Bidengate in which a meth head son and possible child abuser ruins your political grift


Well-known member

Let me simplify this.

Just 2 links.


Take a look at that, and tell me all this bullshit is worth it.


Well-known member
Uh, sorry, @WyldCard4.

I intended to show the death rates for both 2019 Flu, and 2020 COVID, and the second link I chose wasn't right.

2019, Flu deaths 2373. 2020 Flu deaths, 1133, COVID 898.

When you realise that Covid is a Flu virus, the 2031 deaths makes it a average Flu year. Median death age for Covid? 86 years old.

So, what do we need an untested "Vax" for?


Perpetually Angry
So, I'm not discounting all of this. However:

-61,000 people dying of mysterious circumstances sounds bad, but drawing the conclusion it was the vaccine is incredibly sketchy to me. I also would question how many people in high risk groups you mentioned were saved by the vaccine spread, as it does seem to reduce symptom severity and transmission, make people leave the hospital instead of die in it, and various other things I don't think you're actively questioning. I think a coverup of some side effects is possible, but even taking everything you're saying as true I don't think it directly leads to the vaccine being counter-productive. Plenty of Millennials are for example, obese, so would be in higher risk groups, so "healthy young people" gets to be a much smaller slice then it sounds.

It could be any number of things. The lockdowns could have led to deaths of despair, increased risk of suicides, and so on.

I've seen statistical studies hat claimed that the cost-benefit ratio of the lockdowns was absolutely terrible.

-I'd also question the "flatten the curve" elements of vaccines which seem to be ignored here as they decrease severity and hospitalization. It seems like resources to take care of all medical problems are consumed like mad due to covid, which might also explain some of the excess mortality you mentioned. Just relieving that pressure and preventing everyone from getting sick at the same time seem like major benefits you aren't addressing.

The main problem that I see is that it seems to spread pretty quickly. I had COVID-19 in January and got over it okay, but I was really tired for a few days and it messed up my sense of smell. I kind of have a weird persistent carpal tunnel afterward, though. COVID-19 can trigger long-term inflammatory issues that people don't know too much about, yet. Let's just say that the things I've heard are nothing good.

A lot of people, especially on the Right, are quick to discount the severity of COVID and the risks of long-term sequelae. I think that's a bit premature. We've known about the long-term effects of SARS for a long time, now, and there are people who were infected with SARS in 2003/2004 who ended up having chronic post-viral fatigue and lung fibrosis that persisted well into the 2010s. I'm kind of resentful of the media and the establishment for not really digging into SARS pathology and just pretending like this was something novel and completely unknown, and shoving this idea into the public's heads that this disease was some "mysterious multi-organ illness that can give you the dreaded Long COVID". There were years and years of SARS research they could've drawn upon for guidance. SARS was multi-organ, attacked blood vessels and brain tissue, and had long-term sequelae, too. SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are genetically very similar and have a similar pathology. It shouldn't be a mystery.

-The specific problems of ventilators and medicines, sure, no strong argument there. Didn't we generally stop ventilation after a while anyway because we realized it wasn't working well? I can totally believe we're prescribing the wrong more expensive medication to covid patients for financial reasons, but once again I don't think that feeds well into the broader argument being made.

It may just be paranoia on my part, but it feels like the authorities gave doctors poor guidance almost on purpose. They've been deeply antagonistic towards early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 for some very strange reason, despite the fact that every indication points towards COVID-19 treatment being highly time-sensitive and best started as soon as symptoms occur. Most patients who end up hospitalized have been symptomatic for over a week. That's seven days where they could've been taking preventives of some sort.

The problem with Ivermectin isn't that it's ineffective. The problem is that it's being administered too late. Remdesivir, Ivermectin, Kaletra, and Hydroxychloroquine have all been tried on critically-ill COVID-19 patients, and they do practically nothing. That's because by the time someone is critically ill with COVID-19, they have a systemic viral sepsis and all of the inflammation is from damage-associated molecular patterns recursively creating inflammation in a feedback loop.

