Quest Star Wars - Unknown Regions Imperial Warlord Quest

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Might as well call it, as I don't expect any other plans to appear.

I've also thought for a rather long time about starting up another quest with a simpler system, and with smaller scale. That would allow for more personal actions on the part of the main character and more character interaction.
The reason I've thought about that is that part of the reason I'm hit with writers block so often is that I get inspired for other things.
This quest will remain active and worked on regardless of if I go ahead with the other quest, and it will probably help me with getting writing done on this one as well.

The reason I write this here is because I want input from the players and readers of this quest on whether you think it is a good idea or not, as I'm not convinced myself either way. The quest I'd start in that case would be a Fallout quest, set in 2276 as a splinter of the Brotherhood of Steel that follows neither Casdin nor Lyons.
Main Turn - 7 - AFE 23:10 Results
AFE 23:10 Results

Expand Science Office [Chemistry] <Civil Administration>
Expand Exploration Office [Hyper] <Adm. Korray>
Grant Faction Offices [Imperial Security Bureau <Moff’s Pallace>
Grant Faction Offices [Imperial Intelligence] <Kan Styndath>
Construct an Arsenal Complex <High Col. Terrend>
Success 5 DoS
Expand Imperial Academy w/Starfighter Branch <Maj. General Darus> 2/3
Success 4 DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Ministry of Production>
Failure 1DoF
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <MoP: Dept. of Agriculture>
Success 1DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Horn>
Success 1DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Ardan>
Failure 1DoF
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Cot>
Critical Failure
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Kore>
Success 1DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Dalsar-Tagge>
Failure 1DoF
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Kothari>
Success 1DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Adm. Jandi>
Success 2DoS
Expand Industrial Infrastructure [Kodu] <MoP: Dept. of Industry>
Success 3DoS
Expand Advanced Industry [Kodu] <Adm. Fird>
Critical Success 7 DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Metal] <MoP: Dept. of Natural Resources>
Success 1DoS
Expand Resource Extraction [Inner Asteroid Belt/Fuel] <MoP: Dept. of Strategic Materials>
Success 2DoS
Explore System [Conduct extensive survey of Shipwreck Graveyard] <Exploration Office>
Success 4DoS
**I see this as a coordinated action with Admiral Lorres’ Patrol forces. Might be a good place to start understanding the area we’re in as well as possibly gaining resources through scrapping ship hulls and looking at the tech inside them.
Alternative for Bacta <Science Office> + <IDMR R&D Team> (+5 to Research Actions)
Critical Success 4DoS
Build a Dossier [Admiral Zeth Fird] <Adm. Hir>
Success 3DoS
Interrogate Duro Captives <Agent Senk> + Imptel Operatives (+5 to Intel Actions)
Critical Success 4DoS
Infiltrate [IDMR] <Pers. Intel Network> + <Imptel Infiltration Team> (+10 to Infiltration Action)
Success 2DoS (Secrecy Success 3DoS)
Continue Patrol [Red Giant System w/Ship Graveyard] <Adm. Lorres>
Failure 2DoF
Identify Star System [Red Giant System w/Ship Graveyard] as “The Nether System”

The end of the month rolls around, and with it comes the reports for the last months activities.

The most pressing report is of the catastrophic kind, as Admiral Lorres reports that he has had several of his captains and many members of their crews executed for gross incompetence and negligence. They had been habitually lazy in following protocol when handling the transportation of seeds and animals while setting up new farmland for use, and as a result the stored seeds have been ruined.
While this won't prevent future expansion of food production, it will make it more difficult as stores have to be rebuilt and seeds will have to be sourced from already existing farms.
Admiral Lorres argument for why he went for immediate execution is that in our situation, negligence in handling our food supply is comparable in severity to rebel terrorism. You find it hard to disagree, though many in the Imperial Navy are leery of him now, due to both his inability to keep his captains disciplined before it happened, and his execution of people with peer rank to them.

Due to the damages to your seed supplies several other admirals report that they were unable to expand the available farmland, and instead focused on supporting the ones that had already seen some success. So at the end of the month minister Andard reports an expansion of your food production roughly half of what was aimed for. She further requests that you reevaluate your position on the MoP getting their own security branch, to have further personnel in place to prevent this sort of thing.
In the Ministry of Productions other areas of responsibility the work has gone well however. Metal production is up, and fuel extraction in the asteroid belt is expanding. Meanwhile, the industrial capabilities of Kodu is growing into a respectable level at this point. Not nearly close to supplying your forces, but objectively in comparison to many other Imperial planets, you are ahead of the curve.

