Carrot of Truth
War is Peace
It really bothers me the one Paladin is such an evil bitch... and that a good playthrough gets TWO Druids. They really didn't consider party balance when designing the companions. You do get a passable core, but the only role you have any real variety in is main melee tank. One arcane caster option (Warlocks are not something that can trade for Wizard they lack the utility and AoE magic), one real healer, and one trappist. Your PC can fill any of the roles, but given the most common "Tav" was a fighter it meant you basically had no character variety in your party. You could do a non-standard party layout, sure, but in the end if you stuck to a classic adventure party you were basically stuck.
Not sure why they ended up with that layout, it seems weirds that they'd do that and then give you TWO Druids and a Ranger... none of whom really fill in those roles well.
I always respec Shadowheart into a war domain cleric, Doing that makes her into a decent frontliner which is useful when you yourself play as a sorcerer or something.