All the figures I've seen of COVID-19's clinical course show the same exact thing:




Viral load peaks right around when someone becomes symptomatic, and then proceeds to taper off. Onset of severe inflammation requiring hospitalization is around 8 days after symptom onset, but by that point, the viral load is practically nothing.

Antivirals work by inhibiting viral replication, usually by interfering with the molecular machinery that they use to replicate their proteins and genomes. Most of these clinical trials that have dismissed antivirals have not tested for prophylactic effect at all. They've only given antivirals to hospitalized patients who no longer have any viral replication going on in their bodies. It's basically like using a defibrillator to shock someone who has already flatlined, and then concluding that defibrillators have no medical utility. It's a futile treatment.

Besides, if my hunch is correct, I think the correct course is a form of antioxidant therapy to deal with all these damaging radicals. Many of the drugs that have been repurposed for COVID-19 have secondary antioxidant effects. For instance, Michael Callahan stated that COVID-19 patients who were taking famotidine seemed to have less severe illness. Famotidine is an H2 blocker that is used as an antacid under the brand name Pepcid. It belongs to the same class of drugs as Zantac and Tagamet. After I did some digging, I found out that diphenhydramine (ordinary Benadryl), famotidine, ranitidine, and cimetidine are all potent antioxidants:

If COVID-19 is killing people with a ROS storm, it makes perfect sense that antioxidants would blunt it.

This has been known since the beginning of all of this. Numerous scientists have reached out and been like "hey, it's neutrophils/NETosis doing all this damage", but the clinical guidance on COVID has largely remained the same. No early treatment; just send people home. If they come in and are hypoxic, vent/steroids.

It's infuriating, because a possible solution to the problem is staring us right in the face.

Look up Peter McCullough's vids on Rumble and Bitchute:

Also, check out Robert Malone's Substack:

Basically, I'm being asked to trust @*THASF* over a very wide variety of sources I've followed and respected for a hell of a lot longer. Bryan Caplan, Tyler Cohen, Peter Zeihan, Megan McArdle, Noah Smith, Slate Star Codex/Scott Alexander, even arguably someone like Steve Sailer. I'd expect a lot more questioning in the generally libertarian, center right, or rationalist spheres on at least a few of these things, particularly the efficacy of ivermectin, if it was true. I've known @*THASF* for a while too, and I remember him having strange plans and theories long before covid/Wuhan Flu was a thing.

This stuff isn't even the strangest thing I dug up concerning COVID-19. The weirdest part, the part that really gets into the tinfoil territory, is the mind control part.

I swear to god, I am being 100% sincere about this. DARPA have been developing a brain-computer interface that makes Neuralink look as primitive as trephination, and many of the scientists working on this stuff are also colleagues of those actively involved in COVID-19 vaccine research.

Military think tanks are forging ahead with brain-computer interface tech, but there hasn't even really been much of a public discussion about the effects that such technology might have on people's agency and autonomy. There aren't any regulations specifically forbidding cutting-edge neurotechnology from being used to manipulate people's emotions to alter the sociopolitical landscape, like Soma from Brave New World, nor are there any regulations that forbid nanoparticles from being used as a form of cutting-edge chemical warfare; blister agents and nerve agents are forbidden by treaties like the CWC, but there is nothing forbidding them from using neural network disruptors to manipulate how soldiers behave on a battlefield, or to have a drone spray this stuff over civilians in a rival nation to incite riots.

There are people sounding the alarm about all of this, like James Giordano, a neuroethics expert who has held several highly disturbing talks about it, but by and large, all of this has flown under the radar. Hardly anyone knows about it.

I wrote an extensive article on the topic:

A lot of people think this is a bit too much. On the other hand, there is a lot of shady stuff going on in this particular field, and very little public discourse about it.

This is just conjecture on my part, but I think part of the reason why SARS-CoV-2 was produced in a laboratory and released on an unsuspecting public was to mandate vaccines for it, and that those mandatory vaccines will, eventually, play host to undisclosed nanotechnology that will strip people of their agency and free will.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike compromises the blood-brain barrier. It's perfect for helping things cross over from the bloodstream to the brain.

