Crossover The Greater Game (Babylon 5/BattleTech)

Comstar is going to have quite a few seizures over EA technology from their much more efficient methods of FTL communication to what their weapons are capable of.

As well as alternative FTL and FTL based sensors (Tachyon Radar). Improved Jump drives and a ship building industry that was near God Like even in their own universe.
As well as alternative FTL and FTL based sensors (Tachyon Radar). Improved Jump drives and a ship building industry that was near God Like even in their own universe.


Earth Alliance really has the potential to really alter the balance of power in not just the Periphery but throughout the Inner Sphere, especially as they get settled and reinforce there position with new colonies as well as the worlds they're taking now. Give them a year or two and the terrifying juggernaut that is EA logistics - which JMS himself said would have let them defeat the Minbari if not for the stealth - will be in play.

Earth Alliance really has the potential to really alter the balance of power in not just the Periphery but throughout the Inner Sphere, especially as they get settled and reinforce there position with new colonies as well as the worlds they're taking now. Give them a year or two and the terrifying juggernaut that is EA logistics - which JMS himself said would have let them defeat the Minbari if not for the stealth - will be in play.

While I don't doubt he said that, could you link that post?
While I don't doubt he said that, could you link that post?

Unfortunately no as it was said before the internet really took off back when most science fiction publications were actual magazines. If it exists somewhere on the internet I have no idea but I do know that he said that its just something that has stuck with me in the decades since Babylon 5 first hit the airways thirty years ago - yeah I know scary that our beloved show is three decades old this May.

Earth Alliance really has the potential to really alter the balance of power in not just the Periphery but throughout the Inner Sphere, especially as they get settled and reinforce there position with new colonies as well as the worlds they're taking now.

EA should really lay low until they can incorporate and develop Tortuga; rebuild the fleet and connect all the worlds with charted jump routes. Otherwise any IS Great House will be very tempted to incorporate / vassalize EA as it's ticket to taking over the IS and establishing itself as the new Camerons... Hell, they will be tempted anyway, but with jump routes chartered EA can reposition it's warships quickly and effectively.
Bulls and OWA are too small to even be in the running for the First Lord title, while Davions, Kuritas and Steiners very much do aim for it.

Give them a year or two and the terrifying juggernaut that is EA logistics - which JMS himself said would have let them defeat the Minbari if not for the stealth - will be in play.

Honestly that part never made much sense to me; it wasn't just "space magic" stealth that Minbari had an edge with, they also had everything else plain better. Better guns (Hyperions got pretty much one-shotted, Novas lasting only for a few shots), better sensors, better engines (both for strategic mobility and tactical agility), better everything basically.
EA having better logistics doesn't matter all that much if EA forces last only seconds in direct confrontation, melting away under neutron guns like ice does under a blow torch.
You also have to consider the EA has fought and won a major war against the Dilgar. They have the experience that the Minbari lack and if they could see the Minbari ships. EA Logistics, Strategy, and Tactics vs Minbari arrogance, pride, and technology. It would be costly but the EA would win.
It would have come down to a numbers game and who could produce the most ships quickly. The Minbari wouldn't win that race as there ship construction is very much artisan based with only certain clans and houses - or fanes as the Minbari call them - in the worker caste who build ships, weapons like neutron cannons and so on.

Earth on the other hand builds based on the assembly line principle. Also remember that the largest and heaviest Earth ships the Nova could actually tank three or four close range hits from neutron cannons and not be destroyed though it would be badly damaged. While if the Nova got into visual targeting range the Sharlin would die beneath its massive firepower.

Their is a reason why even the warrior caste respected the Nova dreadnought and even commissioned there own version in the Nestan class
EA should really lay low until they can incorporate and develop Tortuga; rebuild the fleet and connect all the worlds with charted jump routes. Otherwise any IS Great House will be very tempted to incorporate / vassalize EA as it's ticket to taking over the IS and establishing itself as the new Camerons... Hell, they will be tempted anyway, but with jump routes chartered EA can reposition it's warships quickly and effectively.
Bulls and OWA are too small to even be in the running for the First Lord title, while Davions, Kuritas and Steiners very much do aim for it.

How? They don't have a Navy to compete? And the EA industrial base is beyond ridiculous.
Quantity has a quality all of its own. There are high billions in each realm and only earth, Mars and maybe the belters in EA.
How? They don't have a Navy to compete? And the EA industrial base is beyond ridiculous.

