Capital World of the Capellan Confederation
October 3008
"This one is going to be the challenge." David Sheridan bounced in his seat as the shuttle rocked through the sky. "Everything we've been told about House Liao is that they are schemers, ruthless and merciless. As cruel as Kurita, but without the veneer of politeness."
"I don't think we'll make much progress." Nigel Morrison shook his head beside him. "Realistically, we might get some trade, but there's going to be no treaties worth the paper they're written on."
"At least it gets us a chance to look at these people up close and personal, make our own assessment of them." Sheridan looked more positively on things. "Hopefully, Marik will be more open to trade, we just need to actually schedule an appointment."
"Booking time with them was a nightmare. I was back and forth so often, I think we cost the Archon a small fortune in HPG bills."
"We'll make it up to her, initial reports indicate there are probable Quantium deposits in Lyran space," Sheridan noted, recalling the list of minerals the EA was ready to trade for. "Someone is about to get spectacularly rich."
The shuttle bumped a little more before entering a curved landing pattern, the white and blue craft cutting through the grey skies across rich green jungles. Their approach was standard, a small unit of fighters keeping an eye on them in the distance, a hint at the paranoia pervasive across the planet. Their space at the spaceport was fenced off to prevent any gawkers from seeing the visitors, their arrival receiving no fanfare or even official acknowledgement.
"Angels and ministers of grace." Sheridan prepared himself as the shuttle powered down, the doorway and ramp extending to let them set food on the warm planet.
"Welcome." A broad man with short cropped hair met them at the foot of the ramp. "We are glad you chose to visit us before the Mariks. I am Colonel Dubrov, and I will be your guide for the next few days."
"Glad to be here, Colonel. I'm David Sheridan, representing the President of the Earth Alliance. This is Mr. Morrison, my aide, and Mr. Jiang Li, my advisor."
Jiang Li was of course another carefully placed agent assigned on the behalf of the EIA. As Vic Chapel's best operative, it was logical he would be deployed to what was expected to be the most deceptive meeting. He'd kept a low profile in the same way Tetsuro Hamato was now in the background of the diplomatic team, biding their time until the mission needed them.
"We have some rooms for you in the Forbidden City. It is a great honor." Dubrov turned on his heel, clearly expecting them to follow. "You will not be allowed into the Celestial Palace itself, of course, but Chancellor Liao has scheduled a personal meeting with you. He considers your presence here extremely auspicious."
"Well, that's good to hear."
"Especially as hostilities with the Federated Suns appear to be winding down over New Aragon," Dubrov added. "Perhaps if you have influence with Prince Davion, you can hasten a peaceful end to that battle?"
"If both sides are open, I think my President would be willing to act as mediator."
The journey to the Forbidden City was uneventful, the convoy passing through immense gates ceremonially guarded by immaculate heavy mechs staring down on the streams of visitors, workers, and mandarins going about their business. Sheridan observed that security was tight; uniformed police were a common sight, with plain clothes agents likely just as pervasive. The architecture definitely had a Chinese flare, the classic pagodas clad in reds and golds standing around open squares, with the tops of trees visible within walled gardens. It was truly beautiful, with the Celestial Palace itself rising in the distance as the unquestioned masterpiece.
Dubrov led them into the diplomatic quarters, Sheridan and his two assistants heading into a very ornate common room covered in paintings of Liao glory.
"Please help yourselves to food, gentlemen, I shall return in a few hours when the Chancellor is ready to speak to you."
"Thank you for your hospitality, Colonel." Sheridan gave a slight bow. "I will be sure to note your helpfulness."
Rather pleased with that, Dubrov departed, closing the doors behind him. With the coast clear, Li checked his watch which not only told him the time, but also gave him warning of any hidden micro power sources associated with listening devices. It didn't tell him where they were or how many, just that someone was listening.
