Transgender Rights

I think that’s just a side effect of trying to show off being “unique” and being connected to the “community”

You can be LGBT WITHOUT being part of “The LGBT Community”
Also, why do a lot of these asshole trans people see normal people (I refuse to use the c-word on principle, fuck Tumblr) as enemies and act obnoxiously towards them?

Not winning you any supporters there, friends.

I doubt it's "a lot", it's the same type of loudmouthed fanatic that populates the fringes of any movement, and they always act that way. The most fervent supporter of a cause and the greatest obstacle standing against acceptance of that cause are usually the same person.
I doubt it's "a lot", it's the same type of loudmouthed fanatic that populates the fringes of any movement, and they always act that way. The most fervent supporter of a cause and the greatest obstacle standing against acceptance of that cause are usually the same person.

As I said before, there’s a problem with having a “community”
As I said before, there’s a problem with having a “community”

Only in the same way there's a problem having a "political party", "company", "club", or "team". There's always going to be that one person who reflects badly on everyone else (but not badly enough to be kicked out or publicly chastized), no matter the nature of the group. It's unsurprising the LGBT community has the same issue, but it's also not a problem.
I think that’s just a side effect of trying to show off being “unique” and being connected to the “community”

You can be LGBT WITHOUT being part of “The LGBT Community”

I've talked to a lot of older gay people, a lot of people when they first come out over compensate. This is considered to be annoying but expected, how ever if it keeps going on past a certain amount of time people start avoiding you because you have become that guy.
I've talked to a lot of older gay people, a lot of people when they first come out over compensate. This is considered to be annoying but expected, how ever if it keeps going on past a certain amount of time people start avoiding you because you have become that guy.

Wasn’t part of how/why the “community” got so accepted by NOT being a bunch of embarassing, weird and/or horrible stereotypes?

There’s a difference between Gay and Homosexual

Wasn’t part of how/why the “community” got so accepted by NOT being a bunch of embarassing, weird and/or horrible stereotypes?

There’s a difference between Gay and Homosexual


Coming out as gay while not the huge transition it used to be is still a huge deal, your going to be entering a different lifestyle and this often happens at a young age when people are looking for acceptance. Learning how to be comfortable in your own skin takes time, and like I said people over compensate.

So they act embarasiing, weird, and cringy because their new to the community, to their new lifestyle and haven't figured themselves out yet. This same kind of thing happens in other communitys.

Take boots who just got out of marine core boot camp, a lot of marines have the same complaints their new and they over compensate and its annoying. You see the same thing with recent converts to religion, or people who just got into a subculture.

There is a transitionary period that said your expected to grow out of said transitionary period at some point and like all of the examples if your lucky some one in the community will take you aside and tell you how things really work before you embariss yourself too much.
This is highly related to a tendency to push lesbians into identifying as female-to-male transsexuals. To quote from the article: " "I think some of the common characteristics are that they tend to be around their mid-20s, they're mostly female and mostly same-sex attracted, and often autistic as well." "

In the old days when there were reasonable diagnostic criteria autism was automatically considered disqualifying for a diagnosis of transsexuality.
Know anything about people that wish to detransition and go back to what they were before?

Just stumbled upon this.

Heh, was thinking about posting this article as well.

There's this push to get people to transition regardless of actual need or reason these days, to the detriment of the victims of such behavior.

From personal experience, I've been struggling with depression for many years now. When it was truly bad for me, I was looking for something, anything, I could point at and fix to change my shitty life. At one point I actually thought I might be trans, convinced myself I had the symptoms (human brain is very adept at lying to itself), and heavily considered transitioning.

Of course, the trans-activist were very supportive of that. I got directed to a ton of information on what drugs to use, where to get an operation, how to lie to the doctors when they try to steer me away from transitioning, and so on. In retrospect, there was an unsurprising lack of stuff that would allow someone to reconsider the process, or maybe realize 'it's just a phase' or something like that. Now I know these kinds of activist see such things as 'bigotry' to be fought against.