Right now Great Houses don't know that, do they? ;) IS is currently in full scavenge mode (Clans call them Scavenger Lords for a reason...), the truly good stuff is dug up in StarLeague caches, not built. "Just a bunch of uppity neo-barbs hoarding stuff, send some jumpships to bring them in-line". Right now nobody can build warships, so the default expectation would be the warships are "inherited" rather then (recently) produced - leftovers from a previous age, like literally everything IS has right now.

The very notion that some "provincials" from the deep Periphery can actually build warships while "core" IS houses can't would be way too far out for them to have as starting point.

Add space!feudalism and the line of reasoning could well be: "Who's in charge over there? Someone named Levy? We'll make her an offer, let her swear fealty to our throne and we shall generously appoint her hereditary Duchess of Whatsoverthere, as long as she submits to us and hands over the WarShips." Kurita especially would act like that. From Davion side "we must get them (and their WarShips) on board before the Dragon does, we must not allow the Kuritas to get WarShips".
House Davion and House Calderon are ideologically the closest to EA, especially with what I believe is the still 'democratic' United Hindu Collective as part of the Federated Suns (might want an ambassador for the EA coming from Panpour) . Davions will play footsie with FWL, TC and launch a raid on Hep II (it's what the 'cool' kids do! (what 17 times or more)), but in the main as long as you aren't a communist hermit kingdom (Capcon) or a borderline genocidal version of feudal Japan they would rather as one of their 'British' ancestors say Jaw jaw rather then War war. thank you.
Chapter 11

Newly Founded Earth Alliance Colony

It actually took a moment for John Sheridan to realize how special it was to actually just run through a jumpgate sequence. It was such a routine thing drilled into both himself and his crew, it wasn't until they were almost through he noted that he hadn't actually used a gate since leaving Earth. The sequence worked as planned, dropping the Lexington into the new colony, the skeletal gateway cutting off behind them.

"That's the Centauri gate." He recognized immediately. "The original gate from just after the First Contact. We turned it off when we learned to build our own, but never took it apart. Pure history."

"History with several billion credits worth of Quantium in her bones." Commander Carroll noted. "I'm surprised the Senate didn't strip it bare."

"Maybe they realized the value of a Plan B?" Sheridan guessed. "Politicians like money, but they like saving their asses more."

"I hear that, sir."

The gate had originally orbited Earth and had been built by the Centauri, which of course meant it wasn't really secure and could have all types of hidden codes and backdoors allowing it to be overridden by the Centauri Navy. When the Io gate had been built at a far more secure distance from Earth, the old gate was left at the Venusian science museum, unable to be re-deployed just in case the Centauri really did have a backdoor to it. At least that wasn't an issue anymore.

Orbit over Cooperland was bustling, the installation of the gate had opened the system up to the massed fleets of the civilian corporations that until now had been trapped around Earth. Sheridan lost count at a hundred Belt Alliance freighters, and their armed escorts, busying around the frame of a Dionysus pre-fab starbase gradually taking form in orbit.

"Earth Gov didn't waste any time on this one." Carroll noticed. "It's gone from an abandoned rock to a full scale outpost in about a month."

"They want something to focus people on, killing pirates is fine, but its better to make something, grow something." Sheridan reasoned. "Might be a while before we get real civilians down there, last I heard its more scientific and military teams for the moment."

There was a small squadron of ships holding station a safe distance away and probably a few more covering the solar ingress points, but they were vastly outnumbered by civilian assets. Once the space station was done in a week or so, the colony would start to grow exponentially, the only limit was finding colonists. No doubt there were plenty of people who wanted to get off Earth, assorted refugees or those just sick of this entire situation. But at the same time, there would be many who remembered what had happened to the previous colonies.

"Captain, we have clearance for orbit, New Bremen city is keen for us to deliver our cargo."

"They went with New Bremen? Fair enough." Sheridan shrugged. "I know dad was going for New Akron."

"All due respect to your father sir, nobody wants to live in a place that sounds like a cat with a hairball."

"Just get those cargo ships into position." Sheridan shot him a sideways grin. "Then arrange some shore leave, strange new worlds Commander."

