United States The Left Can't Meme

Then I pity those who've either stayed or joined, since then. :(

Ultimately, I'm glad the US isn't the best place for another Lenin, Stalin, or Mao to take power (in large part because that'd actually endanger elites who have inept gaggles of far-leftists on their payroll), but there are times when I wonder if giving them a country to take over and run into the ground as communists do would force the remaining ideologues to confront reality. Nothing's worth handing America over to these lunatics, of course, but it'd still be nice to make them shut up and go away forever at a much more "reasonable" price than that.
No it’s not part of the problem is that you pity and give empathy to scum. A republic can not suffer these people to exist.
Communists delenda est.
Ultimately, I'm glad the US isn't the best place for another Lenin, Stalin, or Mao to take power (in large part because that'd actually endanger elites who have inept gaggles of far-leftists on their payroll), but there are times when I wonder if giving them a country to take over and run into the ground as communists do would force the remaining ideologues to confront reality.

It would work no more now than it did in the past. One of the key parts of Communism is willful denial of reality.

Communists are fundamentally irrational people. When you argue with a communist, you aren't trying to convince them of a rational argument, you're trying to convince them that objective reality and logic exist in the first place. If they can get to that point, communism will fall by the wayside as collateral damage.
It would work no more now than it did in the past. One of the key parts of Communism is willful denial of reality.

Communists are fundamentally irrational people. When you argue with a communist, you aren't trying to convince them of a rational argument, you're trying to convince them that objective reality and logic exist in the first place. If they can get to that point, communism will fall by the wayside as collateral damage.
As someone who knows and worked with them this is true
Well… the Left does have a tendency to blame its history of mistakes on everyone but themselves, even before “Wokeness” in its current form became a thing. (e.g.: The state of Democrat-run cities over the past few decades.)

But in any case, I don’t suppose there’s a logic endpoint to all this? Which is to say, a final (and honestly, pretty disturbing) objective the Ibram X. Kendi types are striving towards, and have let show via Freudian slip and hot mic every so often?
Nope. That's why they're still acting like oppressed revolutionaries long after they acquired institutional power; because the revolution itself is the endpoint, one that carries on forever until nothing is left.
Nope. That's why they're still acting like oppressed revolutionaries long after they acquired institutional power; because the revolution itself is the endpoint, one that carries on forever until nothing is left.

Fine, but my question is more about what practical consequences you foresee?

Do a critical mass of them become frustrated/radicalized enough to start a Woke Khmer Rouge knockoff, but applied to the whole West instead of just Cambodia? If so, I assume the elites who'd otherwise perish in the purge would call in the armed forces to crush them for real (rather like the PLA cracking down on out-of-control Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution). That doesn't make the elites good people, of course, but considering how the neolibs/neocons are probably well aware of what the Antifa types or manic Woke zealots would do to them if they gained power, well...
Fine, but my question is more about what practical consequences you foresee?

Do a critical mass of them become frustrated/radicalized enough to start a Woke Khmer Rouge knockoff, but applied to the whole West instead of just Cambodia? If so, I assume the elites who'd otherwise perish in the purge would call in the armed forces to crush them for real (rather like the PLA cracking down on out-of-control Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution). That doesn't make the elites good people, of course, but considering how the neolibs/neocons are probably well aware of what the Antifa types or manic Woke zealots would do to them if they gained power, well...
Realistically this continues for years with the right radicalizing as things get worse until a series of civil wars take place until we get a ceasar like figure who is either too gentle and gets killed or crushes all decent in a murderous regimen with no legitimacy.

Then you get more civil war after that western civilization goes ultra traditionalist in response to decades of madness.
Realistically this continues for years with the right radicalizing as things get worse until a series of civil wars take place until we get a ceasar like figure who is either too gentle and gets killed or crushes all decent in a murderous regimen with no legitimacy.

Then you get more civil war after that western civilization goes ultra traditionalist in response to decades of madness.

*Looks at the global nuclear arsenal.*

Uh... good chance there'll be nothing left to inherit if those civil wars start raging and loose nukes start abounding, friend. Plus, even the rise of a "Caesar" figure isn't mutually exclusive with assorted Jim Jones and Pol Pot expies coming to power in the margins and doing battle with him at every turn. Or worse, the desperate elite going full Kingsman mode by then, seeing as a plot like that would be more than enough to trigger a "Russian Revolution meets crossing the Rubicon" event across the entire world, much less America itself.
Wokeness itself inherently degrades meme-making capability, at least for their cause. It actually enhances the ability to make memes that support your ideological opponents; f'rex, Justin Trudeau's remarks about Castro's death.

