United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

Wait, they’re acknowledging the riots are occurring? Or are they gonna keep going on about “Peaceful Protestors” because I can see an attempt at doing both
I doubt there is a unified perspective at the moment. From what I read, it seems as if Biden, specifically, is trying to make a differentiation between the protestors and the rioters. That's why he said that they should focus on finding the anarchists and arsonists.

If this turns out to be the new Biden stance, it's going to make things interesting going into the election.
I doubt there is a unified perspective at the moment. From what I read, it seems as if Biden, specifically, is trying to make a differentiation between the protestors and the rioters. That's why he said that they should focus on finding the anarchists and arsonists.

If this turns out to be the new Biden stance, it's going to make things interesting going into the election.
Biden’s probably been told by the Dem PR people that he needs to pivot back to the center. And come across as a reasonable presence.

I’m terrified the electorate might just be dumb enough to fall for it.

Odds are, the Dems will NEVER stop the "peaceful protestors", they're all just gonna be doing loads of bullshit talk

All while they're secretly drinking lots of alcohol and wondering why they feel so screwed and keep on hoping people are idiots
I’m terrified the electorate might just be dumb enough to fall for it.
To be fair to them, back tracking to center would at least signal that they've returned to the Ever-Left Cthulhu rather than the political blackhole they were aiming to become a few days ago. That would still be bad, but not catastrophic.
Odds are, the Dems will NEVER stop the "peaceful protestors", they're all just gonna be doing loads of bullshit talk
Depends. Are the riots going to start losing them elections? Losing them corporate support? If it means a loss of position and finance they will back-track.
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Depends. Are the riots going to start losing them elections? Losing them corporate support? If it means a loss of position and finance they will back-track.

They still depend on BLM & ANTIFA to act as their KKK

So they may have to use whatever connections they got with whatever loose leadership it's got, to get it to calm down, problem for them is that they're already on a power-high and probably can barely control their members



Not weird actually. Very common de-escalation tactics. It's also why banks tell their employees to just give robbers whatever they want. Resistance against a desparate individual is likely to cause them to over-react violently. However, if the situation is as lawless as they say, then it would better to advice people to leave the city instead.

Reparations protection gang racket?

The Saint Louis couple who stood their ground against protesters has been confirmed as having been the victims of a conspiracy by the city's DA.

The revolver the wife had with her was not a working gun during the incident, and it was inoperable when it got to St. Louis police after the sketchy seizure. They were ordered to reassemble it in working order to comply with the charges that said it was a deadly weapon ready to fire at the crowd.

Congrats DA you played yourself.
It's only been since the riots started that I've learned about most of the far Left... hypothesizes. Does anyone actually know what the rationale is for being able to call racism a health issue? One explanation I heard was that it results in violence, another that it was a mental health issue, but both of these were from people similarly ignorant as I and so they are just guesses.
As covid demonstrated, a "health crisis" pretty much gives governments carte blanche powers to do whatever the fuck they want: supress the citizenry, ignore existing laws, and throw out The Constitution, all in the name of public health.

One good example, when Dewine tried to shut down Ohio businesses, a judge said "nope, you can't do that." So he had Amy Acton declare a public health emergency, and BAM, just like that, he suddenly has the power to shut everything down.

Then we see movements like BLM protesting in the streets? That's fine, no one mention how that might spread covid. But going to church? Banned! They've been picking and choosing who has the right to assemble, and who doesn't.

Fast forward a bit...and we find that governments are really enjoying this new unilateral power to suppress groups that might give them trouble. Now suddenly they're calling racism a "health crisis," while at the same time labeling everything under the sun as racist.

Think about that for a second, and it makes sense. It's a blatant power grab. They would be able to ban or "cancel" whatever they deem necessary for "public health." Look forward to things like "Ben Shapiro can't speak here because public health"

I wish this was a conspiracy theory, but we are seeing it all play out. Just wait, that's the next step. It'll happen.
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As covid demonstrated, a "health crisis" pretty much gives governments carte blanche powers to do whatever the fuck they want: supress the citizenry, ignore existing laws, and throw out The Constitution, all in the name of public health.

One good example, when Dewine tried to shut down Ohio businesses, a judge said "nope, you can't do that." So he had Amy Acton declare a public health emergency, and BAM, just like that, he suddenly has the power to shut everything down.

Then we see movements like BLM protesting in the streets? That's fine, no one mention how that might spread covid. But going to church? Banned! They've been picking and choosing who has the right to assemble, and who doesn't.

Fast forward a bit...and we find that governments are really enjoying this new unilateral power to suppress groups that might give them trouble. Now suddenly they're calling racism a "health crisis," while at the same time labeling everything under the sun as racist.

Think about that for a second, and it makes sense. It's a blatant power grab. They would be able to ban or "cancel" whatever they deem necessary for "public health." Look forward to things like "Ben Shapiro can't speak here because public health"

I wish this was a conspiracy theory, but we are seeing it all play out. Just wait, that's the next step. It'll happen.
That's the reality, but it doesn't answer the question. How do Leftists justify this? I recall Mortimer Adler once said "it's not enough to know that someone is wrong, you have to know why they think they're right". For instance:

Emilia Sykes: Public health permeates everything that we do, whether we're talking about education, a job, access to health care, home ownership, child-bearing. The idea of public health is protecting wellness and eliminating illness from as many people as possible. Racism is the systemic oppression of people who are deemed inferior, and the result of that is detrimental to people's health. In an obvious form, it is: I go to a medical professional and they view my black body as dangerous or dirty, so I don't get good care. But it’s also my educational opportunities. Imagine if I can't read and I can't write and I can't articulate myself. Then I get to this health care professional, and they give me my medical orders and I can't read them. How am I going to comply? The education you get [impacts] the type of job you get. And the job you get is determinant of whether or not you have health insurance. If I have a job that doesn't have health insurance because I was never educated well enough to get one of those types of jobs, now I'm reliant upon emergency departments or something else that is less healthy. And then we have the coronavirus, which is clearly an issue for every single person in this country, but it impacts Black bodies differently, and it is disproportionately impacting Black communities in a negative way.

Here they are tying the supposed effects of racism to every aspect of society and therefore to health, which they then tie back into everything else until it's a Gordian knot of butchered causality. But, if you accept their base assumptions: "every person is a perfect tabula rasa where only environment effects outcome", "racism is the primary cause of all ethnic inequality", "health is an all pervasive environmental factor that is directly affected by racism", then their conclusion logically follows. Which is somewhat ironic, since they reject logic as a tool of oppression...

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