Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

Poor dude.He truly belive,that KGB started serving God,after it fought for satan.

Russia is dead,and soviet monster who wear its skin is as bad as globalists.No,they are worst,Soros and his minions do not pretend to defend christians.

But - it could be fake.They could not fight for real,but play good and bad cop to us - and,whoever we choose,we would be screwed.If God do not exist,i would lost hope.
But,now i count only on HIM,not on any human state,politician or organization.
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Some interesting ideas.

He can see the pendulum in Liberal ideas. I'm not sure he sees it the same way I do, but he can see how one idea led to the next, and how the extreme edge always pulled further down the indivdualist path.

Liberty from slavery became liberty from tyranny, became liberty from Govenment, became liberty from tradition, became liberty from Humanity itself.

Seriously, I'd say it's worth the 20 minutes.
Some interesting ideas.

He can see the pendulum in Liberal ideas. I'm not sure he sees it the same way I do, but he can see how one idea led to the next, and how the extreme edge always pulled further down the indivdualist path.

Liberty from slavery became liberty from tyranny, became liberty from Govenment, became liberty from tradition, became liberty from Humanity itself.

And somewhere along that road, it went from being about "what I want to be free to do" to being about "what I want to use government to force everyone to do."
Some interesting ideas.

He can see the pendulum in Liberal ideas. I'm not sure he sees it the same way I do, but he can see how one idea led to the next, and how the extreme edge always pulled further down the indivdualist path.

Liberty from slavery became liberty from tyranny, became liberty from Govenment, became liberty from tradition, became liberty from Humanity itself.

Seriously, I'd say it's worth the 20 minutes.

Alexis de tocqueville predicted exactly what liberal democracy would become over 150 years ago in the chapter "What sort of Despotism Democracies have to fear" from his book "Democracy in America"

He predicted it would destroy or capture all competing institutions, atomise the population then cover everything in an intricate web of regulation and rules. He said it would degrade men w/o tormenting them and would soften and bend with will w/o breaking it until everyone had become timid and industrious sheep of which the government was the shepherd.

And somewhere along that road, it went from being about "what I want to be free to do" to being about "what I want to use government to force everyone to do."
And never think,that he would be one of sheeps,at best shephards,not owner of entire herd.
Some interesting ideas.

He can see the pendulum in Liberal ideas. I'm not sure he sees it the same way I do, but he can see how one idea led to the next, and how the extreme edge always pulled further down the indivdualist path.

Liberty from slavery became liberty from tyranny, became liberty from Govenment, became liberty from tradition, became liberty from Humanity itself.

Seriously, I'd say it's worth the 20 minutes.
Can't that extreme be applied the other way to though? Slavery is a good thing because it forces people to adhere to authority and tradition and then to God and virtue.

I mean how hard really by man's own logic (meaning our obsession with taking everything to its absolute extreme) for Satan to argue that it was not him but GOD that introduced sin in the world by giving mankind sapience (ie free will and self awareness)

"If you had made them on the same level as the beast of the field they would not have disobeyed you. Do you not expect to get burned if thou put your hand in a flame?"

I would hope every man who is even remotely Christian would agree that to believe such reasoning legitimately is blasphemy.
I mean how hard really by man's own logic (meaning our obsession with taking everything to its absolute extreme) for Satan to argue that it was not him but GOD that introduced sin in the world by giving mankind sapience (ie free will and self awareness)
christianity fixed this issue by making it satan's fault.
in christianity, satan assumed the form of a snake and tricked the stupid humans into eating it.
while in judaism, it was just a rando animal that talked eve into eating the fruit of knowledge
Every leftist control-freak imagines that when The Revolution comes, he or she will get to be a Commissar, not one of the dead bodies piled in a ditch.
You assume they opened an history book.
That's a very generous take on them. Most of them would be the aforementioned corpses but they don't even fathom a commissar turning against a fellow comrade.
Every leftist control-freak imagines that when The Revolution comes, he or she will get to be a Commissar, not one of the dead bodies piled in a ditch.
meme time
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Can't that extreme be applied the other way to though? Slavery is a good thing because it forces people to adhere to authority and tradition and then to God and virtue.
Thus, the pendulum.

Humans need flex. We need things to be in a certain degree of balance. However, slavery? We have that right now. It's not widely accepted, but it's out there. Sweatshops, sexual, likely some remote farms, God knows where else.

And, for a great deal of history? Slavery was considered a reasonable thing. If somebody couldn't control themselves, somebody had to. Couldn't feed themselves, ditto.

And, for those who haven't been watching? It's slowly making it's comeback, globaly. Look at Libya. Fully accepted, completely normal.

Media doesn't even bother talking about it.
Thus, the pendulum.

Humans need flex. We need things to be in a certain degree of balance. However, slavery? We have that right now. It's not widely accepted, but it's out there. Sweatshops, sexual, likely some remote farms, God knows where else.

And, for a great deal of history? Slavery was considered a reasonable thing. If somebody couldn't control themselves, somebody had to. Couldn't feed themselves, ditto.

And, for those who haven't been watching? It's slowly making it's comeback, globaly. Look at Libya. Fully accepted, completely normal.

Media doesn't even bother talking about it.
Not mention commie states - in North Korea everybody except Kim family is slave,just like in Sralin soviets or Mao China/well,there only Sralin and Mao were free/
Humans need flex. We need things to be in a certain degree of balance. However, slavery? We have that right now. It's not widely accepted, but it's out there. Sweatshops, sexual, likely some remote farms, God knows where else.
we got tons of slavery right now.
wealth redistribution

when the aristocracy digitally create currency, your money is worth less due to inflation, they directly transferred property from you to themselves. as such you are directly working for them.
this also utterly destroys your retirement savings.
because retirement savings are ruined, you cannot quit working.

thus you are:
1. forced to work constantly rather than live on your savings
2. your labor is being taken from you by the aristocracy.

all the while they try to gaslight you and tell you that you are free and living in a capitalistic society. (no capitalist society remains on earth. they all became feudal)

instead of an overseer with a whip, you are just denied food and shelter. with a risk of being arrested and thrown into a rape camp (prison). which is frankly scarier than a whip.
we got tons of slavery right now.
wealth redistribution

when the aristocracy digitally create currency, your money is worth less due to inflation, they directly transferred property from you to themselves. as such you are directly working for them.
this also utterly destroys your retirement savings.
because retirement savings are ruined, you cannot quit working.

thus you are:
1. forced to work constantly rather than live on your savings
2. your labor is being taken from you by the aristocracy.

all the while they try to gaslight you and tell you that you are free and living in a capitalistic society. (no capitalist society remains on earth. they all became feudal)

instead of an overseer with a whip, you are just denied food and shelter. with a risk of being arrested and thrown into a rape camp (prison). which is frankly scarier than a whip.
Agree.But,they are not feudals,becouse feudals cared about their peasants.They are banksters who replace real aristocrats,and belive that they are new gentry.
Which they never be.

It is not new medieval period,but ancient slavers taking power again.
Now,i undartsandt,why masons are so obsessed with ancient egyptians.They take over as new egyptian priests...

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