"The President should just be sitting down to dinner," he said casually, the pre-arranged code to let the others know they could not speak freely. He sat down at the table in the center of the room, a selection of food laid upon it. "Been months since I had real dumplings, want to try some?"
"You think we can?" Morrison was radiating suspicion.
"I doubt they'd poison us before they interrogate us." Sheridan applied a little logic. "Better get some food down your neck, might be a while before the meeting."
It was a full six hours before Colonel Dubrov returned, the delay probably a negotiating tactic. He gave a jovial bow and took them toward one of the various meeting rooms. It was attached to the palace, but still strictly speaking a separate structure, the very clear message that the visitors were not worthy of actually entering the Celestial Palace not particularly subtle.
Sheridan took mental notes but filed it all away, none of it affecting his confidence. Negotiating with House Refa had not been dissimilar, the constant posturing and denigration a weak tactic, and usually played by those lacking other strengths. They were led into a large meeting room that was actually incredibly plain, a simple wooden desk and bland chairs, making the whole thing look like a middle management office.
"Wait here, please," Dubrov requested. "The Chancellor will be along in his own time."
That time was another hour, Maximilian Liao apparently content to take his time and largely unconcerned with the discomfort of others. When he did finally arrive, he made no comment on the delay, the door suddenly snapped open and there he was.
"Chancellor." Sheridan and his aides stood and bowed. "My thanks for taking time out from your busy schedule to meet with us."
"It will be a brief meeting, I have no need to posture before the crowd like Davion and Steiner." Liao spoke frankly and without refinement, powerful and educated as he undoubtedly was, he also had little time for pleasantries. "Candace! Romano! Hurry!"
Behind him two further persons arrived, the daughters of the Chancellor moving to take position one on either side. As Liao sat, so too did his children, Candace a fair skinned and raven haired beauty, Romano harder looking and less courtly. They all sat down together, Liao waving for Sheridan to do the same.
"You are a mystery to me," Liao began, very closely watching his opposite number. "You arrive from nowhere, you seek audiences with the great rulers of the Inner Sphere as if you mattered, and you offer them the scraps from your table as gifts. Seeds, water purification plants, goats. All the while, you keep warships at your disposal ready to strike on a whim."
"Our fleet is for the defense of our holdings. You may note, Lord Liao, that we have not sent them into battle unless attacked first."
"By the pirates at Tortuga?" Liao considered. "How much threat were they to you? A nation with a handful of true warships. Was it necessary to conquer their planets? Remove them from the face of the galaxy as you did?"
"We take threats seriously."
"And when a threat is determined, you use the forces at your disposal to destroy them completely, forces including several warships that any of we great lords would have difficulty in countering," Liao observed. "When prompted to act, you move decisively. You are quite prepared to use force. Did you negotiate with the pirates, offer them terms?"
"What terms are there for pirates?" Sheridan asked. "Would you have made a deal with criminals?"
"It would depend on the circumstances," Liao answered honestly. "If there is advantage in any particular action, I will seek it. That you apparently did not is illuminating."
Maximilian Liao waved his hand, breaking the line of thought.
"This is not disapproval or scorn, the strong decide, the weak abide. Such is the law of survival. The pirates at Tortuga finally learned that. If anything, I gain some small respect for you. While you may wish to talk, you are not against direct action if it suits you. That is no weakness, and as such I am content to speak with you."
"The meeting is very much appreciated, Lord Liao." Sheridan made sure to emphasize. "We also have something you else you may have an interest in."
"Your new communication equipment?" Maximilian smiled, catching the tiniest flicker from Sheridan. "Yes, it is not so secret as you think, not anymore. Of course, if the other lords have accepted this, then so too shall I. If nothing else, it is a useful capability to keep."
"Well, I suppose that saves me going through the sales pitch." Sheridan shrugged his shoulders. "Have you had a chance to look over our requests in return?"
"Requests. I have," Liao nodded. "Minerals, metals, nothing of great value, but all useful for industry."
