You, as your avatar, vs. the last 3 movies/tv shows you saw.


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Since he thinks you are living a very boring life at the moment, ROB decides to turn you into your avatar and deposit you

Scenario 1) General Movies/TV shows you saw.

Scenario 2) Science fiction only.

Scenario 3) Horror only.

Scenario 4) Feel free to replace it with 3 of any kind of entertainment, be it Anime, comics, TV shows or videogames.

May the odds be always in your favor, or whatever!
Last three movies I watched were:

  • Lonely are the Brave: pretty easy. You just need to break out of jail and run away from 5 cops. The hero of the movie brought two files in his boots to break out of jail, had an early morning head start, and had a horse to flee on. My WoL is a small Lalafell who could squeeze through the jailbars, no files needed. Just need to hitch hike along the highway and volia, escaped.
  • Rio Bravo: also pretty easy. Sheriff John Wayne and his two deputies needed to guard a prisoner for a week until the US Marshal arrived. The bad guy hired people to break his brother out of jail. Just tell the townspeople not to visit the Sheriff's office for a week. Bring blankets, firewood, food, and water into the Sheriff's office. Board up the windows and lock the door. Keep the guns loaded. Shoot anyone who tries to enter and wait for the US Marshall to arrive.
  • Reign of Fire: Unless the papa dragon decides to act like a stupid MMO boss and politely stay on the ground so the WoL can stab his legs or chin, there is practically no way to kill him. Failure.
1: The Defiant and Crew in the Golden Voyage of Sinbad would be interesting. I mean the villains in that movie would be neutralized pretty quickly with the Defiant providing overwatch.

2: The Defiant and Crew in Terminator is the T-800 being beamed into the Sun. And Cyberdine being leveled via orbital phaser fire.

3: The Defiant and Crew in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. A lot of Vampires get beamed into the Sun.

4: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Captain Sisko gives one of his best speeches to Santa and the Rest Christmas town about how they are being discriminatory pricks to Rudolph and the Dentist Elf. And that Santa need to live up to the ideals of Christmas.
  1. Robotech: the shadow chronicles: Depends on where exactly I end up. If I get transported to Earth, unless I can hook up with Scott Bernard or Invid Princess Ariel I'm likely won't be able to meaningfully influence events. Assuming I can hook up with the Expeditionary Fleet I can use my "future knowledge" to collaborate Ariel's testimony about the Haydonite's treachery and more fully explain the backdoor sabotage they built into the "Shadow tech" the fleet uses. Might be able to save more of the fleet. Other than that I doubt I'd be of much use since most of the fighting takes place between transforming robot fighters and starships. Which is kind of a drag since as Elric I need to feed souls to my black sword in order to stave off my own weak fortitude so unless humanity's medical tech can salve me I'm likely doomed to either die or be corrupted by Storm Bringer and start killing the Expeditionary Fleet members in an orgy of Chaos.
  2. Captain Kronos-Vampire Hunter: Honestly, I think this would be pretty easy thanks both to my inside knowledge and that I know inhabit a powerful swordsman's body I could run an endgame on the Karnstein vampire and her husband. Even better a universe populated by the undead gives me virtually an endless supply of guilt free lives to feed my blade upon to sustain my own life...which is kind of ironic when you think about it. Plus I've always been a bit of a swashbuckler at heart so between that and a chance to woo a 70's era Caroline Munro I really think this could be an ideal life for me.
  3. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: I'm a multi-dimensional, albino Elf fighting scientifically inaccurate dinosaurs and other prehistoric reptiles alongside beautiful cavegirls in fur bikinis-so basically my life is a Frank Frazetta painting. I'm cool with that. More seriously with Elric's skill with the blade as well as his formidable magic I can likely solo Sanna's old tribe when they come looking for her, install myself as Lord Protector of the seaside tribe ensuring me as comfortable a life as is possible in this 'verse and easily handle some oversized crabs when the formation of the Moon causes the ocean to recede. As a bonus living on what is essentially a death-world will grant me no end of lives to sustain myself.
*looks at his avatar and just exactly what it is*
*thinks back on the anime, TV shows, and movies he's just watched*

Yeah, outside of space sci-fi (ships and that) or shows that have god-killing as part of its package, most settings are pretty much gonna be my personal playground, a place to just chill and sleep (which'd still scare everything from the heroes to the Big Bads anyway because planet-sized fucking god-serpent), or I just decide to eat the villains and heroes (problem solved).

I mean, the last film I "watched" (background noise, basically) was a John Wayne Western, where he took a group of orphaned/fatherless boys under his wing on a cattle drive. The villains are a bunch of stalking cattle rustlers who want the cattle.
Uh, yeah -- giant god-serpent here? I'd probably eat the cattle and (unintentionally) the cast as a snack, haha.