Charles Lieber, a Harvard bionanotechnology expert, was criminally charged (and convicted) for violating the terms of his grants. He double-dipped and took money from the Wuhan University of Technology, under China's Thousand Talents Plan. His specialty? Blending biology with silicon nanowires. He even has papers that describe the use of his nanowires as a brain-computer interface. Not to mention, he has DARPA funding.

Why is all of this so weird? Well, he's a close colleague of Robert Langer. One of the cofounders of Moderna, who also have significant DARPA funding.

One of the lead researchers on DARPA's N3 program to come up with DNI nanotransducers is a guy named Guarav Sharma. He was also a head researcher on DTRA's blood-brain barrier program, to investigate viruses, proteins, and peptides that could weaken the blood-brain barrier and help substances cross it. The same DTRA that funded EcoHealth Alliance.

I know exactly how outrageous and insane this sounds. You probably think I've gone nuts.

However, read this:

DARPA (who have funded Moderna and received proposals from EcoHealth Alliance) want to develop a wireless brain-computer interface that uses teeny tiny nanoparticles the size of quantum dots to sensitize neurons to externally-delivered wireless energy in the form of RF, electromagnetic fields, ultrasound, and/or light. There are numerous ethicists who have raised concerns about all of this, suggesting that such technology could be used to manipulate people's emotions.

We already know that DBS electrodes in people's reward centers (such as the nucleus accumbens of the ventral striatum) can create pleasurable sensations, just like wireheading from Ringworld. They've done experiments to treat depression recently where they made brain pacemakers that stimulate the nucleus accumbens every time they detect an anxiety stimulus in the amygdala. It isn't too much of a leap to suggest that Pavlovian social control could be made possible through these nanotransducers.

Klaus Schwab and the WEF have expressed an openly transhumanist agenda, and have described such technology as potentially being used in the future to read criminals' minds and determine their guilt, etc.

“As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” he writes, suggesting Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.

I've been a transhumanist, myself, for a long time. I've always dreamed of the potential for BCIs to be used for entertainment and productivity purposes, allowing people to telecommute with the same fidelity as actually being present in a distant location, or to FullDive into games like in Sword Art Online, without even needing VR goggles or having eyestrain or anything like that. Imagine embodying your favorite video game characters. Imagine being Master Chief, or Sonic, or whatever you wanted.

However, I always understood the risks; the same BCI tech that can take over one's senses can also manipulate one's mind on a fundamental level, altering emotions, affective states, cognition, memories, et cetera.

Last year, I wrote a letter that got huge buzz; an article about it garnered 1.8 million hits on ZeroHedge, and was translated into numerous languages:

Version 4 of the letter had 602 inline references:

I kind of worded the letter in an alarmist way on purpose to garner as much attention as possible, but I didn't expect it to go viral the way it did.

I learned some rather disturbing things, as a consequence of all of this. There is a large segment of anti-vaxxers who believe in Antoine Bechamp's Terrain Theory and don't believe that infectious diseases are a thing that even exist. They're basically like flat-earthers, but for viruses. A lot of people on the Right opposed the letter on the basis that "viruses aren't even real, they're just cellular junk that cells expel on their own!", which is honestly kind of sad, given that I've tried to be objective and scientifically accurate about all of this, citing primary sources extensively to make my case. I am absolutely certain germ theory is correct, just so we're clear.

The problem is that the material is so technical, a lot of people don't even know what they're looking at.

One actual scientist on ZH read it and was horrified:

6 months ago
I have 20 years experience in laboratory medicine, pre-med complete and biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics, and associated topics. I can vouch for the authenticity of the technical analysis, it is as I suspected last year when I personally dug into this issue.
The more you understand the complexity of what this says, the worse it gets. This is an almost unimaginable crime against humanity, especially our children.
God help us.

For some strange reason, I've turned into some sort of folk hero among anti-vaxxers, and I'm not even anti-vaccine. Not really. I just happen to think these specific vaccines are very, very shady.

