Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

Haven’t watched the Joker admittedly, I don’t watch Live Action anymore really

But gotta say, I think yeah, this whole “Incel” or “Single White Male who goes evil” and starts shooting stuff up as I think they conflate all said “Incels” with “School Shooter” types sorta ignores how the supposed “Incel” isn’t just a jerk because he is one

He too has problems that society won’t help or definitely causes and for God**** certain blames on him and dumps on him because he’s the “oppressor” instead of one of the many "tool they use to enact socialism" /QUOTE]
I'm not sure if it's from narcissism or from living in an ideological bubble, but they seem to have bought into the idea that they represent a majority. Either that or they know full well and are just taking the Goebbels approach, hoping that they can basically propagandize people into going along with them, or at least frightening them into compliance.
I'm not sure if it's from narcissism or from living in an ideological bubble, but they seem to have bought into the idea that they represent a majority. Either that or they know full well and are just taking the Goebbels approach, hoping that they can basically propagandize people into going along with them, or at least frightening them into compliance.
I'd go with the ideological bubble. One of the things one hears all the time from Democrats is "The election must have been rigged, I don't know anybody who votes Republican" and they don't understand the irony of what they are saying.
It's a direct consequence of increasing social and ideological stratification, that comes with atomification of society. People are increasingly enclosing themselves into echo chambers and demand others become their echoes as well.
That's why communities like this are so valuable. And why bubble communities are so opposed to our existence.
I feel like one of the issues is that a lot of people grew up in the same era I did expected the media to have the same type of influence it had before mass communication on the level we have today was a thing. Not realizing that era is over and mass media will never have the same level of power. Even if they somehow could put the genie back in the bottle people are much more aware of the interference of mass media and its biases. Gate keeping increases suspicion, not make people believe a single version of events.
I feel like one of the issues is that a lot of people grew up in the same era I did expected the media to have the same type of influence it had before mass communication on the level we have today was a thing. Not realizing that era is over and mass media will never have the same level of power. Even if they somehow could put the genie back in the bottle people are much more aware of the interference of mass media and its biases. Gate keeping increases suspicion, not make people believe a single version of events.

Eh, that's a mixed bag. For those willing to stay inside the 'gated community' of Approved Media Sources, they will become even more entrenched in their echo-chamber.

The thing is, the more gate-keeping is conducted, the smaller the share of people who are either unaware of it or willing to submit themselves to it.

I heard this was quite the news. Game journalist calling out people like Polygon, Kotaku and Waypoint for being utterly shit at their jobs while describing their MO to infiltrate game journalism with utter shit.

That was a nice callout and all of the media but the only way I can truly pay attention to this issue is if it came from a strong transwoman of color.
So, the AFP wrote a story about how there were over 100,000 in migration related detention in the US and tried to blame it on Trump. The problem? The figures they were using were from 2015 and so they deleted the article.
Tweet from them deleting their article:

Tweet with screencaps of the article:
I think videogame companies are gonna switch to independent youtubers entirely, because the hipster types making articles on videogames don’t even know how to play videogames or even like them
Yep "games journalism" is nothing more than a Trojan horse to destroy a male space. The same thing is now being done to pro sports through the wokness of ESPN and such. They can't stand men having well anything for ourselves.

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