China Taiwan President urges review of Relationship with Mainland

Horrific as it's been for Hong Kong and the general freedoms and rights of people there, I suppose one small good to come out of the HK crackdowns & rhetoric, in combination with the revelations of Xinjiang province in the west and how the CCP treats dissident or 'disloyal' elements, is making it clear to the Republic of China/Taiwan that the PRC embodied the scorpion in the story of the scorpion and the frog. They're in a better place, globally, to raise ruckus to since sympathy's on their side and the region is only growing less amenable to the PRC (to say nothing of how...openly critical to degrees previous presidents were not that the current president is--even if he might not follow-through on that successfully, it gives Taiwan and Tsai Ing-wen cover for their own expression).

The PRC-ROC 1992 'consensus' on Taiwan's status is rather rightly growing to be viewed with reference to the PRCs promises towards 'one country, two systems' for HK that have...panned out much differently than those they made the promises to expected, to be (perhaps overly) charitable. The intentional-double-speak, blind-in-one-eye position doesn't seem like it can hold up if the ROC/Taiwanese drift further towards active and outright straightforwardly acknowledged independence instead of the bizarre mishmash of contradicting setups currently in order.
The Pan-Blue coalition needs to remember that ultimately its values are antithetical to communism and, if it comes to supporting a declaration of independence, that does not necessarily invalidate the history of the KMT or their essential Chinese identity. It just means they must remain separate, as long as mainland China is Red, and by whatever means necessary, including functioning as an independent Taiwanese state.

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