One of the prominent buildings in New Bremen was the Hyundyne research complex, a rather large estate set on one side of the very pleasant river plain selected for the city. It was an ideal example of its type, a glass and concrete set of labs and offices with lush green lawns and pretty forests behind, plus excellent views of the clean river to the front. So far, it was still relatively empty, but in time it would serve as an alternate research centre for much of the new technology flowing in from this new reality.

The city itself was still mostly under construction, but already the core civic buildings were upright, power stations and water plants lined the river bank, while hydroponics facilities were starting to sprout. In time, real farms would hopefully take over food production, but for now the hydroponics would cover any shortfalls in food deliveries.

Earth had worked out the fine art of rapid construction during the recent expansion, there were several corporations that could throw a city up in a week or two with fast curing concrete and locally forged steel and glass. Automated foundries positioned in key locations tied to mines churned out building materials around the clock, keeping the vast numbers of construction workers busy. For the time being, the planetary population was mostly those construction workers and a garrison of troops deployed a few miles away at an equally new base, but included among them were the first of the civilian administration and some scientists.

One such scientist was in a spotless empty lab looking out over those sunny fields and forests sitting awkwardly in a chair. While normal at first glance, the scene became a little more unusual as the chair rose into the air.

"I love this job so much."

Sheridan tapped on the open door, the scientist in question falling out of the chair which was suspended a couple of feet above the ground by some springy looking wires.

"I'm okay! I didn't hide it!"

Sheridan frowned in the sunlight.

"Hide what?"

"You haven't found it?" She scrutinized him, eyebrows raising. "Nothing. I've hidden nothing."

"Doctor Ginelli." Sheridan didn't need to make it a question, she fit the description a hundred percent. "I brought you some cargo."

"That's great, but how much do you weigh?"


"Doesn't matter." She bolted over, grabbed his arm and pulled him into the room. "Here, sit in the chair, just there."

She led Sheridan toward her chair, the Captain observing upon closer inspection that it was suspended by four very thin fibers of material hooked to the roof. Ginelli rapidly positioned him on the seat and stepped back.

"Right, stand by, you're going to move."

She picked up a data tablet from one of the tables and tapped some controls, the chair and Sheridan gently rising.

"Perfect!" Ginelli enthused, her whole being sparking. "These things are incredible!"

"Can I ask what I'm actually doing here doctor?"

"Huh, oh, Myomer." She answered as if that should be quite sufficient for anyone.

"What's myomer?" Sheridan decided to push on, his own curious nature awakened. "These strings?"

"Exactly, they're samples pulled from battlemech wreckage, I got some diverted here from Earth." She answered. "Basically artificial muscle, apply an electric current and you can make them contract."

"And they're strong enough to lift a grown man. Not bad."

"They're used in thick bundles in mechs, these are just some samples. Trying to work out their limits." She lowered the chair to the ground with a few swipes. "Okay, so it can lift a better than average male specimen."

"Thanks." Sheridan beamed a smile. "How much better than average?"

"Here, hold this." If she had heard him it hadn't clicked in her brain, instead she dropped a box of lab equipment on his lap with a jolt. "One male plus twenty five kilos."

She raised the chair again, looking closely at the myomer, at one point breaking out a magnifying glass.

"No sign of fraying yet, material appears stable."

"I hate to interrupt doctor but I do have an appointment with..."

"Shush, this is science, we're doing science." Ginelli was utterly focused. "Won't take long."

"I suppose I can manage a few minutes." Sheridan decided this was more amusing than annoying, so played along. "For pushing forward the boundaries of science."

"Good man!" She lowered him down and took away the box. "Right, more weight. Ah-ha, stay still."

Ginelli, with no warning or indication of intent, leapt onto Sheridan's lap wrapping her legs around his waist and the back of the chair.

"Woah there doctor, I think we're pushing this a little too far now!" Sheridan was trapped, the scientist far too focused to care.

"Nearly done, one male and one female, I'll need to get your exact mass after this by the way, for the calculations." She moved the controls and again the chair lifted with its two passengers. "Fantastic."

It was a little awkward, Sheridan wasn't going to lie. While Ginelli apparently had no inkling how this might look to others, Sheridan did. The worst thing that could happen would be...

"Hi Anna." Ginelli waved toward the doorway. "Oh, actually, got a minute to help?"