Moderna never made a commercial product before this. They had military think-tank funding, and their first-ever commercial product, based on a novel mRNA transfection technology, is being forced on people.

Pfizer has allegedly hired hundreds of people to deal with all of the reports of vaccine injuries.

I swear to god, there is something terrible going on here. I know some people might react poorly to this, thinking that it's irresponsible to discourage people from taking this vaccine, but I don't mean any harm by it. On the contrary, I think these mRNA vaccines are sickening people by causing serious autoimmune issues.

I have been absolutely worried sick since my father took the Pfizer vaccine to keep his job. I keep seeing all these issues cropping up, and all these documented cases of severe adverse effects. Myocarditis, neurological issues, et cetera.

With half of this stuff, I feel almost like I'm going crazy. I just feel terribly sick of it all the time. I'm sick of noticing weird things, you know what I mean?

It feels almost like we're in a Black Mirror episode.

I respect his technical insight on specific issues where he's clearly well informed, but I have trouble going with him as a primary source, especially as most other sources for the web existing seem actively very untrustworthy in the "raid pizza joints for sex offenders in the basement of a pizza joint without a basement" tier.

Look, I'm going to be 100% honest with you. Pizzagate is real. Digging into this shit will make you mentally ill, guaranteed. You will suffer from insomnia and depression, without exception. Good and decent people have literally committed suicide over what they discovered while investigating Pizzagate. That's why I've spoilered this part. The choice to know the truth is yours. For most people, it's probably not worth it. This stuff causes actual psychic pain to normal, innocent people when they find out. It destroys their entire concept of reality.

Nobody wants to believe this stuff is real. I don't blame them one bit. It's easier to just live a normal life without knowing about this vileness.

I've dug into Pizzagate extensively. There were many, many things about that case that were suspicious as hell. When you start connecting the dots on that one, it gets really, really gruesome. Comet Ping Pong is such a small part of it, it's practically a red herring.
  • Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey Epstein were all intelligence assets. Jeffrey Epstein was definitely NOT just some random billionaire con man. He was in the employ of the intelligence community, 100%.
  • Robert Maxwell was a spy who ran a publishing company as a front, and was involved in the Inslaw PROMIS scheme which Danny Casolaro lost his life investigating.
  • Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were in the business of blackmailing world leaders and CEOs by filming them having sex with children. However, that's not even the messed up part. I am convinced that these blackmail operations may have been mutual. As in, Epstein's clients may have known they were being blackmailed and agreed to it as an initiation rite to allow them deeper access to the Aristocracy.
  • They liquidated Epstein because he was a loose end and a sloppy asset. They're also trying to put Ghislaine away, but only because she's a loose end, as well; none of her clients have even been prosecuted, and their identities have actually been sealed to protect them. I guess when you're rich and powerful enough, you can just fuck people's kids without consequences. Really makes you wonder what the hell the blackmail was for, then.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell was both a helicopter pilot and a submarine pilot.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell ran a fake nonprofit called TerraMar, likely for the purpose of seasteading to avoid the law; like a Sealand-level Micronation kind of thing, but for serial pedophiles.
  • There is extensive history that points towards institutional pedophilia among the Elites as an initiation rite. They use it the same way a normal person might use a blockchain ledger; to establish trust. To seal contracts.
  • The Dutroux X-Dossiers show that numerous highly-placed politicians and police chiefs in Belgium were engaged in institutional pedophilia, up to and including staging "child hunts" on the grounds of old castles, like Chimay Castle, where they would release children and hunt them the same way that aristocrats might have their attendants release a game animal on their private hunting grounds in ages past.
  • The Finders cult were CIA-sponsored child sex traffickers, and all of it was covered up.
  • The Satanic Panic/False Memory Syndrome was a coverup of actual witnesses who disclosed their experiences of real organized child sexual abuse, some of which may have been committed by actual occultists
It doesn't matter whether or not occult or paranormal phenomena are real. Personally, I've never seen any evidence of paranormal phenomena. However, a lot of the people involved in this are, almost certainly, committed Satanists/Occultists (such as Ordo Templi Orientis members) and act as if they believe this stuff is real. A lot of people's eyes glaze over when you mention Freemasons, occultists, et cetera, but the more you dig, eventually, you hit a wall; all of the people beyond a certain level are occultists. This has a historical precedent, with "court wizards/alchemists" like John Dee being a feature of high society back in the day.

