PC Gaming Baldurs Gate 3

It really bothers me the one Paladin is such an evil bitch... and that a good playthrough gets TWO Druids. They really didn't consider party balance when designing the companions. You do get a passable core, but the only role you have any real variety in is main melee tank. One arcane caster option (Warlocks are not something that can trade for Wizard they lack the utility and AoE magic), one real healer, and one trappist. Your PC can fill any of the roles, but given the most common "Tav" was a fighter it meant you basically had no character variety in your party. You could do a non-standard party layout, sure, but in the end if you stuck to a classic adventure party you were basically stuck.

Not sure why they ended up with that layout, it seems weirds that they'd do that and then give you TWO Druids and a Ranger... none of whom really fill in those roles well.

I always respec Shadowheart into a war domain cleric, Doing that makes her into a decent frontliner which is useful when you yourself play as a sorcerer or something.
See, I have yet to play BG3, but the Divintiy series was also very limited on cast.
You still generally had a good verity though.
I want to eventually play it. But I refuse to pay €59.99 for a game on Steam. Damn it, I'm old enough to remember when games cost 59.99 Deutsche Mark, which is roughly half as much!
I always respec Shadowheart into a war domain cleric, Doing that makes her into a decent frontliner which is useful when you yourself play as a sorcerer or something.
I refuse to respec Shadowheart just for party optimization as it really undercuts her character story. I will repsec her after certain events in Act 2 if she goes down the good path, but still not to War domain...

Domains are granted by a the god that sponsors the cleric, and neither Shar nor Selune have War domain last I checked. 5e's severing of Domain choice and deity choice is one of the worst design decisions ever made (along with Paladin oaths, Sorcerer spells know progression, and the entire Ranger class). But then, DnD has been designing more and more for the lowest common denominator which means making it so people don't have restrictions on what they can do.
I refuse to respec Shadowheart just for party optimization as it really undercuts her character story. I will repsec her after certain events in Act 2 if she goes down the good path, but still not to War domain...

Domains are granted by a the god that sponsors the cleric, and neither Shar nor Selune have War domain last I checked. 5e's severing of Domain choice and deity choice is one of the worst design decisions ever made (along with Paladin oaths, Sorcerer spells know progression, and the entire Ranger class). But then, DnD has been designing more and more for the lowest common denominator which means making it so people don't have restrictions on what they can do.

My problem is that Trickster domain is absolute dogshit.
thumbs up for lore/RP fidelity.
You are a better person than I.
I do not respecify the Origins, as non-optimised as they are, limiting myself to multiclassing. The exception being Karlach (which I leave with original attributes) - I understand her anger managment issues, but in my eyes she should be a Fighter not a Barbarian, she street urchin not some savage tribal, and Minthara (where I do change her stats - I'm such a lowly min maxer, voe is is me! My excuse is that the experience with the Gnome Twins "deeply affected" her, making CHA migrate to STR and CON :p).
I perceive Paladins as having some sort of link with deities, hence their Clerical Spells. So, after peeing over Lollth and pooping over Absolute, I see no source for Divine Spells for Best Drow.
My problem is that Trickster domain is absolute dogshit.
In a computer game it is underwhelming. In a pnp campaign it might be fantastic.
thumbs up for lore/RP fidelity.
You are a better person than I.
I do not respecify the Origins, as non-optimised as they are, limiting myself to multiclassing. The exception being Karlach (which I leave with original attributes) - I understand her anger managment issues, but in my eyes she should be a Fighter not a Barbarian, she street urchin not some savage tribal, and Minthara (where I do change her stats - I'm such a lowly min maxer, voe is is me! My excuse is that the experience with the Gnome Twins "deeply affected" her, making CHA migrate to STR and CON :p).
I perceive Paladins as having some sort of link with deities, hence their Clerical Spells. So, after peeing over Lollth and pooping over Absolute, I see no source for Divine Spells for Best Drow.

In a computer game it is underwhelming. In a pnp campaign it might be fantastic.
Oh, with other characters who do not have such strong storyline connections to their class I have no qualms about respeccing them. Shadowheart just has such a strong and compelling story I find I enjoy it more if I wait to respec her to Healing domain after certain storyline events take place (though I still keep her Cleric, because, well... obviously she's still a Cleric it's just her Patron has changed even if she doesn't realize it for a while). Karlach being a great example of such, there's no strict lore reason for her to be a barbarian, she could well be a Fighter as you note, a Barbarian as she is normally set up as, or even a Ranger, so I respec her to whatever I feel like would be more fun to have her be. Wyll obvious has to stay as his nearly worthless Warlock self, though I am glad that BG3 actually shows WHY Warlock is such a shit caster class from a RP perspective*.

That said, since I run a bunch of mods that add additional feats and spells I often respec characters even if I'm keeping them as their base class and spec just to change up their feats and maybe better optimize their attribute point spend.

One thing that works surprisingly well is to have Gale dip a few levels into Rogue to pick up the trap feats. That way I can leave Asterion back in camp and since I mainly play as a Sorcerer that gives me a nice goody two shoes party of myself, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Gale.