"I'm not sure, it really depends what you need help with." Doctor Anna Keller, xenoarchaeologist with IPX and, at least for the moment, fiancé to one John Sheridan made every effort to look very serious and angry but largely failed. The whole thing was too outlandish to be upset about. "Hi John, having fun?"

"Do I look like I'm having fun?" He rapidly turned a fetching shade of crimson. "I was ambushed."

"For scientific discovery." Ginelli confirmed lowering the chair. "Your contribution will be noted in my paper. So far the myomer has proven to possess extreme tensile strength. I'll need your help Anna."


Ginelli shifted to one side. "I'll sit on this knee, you take that one."

"Now hang on..." Sheridan began to protest.

"Done." Anna pranced over and delicately perched on one of Sheridan's knees, her face a barely contained explosion of amusement. She was absolutely relishing her fiance's discomfort. "Ready for liftoff."

"Good, one male, two females, I'll calculate full mass later. Begin."

Again the chair rose, Ginelli exhaling in wonder. "We need to find out how to make this stuff, it's going to have massive implications in the construction sectors."

They remained suspended for a while, Anna fighting hard to suppress riotous laughter while Sheridan kept his eyes on her, Ginelli frantically typing some notes.

"So." Sheridan finally decided to speak. "Is this an average day for you?"

"Little different." Anna admitted. "But Doctor Ginelli is never boring to work next to."

"Right." Sheridan tried to keep his balance, scientist on each knee. "I'm beginning to think I should have tried for a career in science."

With the ad hoc experiment done, Sheridan was released to carry on with his day, specifically the shore leave he had booked to spend with his wife to be. Anna Keller was a very different type of scientist, her focus being more on the lost relics of the past and how they might impact the future. Back home this tended to mean alien artefacts, but those same skills were just as applicable to long lost human ruins. Cooperland had a few of those and IPX had been very interested in establishing a presence and seeing what could be found.

"Thanks for helping." Ginelli packed away our things. "When the real lab gets installed I can do real stress tests, put the myomer samples under properly calculated strain. I just, you know, couldn't wait to try them out."

"Of course we understand." Anna smiled widely at her new friend. "Sometimes science needs to get done."


"Dr Ginelli and I have offices next door to each other." Anna informed Sheridan to clear up any mystery. "She works as late as I do so we've bonded over late night snacks and coffee."

"Great coffee." Ginelli closed her eyes. "She makes it perfectly."

"I'm glad you settled in and found some company." Sheridan was in this case genuinely grateful, things were still tumultuous and this new friendship at least gave Anna some entertaining human contact while he was on deployment. "Are you ready to head into town? I heard they just put up a café."

"Ready to try it, I'll find my coat."

"Cargo." Ginelli suddenly spoke. "You said cargo."

"I did." Sheridan cast his mind back. "I was heading out here to see Anna and no one could reach you on the COMMSNET, so I said I'd pass on the message. We delivered some mechs, two are yours."

Her mouth dropped. "It took you this long to say that!"

"Well you didn't exactly give me a chance to get a word in..."

"I need them! Where?"

"The spaceport."

"I'm driving there right now!"

Anna went to fetch her coat from her office, the two of them heading out of the glistening building and walking through the carpark towards the vehicle Sheridan had requisitioned. It was plain government sedan normally used by the civic centre, being an Earth Force Captain had its perks. As they walked toward it across the carpark, Sheridan spied Ginelli standing in the middle of the empty rows of parking spaces looking for her car.

"We should help her." Anna squeezed Sheridan's arm. "She's lost."

"If we take too long that café is going to be full, there'll be a lot of people in orbit heading down here soon."

"John, come on, be nice." She gave him that look, that puppy dog look he had never been able to resist.


"I know you John, not a bad bone in your body." She leaned aside. "Angela! Over here!"

"Anna, Hi! My car isn't here!"

"Where did you see it last?"

"Stanford, September Fourteenth." She winced. "Eight years ago."

Sheridan frowned. "Then how were you going to drive to the spaceport?"

"I didn't think that far ahead! I just wanted some mechs!"

"We'll give you a ride, won't we, John?" Anna deployed The Look.

"Yes, yes we will." He had no power here. "Hop in, we're going past the port anyway."

Sheridan took the driving seat, Anna beside him and Ginelli in the back. He brought the engine online and rolled the vehicle forward, tapping the destination into the navigation.