The only reason why people were even interested in Comet Ping Pong in the first place was because John Podesta's leaked emails made mention of it over and over again. The same John Podesta who's friends with Dennis Hastert, the convicted pedophile. The same John Podesta who's a fan of Marina Abramovic, the performance artist. The same Marina Abramovic who filmed a documentary on John of God/Joao Teixeira de Faria, the occult "psychosurgeon" who Sabrina Bittencourt accused of literally running baby farms for the Elites:

James Alefantis, the proprietor of Comet Ping Pong, had really weird shit on his Instagram:

I have much lengthier posts about all this in a thread in the NSFW section:

The best primer on the Pedogate stuff is the Mouthy Buddha vids:

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Well-known member
Look, I'm going to be 100% honest with you. Pizzagate is real. Digging into this shit will make you mentally ill, guaranteed. You will suffer from insomnia and depression, without exception. Good and decent people have literally committed suicide over what they discovered while investigating Pizzagate. That's why I've spoilered this part. The choice to know the truth is yours. For most people, it's probably not worth it. This stuff causes actual psychic pain to normal, innocent people when they find out. It destroys their entire concept of reality.

Nobody wants to believe this stuff is real. I don't blame them one bit. It's easier to just live a normal life without knowing about this vileness.

I've dug into Pizzagate extensively. There were many, many things about that case that were suspicious as hell. When you start connecting the dots on that one, it gets really, really gruesome. Comet Ping Pong is such a small part of it, it's practically a red herring.
  • Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey Epstein were all intelligence assets. Jeffrey Epstein was definitely NOT just some random billionaire con man. He was in the employ of the intelligence community, 100%.
  • Robert Maxwell was a spy who ran a publishing company as a front, and was involved in the Inslaw PROMIS scheme which Danny Casolaro lost his life investigating.
  • Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were in the business of blackmailing world leaders and CEOs by filming them having sex with children. However, that's not even the messed up part. I am convinced that these blackmail operations may have been mutual. As in, Epstein's clients may have known they were being blackmailed and agreed to it as an initiation rite to allow them deeper access to the Aristocracy.
  • They liquidated Epstein because he was a loose end and a sloppy asset. They're also trying to put Ghislaine away, but only because she's a loose end, as well; none of her clients have even been prosecuted, and their identities have actually been sealed to protect them. I guess when you're rich and powerful enough, you can just fuck people's kids without consequences. Really makes you wonder what the hell the blackmail was for, then.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell was both a helicopter pilot and a submarine pilot.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell ran a fake nonprofit called TerraMar, likely for the purpose of seasteading to avoid the law; like a Sealand-level Micronation kind of thing, but for serial pedophiles.
  • There is extensive history that points towards institutional pedophilia among the Elites as an initiation rite. They use it the same way a normal person might use a blockchain ledger; to establish trust. To seal contracts.
  • The Dutroux X-Dossiers show that numerous highly-placed politicians and police chiefs in Belgium were engaged in institutional pedophilia, up to and including staging "child hunts" on the grounds of old castles, like Chimay Castle, where they would release children and hunt them the same way that aristocrats might have their attendants release a game animal on their private hunting grounds in ages past.
  • The Finders cult were CIA-sponsored child sex traffickers, and all of it was covered up.
  • The Satanic Panic/False Memory Syndrome was a coverup of actual witnesses who disclosed their experiences of real organized child sexual abuse, some of which may have been committed by actual occultists
It doesn't matter whether or not occult or paranormal phenomena are real. Personally, I've never seen any evidence of paranormal phenomena. However, a lot of the people involved in this are, almost certainly, committed Satanists/Occultists (such as Ordo Templi Orientis members) and act as if they believe this stuff is real. A lot of people's eyes glaze over when you mention Freemasons, occultists, et cetera, but the more you dig, eventually, you hit a wall; all of the people beyond a certain level are occultists. This has a historical precedent, with "court wizards/alchemists" like John Dee being a feature of high society back in the day.

