The presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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Secret wars the 12 issue marvel limited series Thundra replaces the thing as a member of the fantastic four.
John lennon.paul macartney Ringo Star. George Harrison do one last Beatles album.3 sings enter the billboard too.40 songs

Nobody told me (Lennon) when we were fab Harrison) Angry (Macartney).Lennon takes his wife maya Lennon and son had with her on vacation before doing album with eldest son Julian Lennon.
Also in 1987. Star Trek The Next Generation is released through syndication.patrick Bauchau plays captain picard. Billy Campbell as will ryker. Tasha yar. Counselor troi left out of first draft. Monika Ramirez plays science officer Macha HernadeZ.
Third season Bauchau does not want to renew contract so in best of both worlds he is killed off as the borg known as lotus.
4rth season Patrick Stewart as Captain Jonathon Buchanan replaces the slain picard and ryker is promoted to another ship as Data is now first officer.
T.n.g is followed by deep space 9. Voyager then constitution.
In 1990 Ben Murphey plays a Texas Ramger i Monika Ramirez played a Comanche indian who hates all white men. Film ends with Monika Ramirez shooting the protagonist with rifle just before he is about to kill Ben Murphy realizing she is now in love with him. The next generation actress had never married and liked having Ben murphy as costar also Murphy played in recent episode of star generation its the 2nd time they worked together. They soon married despite diffrence in age and in real life had twin sons.
Once t.n.g was off the air. Having a actress on t.n.g helped promote the t.n.t origianal
western themed film making it popular despite it being rip off and blatant cliche of westerns made in the 50s and 60s .

1986 California Governors Election
Congress man Barry Goldwater jr. Defeated congressman Pete Wilson. Former lieutinent governor Mike Curb Republican gubnatorial primarry. Former 2 term California governor. 3 time presidential canidate Ronald Wilson Reagan .who stumped all over for the man he helped campaign for which was the start of his political career in 1964.
Goldwater jr was not like goldwater senior running against a u.s. President polls showed Goldwater defeating Governor Duel 43% to the Governors 41%.
It looked Goldwater just mict be the next governor of California since the Democrats had held control of Sacromento for 12 years and Duel spent a lot of money on environmental programs plus Goldwater s law and order stance got Republican California voters to get to the polls. Then it came out goldwater did time in alcohol rehab for problem with the bottle. Governor Duel refused to make issue of this but campaigned on balancing the state budget. on the crime rate being the lowest in election day all fears of Governor Duel losing election was erased as Governor Duel won relection 58% to Goldwaters 29%
Summary 2nd term
New parks conservation act passed through state assembly.
Funding bill passed for more hiring of police and firefighters.
New schools built across the state of California
1988 ca senate election
W.I.hayaka 34% Barbra Boxer 54%
1990 ca Governors Election
Lieutinet governor John Harmer 54%
San Francisco mayor Diane Feinstein 37%
The day after election governor Duel resigned the governorship so Harmer could start his term as governor of California early .Beth Duel told her husband whether he was to retire .return to acting or pursue another political office.she was very proud of him.

President Bakerss high poll numbers and approval ratings plumet as 1991 went ino The 1992 g.o.p primary was contested by conservative journalist Patrick Buchanan and president George Hw Bush

Meanwhile Former Governor Pete Duel had a lot of planing to do,The ex governor of California had just completed the film surf Ninja and did a t.n.t western t.v. film with former a.s.a.j. co star Ben Murphy

Also had part in the film Surf Ninja. His predecessor Edmund Brown j.r. invited his successor to his mansion as the governors ate together Brown invited Duel to run against him.his reply was he would talk to his wife about it. Beth and him had adopted a daughter from the philipines ,Janelle now Candace had a sister also,New York governor Mario Coumo was entering the race,along with a fellow named Bill Clinton 1992 would be a very competitve election year.

NHl Stanely cup
Pittsburgh defeated the Washington Nationals
4 -3

Key Events 1992
Olympics in Barcelona

Ibm keypad700

Alias Smith and Jones - INSP TV | TV ...