"They haven't got the auto drive system marked out yet so I guess we're going manual." He let the passengers know. "Been a while."

"Just follow the exact directions, don't argue with the machine." Anna chided. "It knows where it's going."

"Yeah, maybe. It did tell me that time to take a right at Wichita and we almost ended up in another State."

"Because you turned it off afterwards." Anna reminded. "I know where ma dad's farm is, I don't need no machine tellin me." She dropped an exaggerated impression of him. "That's why we ended up in Oklahoma. Eight hours of driving."

"Would have been fine if I'd just ignored it in the first place."

"All I'll say is its a good thing your ship has its own navigation department."

They pulled out into the main road, the traffic mostly construction vehicles hauling building supplies in long convoys into the city. The scenery was pleasant, the temperatures a little chilly but overall comfortable.

"How's work?" Sheridan began a new topic. "IPX keeping you busy?"

"Yeah, we're excavating one of the ruined cities. Slow going, we still need radiation suits when we travel over there, but we've found some useful technology."

"Anything we can use?"

"Maybe, some engines from civilian vehicles, a monorail station, one of your mechs too." Anna mentioned. "But a civilian one, construction machine we think."

"But the same internal components?" Ginelli checked in.

"We think so, it was heavily damaged but it might prove useful."

The drove quietly for a while until Ginelli spoke up again.

"So you two getting married or what?"

Sheridan coughed in surprise at the question, Anna looking over to him.

"Yes John, are we getting married or what?"

"That is the plan, yes, I just wanted to make sure the war was over first." He glanced over. "And that we didn't have another one brewing."

"There's always going to be some crisis somewhere, we have to act while we can." The red haired scientist had been practicing this conversation. "If we don't go ahead there'll always be some sort of excuse."

"Maybe, yeah, maybe, But..."

"No buts." She interrupted. "We need to get on with this, no more delaying."

Sheridan had a lot to say about that, but none of it was going to do anything to convince her. "I am ready for this, but, well, you know I've been here before."

"The Practice Wife doesn't count." Ann replied sharply. "This is our marriage, and it's a real, true marriage. You had a little practice, now it's the real deal. So, when?"

He had to give an answer, not only was Anna's fierce stare burning into him Ginelli was also perched on the edge of her seat leaning forward, eyes wide. If popcorn had been present she would have been demolishing a bag.

"Spring." He answered. "Next spring, that's only a few months, enough time to plan but not long to wait."

"Okay." Anna appeared satisfied. "Wasn't so hard was it?"

"We'll need invites, my dad needs time off, your family... and if I get called back to front line duty..."

"We'll deal with all of that when the time comes. Let's just get married, it's the most normal thing in the world." Anna insisted gently. "We need a new honeymoon though, we can't go on a Centauri cruise anymore."

"This was so good." Ginelli beamed. "It's like an afternoon movie."

"You'll come right?" Anna twisted in her chair. "You have to come, we're friends, you'll make time right?"

"You want me there?"

"Of course!"

"Oh." Ginelli went red. "I can find some time, I think." She smiled. "For a friend."

"Perfect." Anna radiated a return smile. "Weddings are great places to meet people, I'm making it my mission to pair you up with someone. Got any friends that might work John?"

"Errr... Hey, look at that, we're here."

He pulled the car into the new spaceport, sliding smoothly over the concrete apron to where a couple of egg shaped dropships had been landed dwarfing the Earth Force shuttles and transports. Beside those two ships were the real prizes, six bipedal fighting machines standing deactivated, but still imposing. This was the first time Sheridan had seen them in person and they were suitably imposing. He didn't envy the army.

He pulled up, Ginelli was out of the car before it had even finished rolling, the happy scientist fully absorbing the scene.

"These things are brilliant! Do they work?"

"The do." Sheridan closed the door behind him. "These six were among the ones that surrendered to us. Some went back to Earth, these ones will be assigned here."

"They're all different." Anna joined them. "Are they unique to the pilot?"

"There are production runs apparently, but there are so many varieties and models, most units have a mix." Sheridan answered. "At least according to our source, a Captain Kerensky. Hang on." He fished around in his pocket pulling out a piece of crumpled paper. "I wrote it down, she says the two big ones on the end are the best. A Marauder and a Warhammer."

