Religion The ethics of disowning degenerate family members

Doing a little research apparently the phrase Sexual Bolshevism wasn't Nazi in origin-it came from a pastor named Ludwig Hoppe.

"The phrase "sexual Bolshevism" originated in Weimar Germany in the 1920s by Pastor Ludwig Hoppe of Berlin as a more general term of approbation at licentiousness.[27] When Nazi Germany came into being after the failures of the Weimar government, the Nazis used the term "sexual Bolshevism" to refer to perceived sexual degeneracy, in particular homosexuality.[28] "

So it isn't actually even a Nazi term, they merely appropriated it.

In any case, it is the job of parents to help guide their children as they become young adults. Choosing a mate (including sexual partners) is one of the most important decisions that young people make, so of course parents should care about it and should be rightly upset if they think that their child (even if he or she is a legal adult) is making a bad choice that could ruin their lives.
Which is why, arranged marriages were the norm throughout like...most of human history(though obviously there were always historical differences).

I’ve never heard of Sexual Bolshevism before, so I can’t comment on that term, but Cultural Marxism is certainly a real thing and we see it every day.
Its a conspiracy, we right wingers believe in, except Gramsci, Horkheimer, Marcuse, and the others actually talked about it. We see it now in entertainment, education, academia, etc...
Which is why, arranged marriages were the norm throughout like...most of human history(though obviously there were always historical differences).
I’m not necessarily for arranged marriages, but I can see a good case for them. Or at least a good case for the choice being made by a combination of the parents and child. Young people frequently have pretty bad taste in partners.
I think part of the problem is that young people by their nature act on passions, emotional and carnal and don't think things through. Sometimes yes, young love and sweetheart romance leads to lasting marriage. And many times it leads to bitter divorce, and shattered families-or rather the end of that euphoria does.
So it isn't actually even a Nazi term, they merely appropriated it.
I mean, you can make that argument about the swastika though.

Also, on cultural marxism: It mixes between being a conspiracy theory where people lump a lot of things that aren't true into it (like saying that marxists run the media corporations, etc (they are capitalists who just pander because they think it's profitable)) vs just talking about critical theory, depending on who uses it. Hence it's a term I avoid, instead just talking about critical theory.

But sexual Bolshevism? That's a bullshit term, blatantly trying to link sexual freedom with communism (which has almost no freedom in practice). Also, the reason the Nazi's rose? Mostly the economy. The sexual freedom had relatively little to do with it except provide the Nazis with another target.
At the time, Bolshevism was attributed to any subversive or revolutionary movement. So liberalization for homosexuals and transgenders would be seen as merely an element in the broader Bolshevik project. The term works in its context.

Cultural Marxism refers in right wing discourse to the Frankfurt School, New Left, the French postmodernists, and these intellectual movements influence on culture-art, media, sexual and family norms, political philosophy, etc...

So I would say cultural Marxism is an awkward and broad term that describes related but different schools and ideas. The french postmodernists and phenomenalists rejected Marxism, Gramsci advocated cultural hegemony, and the new left emerged in the 1960s and interacted with the postmodernists and anti colonial theorists(Fanon) to produce modern identity grievance politics-queer, women, black, Chicano, etc... In short, cultural Marxism is an overly broad term used to describe related but distinct intellectual and political currents going back largely to the sixties but also before to the thirties.
I'd never seen the phrase "Sexual Bolshevism" before, but it does seem to fit with what I remember reading a long time ago.
When the big-C Communists, or Tankies as some people call them, are busy trying to subvert and soften up a country in order to weaken its ability to resist, they will encourage and advocate for all sorts of things that they have no intention of tolerating once The Revolution has happened and they are the ones in control.
Defiance of government, law and authority? Rejecting traditional morality and social roles? Refusing to believe in the religion your parents do, just because? Demanding that everyone affirm you as some made-up snowflake gender? From the point-of-view of the cold, calculating Bolshevik, it all helps.
But then once they are in power... "please face wall."
Yeah we get it. The Nazis opposed Marxism, so in your eyes anyone who opposes Marxism is a Nazi.
But that's you.
Yeah, clearly thinking people shouldn't abandon their children is something only Marxist believe.

I didn't even accuse anyone of being a Nazi. I know "people who disagree with me are all commies" is probably a comfortable position, but it is pretty pathetic to see a grown adult resort to it.
So then you do care who they decide to fuck because thats linked to them being happy.
Yeah, and if you know gay people who try to fake being straight, they aren't happy.
Its not also like pederasty and gender confusion(boys in drag) doesn't lead to lasting mental and emotional problems. Degeneracy is by its nature a rotting force, that destroys individuals, families, societies and governments.
Oh no, do the gays run the banks, too?
I’ve never heard of Sexual Bolshevism before, so I can’t comment on that term, but Cultural Marxism is certainly a real thing and we see it every day.