In happier news than for the food situation, the Science Office and Exploration Office have both been expanded, with the Science Office getting a new chemistry department, something that will likely be of great use going forward. The Exploration Office meanwhile sports a new Hyperblazer Office, an important part of their work going forward if you are ever to see the core worlds again.

The Imperial Security Bureau have also been granted their requested groundside headquarters, separate from COMPNOR as a whole. They are very grateful and have stated that this will greatly increase their capacity to do their job free from interference.
Directly next door is the new headquarters building for Imperial Intelligence, something both they and the ISB are not the most excited about but the animosity is both as old as both institutions and insignificant enough to be unlikely to develop into a problem.

High Colonel Terrend is reporting massive success in the construction of the arsenal complex, with the core building and offices being completed and ground prepared for an immediate expansion should so be desired. All that remains is to tool up the production lines and it will be turning raw materials into usable equipment in no time.

Major General Darus has seen to his first task with great zeal, despite the work being about a different branch than his, he's personally seen the difference between owning the orbitals and the skies and not while in ground combat. So him taking over the project to expand the academy with an starfighter corps wing saw him go further and reevaluate the intended scope of it. The hangars and dorms are double the capacity of what was originally designed and the control towers are outfitted with better equipment than originally intended, courtesy of your expanding advanced industry.

Admiral Fird reports a massive success in expanding your capability for some of the more specialized industry. Overshooting the goals of the project by a large margin, you might soon enjoy a proper capacity to produce proper equipment worthy of the Empire.

The contingent of Admiral Lorres forces sent on patrol has spent the month more or less supporting the Exploration Office, who has been very busy. Surveying the system now named the Nether System is a task mostly comprised of boarding derelict ships that have been colliding into each other for sometimes millennia. The starship graveyard is a massive thing, orbiting around the star like an asteroid belt unto itself. The make and age of the ships in the procession is extremely varied, the most visible example of this is on a holoimage before you, a separatist Munificent-class star frigate lodged halfway into the side of an ancient Centurion-class battlecruiser. There are more ancient ships that can't be identified readily, but that image shows the bizarre nature of the system. The Exploration Office states that hyperspace is strangely agitated around the star whenever a solar flare occurs, and that is somehow seems to interact with the tangle.
The asteroid belt is rather uninteresting, there is some metal and a small amount of rare minerals, but that is more or less just confirming what was determined on the first exploration pass.
The Exploration Office and Admiral Lorres concludes their reports that setting up a shipbreaking yard and research centre in this system would be a good idea. Readily available processed materials that just need re-smelting rather than refining is a massive advantage.

The Science Office reports massive breakthroughs this month, with the new chemistry department assisting your existing biology department in their work several new medicines have been discovered in the course of synthesizing bacta. Though they aren't anything above the medicines and treatments already developed, it is good to have options. The real progress though is that some of the key reactions involved in mixing bacta have been observed in tests. Not all of them in any one test, but this is the pivotal moment where everyone felt relief mixed with excitement, their research would bear fruit, because this is proof that it can be done with the means at their disposal. It's just a question of testing every iteration of their tests, a more tedious proposal than a difficult one.

Admiral Hir at the end of the month hands you a full dossier on everything he could find on your new fleet admiral. He knew of him by name from his time at Anaxes, apparently Fird was an exemplary student that still lived in the minds of some of the older instructors. Upon reading the dossier what sticks out to you is that he seems to have a knack for knowing exactly when to take a risk and when not to, or when to reposition, a level of intuition or gut feeling that makes him just ever so slightly better at almost everything. This is something that comes up again and again in after action reports and in his subordinates and superiors opinions of him.

