Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

Apparently Andrew Yang was planning a campaign event at the Park Slope, which is a location where current Socialist Mayor, Bill DeBlasio, tends to have his workouts. However his campaign event was cut short by TEN protestors...

New York Post said:
About 10 protesters hoisting signs that read “Hedge Fund Mayor,” “Yang = More Cops” and “Don’t Rank Yang” ambushed the entrepreneur outside the Park Slope Y before a planned press event, leading the candidate to abandon the presser about three minutes after arriving and duck into a nearby subway station.

The progressive demonstrators — including activists affiliated with left-wing groups Our City PAC New York Communities for Change and Alliance for Quality Education — shouted, “Don’t rank Yang!,” “Hedge fund mayor!” and “No more cops!” at the centrist mayoral hopeful, who made a failed attempt at engaging with them.

Apparently the Protestors were sent there by rival Mayoral Candidate, career politician and NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer.

Scott Stringer was recently endorsed by the 80,000 strong United Federation of Teachers Union who unlike Andrew Yang, is running an anti-Charter, anti-School Choice campaign which endorses and supports increased taxpayer funding for Public Schools. He also criticized Andrew Yang for taking money from billionaires in spite of the fact Stringer has raised more money from less individuals. Scott Stringer is also facing sexual harassment charges.
Sadly for Andrew Yang, social media followers and media buzz just weren't enough to propel Andrew Yang to the top of the NYC Mayoral Primaries.

Looks like Andrew Yang is going to found a THIRD PARTY.

Ah well, it was a fun time while he was sorta relevant on the political scene and injecting some new ideas. I doubt this'll get much traction either... but wish him the best!

Yang calling out the issues with a two party system and how it's less policy than political ques people vote on, while saying that on actual policy, most people agree more than they disagree if the info is presented neutrally.
The issue with that "everyone agrees" has a lot to do with the presentation. If I walk up to someone and ask them if they think free daycare and free college are good ideas all on their own they'll agree those are probably good things. If I ask them what they think about raising taxes to pay for those things and what they want their kids taught in those schools and daycare the agreeableness falls away rapidly.

Yang is like a lot of the left-libertarians. He's aware that the establishment edifice is corrupt and broken, but he doesn't see the connection between his preferred policies and the problems in that edifice. So he happily continues pushing the exact same type of collectivist crap that got us in this position in the first place while railing against the natural consequences of his own ideology.

I do appreciate that he and a growing number of other left-leaning groups are pointing out the blatant authoritarian trespasses of our current ruling class, but his solutions will at best address the symptoms while perpetuating the core issues. Worse in my eyes is that he will only tolerate right-wing criticism so long as it remains rhetoric. The moment the pet opposition actually tries to change things he gets just a censorious and authoritarian as the people he's supposedly objecting to.

Incidentally, if you get the chance you should probably check out the interview he did with Breaking Points this week. As usual, Krystal and Saager never bother to ask him any pointed questions but it's a fair chance to hear the man speak for himself at some length.
The issue with that "everyone agrees" has a lot to do with the presentation. If I walk up to someone and ask them if they think free daycare and free college are good ideas all on their own they'll agree those are probably good things. If I ask them what they think about raising taxes to pay for those things and what they want their kids taught in those schools and daycare the agreeableness falls away rapidly.

Yang is like a lot of the left-libertarians. He's aware that the establishment edifice is corrupt and broken, but he doesn't see the connection between his preferred policies and the problems in that edifice. So he happily continues pushing the exact same type of collectivist crap that got us in this position in the first place while railing against the natural consequences of his own ideology.

I do appreciate that he and a growing number of other left-leaning groups are pointing out the blatant authoritarian trespasses of our current ruling class, but his solutions will at best address the symptoms while perpetuating the core issues. Worse in my eyes is that he will only tolerate right-wing criticism so long as it remains rhetoric. The moment the pet opposition actually tries to change things he gets just a censorious and authoritarian as the people he's supposedly objecting to.

Incidentally, if you get the chance you should probably check out the interview he did with Breaking Points this week. As usual, Krystal and Saager never bother to ask him any pointed questions but it's a fair chance to hear the man speak for himself at some length.
Yang ain't a libertarian, he's actually pro-UBI (but reasonable UBI, like 1k a month, not 10-100k).
Yang ain't a libertarian, he's actually pro-UBI (but reasonable UBI, like 1k a month, not 10-100k).
*glances at LP*

Alright sure. He's still the front face for the... mildly business friendly progressives? Whatever you want to label him as. I'm certainly not going to call him a Forward anything.

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