End of the road by pop act boys 2 men number 1.single in 1992

in 1992 former marvel writers and artist launched image comics
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2013 pete Duel interview
" In 1992 i said something i never thought i say in front of a live audience."

" My name is pete Duel,some of you may know me from my films like gandefield or t.v. shows like Alias smith and jones. for 8 years i proudly served as governor of California, from 1983 to 1990. I want to be your president not as a career move or more power and prestige but as the people's president if i am fortunate to serve in such a capacity to improve health care for many Americans across the country to build this greats nations defences. recently the cold war has ended now is the time to improve our relations with Russia.the former Soviet Union.
If i am elected president of the United States, the leader of the free world we well continue to be respected all across the world and our enemies will know if
out neighbors are threatened ,we will easily protect Theodore Roosevelt i am an conservationist. we will protect our parks our air and water.

Pete Duel campaign rally in Wisconsin early part of 1991.

Pete Duel 2013 interview

"At this point in time i realised there simply no way i could ever in a million years or any amount of money return to acting.
"When i dropped out of med school, took the role of John Cooper in gidget. Hannibal Hayes in smith and jones becoming Governor all led to this moment in 1992,After i finished my first speech i
went to my hotel room. i had some souvenirs some Alias Smith and Jones novels,v.h.s cassette tape of 2001, cassette of Big brother and holding company. still to this day i prefer
vinyl records but too cumbersome when your packing and going out in the road.

I liked the Beatles album revolver i told Pamela my sister, I called the 1992 presidential election " Helter Skelter"

New York Governor Mario Cuomo entered the race. He had been in the public eye since 1984 as potential candidate since he gave a fiery speech at the d.n.c at the time

Mario Cuomo won many early primaries in Eastern States but Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton oozed raw charisma however he was plague by scandal as a woman named Genifer flowers went on t.v. talking about the affair she had with the Arkansas governor back in the 80's.
Paul Tsongas won Rhode Island and looked like Clinton's lead would vanish then Clinton won Alabama and was hailed as the comeback kid. Cuomo still had a strong delegate lead at least 15 more points ahead of Clinton.
I had won Texas. west Virgina and many said i was the Democratic Reagan.

Reagan entered the 1968 election late ,too
late to defeat Nixon and deny a first ballot win. if he joined Forces with Rockefeller it may of been a
different story
again with

I could live not winning the election but not trying to win the election. It was after Clinton said to Brown after mentioning white water,Your not worthy to be on the same stage as my wife" I knew Clinton was not

the man who should become president of the United States in 1992 or ever!
If i lost i would support Cuomo from my home state."
Pete Duel. 2013
Opinion | Democrats Repent for Bill Clinton - The New York Times

" Then there was Indiana senator Dan Quayle like the school bully who dislikes you for no apparent reason. As soon as Carrol campbell got the Republican Nomination.He went on t.v. criticized me playing a heroin addict in the psychiatrist episode, hour of the lotus. later we had a town hall in Memphis about this and
we talked ,he took the position this should not be shown in television while i said this was a serious problem that should be addressed later on there was an incident of him

misspelling the word potato while visiting a elementary school , he was visiting. Illiteracy is also just as much issue that need to be addressed then what's shown on t.v.(laughs)
Pete Duel. 2013

" I went ahead of myself Duel apologized to the interviewer. I won California ,miracle of miracles! On the first ballot neither Jerry Brown or myself or clinton had won. 2nd ballot , no one finally the third! I knew then know i was miraculously on the road to becoming the next President of the United States.

" you"ll get it next time"
Hillary to her husband bill.

Governor Pete Duel on phone to West

Virgina senator Jay Rockefeller
Forsyth: I am interested in you being my running mate i never thought i would make it this far but i need some one with experience.