The only reason why people were even interested in Comet Ping Pong in the first place was because John Podesta's leaked emails made mention of it over and over again. The same John Podesta who's friends with Dennis Hastert, the convicted pedophile. The same John Podesta who's a fan of Marina Abramovic, the performance artist. The same Marina Abramovic who filmed a documentary on John of God/Joao Teixeira de Faria, the occult "psychosurgeon" who Sabrina Bittencourt accused of literally running baby farms for the Elites:

James Alefantis, the proprietor of Comet Ping Pong, had really weird shit on his Instagram:

I have much lengthier posts about all this in a thread in the NSFW section:

The best primer on the Pedogate stuff is the Mouthy Buddha vids:

Jesus Christ.

So I can't really keep going anymore. I'll admit some of this is intellectual cowardice on my part, but most of it is that you're so far beyond my sense of disbelief I'm legitimately thinking the supernatural explanations make more sense, not less, than what you're trying to explain.

So here's my rough sketch, which may help you in the future. I might assign all of these independent odds of being true:

-Secret US biowarfare labs (50%)
-Moderna connection (50%)
-Wuhan Lab Leak (-25%)
-Invermectin working (10%)
-Vaccines being worse than nothing (5%)
-Pizzagate (2%)

Independently, the first set is pretty decent. But when you stack them together, they become a lot less likely, not more likely. Already at the first three being true together, core for the conspiracy, we're down to 6.75% odds, which is not entirely something I'd dismiss out of hand, but isn't keeping me up at night. You seem to think each theory makes the other theories more likely, when it works the opposite way, it makes the general sketch less likely the more things need to be true, even if by itself each step might be probable.

The chances of your being confused, mistaken, lying, or relying on someone who is one of those things for the general picture, and the picture falling apart if even a small portion of them are false, gets very high very fast the more independent parts are added to this conspiracy web.

If I were to accept the degree of evidence you think is proof as actual proof, I don't just have to believe your theory, I'd have to believe a lot of theories as being proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There's way more proof of things like homeopathy, parapsychic powers, alien abductions, Bigfoot, active witchcraft, and probably hundreds of other conspiracy theories then there is for Pizzagate. I think the chances of being mistaken on one of these is actually not too bad, but accepting most or all of them at once is way harder, and rapidly ones into mutually exclusive paradigms.

I'm sorry, I should have kept off this the last time I said I was bowing out, but I'm really gonna try to this time. We're just living in different worlds here.


Internet Wizard
I'm sorry, I should have kept off this the last time I said I was bowing out, but I'm really gonna try to this time. We're just living in different worlds here.

For a more simple explanation of most of the chaos:

1. People in government needed to be seen to be 'doing something,' so they Did Something, whether it was actually a good idea or not.
2. Corrupt pharma execs looking for massive payouts.
3. People covering their asses when things start going wrong. Doing a lot of covering their asses.

That's really all it takes for a lot of stuff to be explained. All the highly-detailed conspiracy theory stuff is extraneous to these root issues.

Just keep all this in mind as revelations of all the nasty stuff that's happened keeps coming out. You don't have to go full THASF to recognize the above three things are real.


Perpetually Angry
What have these lunatics been doing with our tax dollars?

There's way more proof of things like homeopathy, parapsychic powers, alien abductions, Bigfoot, active witchcraft, and probably hundreds of other conspiracy theories then there is for Pizzagate.

I wish that were true. Hunter Biden's laptop, which portrays him as something of a drug-addicted gigolo and middleman, is just the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg is evidence of human trafficking, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking among the world's wealthiest and most powerful people that stretches back decades.