If you had an absolute master meme-maker, they could probably still make decent memes if they went over to the left, but it'd never be as good.

The lefts meme strength is much less in humor memes, but in the more formal meme definition of ideas and mind viruses: "Diversity, equity, inclusion". I don't think you can make that fun, but by god it has certainly penetrated into everything.
Over a 100 million people died all over the world, the experiement has been run mulitple times all over the place if some one is an acctual communist in the modern era its because their evil.

Or maybe just irremediably pig-ignorant.
I don't deny at all that what some of them want is to be the Kommissar who shoots other people in the back of the head, and don't mind eventually themselves getting to be one of the corpses in the ditch as long as they get to kill other people first, but a lot of their idiot followers just don't know the history, and don't want to know.

Nope. That's why they're still acting like oppressed revolutionaries long after they acquired institutional power; because the revolution itself is the endpoint, one that carries on forever until nothing is left.

For some of them, the point of "The Revolution" is to get themselves into power, so that they win, and everyone else loses.

And pretending to still be oppressed when they visibly are not, is one part rationalization for their evil, and one part sadism: "I'm the top dog now, so I can talk a load of absolute nonsense and force all of you to pretend to agree!"

But the driving force of Leftism seems to be a sort of runaway egalitarianism. Wanting to make everyone the same. It started in a world where kings, noblemen and archbishops had all the wealth and status, and everyone else had nothing. That world is now long gone, but still the Left rages on, driven by the sentiment - I don't think they are always conscious of it as an idea - that no one should be allowed to be in any way better off than anyone else.

Hey, don't you go slandering our turbo monarchist six legged breathern!

Of all you can find in a hive, equity you will not. Nor wordy philosophers.

Funny, I thought he meant cockroaches.
But the driving force of Leftism seems to be a sort of runaway egalitarianism. Wanting to make everyone the same.
That's what they would claim I suppose but it's more envy at people better off than them and/or a lust for power. Mainly envy for the foot soldiers that can't cut it in regular society and lust for power for the leaders that can't seem to grab it on the original system.

The end result is pretty much the same.

Tearing it all down until they are the ones on top then keeping whoever survived beaten down so they can't threaten your position.
Well to get back to some leftist "memes" this one's got it all, wall of text, wokescold in place of actual punchline, picture pretty much random and barely related to the text at all, and the "facts" it claims are complete nonsense as well. Oh... and how come this is a win if Liberals so

The next two were my attempt at finding memes from the theoretical "Good memer gone left discussed upthread, things that technically work as memes but, well, still leftist.

Remember, the Left is anti-racist.

This one's actually quite clever and honestly a good meme, punchy, no wall of text, gets the message across. But... since when do the Democrats like Jesus or want to promote Christianity?
Or maybe just irremediably pig-ignorant.
I don't deny at all that what some of them want is to be the Kommissar who shoots other people in the back of the head, and don't mind eventually themselves getting to be one of the corpses in the ditch as long as they get to kill other people first, but a lot of their idiot followers just don't know the history, and don't want to know.

For some of them, the point of "The Revolution" is to get themselves into power, so that they win, and everyone else loses.

And pretending to still be oppressed when they visibly are not, is one part rationalization for their evil, and one part sadism: "I'm the top dog now, so I can talk a load of absolute nonsense and force all of you to pretend to agree!"

But the driving force of Leftism seems to be a sort of runaway egalitarianism. Wanting to make everyone the same. It started in a world where kings, noblemen and archbishops had all the wealth and status, and everyone else had nothing. That world is now long gone, but still the Left rages on, driven by the sentiment - I don't think they are always conscious of it as an idea - that no one should be allowed to be in any way better off than anyone else.

Funny, I thought he meant cockroaches.

Mostly agree - with one exception.In mediewal ages there was never rich rulers /elites and poor commoners dichotomy - pecouse those poor actually had many things.
Leftist react to GRRM parody of medieval society,not real thing.
Rampant Atheism is really the cause.

Not to say that a belief in a specific god or pantheon is necessary for good conduct. Nor am I proposing a specific religion.

But it means that politics are very ripe to turn into religion.

The Woke have chants and hymns, they have sins and blasphemies, there are apostates and heretics. They attempt to spread their religion by making it prominent in learning institutions. They spread it with threatening exile, rumors, and otherizing. The Woke even spread it by the 'sword' with their 'anti-fa' violence. Their arguments are based on faith that they are the good and the righteous. Their greatest joy is to find their sins on another so they can use hurting that other person as a salve to their own guilt.

Tell me that isn't a religion.