Rockefeller: If you need someone with experience am your governor.
2013 Pete Duel interview

" I found Jay Rockefeller an easy fellow to get along with,did well in debates with senator Quayle. When i debated former cia director George H
w. Bush.he talked about the Republican party under
president Baker ended the cold war and America had such a great economy my rebuttal was we needed to build more state parks and make sure as we downsize the military due to the cold war ending we had jobs

for veterans. workers in the defence industry.The economy was good in the 1920s no one ever saw the banks failing in the 1930s and the great depresion coming."
Ross Perot talked about a giant sucking sound did well in the polls dropped out of the presidential campaign only to return again.

November 7.1992
Dan Rather: Good afternoon, folks we have some election returns coming in across the country. Ross Perot has won alaska. Illinois. Kentucky while George H. Bush the Republican nominee has won Texas South and North Carolina . Michigan/Governor
Peter Elstrom Duel

has won Utah. california.his home state of New York and neighboring state New Jersey.

Pete Duel 20013 interview
If i recall correctly i was at 233 electoral vote, Bush was just a hair below me with 201 and perrot had at least 50 or so i don't remember i have to take a look one of these days but

i remember calling Jay(Rockefeller) and said i will most likely be holding a paper that says Bush

defeats Duek if i go to bed thinking i have this . in fact it reminded me of 1948 election Truman held up a picture saying "Dewey defeats Truman." At least I could say i denied Clinton the nomination.
logically the ,1992 election went to the house of representatives to decide."

Kansas congressman : This great state of Kansas gives her delegates to president George Hw Bush

Nebraska Congressman: The great state of Nebraska gives her delegates to pete Duel.

Pete Duel 2013 interview

" When then speaker of the House Richard Gephardt announced i had won the 1992 presidential election i could feel my heart skip a beat.I soon received a phone call from my opponent

Ross Perrot and George Bush. The man I had just defeated in the closest election ever!

Called to say he was happy to learn I would succeed him as president of the United States . I still think had then vice president Paul Laxalt had decided to run his plans got derailed when it was revealed ex senate collegue Pete Domemci was the farther michell laxalts son.the vice presidents grandson.

Supreme court justice Robert Francis Kennedy sworn
myself and Jay Rockefeller president and vice president of the United Sates. My first

year i was proud to call Richard Gephardt a friend and supported him when he ran for president of the United states. Unfortunately it was not meant for Gephardt to be speaker of the house past
1993 since The Republican took control something that had not happended since 1953, Tennessee congressman

Robin Beard was now speaker of the house

and would be until 2002.
He made a great golf partner on weekends and i tried to get him interested in ecology."

summary first term Pete Duel

.. Osama bin laden captured by navy seals after Attack on world trade center.
;;; United States supplies give ammunition. food supplies to aide Tutsi rebels in Rhodesia.
;; environmental act of 1995 passed
;; federal reserve audited
" Trade agreement with Cuba and Russia
Peter Elstromm Duel interview 2013

The beginning of 1995 there was a recesion but at years end there was a recovery, The republicans showed they had some teeth holding onto to the house while the Democrats barely by a hair held onto the senate with Ted Kennedy only narrowly defeating Mitt Romny .

My approval rating was at 45% but the Republicans were determined not only to keep the house but win more senate seats and defeat me in 1996.

My former opponent Barry Goldwater junior must of raised 12 million in ads and he was successfully in getting Republicans to come out to vote come November 7.1996.

The election year of 1996 would see The Republicans nominate former football star Jack kemp
former congress man turned u.s. senator.

History would be made as Kemp would pick Elizabeth Dole the first female to run as president of the Untied States.

I recall the debates had a all time high nelson rating.I ran on the recovery of the economy and helping other nations conservation while kemp ran on defence spending and improving quality of life in inner cities. I think i had the best ever vice President Jay Rockefeller he debated Liz Dole very well in 1997.

when i had hip replacement from falling off tht darn horse on Alias Smith and Jone' s back in 1971(laugh's) vice President Rockefeller filled in as acting president for 2 days, sadly
mother passed away and did not see me win reelection i received letters of condolence from former costars sally field, Ben Murphy .Alan Alda. even Robin Beard gracefully step across the ale and sent a letter of condolence.
November 7. 1996

I defeated Kemp 399 E.v. to kemps 100. the last time a Democrat had won

in a landslide was j.f.k. in 1964.
;; events of 2nd term of president peter Elstromm Duel term

1. welfare reform.