"You ask for a lot." Romano interjected from beside her father. "What will you use it for?"
"Colony expansion. Tortuga was in a poor condition, it is likely the other pirate worlds will need reconstruction too once we secure them."
"Many of these materials can also be turned into weapons."
"A strong defense is also necessary for colonial expansion," Sheridan said simply. "One can never tell when an attack may arrive."
"This is true." Maximillian nodded. "I am glad you are not naïve enough to think that just traveling around, being nice, and trying to sell a few trinkets to us would be enough to earn our trust."
"I would not insult your intelligence, Lord Liao."
"Good." Maximilian maintained his distant attitude, playing his cards close. "Then I will speak plainly. You concern me, more than the other lords, apparently. Perhaps they were easier to buy off or just more foolish, but unlike them, I see you are not content in your current situation."
"I do not follow, my lord?"
"You are taking planets, Mr. Sheridan, expanding your territory and holdings. You seek rare materials from each of the powers you visit, rare materials, but not finished products. We could have sold you guns, engines, refined metal sheets that would have been more efficient. More expensive too, of course, but for this technology, you could have asked for almost anything. You ask for raw materials so that we will never know what you are building. Until perhaps you turn your weapons on us."
"I assure you that is not our intention."
"Assurances require trust. I do not trust you," Liao said simply. "I require more than just your word. If you want this amount of rare materials, you almost certainly have massive stocks of more common metals, that speaks of significant industry. How many worlds do you have?"
"Some, but not many. We are not as large as the Inner Sphere, we are just a periphery power."
"But one with an apparently untouched industrial base. That grants you some significant value. Trade with you may be very advantageous, but not if all you offer are seeds and water. You have far more, and that is what I seek."
Liao stood, everyone else doing the same.
"We will sign treaties, we will initiate trade, but not for agriculture. If you want a non aggression treaty, you must offer me more. Weapons, aerospace fighters, mechs, and warships."
"That is significantly more than my government is ready to offer."
"The strong decide, the weak abide. Those are my terms, we will speak again tomorrow."
Maximilian Liao stood and swept out of the plain room, his daughters close behind, the doors sliding shut behind him with a dramatic clang.
"He didn't seem really into negotiations, did he?" Jiang creased his brow.
"He didn't," Sheridan agreed. "He's definitely playing hardball, but we can take or leave his terms too. If all we take home is a solid reading of this government, I'd call that a win."
"He has no faith in us at all," Morrison echoed. "He sees us as potential threats, his goal is to minimize that or to call our bluff. He doesn't care about trade, he just wants to keep us out of his games."
"He didn't mention New Aragon," Sheridan noted. "Maybe sees it as a sign of weakness. Last I heard, the Davions were winning."
"They'd almost retaken the whole planet." Jiang nodded. "Any negotiation would be more about safe passage for his remaining troops. I'm sure he's not going to lead with that when he needs to look strong for us."
"His surface thoughts were fixated on exploiting this to improve his standing with the other great houses. He doesn't care much for us, he just wants us written off as a threat to his grand schemes," Morrison assessed. "He won't abide by any treaty, he will probably trade in the end, but he won't trust us and we shouldn't trust him."
"I don't think we expected a huge breakthrough here, but it had to be done." Sheridan resigned himself to the situation. "Let's get the trade done and head for the Mariks, by now they might have decided on a room to meet us in."
"One other thing, his daughters, both were a lot more attentive to us than the Chancellor himself," Morrison added. "Mr. Li, I think you need to prepare yourself. One of them plans to visit you later tonight."
"Well, let me just say I'm lucky I didn't start blushing at some of her ideas." The telepath grinned. "Good luck, Mr. Li."
