Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

That's the reasoning, and if you honestly think the genocide of your people is at hand then fucking over the assholes who enabled said bullshit makes total sense.

That said I don't think this is a samson option territory, as has been said Jordan is just done with the conflicts and has backed out, Syria just got through a civil war and their government is on shakey feat. Iraq is a dumpster fire, Egypt is on the verge of civil war. Turkey's too far and has other problems and The Saudis and Iranians are at each others throat.

If it goes nuclear its just going to be the west bank and Gaza getting destroyed nothing more.

I get the reasoning and I agree that europe should have just let you guys handle it. but yeah I agree with carrot. it's a good way of making those same holes think that their only mistake was not beating you to the puch earlier and decide "Not to make the same mistake twice."

I mean heck you might as well just be giving a middle finger to God himself at that point. it's "You abandoned us so we are going to destroy your artwork." reasoning.
I fear Israel is going to lose the urban conflict like they always do, and then the Arabs go for another Oil embargo like in 73.

Unless they decide to starve the Palestinians to surrender, that is. Which Bibi isn't smart enough to do.
That's the reasoning, and if you honestly think the genocide of your people is at hand then fucking over the assholes who enabled said bullshit makes total sense.

That said I don't think this is a samson option territory, as has been said Jordan is just done with the conflicts and has backed out, Syria just got through a civil war and their government is on shakey feat. Iraq is a dumpster fire, Egypt is on the verge of civil war. Turkey's too far and has other problems and The Saudis and Iranians are at each others throat.

If it goes nuclear its just going to be the west bank and Gaza getting destroyed nothing more.
The IDF isn't going to nuke Gaza, there is absolutely no point.

Thermobarics on tunnel entrances, bunker busters, JDAMs, missiles, artillery, and Hellfires are more than enough to do the job of dealing with whatever Hamas sites need dealing with, while not leaving behind toxic fallout.
@SoliFortissimi please spare me your narcissistic self-centered bullshit. It doesn't need to be total destruction for them to glass entire countries if they feel like it. It is not contingency if it involves wiping out entire nations in a blink of an eye who can't reply in kind.
It is not a contingency plan it is an annihilation plan.

That might be well an argument made to the United States as well considering DC has been funding jihadists in the levant since 2011.
Samson is a Deadman contingency. When Israel falls it will pull down the Temple's walls. Which in this case is a metaphor for the people and nation itself. Samson assumes Israel has fallen and another Holocaust is being enacted or about to be. Rather than dying at an enemy's hands Israel will die on its own terms. Israel will burn taking everything with them. It can be modified to take the attacking nations and their enablers into Hell with them.

After Hitler the Jews decided they would never again allow others to put them into that state of vulnerability again. They'd rather die in a glorious last stand.
Yeah that's pretty fucking retarded reasoning, and it would definitely lead to Europe believing Hitler was right.
Won't matter since they would all be dead anyways from muslim genocide.
Or at least that is the official justification the israeli govt gives for why they plan to nuke everyone if the country is ever conquered by neighboring arab nations.
From Europe's perspective Arab/Islamic empires are far worse potential problem than an Israeli one.

And no, Israelis didn't create Islamists, the ones in Palestine were neither the first in history, nor even the first place for their modern revival.
Both are problems.
Whatever term is most appropriate. It just means when I die so do you.
Congràts, you just gàve me one more reàson to not like Isràel more.
Uhh, who sent em?

No,they helped kill Chrystianitas and create progressive Europe which is welcoming them.Remember,which minority helped each and every revolution ?
And the counter revolution?

Ashkenazi Jews, being well educated as a culture, have played a prominent role for a while now. Just a little under two centuries, I think, mostly following their emancipation by Napoleon The Great.
Wasn’t there a kind of battle where the Jews fought a last stand against the Romans that resulted in them literally committing suicide and wiping out their own family? I seem to recall that being turned into a commemoration event in Israel.
Yeah sure. The only mainstream explicitly pro-immigration party is the PD in Italy and guess who is the leader? Elly Schlein.
Not to mention that I am sure plenty of practioners of the Jewish faith have been.
And the counter revolution?

Ashkenazi Jews, being well educated as a culture, have played a prominent role for a while now. Just a little under two centuries, I think, mostly following their emancipation by Napoleon The Great.
Uhh, who sent em?
They literally pay years worth of typical local salary to send themselves.
Yeah sure. The only mainstream explicitly pro-immigration party is the PD in Italy and guess who is the leader? Elly Schlein.
Not to mention that I am sure plenty of practioners of the Jewish faith have been.
And what does it have to do with Israel?
That's like French stock Canadians being angry at English stock Texans for English stock Canadian leftists.
No,they helped kill Chrystianitas and create progressive Europe which is welcoming them.Remember,which minority helped each and every revolution ?
So you want to be angry at the nationalist Jews who left for the actions of local leftist ones who didn't? Where is the logic?

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