The anime I last watched? Beastmaster. The setting's Big Bad is the stereotypical Demon Lord thing, but the supposed hero is a weak, arrogant cunt that (spoilers) gets so consumed with jealousy and rage that he turns traitor against humanity, betrays his just as arrogant Party, is imprisoned, and eventually becomes one of the Demon King's generals. (Edit for those interested: the MC, Rein Stroud, and his troupe of girls (because anime) aren't the Hero and his Party, but they take the role of it after the Hero's betrayal).

They'd all get eaten in one bite, Demon King and all. :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, that awkward time when the last 3 - 4 movies I watched were all dramatizations about frigging financial shenanigans,

I can see the headlines, SEC looking to talk to apparently unaging goth loli cosplayer toating around a huge-ass skythe/halebard about massive amounts of insider trading, possibly dangerous.
P.S. No we are not high!
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Yeah, that awkward time when the last 3 - 4 movies I watched were all dramatizations about frigging financial shenanigans,

I can see the headlines, SEC looking to talk to apparently unaging goth loli cosplayer toating around a huge-ass skythe/halebard about massive amounts of insider trading, possibly dangerous.
P.S. No we are not high!
...You know, knowing the Japanese, Koreans, and even Chinese now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were an anime or manga based around that sort-of concept. :unsure:
...You know, knowing the Japanese, Koreans, and even Chinese now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were an anime or manga based around that sort-of concept. :unsure:

Games, lets see:

Shadow Warrior 3: I can see Rory really beating the big, ancient cock to death. :D Pun intended.

MW5: Well, her increased speed and reflexes might help with driving a mech.

CS: GO Rory walks on B Side.
...You know, knowing the Japanese, Koreans, and even Chinese now, I wouldn't be surprised if there were an anime or manga based around that sort-of concept. :unsure:

I remember japaneese anime about fighting to get economical control.Forget title,as usual
Found it - The money of soul and possibility control,i think.
Good anime,althought depressing.Do not go for happy ending there - but watch when you can.
I remember japaneese anime about fighting to get economical control.Forget title,as usual
Found it - The money of soul and possibility control,i think.
Good anime,althought depressing.Do not go for happy ending there - but watch when you can.
Only economic amines I can think of are Spice and Wolf, Mahou Maou Yuusha and the Dungeon of Black Company.
Thanks for the rec.

Now get an avatar already. ;)
Only economic amines I can think of are Spice and Wolf, Mahou Maou Yuusha and the Dungeon of Black Company.
Thanks for the rec.

Now get an avatar already. ;)
All good to watch.But,also all in fantasy settling.This one is in modern world - which made it more depressing.
Becouse we could explain our economical fuck-ups by some dude in our country loosing magical match.
But - still wortch watching,do tat when you have time.

Avatar - sorry,i am too lazy for that.

P.S Merry Christmas !
All good to watch.But,also all in fantasy settling.This one is in modern world - which made it more depressing.
Becouse we could explain our economical fuck-ups by some dude in our country loosing magical match.
But - still wortch watching,do tat when you have time.

Avatar - sorry,i am too lazy for that.

P.S Merry Christmas !
Step 1) Go to some booru and search for something, like winged hussar on danbooru.

Step 2) Can be done with GIMP which is free, but using Image Resizer | Easily Resize Images Online for FREE is easier.

Step 3) Crop and/or resize the image so it fits in the 400x400 px limit.


Step 4) Enjoy your avatar.
Since he thinks you are living a very boring life at the moment, ROB decides to turn you into your avatar and deposit you

Scenario 1) General Movies/TV shows you saw.

Scenario 2) Science fiction only.

Scenario 3) Horror only.

Scenario 4) Feel free to replace it with 3 of any kind of entertainment, be it Anime, comics, TV shows or videogames.

May the odds be always in your favor, or whatever!
Hehehe this one is fun because my avatar is Zeno!
1: Star Trek TNG (various season 2 episodes): Well, he/I handle it pretty easily, Picard quite likes meeting new life and after the demanded beating-up of Worf I'd just say something like "oh yeah I come in peace, except annoyingly I'm too huge to fit in the turbo lift"
2: Well, above...Again...Actually maybe a single episode of farscape and red Dwarf, but I think I can handle that easily if most human protagonists can.
3: Oh man I can't remember the last three horror things I watched...M3GAN is the only one lately. And considering the act of SITTING ON HER would finish the plot, I think I'd handle it just fine.
4: Any three? I mean I don't really want violence or anything so I'd just be Zeno in various friendly situations...Oh man what movie/show would that be...I guess children's shows like Simpsons or something? I guess if I can figure out how to shapeshift that'd make things easier.

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