Then their memes are walls of texts because they have to explain basic mysteries of their cult in order for their attempts at short, brief infomational blurbs to be sensical to them. It has to follow their twisted logic and those in the know will understand. But as it's cloaked in mystery, and they don't understand that it is, no one else gets it like they do, thus because they understand, they are superior. Thus continues the mystifying nature of Woke-ism.

Imagine if memes made by Kabbalah-ists. There's a long running traditional mystery cult right there. And then all of their memes are in yiddish slang. Everyone in the know gets it. No one else does and thus the Kabbalah practitioners get a moment to feel superior. And when people go 'wtf m8' these kind occultists get to explain it in further detail. Their hope is to use the conversation to convert someone. When they go 'm8 that's dumb' the occultists are there on the spot to belittle, threaten, and cajole.

Normal memes are meant to convey a quick thought or meaning with minor things changed to specify and refine. Woke and lefty memes are meant to be conversation starters.
Rampant Atheism is really the cause.

Not to say that a belief in a specific god or pantheon is necessary for good conduct. Nor am I proposing a specific religion.

But it means that politics are very ripe to turn into religion.

The Woke have chants and hymns, they have sins and blasphemies, there are apostates and heretics. They attempt to spread their religion by making it prominent in learning institutions. They spread it with threatening exile, rumors, and otherizing. The Woke even spread it by the 'sword' with their 'anti-fa' violence. Their arguments are based on faith that they are the good and the righteous. Their greatest joy is to find their sins on another so they can use hurting that other person as a salve to their own guilt.

Tell me that isn't a religion.

Then their memes are walls of texts because they have to explain basic mysteries of their cult in order for their attempts at short, brief infomational blurbs to be sensical to them. It has to follow their twisted logic and those in the know will understand. But as it's cloaked in mystery, and they don't understand that it is, no one else gets it like they do, thus because they understand, they are superior. Thus continues the mystifying nature of Woke-ism.

Imagine if memes made by Kabbalah-ists. There's a long running traditional mystery cult right there. And then all of their memes are in yiddish slang. Everyone in the know gets it. No one else does and thus the Kabbalah practitioners get a moment to feel superior. And when people go 'wtf m8' these kind occultists get to explain it in further detail. Their hope is to use the conversation to convert someone. When they go 'm8 that's dumb' the occultists are there on the spot to belittle, threaten, and cajole.

Normal memes are meant to convey a quick thought or meaning with minor things changed to specify and refine. Woke and lefty memes are meant to be conversation starters.

Maybe that's what they're meant to be, but considering how low the average netizen's attention span is, I doubt they'll have much interest in joining a conversation started by a manifesto crammed into two or three images. ;)
Maybe that's what they're meant to be, but considering how low the average netizen's attention span is, I doubt they'll have much interest in joining a conversation started by a manifesto crammed into two or three images. ;)

That just shows that you are unworthy of Saint Anita's blessing, heathen. Incapable of understanding even the basics of Intersectional Feminism like the White Patriarchal Man that you are. Clearly, you need to EDUCATE YOURSELF about the nine hundred different genders and care more about the safety and happiness of trans women than the safety and happiness of the greater community, especially cis women. Who are all goddesses that always speak the truth and never lie or exaggerate #believeallwomen. Cis Pig.

That just shows that you are unworthy of Saint Anita's blessing, heathen. Incapable of understanding even the basics of Intersectional Feminism like the White Patriarchal Man that you are. Clearly, you need to EDUCATE YOURSELF about the nine hundred different genders and care more about the safety and happiness of trans women than the safety and happiness of the greater community, especially cis women. Who are all goddesses that always speak the truth and never lie or exaggerate #believeallwomen. Cis Pig.



More seriously, in fairness, I think whoever pointed out the Left's success meme-ing to power rather than truth is onto something, though I'd personally say much if it has to do with making brief "passes" as it in the films and TV they make (as opposed to standalone memes, which they suck at).

For instance, the Monster High Live adaption (which I don't plan on watching at all, but whatever) has a "preferred pronouns" moment that's gone as soon as it starts. Sure, one or two of those might go over most peoples' heads easily, but when you do it regularly across the whole gamut of shows and movies, it doesn't take long for a sort of "pop-culture osmosis" to seep in and make people start thinking in those terms. After all, that's already what the Left does when using words in certain ways—"diversity","equity", "sustainable", and so on—that adds ideologically loaded "connotations" to them instead of redefining them wholesale (which they've also done, in the case of "progress" or "Liberalism").
I just found out Tim Pool did a special on why the Left can't meme. He takes a different slant than previously discussed. He argues that Memes are not necessarily a right-wing thing, but memes require people who are creative and individualistic and conformist consumer types are much more likely to lean left.


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