have rats running around in supermarkets the size of small dogs.

San Francisco? Shit on the streets, homeless, drugs... the usual shit.

Portland? Hah. Hahaha. Hahahaha.

Anything they touch or govern turns to shit quicker than a country after having a communist revolution.
same could be said for any Democrat-run city, though.
Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.
we're just seeing the prophecy of William Jennings Bryan come to fruition. admittedly the dems have done everything in their power to make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
Yup, it's not just the "CHAZ" that sucks, it's all of Seattle. And it's not just Seattle, it's all big cities. Urban agglomerations are over-crowded cesspools, unfit for human habitation. If crammed into such places, people automatically degenerate. Cities warp and corrupt. They drive you insane. It's literally been demonstrated in experiments that if you cram animals together into too-tight spaces, the majority starts to demonstrate psychotic behaviour-- and also, many begin to exhibit other behaviours on a large scale very suddenly, e.g. homosexuality, and cannibalism...

If you want to explain the current state of society, the existence of large cities cannot be ignored as a key factor in all of this. Indeed, it's been argued that if the hand of God were to reach down and scoop every city in the West off the face of the Earth, then every major problem that the West currently faces would be entirely (or almost entirely) solved. Just like that!

-- Overcrowding? Solved. People per square mile would be back to an evidently comfortable level everywhere.

-- Politics? Solved. The absolute majority of left-wingers is gone.

-- Demographics? Solved. >98% of the the "diversity" influx of the past decades is undone in one swoop.

-- Cultural attitude? Solved. Almost all lovers of modernist bullshit are gone, as are almost all of their 'creations'.

-- Relations between the sexes? Solved. Nearly all feminist activists are gone, so their imaginary problems no longer exist.

-- Social norms? Solved. Nearly all of the degenerates are gone, and people who favour more traditional norms are now the supermajority (certain >80%, quite plausibly more) again.

-- Inequality? Solved. The crooked financial system is erased, as are all the nebulous holdings of the elite, along with all their offices and administration. (Most of them spend most of their time in cities, too, so many will be gone. The rest will be stripped of their power.)

It's been posted before, of course, but... basically this:


(And yes, small, modest cities are fine. With an old-fashioned town centre, built around a church. Built on a human scale, with various traditional styles of architecture. No glass-and-steel monstrosities, ever. No modern "art", ever. And no more than a few hundred thousand inhabitant at the very most... ever.)
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Yup, it's not just the "CHAZ" that sucks, it's all of Seattle. And it's not just Seattle, it's all big cities. Urban agglomerations are over-crowded cesspools, unfit for human habitation. If crammed into such places, people automatically degenerate. Cities warp and corrupt. They drive you insane. It's literally been demonstrated in experiments that if you cram animals together into too-tight spaces, the majority starts to demonstrate psychotic behaviour-- and also, many begin to exhibit other behaviours on a large scale very suddenly, e.g. homosexuality, and cannibalism...

If you want to explain the current state of society, the existence of large cities cannot be ignored as a key factor in all of this. Indeed, it's been argued that if the hand of God were to reach down and scoop every city in the West off the face of the Earth, then every major problem that the West currently faces would be entirely (or almost entirely) solved. Just like that!

-- Overcrowding? Solved. People per square mile would be back to an evidently comfortable level everywhere.

-- Politics? Solved. The absolute majority of left-wingers is gone.

-- Demographics? Solved. >98% of the the "diversity" influx of the past decades is undone in one swoop.

-- Cultural attitude? Solved. Almost all lovers of modernist bullshit are gone, as are almost all of their 'creations'.

-- Relations between the sexes? Solved. Nearly all feminist activists are gone, so their imaginary problems no longer exist.

-- Social norms? Solved. Nearly all of the degenerates are gone, and people who favour more traditional norms are now the supermajority (certain >80%, quite plausibly more) again.

-- Inequality? Solved. The crooked financial system is erased, as are all the nebulous holdings of the elite, along with all their offices and administration. (Most of them spend most of their time in cities, too, so many will be gone. The rest will be stripped of their power.)

It's been posted before, of course, but... basically this:


(And yes, small, modest cities are fine. With an old-fashioned town centre, built around a church. Built on a human scale, with various traditional styles of architecture. No glass-and-steel monstrosities, ever. No modern "art", ever. And no more than a few hundred thousand inhabitant at the very most... ever.)

Travis Bickle:
All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

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