Jiang Li spent the next few hours trying to figure out exactly how this was going to work. He was absolutely prepared for this, seduction as a technique to gain information and advantage was as old as time, and something the EIA itself was not above using. He had dealt with similar situations before, he knew to keep his wits and turn a scenario to his advantage, but the question was how? Allow the seduction and try flip it back to gain information for himself, or decline and try to preserve the neutrality of the negotiations?
On the one hand, the negotiations were mostly just for show at this point. Sheridan wasn't going to promise military equipment to a power with a reputation like the Capellans, so either Liao was making a grand demand to begin with and would negotiate down to something more sensible, or they were all going away at the end of the week with nothing much. A daughter of Maximilian would certainly have insight into his tactics, but he severely doubted someone born and raised in such a household was a starry eyed romantic, or a lustful fool.
There was a slim chance his expected visitor was just bored in the palace and fancied an evening of entertainment, but he didn't assess that as likely. As young as the daughters seemed, they both played the games of state and he doubted he was the first target to enjoy such charms. This was going to be a battle, a duel of wits and temptation between two skilled opponents.
The tap at his door arrived, gentle but insistent. He calmed himself, made ready to fake surprise, and decided to try and play everything by instinct. He unlocked the door and parted it, raising his eyebrows in a good facsimile of surprise.
"Oh? Mistress Liao."
"Candace. There is no ceremony here," she spoke softly, clad in a green silk dress. Her hair was loose and while it was in a casual style, it was very carefully arrayed to accentuate her face. Which admittedly was unrivalled. "May we speak? I feel that today did not go well. Perhaps there is a chance to salvage tomorrow?"
"Of course, please." Jiang opened to door wider for her. "Make yourself at home. In your home."
It wasn't hard to put on a veneer of awkwardness, his face flushing a little red as she bumped him accidentally on purpose with her hip as she walked by. This was the strategy then, start strong, send in a concerned daughter to suggest a better deal she would convince her father to take, and everyone does well with no loss of face.
He closed the door behind her.
"Lock it." She instructed over her shoulder. "I would prefer no interruptions."
He did as told, his face still showing red which was no doubt exactly what Candace expected, but his heart rate remained under control, his wits on maximum alert. He was in the heart of a spider's web and was acutely aware of that. He would play the game, get a good result for the team, and hopefully keep his head.
"Can I fetch you something from the cabinet?" He gave his voice a little bit of a nervous break. "Your people were very hospitable, there's plenty of food and drink or..."
"I'm fine, thank you for your attentions." Candace draped herself over a couch, stretching out her legs.
"Mind if I drink?" He coughed a little. "I think I could use one."
She smiled widely, keeping her eyes on him, so far all as expected.
"I hope my father was not too intimidating today. He is a great man, but so often he is unjustly maligned. So many call him a monster, he has started acting very harshly with outsiders."
"I can understand being defensive, surrounding yourself with a wall. Especially a man with such tremendous responsibility." Jiang sat opposite his guest. "We expect things like this. Nobody takes it personally."
"I do, but he is my father." Candace sighed somewhat theatrically. "I worry for him, that sometimes his need to display his strength might blind him to other paths forward."
"I understand." Jiang accepted. "But why tell me this?"
"You were there today, you saw it," she answered. "And I think approaching your leader, Mr Sheridan, might be seen as a scheme to influence him. That is not my intention, I'm not that sort of person."
She sighed again.
"Everyone has their expectations of me, what can I do?"
Jiang gave her a sympathetic look, leaning in toward her. "It must be so difficult living under so much scrutiny."
Perhaps it was, but that hadn't stopped Candace from becoming a talented mechwarrior, expert schemer, clever administrator, and very probably a ruthless killer. Both House Davion and Steiner had advised extreme caution if confronted by either daughter, their own agencies calculating Candace was the most dangerous of the two.
"No one knows I'm here, it would be a scandal if I were seen in private with a visitor from outside." She cast her eyes down. "But this negotiation is important. I know that neutrality is important to you, that you have sought it from each house. You want peace, you don't want to make enemies or allies, and I commend that."