In 2011, Andrew Breitbart made this rather outrageous tweet:

He was behaving erratically, as if he knew more than he was letting on:

In 2012, Andrew Breitbart died, apparently of a heart attack.

Then, fast-forward to 2016 and the leaked emails. John Podesta's leaked emails contain numerous instances of people writing in code:

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

Why would anyone care about a handkerchief with a map that "seems pizza-related?"

Mary and John I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them. Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Why does one need "strategies which have been long in place" for giving gifts of cheese or pasta? What does it mean to "play dominos on cheese", and why would anyone give such a meager and insulting gift of groceries to a millionaire?

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Tamera Luzzatto <<>> wrote: With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.

Why are the kids' ages important, and why are they considered "further entertainment", and why is it important that they end up in the pool?

When people looked into Tamera Luzzatto's personal site, this is what they found:

People kept digging, and they found that Podesta and pals liked to hang out at a DC pizza joint called Comet Ping Pong.

The owner of Comet Ping Pong was described by GQ as one of the "top 50 most powerful people in Washington, DC". What?

Wait, he's a Rothschild? Why would a Rothschild own a pizza parlor?

Wait, the Comet Ping Pong gunman was an IMDB-listed actor?

One of the defense attorneys representing James Alefantis in a 2008 case where the city tried revoking his liquor permit, Max Maccoby, is linked to Friends of the Orphans, who were, in turn, linked to Laura Silsby.


Laura Silsby was arrested by the Haitian authorities when she tried moving children across the border without any papers. The Clintons made sure she was repatriated to the US.

Laura Silsby was briefly represented by Jorge Torres Puello, who, himself, was a human trafficker.

What did Laura Silsby do when back in the US? She went to work for AlertSense, a company that provides alerts for the Amber Alert program.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild introduced Alan Dershowitz to Jeffrey Epstein at a party in 1996:

Jeffrey Epstein was directly linked to Les Wexner:

Les Wexner co-founded the Mega Group, a supposed philanthropic organization (and actually an intelligence front) with Charles Bronfman:

Charles Bronfman's niece, Clare Bronfman, was one of the main funding sources for Keith Raniere's sex slave cult NXIVM:

The actual conclusion that one should draw from Pizzagate is that the Rothschild family and the CIA are directly involved in child trafficking, but instead, everyone focuses on the absurdity of a trafficking ring supposedly being run out of the basement of a pizza parlor.

By the way, the DNC leaker was definitely Seth Rich.

Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year global business with an extremely high profit margin; basically, just kidnap someone off the street, and there you go. $10,000 to $50,000.

Who can afford to buy a person? To put it bluntly, rich people. Rich people buy - and consume - human beings, like a KitKat bar.


Well-known member
Okay *THASF* while I agree with a lot of what your saying I’m taking a guess that most of the “elites” using any kind of occult symbols or rituals are either play acting and have no real knowledge or are stuck in a common trap that happens when people go into that stuff without proper preparation they basically think their a god and way more knowledgeable than they actually are it’s the classic example of how having a little knowledge can be more damaging than none but with alter states of mind ritual and such can cause and they are probably mixing drugs in there as well it’s more pronounced.

Most of the people who do dumb and horrible things in the name of magic or occult practice are very much similar to hobby chemists poisoning themselves or hobby laser guys going blind. Lack of research and cockiness.

Of course like any human endeavor the occult practices has even knowledgeable people using it for evil purposes or as a way to gain undue influence and build cults and hurt people etc but it can be used for good and neutral purposes.

Also as an aside you placing satanist/occultist doesn’t make much sense it’s like Christian/religious person. For one there’s several sects of what the common person would refer to as a satanist (some just edgy atheist or anti theist others actually worshipping something like satan) for another the occult is just as varied as religion and other similar areas
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Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year global business with an extremely high profit margin; basically, just kidnap someone off the street, and there you go. $10,000 to $50,000.

Who can afford to buy a person? To put it bluntly, rich people. Rich people buy - and consume - human beings, like a KitKat bar.
Probably, but it is a lot cheaper to do it overseas, say in middle eastern countries that are adjacent to places that got massively messed up or in poorer parts of Asia and Africa.