* I'll grant I have a bit of an undue dislike of Warlock due to my favorite Arcane class since 3rd being Sorcerer. I also like playing sword and spell builds (AKA "Gish") and the fact there's no baseline Sorcerer Gish build is something that greatly bothers me, especially given that when I mention that to people so many folks go: well, if you want to play a Cha Melee Arcanist play Warlock and so Wyll being so obviously screwed over due to being a Warlock is nice because it allows me to point out how crap being a Warlock really is...
One thing that works surprisingly well is to have Gale dip a few levels into Rogue to pick up the trap feats.
Rogue is one route for that.
Another, aligning with my AC obsession :), is Ranger, with Ranger Knight Favoured Enemy and Urban Tracker Natural Explorer. This gave me Gale with AC 20/21 at lvl 5.
But using Ranger or Rogue "robs" me of at least one level of ESL, hence ATM me favourite manner of having an anybody but Astarion as the Party Sapper (and Spellcaster) is dipping into Bard. That gives me the Proficiency and I keep the full ESL.
Or I use the lovely Kree Derryck Hireling whose Charlatan Background provides Sleigh of Hand Proficiency regardless of the Class I respecify her into.
The latter is what I have in my current playthrough aka Princess Karlach and the Three Dwarvettes - i.e. Tav and the two apropriate hirelings.
The height difference between the trio of pettite and dainty Khazad and the Tiefling is a hoot :)

True about Shadowheart - she is a PRIESTESS with dreams of Paladin (in the sence of Cult Enforcer). Making her anything ese is travesty :p

I remember reading a comment that in BG1 we had a clearly identified MC - the Bhallspawn and their quest, whereas in BG3 the issue is somewhat muddled. I sometimes wonder if mabe having Shadowheart as the MC may have been a god idea.
My holdover from all the Neverwinter nights games is the PC has to be party face. so he is always someone who can work Charisma into his build. usually means I end up playing bard or paladin and sometimes go into warlock, sorc, or cleric. the other party members aren't optimized but can be fine. I just don't work well with like half the party for whatever reason. Can't handle Lael. Asterion despite being stupid strong as an option for the party is a miss for me. Shadowheart is just... yeah I can't put up with girls IRL who try half that shit. pretending to be just the right amount of interested without being too pushy on her secrets is a pain to tightrope walk in conversations. party is Karloch, Gale, and Wyll generally.
Part of that playtime is me, raking up hours in my quest for the Golden Die.
So far the farthest I got was the Audience Chamber.
BTW - I have perfected character creation to three minutes - male dwarf, Ginger 2, Warm Tone 2, medium beard, violet eyes - dream visitor - male dwarf, default everything besides longer hair and beard - and job's a good'un :)
Got the Golden Die - which I now consider an eye sore, Default Die being Best Die :)
I "cheated" a bit - I nuked the Netherbrain leading the Tyranid Hivefleet invasion with Gale.
The game is easy :) - once you understand what you are doing :p

Now for the next playthrough, the Tav being a hick half-orc Paruva.
To be:
- Nature Domain Priest of Talos lvl1,
- Paladin lvl2,
- Bard (for the spell slots) lvl 9,
smiting the enemy with his Mighty Salami. No, not THAT salami - he casts Shilleagh on a salami sausage pilfered from camp supplies - the voices in his head told him to do it ...

He already staked Astarion. The evul! Elf first pulled a knife on him, and two nights later made his final mistake - he tried to pop Paruva's veins like a bottle of popfizz ...
I have noticed all the romance triggers have been drastically improved, You have to actually intentionally pursue them now compared to earlier versions of the game.
Apparently so.
Agreeing to Gale showing you his "magic" no longer makes his Mighty Manhood TM pop out.

The "have Lae-zel jump your bones in 30 seconds into the game" has been eliminated as well (but that was in some earlier patch, IIRC).
Apparently so.
Agreeing to Gale showing you his "magic" no longer makes his Mighty Manhood TM pop out.

The "have Lae-zel jump your bones in 30 seconds into the game" has been eliminated as well (but that was in some earlier patch, IIRC).

I heard they also made Minthara no longer dump you for rejecting Bhaal on a Durge character, Which if true is good because her entire character is based around a dislike of the gods and especially mad dogs like what Durge would be if he stayed true to Bhaal.
The "have Lae-zel jump your bones in 30 seconds into the game" has been eliminated as well (but that was in some earlier patch, IIRC).
AFAIK that was an actual bug in the script where it was the trigger was set much lower than intended. I could see that happening in the script from a debugging standpoint, if they were testing and making sure various scenes properly fired they wouldn't want to have to go through hours of gameplay just to hit that trigger point to make sure the scene fired.

To explain in details, in scripts events like that are tied to some hidden score. Assuming the event is tied to talking to Lae'zel, the logic of the script would be:

> Player triggers Lae'zel
> Game checks Lae'zel Affection Score
> If Lae'zel Affection Score > X then trigger L. Romance Cutscene 1, Else Trigger normal conversation.

That X variable is usually really easy to edit in a script, so if they want to make sure that "L. Romance Cutscene 1" is working properly you go into the script, set X to 1, do a quick run through things to make sure, and then be done with it, whereas for normal gameplay X should be more like 10. All it would take is for a dev to forget to reset that back to the normal value for it to end up messed up.
It's still kind of easy to get Lae'zel to wanna shack up, But I played my last char as something of a slut trying to hit up the entire camp and Lae'zel basically told me she was not interested in sloppy 3rds

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