"Thank you, we just want to know where we stand and try to treat everyone equally."
"That is my worry! If we treat you poorly, you may decide to ally with our enemies! That would be a great tragedy! I could not stand seeing that happen, not when I could do something to help."
She raised her dark eyes to his.
"Absolutely anything to help."
"Well I, I errr... I am moved by your passion for this." Jiang stuttered, he was going to have to play this carefully, he wasn't going to fall for her game today. He would play it off as a conflict of desire and duty, that would be believable, then figure out what to do when she inevitably returned tomorrow night.
"I want what is best for my people." She suddenly and melodramatically reached out and grabbed his hand. "As I know you do."
"Yes, yes I do, I must always put my people first. Whatever my other thoughts." He swallowed, it wasn't taking much acting. "I have to follow my duty, remain professional."
"Ah, yes, professional." She looked aside. "I understand Mr. Li."
"Jiang, my name is Jiang."
"A strong name." She smiled wide at the apparent increase in trust. "For a strong man. It has been a while since I have met someone like you, it can be a lonely life."
She stood from the chair and suddenly leaned in, smothering him with the scent of her perfume, the touch of her hair, the very soft touch of her lips on his ear. She exhaled softly, holding nothing back in this attempt.
"They are listening to every word." She spoke so quietly he could barely hear her, but the words electrified his brain. What was this game? "They are coming for you."
"Shut your fucking mouth, you idiot." The voice never raised beyond a seductive whisper. "I'm going to invite you to my room, follow me. If you don't, you will be fucked. And not like they think I'm offering."
She stood back upright, adjusting her dress and smiling.
"If you like the sound of that, come with me, Jiang."
This wasn't the plan. Was she trying a high risk tactic? Did she suspect he was an agent? It wouldn't be a huge leap for them to guess and create a scenario to cater for him. Or maybe she was telling the truth, in which case, what did she gain by warning him? This could be an elaborate trap, but why bother? They already had the team powerless and at their mercy, why go to all this trouble?
She unlocked the door, peering over her shoulder. "Are you ready?"
"Yes." Jiang made his choice. "Lead the way."
Candace entered the hallway and moved gracefully but at a reasonable pace along the gallery, various rooms on each side. Jiang kept up with her, the pair reaching a room at the end of the hall, which she unlocked and brought him into. He waited until the door was shut and locked to raise his guard.
"What's going on?"
"A war of influence. We can speak freely here, I have enough friends in the Maskirovka to guarantee this room is private."
Jiang subtly checked his watch, the detector confirming no listening devices.
"My sister has convinced my father you are a threat, that periphery states are worthless and negotiating as equals is an insult to House Liao." Candace spoke fast and concisely, the seductive aura completely gone. "Your people are about to be dragged out of their rooms and imprisoned as hostages to force terms from your leaders."
"That's insane, we are here under diplomatic protections!"
"Romano doesn't give a shit about that, she sees this as an easy win to earn our father's favor over me. So predictable. If she wasn't such a child, she might actually be dangerous."
"We have to get David Sheridan out, he's the most senior of us."
"No, he's the obvious target. If he is gone, they keep looking, if you are gone, they won't care so much."
"Is that why you came to me tonight?"
"Yes, but for two other reasons also." Candace opened up a wardrobe, slipping off her dress and putting on some less slinky clothing. "You're military intelligence. Don't deny it, of course you are. You can look after yourself, and you will be an asset to me."
"And reason number two?"
She threw him an army uniform, then cracked a smile.
"You are actually pretty fuckable. Now get that on, we're leaving for a safe house."
David Sheridan was dragged from his room with barely sufficient time to throw on some clothes. He was hauled through the diplomatic building as noise filled the night, the crashes of doors being kicked in, orders barked, sometimes the thump of fists or rifle butts against flesh. Sheridan's team were all being rounded up, the shouts and screams impossible to identify. Someone was resisting, probably his two warriors, but there wasn't going to be much they could do against the entire planet.
