In terms of your own choices I would say have things go somewhat differently and the Provisional government survive to provide a viable republican government in Russia. That would avoid communism and also make any Nazi or other militaristic German revanchism unlikely to be a serious threat.
If you have the Whites win the CW and then lose significant territory to the Polish republic its likely to cause serious tension between the two which could be bad for both of them and everybody else as it means probably a revanchist and autocratic Russia and opens up options for such a state to have a temporary alignment with a German revanchist group.
If we can get a more stable Europe post-WWI then Hitler is likely to be irrelevant. He could come to power if things went badly but is likely to get stomped fairly quickly without an eastern alliance, especially if the great power in the east is hostile to such a Germany.
One issue is that POD1 could change so much that later PODs are irrelevant or have no bearing on the TL. For instance POD1 which averts most of the bloodletting and costs of the world wars could have POD2 or 3 being that PM XXXX's government in 1967-75 successfully carried out the British Luna landing programme.
However for my choices say
1) some events in 1906/07 prompts war between the two alliance blocs. [This date so Germany is already committed to attacking France as their primary aim, resulting in an invasion of Belgium and hence bringing Britain into the conflict]. For reasons mentioned elsewhere this is better for France and due to the isolation of Germany from nitrate supplies its forced to make peace within say 12-18 months at most. Losses of blood and money and physical destruction is much less for all powers , most especially Britain which doesn't have the same time to mobilize massive amounts of troops. Germany sees territorial losses similar to OTL but Prussia is partitioned within Germany with a Rhineland state and independent Hanover restored along with possibly others. The Hapsburg empire also sees some losses, mostly in the Orthodox lands in the south but survives.
The short war does however show the shortcomings in aspects of the British military and even more its industry - with the lack of an home chemistry industry and obsolescence of the steel industry for instance forcing the government to encourage investment, end free trade and expand technical education.
2) Without the destruction of the Liberal Party as of OTL it remains the primary radical party and in the late teens and 20s' pushes more internal reforms and also a more liberal system in the empire. India gets dominion status in the 20's and some other nations are similarly pushed forward for self-government.
3) The lack of an overwhelming US dominance of financial markets means that when its stock market crashes it doesn't drag the world down with it. In turn the continuation of the rest of the world's economic activity makes US recovery quicker and more complete, although does mean that the reforms of the 1st Roosevelt administration are avoided so its prone to later problems.
That's about all I can think of for the moment.