Would you save your Dog or a Stranger?

That's fine I don't try and impose my morality on others. I do however hold mine in the absolute sense. Which means I willing and (very very) aboe yo fight to defend it.
Forget morals; it's not like I don't have them. I just need a lot more to go on to figure out how I'd react to a situation like that. Because clearly, none of this is real; and if it isn't real, why should I care?

This is my answer to the dilemma; I'd criticize the person who designed it. Forget saving some fake dog, or equally fake stranger; I literally could not care less what happens to them, because it would be just as fictitious as they are.
Forget morals; it's not like I don't have them. I just need a lot more to go on to figure out how I'd react to a situation like that. Because clearly, none of this is real; and if it isn't real, why should I care?

This is my answer to the dilemma; I'd criticize the person who designed it. Forget saving some fake dog, or equally fake stranger; I literally could not care less what happens to them, because it would be just as fictitious as they are.
Very simple to me human outweighs animal straight up. I've been in and seen the darkest side humans have though. I don't expect folks to home my values though. As most folks haven't seen the darkside of humanity. I grew up with folks that were everything from pimps to murdereress. The way I see it is my experience gives me a unique perspective of exacly how shitty humans can be. I don't expect folks who've never seen or experienced that to feel like . I mean how many folks are legacy gansters? Especially to the point thier anscetors we're folks like Jesse James?(who was my great great great great uncle on moms side).
Also no do not forget morals. Those are what make you a man. If you know something to be right and dknt stand first it your a bitch period. Thets isnt a middke grohnd there be a man and stand for what you know to he right. Despite tge consequences even unto and inciludjng death.
In fact, if given the choice between feeding a starving human in the third world or keeping my dog from starving, I'd choose my dog.

The logic of this being that you have a duty to your dog, who lives with you and depends on you for survival, that you do not have towards someone far away who has no claim on you specifically for help.

My last post was somewhat confrontational. I apologise for that specfically to @Scotty but to me. Implying I don't love me family. Is thr same thing as saying I'm not a man. As a man is his duty and no duty outweighs the duty to family.

Oh indeed.
The logic of this being that you have a duty to your dog, who lives with you and depends on you for survival, that you do not have towards someone far away who has no claim on you specifically for help.

Oh indeed.
I know your not an American but this is the greatness of America. Our constitution is designed to allow a man to follow his concious. Even if he believes what is right counters the majority. The oldCaptain America quote "No You Move" is the essence of what it means to be American. It shows us that a man MUST do what he believes is the truth. Even if he has to stand against the whole planet. This is the essence of masculinity it really is. "Do what's right regardless of consequences". Is what America is and should always be. Sometimes we fail to live up to that ideal. Yet every war and every struggle sees us closer to said ideal. Maybe we won't ever reach it but maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe the struggle to do what's right is the point. As only through folks openly challenging what you believe. Can those beliefs change and improve. Maybe I'm full of shit and wrong but to me that struggle is America. We aren't perfect but get better all the time. I can only hope and pray that I'm right. Only history will tell the truth. God Bless The United States of America and through her. God bless the world and all humanity.
I reject the very concept. I'm autistic; I don't have instincts. Or at least, none that tell me anything other than I should be very, very confused.
I read your previous post and I thought "this guy seems like he might be autistic" lol.

I don't mean this offensively. It was just the attention to detail about the scenario, it just struck me as similar to what others who I know to be autistic would say. Nothing wrong with it. (Sorry this post is off subject)
I read your previous post and I thought "this guy seems like he might be autistic" lol.

I don't mean this offensively. It was just the attention to detail about the scenario, it just struck me as similar to what others who I know to be autistic would say. Nothing wrong with it. (Sorry this post is off subject)
Don't worry about it; I am aware that this is a common reaction for an autistic person to have when faced with philosophical dilemmas like this one. Namely that we start poking holes in the logic of the scenario, instead of try to come up with an answer for it; because in our minds, it cannot be answered, as it doesn't make any logical sense.

I have long since made peace with the fact that I am one of the few people on this planet who isn't utterly insane. Sarcasm aside though; I know I'm different, and that's okay with me. If anything, what annoys me is when people seem incapable of accepting that fact, and try to pretend that I'm capable of being just like everyone else. Sometimes they even get exasperated or indignant when I don't meet those expectations of normalcy, and that sort of thing really cheeses me off.
Basing your morality off of a hitman seems questionable at best.

It was a joke my dude, the smile was a dead give away. I already stated my position in thread.

So, to clarify, no I do not think it's ok to actively kill a hundred men because of your dog.


Uuuugghhh.... you had your smile above my quote and I missed it entirely. Well played.
It was a joke my dude, the smile was a dead give away. I already stated my position in thread.

So, to clarify, no I do not think it's ok to actively kill a hundred men because of your dog.


Uuuugghhh.... you had your smile above my quote and I missed it entirely. Well played.
Mine was as well. Yet for whatever reason the smiley went into your quote.

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