Thankfully, my truly astounding lack of motivation for doing stuff (and generally living) made me drag my feet over the whole thing, until I got to grips with my depression somewhat through other means. Now I realize I wasn't truly trans, but depressed, and looking for anything that may have changed something in my life.

But, what about people like me, in similar situation, who were depressed, and at the urging of political activist, did transition? If they realized their problems weren't actually solved and they fucked up their bodies and lives even more? For someone with depression and few suicide attempts under the belt, the choice they'd make to end their lives is tragic, if understandable. The ridiculously high suicide statistic for transitioned people reflects that.

So, I don't believe the high suicide rate of transitioned people is solely the fault of society or patriarchy or whatever. I mostly blame the trans-activists who dupe people with other problems into transitioning when what they need is treatment for different issues.

I blame you, SJWs, for driving these people to their deaths, and feeling virtuous about it.
So, maybe I'm weird here, but I kinda feel that the debate regarding TG right is a bit overblown. I mean, yes, there are people that feel oppressed by the work area atmosphere (who doesn't? working by definition is something you hate but had to do), society, or elsewhere. And several pleas of help is actually valid (several, not the baseless life-destroying for the "perp" report one). However, the shenanigan grows kinda out of control now.

There are many other issues in which life and limbs are at risk, yanno? The growing white supremacist in the USA, the uncontrollable forest fire in South East Asia, the economic crisis in Venezuela, the eternal war in Middle East, even the climate change that threatens the world. These are actual issues that need to be addressed. People died due to or as the results of these issues.

Meanwhile, the decision of cutting your own dick and or growing one is debated like this is the one issue that will call upon Judgment Day?

Come on people.

I suspect that these people are ones that thrive in creating drama for its own sake. I might be wrong, and these issues might bring the End of the World as We Know It, but I sure hope not.

If there are new articles or new materials to discuss, I would prefer creating new threads. I don't like megathreads as a general rule.
Transgenderism is a mental disorder and indulging the patient's delusions does not help.
True, but sometimes it's not about helping them; because it's not always possible, particularly when you consider how abysmal mental health care is across the board. As long as their delusions are not leading them to hurt others, sometimes the best thing we can do for them is to just leave them alone.
True, but sometimes it's not about helping them; because it's not always possible, particularly when you consider how abysmal mental health care is across the board. As long as their delusions are not leading them to hurt others, sometimes the best thing we can do for them is to just leave them alone.
Do you feel the same way about the suicidal?
I think that’s just a side effect of trying to show off being “unique” and being connected to the “community”

You can be LGBT WITHOUT being part of “The LGBT Community”

Even the 'community' can only take so much activism before you get shunned for being an asshole.

Its expected that people will have an adjustment period but if it takes too long you will become 'that guy' and people wont want to be around you.
Even the 'community' can only take so much activism before you get shunned for being an asshole.

Its expected that people will have an adjustment period but if it takes too long you will become 'that guy' and people wont want to be around you.

There may even be moments where they ask if one really is gay or trans or not

Political lesbians aren’t so enthusiastic with sex from what I know
Do you feel the same way about the suicidal?
Depending on the circumstances? Yes. Oh sure; if you think you can convince them not to go through with it, go ahead and try. I would fully support such an endeavor, much as I would support offering proper counseling for the trans-gendered that neither glorifies, nor condemns their condition. However, I am firmly of the opinion that, in the end, it is their decision to make. There are always going to be those you cannot help, no matter how much you may wish to.
True, but sometimes it's not about helping them; because it's not always possible, particularly when you consider how abysmal mental health care is across the board. As long as their delusions are not leading them to hurt others, sometimes the best thing we can do for them is to just leave them alone.

Persuade people if you can in a tactful and graceful way. If they won't listen, leave them in peace, so long as they will do likewise for others.

The problem, of course, is that the current trans-lobby isn't interested in leaving people in peace. It's interested in forcing compliance.

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