The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada


Please inform our comrades in the Brotherhood of Nod that the situation in North America is becoming increasingly fluid. It is our opinion, informed by the ever-omniscient wisdom of our Immortal Leader Kane (KANE LIVES IN DEATH!) that while our puppet Biden may need to be removed sooner than planned, perhaps after the American midterm elections, the usefulness of our Canadian puppet Trudeau may also be coming to an end sooner than realized, and will also need to be purged before he becomes a liability, rather than being the useful asset, or rather useful FOOL since he assumed the position of office.

We have submitted a list of possible successors to this position, please review with the utmost expedience as indeed the situation on the ground in both Canada and the United States is increasingly becoming....unfavorable to the will of the Brotherhood.

Peace through Power. IN THE NAME OF KANE.


Is this transmitter still running?! Son of a---


Kidding aside, honestly this is pretty accurate for Nod. They’d use the woke crowd as useful idiots/opposition to undermine the opposition and to drum up support for themselves respectively. Nod overall is heavily built on religious iconography and traditionalist ideology that flies in the face of the secular, post-modern degeneracy that the wokeists ideology is centered around.

Edit: being half asleep and autocorrect do not mix well.
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Kidding aside, honestly this is pretty accurate for Nod. They’d see Nod use the woke crowd as useless idiots/opposition to undermine the opposition and to drum up support for themselves respectively. Nod overall is heavily built on religious iconography and traditionalist ideology that flies in the face of the secular, post-modern degeneracy that the wokeists ideology is centered around.
Any new developments on the situation in Ottawa ? 😕
My god those comments are 110% pure uncut cringe.

I mean this let this speak for itself

Shit like this makes me wish the Burning Times never ended…

Yes and no.

Protesters are cleared. Police still block access. Bridge still closed.

Having the cops freeze their nuts off while blocking the Ambassador Bridge for even an hour is an absolute win on behalf of those causing "mischief".

The government's first 'victory' is Pyrrhic at best. The injunction was in effect Friday at 7 PM. The cops made threats for midnight, and people stayed. Cars and such started moving out, but when the jaywalking and illegal parking party in Windsor was about to end? Hundreds, if not thousands showed up and the government got egg on their face when the media, salivating a victory against the Nazi Confederate Terrorist Occupiers just saw hundreds of random strangers show up to push the cops back.

Over 48 hours after the injunction? Ambassador is still closed. Trade is still blocked. After all the bluster and threats by the tyrants in power...they look like absolute incompetent fools.
They really like to give those damned plebs a huge beating and a killing, don't they? This is the kind of class war that the Marxists would have noticed, but are too damned dense to even see it. Maybe it's the fact that their pet working class slaves are actually rebelling against them that's made them a bit too pissed off.

The elite really do not want people finding ways around their bullshit and control of most banking/fundraising institutions, and their 'hackivists' are helping them.

I wonder which hacktivist group is gonna try and claim this, and how much of a braindead crowd of NPCs they have to be to do thr will of the elites for free while pretending they are revolutionaries.
They only "froze" it for a few minutes. What a pathetic show of retardation. "Anti-Democratic" hae become the new shorthand for "doesn't comply".
Let's face it, as the Polish right-wing writer and journalist Rafal Ziemkiewicz has pointed out, the term liberal democracy has become the same as people' s democracy and that any democracy that is not like that is a false democracy and fascists.

It would be hard to make a more noticeable statement that Democracy is already dead and clings only to our own heads.
Let's face it, as the Polish right-wing writer and journalist Rafal Ziemkiewicz has pointed out, the term liberal democracy has become the same as people' s democracy and that any democracy that is not like that is a false democracy and fascists.

It would be hard to make a more noticeable statement that Democracy is already dead and clings only to our own heads.
Democracy across the world has become a type of ossified Bronze Age caste system, with credentialist priests making most of the decisions and elective kings being carefully filtered to give the proles the illusion of choice. Ironically older democracies and republics are somewhat more resistant to this trend since they were crafted by explorative idealogues with sincere intentions while younger ones are all but intentionally designed as schemes since they were post-WW2 constructions founded by political elites to serve as new engines of the state in a post-monarchical world.

If I were of a more ironic mindset I'd call these no-true-democracies, but this is fundamentally the expected result of any governmental system without intentional limits on its own power. Collectivism won the world wars and it's telling that nations where culturally ingrained ideas of silly things like God-given rights and common law are starting to balk as we enter the later stages of this disease.

For a bit of final irony in the pejorative shit-flinging contest, Mussolini himself envisioned Fascism as an inverse of Communism. In Communism, the government seizes the means of production (i.e. the economy), in Fascism, the means of production seizes the government. Or, less quaintly said, the economy merges with the government so that the two become organs of the same beast. Now I may be a right-wing nutjob with a conspiratorial mind, but an awful lot of globalist institutions and multinational corporations bear a really strong likeness to that definition.

Deus Ex was a prophecy.
GiveSendGo was hacked. The donor list for the trucker campaign has been put out for all the world to see.

Not gonna link to it, because I don’t want to have a part in the doxing of these people. Just figured anyone on here that donated should know.

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