"Nice, really nice." Ginelli grinned. "What else?"

"That one is a Blackjack, there's a Locust, and that one is called a Centurion." Sheridan read out. "All apparently solid designs."

"And that last one?" Anna wrinkled her nose. "Is that supposed to be there?"

"That is an Urbanmech. Captain Kerensky says it's the best balanced fighting machine ever made, but apparently she was trying not to giggle when she said that so..."

"I'll take it." Ginelli decided. "It's cute, I want it, I think it'll be easier to put through its paces then the other designs."

"Command says you can have first pick of any two. The rest are going up to the fort for evaluation."

"The Warhammer as my second, lots of guns on it, plenty to mess around with." Ginelli decided. "Perfect, always wanted my own giant robot."

"I'll tell the loadmaster." Sheridan offered. "But I don't think we've got them moving yet, the control system is pretty complex."

"First reports says it needs direct input from a pilot's brain, very curious." Ginelli nodded. "Didn't say to what degree, or how exactly that works. Something to work on."

"We captured the pilots for these machines too, they were supposed to be working on a manual for them, hopefully get them fully operational by the end of the week."

"My staff will be all over them." The scientist smiled. "You can leave me here Captain, I'll be fine, I want to get a closer look at all six machines."

"You sure?" Anna asked. "You can join us?"

"No, it's fine, thanks."

"Okay, we'll just go find that café, see what they have." John suggested. "Maybe just grab a coffee and..."

"Coffee?" A voice suddenly perked up. "Maybe the mechs can wait a little bit longer."


The thunder of impacts caused the crockery to rattle slightly, spilling some of the tea from the cup. It was an irritant but nobody complained, a hot breakfast was far too special to be upset by things beyond their control.

General Fraser took a refill, the orderly leaning over the fold-out table to bring the tea cup back to full capacity. He offered the same for Jaime Wolf and Natasha Kerensky, both declined. They did not, however, decline a second portion of bacon and eggs.

"Never go to war without a good field kitchen." Fraser offered some helpful advice. "Best thing for morale, hot food and a full belly."

"Hard to argue with that." Wolf conceded. "This tastes very good, is it fresh?"

"Flash frozen then thawed, not perfect but better than ration packs." Fraser shrugged. "Do your people have anything like that?"

"We could probably find something, but your ration packs taste very similar." Wolf answered. "All the calories in a fraction of the time."

"Unless you get the chicken surprise." Natasha chipped in. "The surprise is how long you spend in the latrine the next day."

Fraser barked a laugh. "Yeah, that sounds right!"

A pair of gunships roared overhead angling for the city, tracer fire still rising into the sky from some locations. The shadowy figures of mechs stalked the horizon, sometimes spitting out beams of light at distant targets. The mission commanders were a little further back, their temporary HQ serving as an adequate spot for some open air breakfast.

"We should be done within four days." Wolf shared with the General. "The enemy mechs are down, so are their vehicle reserves."

"I heard you caught some yesterday."

"Yes, a convoy coming up from the south, light vehicles." Wolf spoke between bites of bacon. "We successfully redirected them."

"Redirected them where?"

"Four hundred meters straight up, then scattered across most of the hemisphere."

Fraser chuckled again. "Didn't have you pegged for a man with some humor Colonel."

"It varies, I tend to be a little more open when in my natural environment."

"Hm." The General nodded along. "You feel you belong in a fight?"

"I'm a warrior." Wolf gave the only answer he needed to.

"And that's all?"

"It's enough." Wolf considered the General. "I am what I am General. Some of us are born to this, strive to become mechwarriors. To pilot one of these machines is the greatest achievement of a lifetime for many."

"Is it for you?"

"It was. Now my greatest glory is leading others, standing at the front of the finest warriors the Great Houses have seen in centuries."

"Warriors like Captain Kerensky?"

"Captain Kerensky stands apart." Wolf offered his companion due respect. "I am her commanding officer, but among an army of great warriors she stands as the greatest."

Natasha slurped her tea and tilted a shoulder in acknowledgement. "Yep."

"I can see you have your own thoughts, General." Wolf observed. "I can tell you are a career officer, correct?"

"Aye, it's true."

"You are no political appointment either. You didn't get this command because you have a rich brother, or your father is a top politician. You earned this command, but you don't call yourself a warrior?"