2, 1997 suicidal man flies plane into

building in New Jersey killing thousands mental Health act of 1998 is passed due to this incident.
3.u.s. space lab is launched Russian scientist are invited to work in the lab.

4. Beth Griswold Duel Narrates tour of the white house on p.b.s. and gives lecture on conservation at a michigan public library.

Dallas stars win 1999 Stanley Cup


Nicole Johnson crowned miss America in 1999

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Burton directs planet of apes film Roddy McDowall as well as Charltan have cameos in the Tim Burton film. . it is reversed. Hestan has role as an ape. UP AS McDowall plays an ape.


President Kenendy wakes up from scary dream!Elvis Aron P[resley defeated him ina record breaking landslide. The economy is sliping and Kennedy is up for relection!

2008 United States presidential election

November 4, 2008
2012 →​

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win​
61.6%[1] 1.5 pp
John F. Kennedy jr​
Mike Huckabee​
Home state
Running mate
Kelly aYote​
Electoral vote
· January 26 – President kENNEDY signs his first two Presidential Memoranda concerning energy independence, directing the U.S. Department of Transportation to establish higher fuel efficiency standards before 2011 models are released and the allowing states to raise their emissions standards above the national standard.[21] That night he gives his first formal interview as president to Al Arabiya.[22]
· January 29 – President signs his first bill, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which promotes fair pay regardless of sex, race, or age. Lilly Ledbetter, the plaintiff in the employment discrimination case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. joined Barack and Michelle Obama at the signing ceremony.[25][26] A military judge at.
· January 30 – President kENNEDY signs a presidential memorandum launching the Middle Class Working Families Task Force to be led by Vice President Joe Biden.[27][28]
January 31 joint Russia _ USA FLIGHT TO THE MOON.

2012 United States presidential election

November 6, 2012
2016 →​

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win​
58.6%[1] 3.0 pp
Martin omally​
Ted Cruz​
PartyConstituion Republican
Home state
Mark warner​
Running mate
Electoral vote
States carried
26 + DC
Popular vote
The ticket of Michael Steele and Jon Kly both senator s on the Constitutional Republican party won the 2012 election in a landslide against all odds.History had been made as Steele former senator of Maryland became The Nations first black president.

JAN. 20. 2013

President Kennedy shakes hands with president elect Michael Steele." I never thought this day would ever happen Steele told his wife.

First term president Michael Steele

Alaska safe pipe line act passed

Hand gun registry act. In 2016 president Steele and vice president nKYL IS ELECTED INA ANOTHER LANDSLIDE.

George Forsyth 2013 interview

Interviewer: Mr. President is there anything else you like to say?

George Forsyth says no. the two shakes hands and the former president leaves the presidential library as it is the first day of its opening. Beth his wife leaves the library in their limo. Forsythia enjoyed reminiscing with the reporter of his life as a n actor, leaving New York med school. All the films his time in politics. Now it was part of u.s. history. It didn't seem too long ago. At the time the things Forsyth wanted to achieve in acting in politics seemed nearly impossible but despite the difficulties he managed to succeed which was not so small feat. He said a prayer of thanks to god his daughters Candace janel were in Penfield university a new generation would learn about ecology a issue he pressed as governor of California and president t of the was done thank god it was done
Bone to pick: TX Governor's Mansion looks like this:
Jester (D), 1947-1949: Died in office
Shivers (D), 1949-1957: 3 full 2-year terms
Daniel (D), 1957-1963: 3 2-year terms
Connally (D), 1963-1969: 3 2-year terms
Smith (D), 1969-1973: Primaried
Briscoe (D), 1973-1979: Primaried
Clements (R), 1979-1983
White (D), 1983-1987
Clements (R), 1987-1991: Didn't seek reelection to 3rd term.
Richards (D), 1991-1995
Bush, Jr., (R), 1995-2000: Resigned after his election to the Presidency
Perry (R), 2000-2015: 3 full 4-year terms. Didn't seek reelection to 4th term
Abbott (R), 2015-present
2000 United States presidential election

538 members of the Electoral College[a]

270 electoral votes needed to win


← 1996 November 7, 2000 2004 →

Turnout 54.2%[1] Increase 2.5 pp




After star trek spin offs deep space 9, voyager go off the air there is a series of star trek films staring Jerry O'Connell as captain April Freddie prince Jr as Spock Angela Watson as yeoman decker.