Agent Senk, professional as always, brings you several dossiers. One is simply on the duros themselves, and by his admission is mostly there for due diligence, the others are one on local polities, another on local force users, and a third on local military strength.
The first one shows that they are an extended family, a clan, that managed to afford an outdated and obsolete ship from one of their local leaders, and started exploring for anything to salvage away from the influence of the trade guilds. The only important thing of note is that the leader of the family is not the strongest, eldest or most well spoken, it is a young male that is capable of navigating hyperspace. Their ship lacks even the fittings for a navicomputer, and upon discovering this the young male was immediately fitted with a neural disruptor headband and kept drugged. Upon testing with your newly developed equipment, Agent Senks suspicion was confirmed, as the subject was identified as a force sensitive.
The second dossier is interesting, the duros seem to hail from a humanocentric culture, derived from republic refugees. Their reaction to droids being an almost religious fear, and the complete lack of any standard ship computers would most likely point to them leaving during or after the Great Droid Revolt that occured in 3996 Before the Formation of the Empire. They describe a somewhat fractured polity calling itself an empire, with power being concentrated in houses known for the "gift", a likely reference to the force. These houses are led by those with the gift, with those lacking it being trained as court functionaries, knights, stewards and retainers for their gifted siblings.
Each house has their own navy and army, although the army seems dependent upon mass conscription without equipment or training whenever the need arises, with very few professional soldiers, leading to a thriving mercenary economy. The imperial house in theory can take control over other houses armies and navies, but practically it rarely happens as the pushback is extreme.
Their local rival is a reptilian species organised into clans, they control less territory than the so called empire, but their individual prowess has seen them avoid being subsumed or destroyed. With their equivalent to young nobles without inheritance often serving as mercenaries in the empire for a few years before returning home with enough wealth to start their own clan. Their clans and ambitious young are also the main pirate threat facing the so called empire, as any undefended settlement or transport is likely to be pillaged or stolen by them. A strange peculiarity about the rivalry is the vehement disdain the so called empire seems to have for the reptilians open practice of slavery, as the so called empire has most of their population bound to land and lord with no say in what they do and when they do it.
Besides these two larger polities there are a number of single system or even planet species of different levels of unification but contact with them is sporadic at best due to the difficulties of hyperspace travel in the area.
Militarily, the so called empire has the by far largest navy of your neighbors by sheer weight and heavy weaponry, while the reptilian pirates have far larger numbers, they also tend towards smaller ships suitable for raiding. The military technology of the area is somewhere between backwards and divergently advanced. With the so called empire using very advanced and high quality pulse-wave weaponry as well as durasteel battle armour at the high end, to manually operated slugthrower weapons at the low end. Their noble scions are claimed to have access to stranger and more powerful weapons locked in family vaults according to rumors, but your captives don't actually know.
Their reptilian rivals use whatever they can buy or steal, but their indigenous production is of rather high quality slugthrowers and melee weapons, with the most advanced weapons being charged particle sheathed slugthrowers.
That none of the surrounding potential enemies use blasters surprise you, but then again, the blaster was invented after the great droid revolution, so it's simply another mark in favour of that theory.
The most notable, if not conventionally greatest military threat are a small part of the so called empire. The group known as sorcerers, occasionally a noble with "the gift" will renounce their inheritance and claims to rule in order to further study "the gift". They must give up their right to rule because of the prevalence of insanity among those who do deep studies of "the gift". Any knights who follow them must also give up the right to ever have children, as many of them are warped by the strange abilities of the sorcerers. Any nation that lets a sect of insane force users exist as an independent force is suspect, and a danger to their surroundings. The fact that it sounds like force users control that entire society in its entirety is equally dangerous, as the jedi betrayal of the republic shows, force users are not to be trusted.

After reading through Agent Senks disturbing reports your own private intelligence service reports success on infiltrating the IDMR, as far as they know, they remain undetected by both the IDMR and Imperial Intelligence.

COMPNOR spends the month working to support your efforts, but not in any areas you have actually clashed in before. That this is an obvious attempt to curry favour does not mean however, that you do not get any benefit out of it.

The IDMR reports being almost complete in producing workable production blueprints for the Acclamator I-class, and expect to be completing work on their project next month or at the latest the month after that.

The Imperial Navy has spent the month making use of the Cardan V-class space stations production facilities to produce four new Ld-12 Laser Defense Satellite Platforms to further protect it.

The Imperial Army has undertaken training with the newly founded Starfighter Corps, to get their own pilots used to trust that the Starfighter Corps will keep the skies clear for their attack runs.