It is getting carried away. Wouldn’t you get concerned if you had a 16 child having sex with a 50 year old? Would you be concerned if your 13 year old child was having sex at all? What if you learned that your 18 year old daughter had over 50 sexual partners? What if you learned your teenaged child was dating someone who was involved in crime or some kind of movement that you thought was terrible?

For some people, the sex of the child’s partner is on the above list. For others it’s race, religion, and/or economic status.

In any case, it is the job of parents to help guide their children as they become young adults. Choosing a mate (including sexual partners) is one of the most important decisions that young people make, so of course parents should care about it and should be rightly upset if they think that their child (even if he or she is a legal adult) is making a bad choice that could ruin their lives.
"Cultural Marxism" is the idea that a bunch of German Hegelians from the 1930s are secretly masterminding the fall of western civilizations. You think it is a coincidence that the conspiracy theory happens to claim a bunch of Jewish guys the Nazis were mad at are the problem. Neo-Nazis warmed up some of old uncle Adolph's left overs and a bunch of morons uncritically adopted it

Do you think the victims of pedophiles are usually happy? Do you think people in abusive relationships are happy? If not, then where is the contradiction with what I said?

The difference is that people who care what religion or race or economic status their kids partner has are concerned about things that don't actually touch on their ability to be a good partner. If you think dating a black person or a man is going to ruin your son's life, that is a really dumb position. You've basically admitted this comes down to whatever irrational prejudices the parents have being grounds to kick their kid out of the house.
"Cultural Marxism" is the idea that a bunch of German Hegelians from the 1930s are secretly masterminding the fall of western civilizations.
Cultural marxism can be basically summed up as Marxism applied to race and culture.

And I fundamentally don't see the issue here. As per the left, you need to disown your family if they voted for Trump. So if rightoids want to disown their own family for being degenerates. Whats the issue?

One may say family breakdown but families are breaking down anyway. And the left don't care about families anyway.
Whats hilarious is that economics is involved in cultural marxism. All the males have money, need to transfer to women or all the white people have money, seize it and transfer to POCs
I already told you the answer. You just ignore it and say doesn't count cause economic blather.
You didn't say anything about Marxism. You just said "oppressor and oppressed". That's not an answer.
Whats hilarious is that economics is involved in cultural marxism. All the males have money, need to transfer to women or all the white people have money, seize it and transfer to POCs
Oh, you're totally ignorant of what Marxism is. That makes sense.
You didn't say anything about Marxism. You just said "oppressor and oppressed". That's not an answer.

Oh, you're totally ignorant of what Marxism is. That makes sense.
You are not clever worm. You have nothing to say but that we are ignorant and its just economics and thus doesn't count. I already explained it to you. I even pointed out that economics is part of cultural marxism.
You are not clever worm. You have nothing to say but that we are ignorant and its just economics and thus doesn't count. I already explained it to you. I even pointed out that economics is part of cultural marxism.
Yeah, by saying something that makes no sense if you have even the slightest idea what Marxism is. There is plenty to criticize about Marxist bullshit. It just isn't any of the stuff you actually said.

"Cultural Marxism" is a bullshit thing the Nazis came up with, and it is hilarious to see people just gobble it up while having no idea what they're talking about.
Yeah, by saying something that makes no sense if you have even the slightest idea what Marxism is. There is plenty to criticize about Marxist bullshit. It just isn't any of the stuff you actually said.

"Cultural Marxism" is a bullshit thing the Nazis came up with, and it is hilarious to see people just gobble it up while having no idea what they're talking about.
Aka I don't have anything to say but say we are ignorant and its all economics and we are all nazi's.

As expected of a leftist.
Aka I don't have anything to say but say we are ignorant and its all economics and we are all nazi's.

As expected of a leftist.
"You disagree with me! You must be a mean old comnamist!"

I didn't call you a Nazi. I did say you were mindlessly absorbing Nazi nonsense, because that is true.

What am I supposed to say here? You're the one claiming "Cultural Marxism" is a real thing, but you can't explain it at all, and the one thing you said about men and white people giving their money away is completely unrelated to anything actual Marxists think.
Are you saying that someone can't, under any circumstances, stop being gay?
Depends on what you mean by "stop". You stop having sex with dudes, but you can't quit wanting to. As all the guys who ran "conversion therapy" centers either admitting it didn't work or getting caught with rent boys proves.

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