Alternate History Two Settings that just click. Crossover Edition.

Babylon 5 had a setting where some species had artificial gravity and others were still using harnesses (Narn) or rotating sections (Earth Alliance) so I really don't see it as a super big deal.

True, but I think the technology would proliferate far quicker between human polities rather than between human and alien ones.
True, but I think the technology would proliferate far quicker between human polities rather than between human and alien ones.

The important thing is whatever works to facilitate the story that's trying to be told. Battletech not having artificial gravity shouldn't be seen as a hangup impeding it being included in crossovery fiction. It can likely be largely ignored, or even a part of the post-crossover lore building to whatever degree seems appropriate.

Getting lost in the technical weeds of stuff shouldn't kill a good story idea. (y)
Since I am in nostalgia mode, time for some Baen(and not only Baen) crossovers:

Bolo with:
  1. Hammer's Slammers.
  2. Honor Harrington(thank you DW for your Nike Fetish)
  3. Schlock Mercenary.
  4. Vorkosigan Verse.
  5. The Lost Fleet series.

Hammer's Slammers with:
  1. Vorkosigan Verse.
  2. Schlock Mercenary.
  3. Honor Harrington.
  4. The Lost Fleet series.
  5. Legacy of the Aldenata.
Vorkosigan Verse with:
  1. Asaro's Skolian Empire books.
  2. Honor Harrington.
  3. Schlock Mercenary.
  4. The Lost Fleet series.
  5. David Drake's RCN series.
  6. The Lost Fleet series.
  7. This one blatant clone of the Aubrey-Maturin series, in space, with evel space rats as the enemy.
  8. Vatta's war.
Honor Harrington with:
  1. Path of the Fury.
  2. Schlock Mercenary.
  3. Heirs of Empire(Dahak)
  4. This one blatant clone of the Aubrey-Maturin series, in space, with evil space rats as the enemy.
  5. The Lost Fleet series.(Geary could find some decent strategists and fellow veteran officers just trying to do the right thing, like Thomas Theisman)
  6. The Apocalypse Troll.
Schlock Mercenary with:
  1. Dahak(Petey and Dahak having a chat would be fun)
  2. Path of the Fury.
  3. Hammer's Slammers.
  4. Star Wars.
  5. Star Trek TOS.
  6. Lost Fleet series.
  7. Virkosigan Verse.
  8. BattleTech
Dahak with:
  1. ID4.
  2. Macross.(That is no moon...)
Two settings that click? Dune and Battletech. Honestly they do click. I can easily see giant robots in the Imperium. Hell the Star League era may have been a golden age but you still had a limited form pof warfare going on. Simply replace Comstar with the Spacing Guild.

"The Guild recognises a limited form of warfare known as the War of Assasins. Weapons of Mass Destruction are not to be used. The civilian population and Infrastructure are not to be deliberately targeted. House Davion, please state why you claim this planet for the Federated Suns."

As many of them that where Austrian : )
A few more, there were a significant number of Nazis in other countries. Emile Maurice, f'rex, was French.

But getting back to crossovers, how would BattleTech cross with The Lost Fleet? Could it be a splinter group that separated from Kerensky in the Exodus and fled? Perhaps Black Jack Geary was time-displaced because he was on the Manassas?
Two settings that click? Dune and Battletech. Honestly they do click. I can easily see giant robots in the Imperium. Hell the Star League era may have been a golden age but you still had a limited form pof warfare going on. Simply replace Comstar with the Spacing Guild.

"The Guild recognises a limited form of warfare known as the War of Assasins. Weapons of Mass Destruction are not to be used. The civilian population and Infrastructure are not to be deliberately targeted. House Davion, please state why you claim this planet for the Federated Suns."

Well, I am pretty sure that is because Battle Tech copied from Dune a lot.
But getting back to crossovers, how would BattleTech cross with The Lost Fleet? Could it be a splinter group that separated from Kerensky in the Exodus and fled? Perhaps Black Jack Geary was time-displaced because he was on the Manassas?
wormholes/shenanigans with those hypernet gates/other negative space wedgie?

And IMHO Lost Fleet naval tech is superior to what the clans and inner sphere have.In any case, I don't recall proposing that one?!?!

IMHO the tech tree and themes are too different.

Hence why I focus more on common ones, like space mercenaries and so forth.

And a nice showdown to settle the mecha vs. tanks angle.

TBH it always felt like BTech was basically Hammer's slammers kitbashed with some mecha anime.
You can be inspired by Feudalism in Space tropes independent of Dune.
But they did heavily influence and help form the genres they're part of.

Lord of the Rings, for example, while based on existing sources (e.g. folklore, Christian and Scandinavian mythology, et cetera), basically helped form all the tropes we know today in even long-standing franchises like Dungeons and Dragons (which in itself helped form other tropes/franchises).

It's the way of the world in creativity, though copying is not good, being inspired by is the bread and butter.

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