The Stormtrooper Corps has spent the month pushing many of their troops through abbreviated spacetrooper training. While we lack the true large spacetrooper armours, and must rely on the older variants, which are essentially just regular stormtrooper armour with expanded life support and small manoeuvre jets.

The Imperial Starfighter Corps has trained alongside the Imperial Army to help build trust between the branches that they will do their respective jobs and not obstruct or interfere with each other, as well as not letting others obstruct or interfere with them.

And with the last report read, the year runs to a close, and it is time to plan for the next month, and also, the next year.

MoP SecForce
[] Agree to Minister Andards request, and found a small security force as part of the Ministry of Production expressly for the purposes of guarding MoP installations and operations against sabotage, slave revolts, riots and outsider negligence with proper procedure.
[] Disagree to Minister Andards request, you have already said no to the MoP SecForce proposal once, and you'll do so again. She is extremely unlikely to ever bring it up again, and is loyal enough to not make trouble over it.

Science Office Expanded with a Chemistry Department
Exploration Office Expanded with a Hyperblazer Office
Imperial Security Bureau granted Offices
Imperial Intelligence granted Offices
Expand Resource Extraction [Food] suffers a -10 penalty to Chance of Success for 5 turns.
Food Production on Kodu increased by +5
Metal Production on Kodu increased by +1
Fuel Production on Inner Asteroid Belt increased by +1
Industry on Kodu increased by +1
Advanced Industry on Kodu increased by +3
Kodu Arsenal founded, Core Complex Completed
Kodu Arsenal Expansion gains +1 Progress
Kodu Imperial Academy expanded with a Starfighter Corps Wing
Kodu Imperial Academy Starfighter Corps graduates gain +1 Piloting & Gunnery
The Nether System thoroughly surveyed
Alternative for Bacta gains +4 Progress
Alternative to Bacta gains +1 Progress monthly until completion.
Dossier on Zeth Fird Completed
Duros Captives Interrogated
Duro Force Sensitive Identified
Old Republic Refugee Empire Discovered
Reptilian Pirates Discovered
Relations COMPNOR +1
Relations COMPNOR -1

COMPNOR confers a one time +5 bonus to one Political Action next turn.
Kodu gains 4 Ld-12 Laser Defence Satellite Platforms
Progress on Reverse Engineering Acclamator I-class Assault Transport increased by +5
Imperial Army and Imperial Starfigher Corps are less likely to clash over areas of responsibility.
Imperial Stormtrooper Corps increase their space combat readiness.

Imperial Security Bureau gains +1 Influence (Total 1)
Imperial Intelligence gains +1 Influence (Total 1)

Systems Admiral Davin Lorres loses Reputation Imperial Navy -1
Fleet Admiral Fird gains +1 Logistics & Administration

A/N: I woke up today, and wrote the entire update in one go after nearly two weeks of writers block.
I'm even content (I'm just not built to ever be actually happy with anything I write, so I'll settle for content) with how it turned out.
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And this is why I always remain cautiously content rather than happy. I forgot to include the independent actions of the different factions.
I'll edit them in shortly.

Realized another fucky-wucky that I didn't catch. Admiral Coth cannot be assigned any tasks, he's in a coma. Since I've already allowed, rolled for and written up the update, I'll just live with it, but I'll replace references to Coth with his replacement.
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It happens, something I've learned over the years GMing RPGs is that it's almost always better to just make a quick note that "actually this happened that way instead" but with no mechanical changes, as far as retcons go. Its easier for both GM and players and keeps the game moving.
I've finally decided on how I will solve production and factories. It will be granular on the "what do we produce" level, but not to the crippling level of "how many units per month".
Availability of replacement equipment will be handled as follows.
Factory Lines / Settled Planets = X
If X = 1 Low Availability
If X = 2 Scarce Availability
and so on up to 5, being Abundant.
These levels will confer penalties or bonuses to attempts to rearm, raise new troops or replace equipment for groups. These penalties and bonuses are low for personal equipment, as you need a great many different pieces of it to properly outfit a single soldier, and greater for vehicles and starfighters.