July 16, 1999

John Kennedy Junior opts out of flying own plane to cousins marriage.instead,he his wife and wifes sister go on commercial plane.

Tim Burton directs planet of apes film Roddy McDowell as well as Charatan have cameos in the Tim Burton film. . it is reversed. Heston has role as an ape. UP AS McDowall plays an ape.

Iowa based band Radio Moscow makes debut album. pop duo primary j. release debut as well.



January 20.2001

John Kennedy Junior Announces run for senator of New York

gives editor position to Frank Lalli who will now run George Magazine from 2003 to present it will be a digital magazine by 2011.

he Detroit Red Wings defeated the Carolina Hurricanes on June 13, 2002, four games to one, to win their tenth championship in their history. The Carolina ...


Nov. 7.2002
Katie Marie Harman Ebner (born August 18, 1980) is an American classical vocalist and actress who won the Miss America 2002 and Miss Oregon 2001 pageants

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2000 United States presidential election

537 electoral votes (+1 abstaining) of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
← 1996 November 7, 2000 2004 →
51.2%[1] 2.2 pp

Nominee George W. Bush John Kerry
Party Republican Democratic
Home state Texas Masschusetts
371 266[2] Frank Keating Joe Leiberman
States carried 20 + DC
Popular vote 49,456,002 50,999,897

November 7.2000
john Kennedy Junior speaks to vice president Al Gore after he concede defeat to George Bush

September 11. 2001
John Kennedy and wife visits site of world trades center bombing he is horrfied at what he sees .soon after words his wife gives birth to son.James Francis Kennedy.

Feb, 2002

Governor Kennedy says in a brief statement. Pataki pushed to begin disassembling the reputation of City University of New York system as a group of remedial schools.

Starting in 1999, CUNY colleges will not be required to drop their remedial courses over a 3-year period and restrict students who could not pass entry exams in an effort to deliver a higher quality college education through the city colleges.

October 7.2001

The War in Afghanistan, code named Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom's Sentinel, followed the United States invasion of Afghanistan after terroist strikes at w.t.c. and pentagon.

Nominee George W. Bush Al Gore
Party Republican Democratic
Home state Texas Massachusetts
Running mate Frank Keating Joe Lieberman
Electoral vote 286[2] 251[2][3]
States carried 31 19 + DC
Popular vote 62,040,610 59,028,444
Percentage 50.7% 48.3%

2004 United States Senate elections
34 of the 100 seats (Class 3) in the United States Senate
51 seats needed for a majority
← 2002 November 2, 2004 2006 →

Leader Bill Frist Tom Daschle
(lost re-election)
Party Republican Democratic
Leader since January 3, 2003 January 3, 1995
Leader's seat Tennessee South Dakota
Seats before 51 48
Seats after 60 40
Seat change 4 4
Popular vote 39,920,562 44,754,618
Percentage 45.3% 50.8%
Swing 4.2% 5.3%
Seats up 15 19

November 7. 2002
This IS The first senate election in Massachusetts since 1950 that a Kennedy will not be running for senator Edward Moore Kennedy will be retiring his successor will be mitt Romney.

November 7.2006
John Kennedy junior wins reelection as governor of new York in a landslide.His wife gives birtht to second child Emily Marie Kennedy

Democratic Party nomination*

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
November 6, 2012 2016 →
Turnout 54.9%[1] 3.4 pp

Nominee John Fitzgerald Kennedy George H. Bush
Party Democratic Republican
Home state New York Texas
Running mate Russ Feingold Kelly Aoyte
Electoral vote 332 206
States carried 26 + DC 24
Popular vote 65,915,796 60,933,500
Percentage 51.1% 47.2%

stimulus bill was enacted in February 2009,

July 16, 1999

John Kennedy Junior opts out of flying own plane to cousins marriage.instead,he his wife and wifes sister go on commercial plane.