"I'm a soldier, Colonel, and there is a difference. This is my duty, I can do it better than a lot of other men, so I have to be here. I have to make sure it's done right."

"There is honor in duty." Wolf agreed. "And that's all?"

"These days? Yes." Fraser nodded. "Maybe once I imagined glory, earning fame, looking dashing in a uniform to attract the fair lassies." He smiled slightly. "Then I went to war, real war, now I know differently."

"Who did you fight?" Natasha asked bluntly.

"You wouldn't know them." Fraser parried. "All I'll say is I graduated fourth in my class of a hundred officers. Right now there are only two of us left, the rest are dead and gone. I know one academy, it lost every officer who graduated for the last fifteen years. Thousands of officers, no survivors. War is no game Colonel, it isn't the greatest achievement of a life. It's pure bloody murder."

"But you fight on?"

"Somebody has to, and better it's their boys and girls getting murdered than ours."

"I understand your secrecy Colonel and respect it." Wolf allowed. "But you surely understand that sooner or later you may face another war. Let's be honest, you have no idea what the galaxy is like, do you?"

"Quite a bold statement Colonel."

"It's not an accusation of weakness, my world was also somewhat isolated, so when I started as a warrior, I also had to learn how the Inner Sphere worked." Wolf was careful in how much he shared. "I think, General, that your world has been isolated for so long, you have diverged considerably from the main mass of humanity. Perhaps you were a very early colony, long isolated from before the age of war, perhaps you are from the first waves that left Terra, it doesn't matter to us."

"That's very nice of you."

"I would like to make an offer, one I strongly suggest you accept." Wolf locked eyes with Fraser. "I'd like to introduce you, or one of your leaders, to Ian Davion."

Fraser took another long sip of tea.

"Ian Davion being Prince of the Federal Suns?"

"The Federated Suns, yes." Wolf nodded. "My current employer. Frankly, General, you need to establish some sort of diplomatic contact, and it's better you do it now. If you wait, you may end up making contact with someone far worse."

"You'd say this man Davion is a good option then?"

"He's an honest enough man, he isn't as tyrannical as some, or as corrupt as others." Wolf mused on his thoughts. "Of the great powers, he is the obvious choice, and he is your nearest neighbor now. I would strongly recommend at least opening a diplomatic channel."

"And if we choose not to?"

"Then you choose not to, that is all." Wolf shrugged. "But I must mention that these pirate worlds are being claimed by your nation. I think the First Prince will actually be open to the idea, from what I have seen your people are honorable, but you will need to assure him you are no danger to his border. Pirates are a plague, but a well armed and organized army of unknown intent forming on your borders? That is something else."

"As you might guess, a decision like that is above my pay grade."

"Of course General, but my offer stands to whoever in your government wants it. I'll make the introduction, make sure there aren't any surprises or tensions, just a peaceful diplomatic opening."

"And what do you gain from this?"

"I serve my paymaster, Prince Davion. I am a mercenary, but also a warrior, and it is for the best that we avoid any further conflict out here. Honestly, I'd rather not have to fight your people, General, you're far too interesting."

"I'm flattered."

"Please send my offer to your leaders, General. This is, I think, the best way forward."
It would have come down to a numbers game and who could produce the most ships quickly. The Minbari wouldn't win that race as there ship construction is very much artisan based with only certain clans and houses - or fanes as the Minbari call them - in the worker caste who build ships, weapons like neutron cannons and so on.

Keep in mind the Centauri stomped the Narns flat with little effort, and the tech difference between them was vastly smaller. Sure, the Shadows helped a bit but the Centauri did most of the curbstomping themselves. And then the Centauri went on to curbstomp the League.

The ships fielded by the Minbari in the previous Shadow War 1000 years ago were better then anything EA has now (reaction-less drives and everything).
Also the Minbari have been an interstellar power for 1000 years+, their industry and resource base should not be underestimated - most likely much larger and better developed then EA simply due to having had more time to build up.

The Centauri were scared shitless of them even during their imperial peak, and just look how quickly were the Minbari able to design and build literally hundreds of Whitestars in very short order. And that's by Religious caste only and in relative secrecy.

Then there's the fannon theory they were actually building and mothballing ships all that time for the next Shadow War.