So tbh that is why I don't really buy PizzaGate.

If anything I think it was a counter-operation to delegitimzie criticism of the likes of Epstein and Hunter Biden.

I mean, most of the disgusting shit those two did they did abroad.
In shitty third world countries or on private islands.


Perpetually Angry
Okay *THASF* while I agree with a lot of what your saying I’m taking a guess that most of the “elites” using any kind of occult symbols or rituals are either play acting and have no real knowledge or are stuck in a common trap that happens when people go into that stuff without proper preparation they basically think their a god and way more knowledgeable than they actually are it’s the classic example of how having a little knowledge can be more damaging than none but with alter states of mind ritual and such can cause and they are probably mixing drugs in there as well it’s more pronounced.

Most of the people who do dumb and horrible things in the name of magic or occult practice are very much similar to hobby chemists poisoning themselves or hobby laser guys going blind. Lack of research and cockiness.

Of course like any human endeavor the occult practices has even knowledgeable people using it for evil purposes or as a way to gain undue influence and build cults and hurt people etc but it can be used for good and neutral purposes.

Also as an aside you placing satanist/occultist doesn’t make much sense it’s like Christian/religious person. For one there’s several sects of what the common person would refer to as a satanist (some just edgy atheist or anti theist others actually worshipping something like satan) for another the occult is just as varied as religion and other similar areas

I understand all of that. There are good people and bad people in every tradition, every creed. I don't have a problem with occultists; not all people who are into the occult are bad people. A lot of them are entirely well-meaning researchers and practitioners. The point I was trying to make is that when you dig into the aristocracy, a lot of the higher-level guys tend to hold various occult beliefs, usually some sort of rip-off of Gnosticism. Whichever one has an afterlife that pleases them the most, I guess. In a way, they're much like mainstream religions, except occult topics largely appeal to those of a more egotistical disposition, unfortunately. A number of people involved with some of this crazy shit I've brought up are almost certainly Left-Hand Path types (often kind of inaccurately referred to as "Satanists", even though not all of them are Luciferians of any kind, like you said). Like Jimmy Savile, for instance.

They really misuse that stuff.

Urabrask Revealed

Let them go.
Probably, but it is a lot cheaper to do it overseas, say in middle eastern countries that are adjacent to places that got massively messed up or in poorer parts of Asia and Africa.

So tbh that is why I don't really buy PizzaGate.

If anything I think it was a counter-operation to delegitimzie criticism of the likes of Epstein and Hunter Biden.

I mean, most of the disgusting shit those two did they did abroad.
In shitty third world countries or on private islands.
It's not about money for those things, it's about being able to violate the children of the peons they rule over and getting away with it.


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It's not about money for those things, it's about being able to violate the children of the peons they rule over and getting away with it.
I think it has more to do with taboos and proving one's superiority by breaking them.
Or just being a deranged pervert and sociopath with daddy's credit card in south-east Asia.

IMHO much of this can probably also be attributed to what NuRight scientist Ed JollyHeretic Dutton calls spiteful mutants:

However I think that at least part of the Spiteful Mutant behavior is due to social and ecological factors, rather than purely genetic ones.


Well-known member
I remember reading somewhere about a study done on local politcians, where they did blood tests at different times, and linked things together.

They concluded that political power was addictive. Physicaly addictive, more than cocaine.

Just like any other type of addict, they have to push harder to get that rush. Just like any other addict, they might want to be better, but their entire personality ends up based on their drug of choice.

It's a mess.


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I remember reading somewhere about a study done on local politcians, where they did blood tests at different times, and linked things together.

They concluded that political power was addictive. Physicaly addictive, more than cocaine.

Just like any other type of addict, they have to push harder to get that rush. Just like any other addict, they might want to be better, but their entire personality ends up based on their drug of choice.

It's a mess.
Frank Herbert, of Dune fame, once said something along the lines of it is not that power corrupts, but that it attracts psychopaths.

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

― Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

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