Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

To be fair, the EU had rock people too, but at least they were cool.

Mace Windu's saber crystal is literally a piece of one of them.

To me it would have made more sense if, at the time of the fight, Obi-Wan thought that he had killed Vader or that something had happened to make him think he was dead rather than watching him burn alive like was shown in the movie. That was cold, especially for someone who's supposed to be the good guy.

Well, this is the guy who went "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

Instant hypocrisy, just add Jedi!

...I literally hated everything that was in that, and my blood pressure just spiked through the roof.

I’m going to go kill something in SW:TOR. Who would have ever thought that EA and BioWare would give more dignity and care to a Star Wars story than Disney?

That's because even at their worst, EA and Bioware know how to make money. So no, they're not going to fuck over the fandom that basically pours cash into their pockets from all the subs or even just cartel market purchases among others. And I suspect that's why SWTOR is still around. That is, Lucasfilm probably wants to get rid of/reboot it, but EA and Bioware just shows Disney's execs their financial earning from SWTOR, and Disney promptly tell Lucasfilm to stuff it.

Simply put, to make money, always pander to the fandom. Don't bother with sending a message BS. The MCU understood that, which is why it was such a big hit. Lucasfilm did not, and look what happened to them.
Do you all know what Disney did to Coruscant? After the New Republic made it so that every planet can host the senate, the planet fell into a downwards spiral, with gangs roving across the districts, the richer ones included.

Man, there's a metaphor for Left wing policies here, but I don't know which.

In other words, Tuesday for EU Coruscant. Seriously, that's exactly what happened after the Sith bombed the planet back during the Great Galactic War, then another bombing courtesy of the Eternal Empire during the Second Galactic War, and pretty much the case for the whole millennium of near-anarchy and galactic balkanization that was the New Sith Wars. Then a thousand years later the Galactic Civil War wrecked the place, and I'm pretty sure the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion didn't help.
In other words, Tuesday for EU Coruscant. Seriously, that's exactly what happened after the Sith bombed the planet back during the Great Galactic War, then another bombing courtesy of the Eternal Empire during the Second Galactic War, and pretty much the case for the whole millennium of near-anarchy and galactic balkanization that was the New Sith Wars. Then a thousand years later the Galactic Civil War wrecked the place, and I'm pretty sure the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion didn't help.

Apparently it was planned in early RoS storyboarding to be a wasteland ... inhabited by giant wolves for some reason.
In other words, Tuesday for EU Coruscant. Seriously, that's exactly what happened after the Sith bombed the planet back during the Great Galactic War, then another bombing courtesy of the Eternal Empire during the Second Galactic War, and pretty much the case for the whole millennium of near-anarchy and galactic balkanization that was the New Sith Wars. Then a thousand years later the Galactic Civil War wrecked the place, and I'm pretty sure the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion didn't help.
Maybe, but at least the government didn't leave the planet to fend for itself. Everyone agreed, this is the most important planet if you want to be seen as legitimate. Disney-Coruscant is pretty much Detroit writ large.
To be fair, the EU had rock people too, but at least they were cool.

Mace Windu's saber crystal is literally a piece of one of them.

Not to mention ...

Because Filoni was involved with that bit and he can’t not use wolves. Seriously at this point if pictures of him in a wolf fursuit surfaced I wouldn’t even bat an eye; it would just explain so much.

The entire Loth-Wolves arc of Rebels did seem somewhat insistent on the WOLVES, WOLVES, WOLVES! I don't actually object to that, but. . . yeah, wolves.
Lastly, there was a Clonetrooper named Wolffe and Plo Koon's squad were nicknamed the Wolfpack.

That said I think Filoni's attachment to wolves is extremely over-hyped. I don't recall much in the way of wolves in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Kim Possible, Clone Wars, Star Wars Resistance, King of the Hill, or American Dragon Jake Long. He's got a handful of wolf mentions but it seems more like he likes animals to me, such as Ahsoka being associated with a bird named Mirai and Ezra with Lothcats.

If you go through his full works you'll find he doesn't throw wolves around like crazy, he throws Godzilla into everything. Multiple characters in his works are named after Godzilla actors and directors (Hondo Ohnaka is named after two Godzilla actors, Ishiro Honda and Seiji Onaka). Just about everything he makes has characters named after Godzilla creators and he often finds a way to work some kind of Kaijuu or at least really big animal into the story (Made most obvious by the Zillo Beast arc in Clone Wars).
Do you all know what Disney did to Coruscant? After the New Republic made it so that every planet can host the senate, the planet fell into a downwards spiral, with gangs roving across the districts, the richer ones included.

Man, there's a metaphor for Left wing policies here, but I don't know which.
To be completely fair that's neither a bad nor an unlikely outcome. Coruscant (at least in the EU) is only important because its the central nexus of all major hyperspace lanes. All hyperspace lanes lead to Coruscant so to speak. And obviously that's really freaking important, but at the same time the planet has suffered from Rome syndrome. Its been the center of galaxy too long and doesn't produce anything other than politics.

Moving the capitol away from Coruscant has a bunch of obvious downsides, but getting a fresh start away from a sick, overdeveloped planet lets you start fresh. There's a reason the later Roman emperors moved their capitals to Constantinople or Ravenna.

That being said the rotating capital is kinda stupid. They should have found another centrally located planet and rebuilt the New Republic capitol there.

And obviously once Coruscant loses its major reason for existing it has to contract down to merely being a major trade hub. A painful process that basically ends in significant percentages of the population moving out and leaving the infrastructure to rot. So yeah, Detroit.
Of course, that's what's most important to them. Plus, since they're all about stereotypes, with them, all you have to do is list the various identities the character falls into, and that's the character for them - no other information needed. ;)

I don’t know whether to find this utterly hilarious or disgustingly sad, or both, because it’s all so true.
It won't stop the remaining population from being resentful and ready to grab any opportunity that'd restore their prestige and status.

Like say...oh, I don't know. A reconstituted Sith Empire that just popped out of the blue with no warning ;)

It might help that Alderaan is also back, and is also with the Sith :p

On the other hand, the Sith Empire's primary power base is on the Outer Rim, i.e. Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Ziost.
Because Filoni was involved with that bit and he can’t not use wolves. Seriously at this point if pictures of him in a wolf fursuit surfaced I wouldn’t even bat an eye; it would just explain so much.

I can't tell if Davey boy is a closet furry or an idiot who listened to a fat ass mestiza who claimed she was a Cherokee when she was from Honduras babbling about the culture of the American Indians at a public library and just assumed he was now an expert at shamanism.

Either way it doesn't belong in Star Wars.
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