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  • Users: mspence
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mspence

    Alternate History WI the Dutch kept Gibraltar?

    They got it after the War of Succession; WI they'd kept it?
  2. mspence

    Alternate History WI: Tet Offensive A Complete Failure For North Vietnam?

    WI it had failed, without it as a propaganda victory for the Vietcong (although they were beaten back in OTL) how does the media (Walter Cronkite, etc) and both parties react going into that year's Presidential election?
  3. mspence

    Alternate History Magellen Survives

    WI he'd been able to reach Asia and return?
  4. mspence

    Alternate History WI: Wilhelm Avoids War

    Based on this, let's say the dispatch is disproven and war is avoided, what happens to Bismark?
  5. mspence

    Versus Match Doctor Manhattan Vs. The Watcher

    Forget about Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, who would win in a true godlike grudge match?
  6. mspence

    Alternate History China Without Mao

    WI Mao is killed/dies during the Long March; what happens to China after WW2?
  7. mspence

    Alternate History The Silver Age: America Switches To A Silver Standard

    WI the country had stayed entirely on a silver standard until the Great Depression?
  8. mspence

    Alternate History The Garfield Era

    WI James Garfield had lived and served two terms?
  9. mspence

    Alternate History Burr's Republic

    WI Aaron Burr had been able to go to Texas? What exactly does he do with it?
  10. mspence

    Destiny Denied: Peter killed during the Moscow Uprising

    WI Peter had been killed?
  11. mspence

    WI No IRS?

    The history of income tax in the USA dates back to the Civil War in 1862. The tax was repealed ten years later but Congress brought back the income tax in 1913 while the IRS itself was created in 1953, but WI it hadn't been? Does the Treasury Department take over instead?
  12. mspence

    United States CNN Drops Below Newsmax In ratings

    Ha, ha: CNN drops below newsmax in ratings
  13. mspence

    United States Donald Trump CNN Town Hall

    So here it is (via Rumble):
  14. mspence

    Thanos Vs Dr. Manhattan

    Thanos with the Infinity Stones vs. Doctor Manhattan. Who wins?
  15. mspence

    Bradbury's Martians Vs Vulcans

    I've been wondering if the Vulcans were at least partly inspired by Ray Bradbury's Martians, and wondered what would have happened if the two races ever met; let's say a Vulcan ship crosses over into the Bradbury universe before the Martians were wiped out, what happens next?
  16. mspence

    United States Oregonians Blast Lawmakers Over Bill to Legalize Homeless Camps

    The right to squat?
  17. mspence

    Alternate History Japan Stays Neutral In WW2

    What would it have taken for Japan to have stayed neutral in WW2 (at least until the Russians declared war)? Perhaps they stay focused on holding Manchuria and don't invade China?
  18. mspence

    Alternate History America Without Political Parties

    WI the United States had followed Washington's advice about not following party politics? How might political factions have developed in the US? Would there be coalitions, or individuals running for office and vying for large voting groups?
  19. mspence

    Alternate History The Other West: Russians on the Coast

    Since this is an area that doesn't seem to get more attention, what would California (and the rest of the West Coast, for that matter) have looked like under Russian colonization without the Spanish/Mexicans being there? What happens if the US still exists & decides it wants that territory...
  20. mspence

    Nixon Without A VP

    So here's the idea-Nixon takes a go it alone approach until his resignation, meaning that Carl Albert becomes acting President afterwards. Does Albert run for a full term himself, or does he take a caretaker role?