He was brought to another basic concrete looking room with no windows and just a simple table. Two men waited for him, one was Colonel Dubrov, the other Maximilian Liao.
"Mister Sheridan." Liao gestured for his troopers to shove the diplomat into the seat behind the table. "I have decided to continue our talks."
"I have nothing to say." Sheridan bottled his anger, but it wasn't going to last long. "If you want to talk, you will release my people, give them safe passage to orbit, and then we talk."
"I could do that, but I don't see why. I have Death Commandos securing your ship as we speak, you forgot to bring a decent number of marines."
"We didn't expect to need them."
"Perhaps you have been on the periphery too long." Liao exhaled as if facing a child. "Trust is a cancer, Mr Sheridan. It rots whatever it touches and leaves you weak, vulnerable, and eventually dead. Cut it out and you achieve so much more."
"Like this? If you think this improves your negotiating position, I assure you, it doesn't. The Alliance does not negotiate with hostage takers."
"Of course they will, everyone does in the end."
Liao leaned in and whispered something to Dubrov, who nodded and quickly left the room.
"I will offer you this sign of respect, Mr Sheridan. As leader of your group, I will guarantee your safety. You will be under arrest, but will have a room in the diplomatic quarter. I am sure your leaders will wish to speak with you."
"And the rest of my team?"
"They will be fed and watered." Liao promised. "If they behave, they will live."
"That isn't good enough." Sheridan stated flatly.
"I don't care for your opinion," Liao dismissed. "This is how things are. Hostages are taken, negotiations are made, hostages are released. You are not special, Mr. Sheridan."
"So this is a negotiation strategy?"
"Nothing more, nothing less." Liao nodded. "The strong decide, the weak abide. Your leaders are not in a strong position. We will have trade, one favorable to me, of course, and you will be released. You are important on your world, yes? Then they will negotiate for you."
"They might do more than send negotiators."
"Yes, I expect some posturing, perhaps an ill advised rescue attempt. But this is all a learning experience. Your leaders wanted to know more about how the Inner Sphere works? You are welcome."
Dubrov returned carrying a box in his hands. It instantly sent a shiver down Sheridan's spine.
"This is routine for many negotiations, but some of your people resisted. Regrettably, one was killed," Liao stated, Dubrov bringing the box for Sheridan to inspect. "Observe, Mr. Sheridan, that while I do favor keeping you alive and comfortable, I will kill you if necessary for my goals."
He had to look, it was his duty and his responsibility. He had led these people here, whatever happened to them lay upon his shoulders.
"This was Mr. Morrison?" Liao asked. "Your bodyguard?"
"My friend."
"He was a remarkable warrior. He killed eight of my personal guards before one managed to approach from behind and kill him. I have no idea how he killed so many. He had no weapons, and I expect you won't tell me."
Morrison was only a P5 telepath, normal for commercial and diplomatic work. A Psi Cop might actually have laid waste to the entire detachment of commandos sent against them, but not Nigel Morrison. He did what he could.
"I don't think you're going to like our response," Sheridan said simply.
"Warships?" Liao guessed. "Good, I'm expecting it. Sian is the best defended world in my Confederation. It still has a functional planetary defense system specifically designed to destroy warships. If your fleet arrives in orbit, it will not leave."
"We do not negotiate," Sheridan said firmly.
"You will. No one cares about a few commoner lives, but they'll negotiate for a man of power like you. We will both profit from this. I am not so cruel as to deny your nation the rare minerals and metals you request. But I will have weapons from you on favorable terms."
Liao gathered himself up and nodded to his guards. Sheridan was once again picked up and manhandled away.
"I have left some history books in your new quarters, Mr. Sheridan. Perhaps they will help educate you to the truth of the Inner Sphere. The Great Lords decide what we take and what we leave. This is the way of things, now and forever."