Earth on the other hand builds based on the assembly line principle. Also remember that the largest and heaviest Earth ships the Nova could actually tank three or four close range hits from neutron cannons and not be destroyed though it would be badly damaged. While if the Nova got into visual targeting range the Sharlin would die beneath its massive firepower.

Their is a reason why even the warrior caste respected the Nova dreadnought and even commissioned there own version in the Nestan class

Problem is, it's mostly open space out there. Sure, under circumstances you can fight up close and personal like in asteroid belts, but other then that it's open space. There is no cover in there, and sooner or later EA can't retreat / hide and has to stand and fight.
Meaning you have one side with mass-produced muskets that need to come close to hit you, and the other side has hand-crafted sniper rifles that can take the former out from way outside of their ability to respond.
The battle we see in "In the Beginning" is fairly indicative how that goes.

Their is a reason why even the warrior caste respected the Nova dreadnought and even commissioned there own version in the Nestan class
The Neshatan is actually older than the Sharlins as a class. It was the heavy gunship for the Minbari during the previous Shadow War.
Interesting update.

EA could do far worse than the Federated Suns for contact with the Inner Sphere. Though for some reason that artificial muscle fibre used in battlemech's reminds me of the cryfibril fibres used to make the nanosuits in the Crysis games. I had to laugh at Sheridan getting roped into helping with testing it.
Though for some reason that artificial muscle fibre used in battlemech's reminds me of the cryfibril fibres used to make the nanosuits in the Crysis games.
and now i'm wondering if the EA will start producing battle armor and proto mechs as a stepping stone to full mechs.
Interesting update.

EA could do far worse than the Federated Suns for contact with the Inner Sphere. Though for some reason that artificial muscle fibre used in battlemech's reminds me of the cryfibril fibres used to make the nanosuits in the Crysis games. I had to laugh at Sheridan getting roped into helping with testing it.

The Myomar fibers are far less advanced than the Cryfibril fibers used in Crysis but even then those things are ridiculous in terms of what they can do. But yeah, Ian and Hanse were said to be very standup guys as far as the Inner Sphere goes. So, assuming no shenanigans by anyone, a relatively peaceful first contact might be possible.
But yeah, Ian and Hanse were said to be very standup guys as far as the Inner Sphere goes. So, assuming no shenanigans by anyone, a relatively peaceful first contact might be possible.
More modifiers than the 500 year run of Warhammers has variants, though first contact I think will actually go well, it's the 'second' on orders of effect. I sense magic Bushido Hands in the future, angry Bulls (though sane enough after the initial "perfidious Davions (TM)" aren't given the sphere on a silver platter), "Shut up and Take my Money Lyrans" and an even more frenzied "SHUT UP and TAKE my MONEY" FWL, while space red-light district/Vegas(MOC) just hospitality's out what they want.

To paraphrase further from futurama "This appears to be a standard, by the numbers, no nonsense first contact with absolutely no surprises"-Merv Albert 'announcing on the Federated Suns-Earth Alliance first contact, while in another universe he's commenting on another 'run of the mill' basket ball game between Atomic Super men and the Harlem Globetrotters (in space!):giggle:
The Myomar fibers are far less advanced than the Cryfibril fibers used in Crysis but even then those things are ridiculous in terms of what they can do.

Forget about making EA mechs, the ultimate insult to IS "cult of mechwarrior" would be to use myomers to build and market... sex swings. You just need a suitable, comfy "seat" with a control mechanism to have the myomer "suspension" provide suitably rythmic and precise up / down or forth / retract movement. Export it everywhere, and then if you listen carefully you'll be able to hear the Clanners howl at the "blasphemy" all the way from Strana Mechty. :D :D :D
And we do know that canonically EA does have holo-brothel tech (Lochley was not amused...), so it could be bundled.

Girl, outraged: "You said it was the size of an Atlas. And that's hardly an Urbie."
Guy, embarrased: "But honey, it's not the size that matters, but how you pilot it..."

Or something like that. ;)
The EA is certainly not going to buy into that whole cult of the mechwarrior thing. They will certainly soon field their own battle mechs but they won't be the be-all and end-all of the battlefield that they have been over the last few centuries if not longer. Instead they'll be just another part of a combined arms group and you can bet they will fit heavy duty energy weapons like gatling pulse cannons and plasma mortars as part of their armaments.

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