John Kennedy Junior Rick Lazio
Party Democratic Republican

Popular vote 3,747,310 2,915,730
Percentage 55.3% 43.0%
John Kennedy Junior gets a call from former president Duel and congratulates him on his victory in the 2000 New York senate race.

January 20.2000
John Kennedy Junior Announces run for senator of New York
gives editor position to Frank Lalli who will now run George Magazine from 2003 to present it will be a digital magazine.

2000 United States presidential election

537 electoral votes (+1 abstaining) of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
← 1996 November 7, 2000 2004 →
Turnout 51.2%[1] 2.2 pp

Nominee George W. Bush Al Gore
Party Republican Democratic
Home state Texas Tennessee
Running mate Frank Keating Bill Bradly
171 366[2]
States carried 20 + DC
Popular vote 49,456,002 50,999,897

September 11. 2001
John Kennedy and wife visits site of world trades center bombing he is horrified at what he sees .soon after words hsi wife gives birth to son.James Francis Kennedy.

Feb, 2002

Governor Kennedy says in a brief statement. Pataki pushed to begin disassembling the reputation of City University of New York system as a group of remedial schools.

Starting in 1999, CUNY colleges will not be required to drop their remedial courses over a 3-year period and restrict students who could not pass entry exams in an effort to deliver a higher quality college education through the city colleges.

October 7.2001

The War in Afghanistan, code named Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom's Sentinel, followed the United States invasion of Afghanistan after terroist strikes at w.t.c. and pentagon.

2004 United States Senate elections
34 of the 100 seats (Class 3) in the United States Senate
51 seats needed for a majority
← 2002 November 2, 2004 2006 →

Leader Bill Frist Tom Daschle
(lost re-election)
Party Republican Democratic
Leader since January 3, 2003 January 3, 1995
Leader's seat Tennessee South Dakota
Seats before 51 48
Seats after 60 40
Seat change 4 4
Popular vote 39,920,562 44,754,618
Percentage 45.3% 50.8%
Swing 4.2% 5.3%
Seats up 15 19

November 7. 2002
This is the first senate election in Massachusetts since 1950 that a Kennedy will not be running for senator Edward Moore Kennedy will be retiring his successor will be mitt Romney.

November 7.2006
His wife gives birth to to second child Emily Marie Kennedy

Democratic Party nomination*

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
November 6, 2012 2016 →
Turnout 54.9%[1] 3.4 pp

Nominee John Fritz Gerald Kennedy George H. Bush
Party Democratic Republican
Home state New york Texas
Running mate Russ Feingold Frank Keating
Electoral vote 332 206
States carried 26 + DC 24
Popular vote 65,915,796 60,933,500
Percentage 51.1% 47.2%
June 3.2009
stimulus bill was enacted

On July 21, 2010
President Kennedy
signed Wall street reform act of 2010

On February 17, 2009, Kennedy signed into law a $787 billion economic stimulus bill that included spending for health care, infrastructure, education,

November 7.2012 presidential election

President Kennedy defeats the Republican ticket of Mike Hucklebe and Mitt Romney in a landslide winning all 48 states.

June 6,2013
President Kennedy signed the climate change of 2013 two days later singed radio f.c.c. regulation act of 2013

November 7. 2016
Senator Michael Steele his running mate of Jon Kyle the constitution Republican party defeats the tickets of Martin omally.Mark warner.

Ted Cruz.John Kasich in the tightest election ever!!!

Michael Steele first non republican. Democratic in decades
Maverick Michael Steele says he's seriously considering a run for Maryland  governor and won't leave the Republican Party: 'It's my house, too' –  Baltimore Sun

first black president elected of the united states!!
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