Equipment Low Availability = -2 Penalty
Equipment Scarce Availability = -1 Penalty
Equipment Medium Availability = No Penalty nor Bonus
Equipment High Availability = +1 Bonus
Equipment Abundant Availability = +2 Bonus

Vehicle/Starfighter Low Availability = -20 Penalty
Vehicle/Starfighter Scarce Availability = -10 Penalty
Vehicle/Starfighter Medium Availability = No Penalty nor Bonus
Vehicle/Starfighter High Availability = +10 Bonus
Vehicle/Starfighter Abundant Availability = +20 Bonus

I will change the Factory tab on the page 10 threadmark Info - Dockyards & Factories to represent this new system, but wanted to make this into its own post to alert players to the change.

With this resolved I've actually been able to start working on the next vote, as I've held myself up by not wanting to put up the next vote with that unresolved.

Furthermore, there will be a new Action Category named Production, this won't change much really, but it was a necessary addition as for example rifle procurement doesn't fit into dockyard actions nor construction actions. It could be Army or Navy actions, but really, this is about factory lines and stockpiles, so a new category it is.

The next update and vote will probably be up in a few hours, or at the latest tomorrow.
Main Turn - 8 - AFE 24:1
AFE 24:1

As the new year rolls around, your food production has stabilized at the same level as your rationing, and rationing can therefore be discontinued. Food availability is at a normal level, one that reminds you more of the when you worked for the Republic, but being used to the nigh unlimited supply lines of the Empire it's still not where you'd like it to be, the risk of running out however, is gone. The remaining stores you have left is a good security, allowing a brief time in which you can guarantee the amount of supplies Imperial doctrine is built around.
Having ignored Minister Andards request for a security force under her command until the time for actually planning out the next month came around gave you time to think about it. This request clearly stems from her rather obvious inability to trust anyone else to get things right, and while letting ministers and department chiefs run their operations as personal little fiefs give them the leeway to get things done, it also lead to them having the leeway to do things outside of their intended area.
In general you want our ministries to get things done, but letting them be to independent will likely lead to an ever increasing rivalry with other ministries. While this often keeps them loyal as they jockey for your favour rather than seek to replace you, it also stymies productivity in the long run. That said, any security force any ministry could be allowed would be heavily restricted in scope, equipment and numbers, but it's still a step in that direction.
Pushing away further contemplation of that nature, you start focusing on planning for the coming month.

Hypermatter Supplies 7m

Fuel Supplies 7m

Tibanna Supplies 7m

Spare Supplies 7m

Food Supplies: Medium
Stockpile: 3m (Abundant)

Bacta Supplies 5m

Aurodium Stockpile: 7

Due to the Moffs Palace, you have Two Personal Actions instead of the regular one.


Assign a subordinate to an action, this will use the subordinates skill and relations instead of yours.
Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
Other Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 8, Politics & Influence 7, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 7, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Astrogation & Physics 2, Field Survival & Navigation 1
Relations: Imperial Navy 2, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearful
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
Other Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 12, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11, Administration & Logistics 9, Field Survival & Navigation 8, Culture & Duty 8, Politics & Influence 6
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Jan Kothari - Commander Force Escort 1
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Salth Hir - Commander Force Escort 2
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
Relations: Imperial Navy 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Carlist Jandi - Commander Force Technical Services 1
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Leadership & Command 14, Piloting & Gunnery 17, Astrogation & Physics 14
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 4, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Engineering 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

Admiral Gavin Ardan - Commander Force Support 1
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Administration & Logistics 9, Naval Strategy & Tactics 8
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Adan Coth - Commander Force Technical Services 2
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

Admiral Davin Lorres - Commander Force Technical Services 2
: Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Leadership & Command 13, Personal Combat & Fitness 13
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 2

Admiral Jerrel Kore - Commander Force Support 2
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge - Commander Force Support 3
: Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
Other Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 9, Politics & Influence 6, Administration & Logistics 6, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 3, Field Survival & Navigation 1
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Fleet Admiral Zeth Fird - Commander Deepdock Fleet
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 20, Naval Strategy & Tactics 20, Leadership & Command 15
Other Skills: Politics & Influence 15, Piloting & Gunnery 15, Astrogation & Physics 15, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Culture & Duty 10
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, IDMR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1
High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
Relations: Stormtrooper Corps 3, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Navy 1

Major General Caul Darus - Commander Imperial Army
: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 20, Leadership & Command 17, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 15
Relations: Imperial Army 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Navy 1

Investigations Agent Ronar Senk - Imperial Security Bureau Investigations Agent
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 18, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10
Relations: COMPNOR 3, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

Assign an Administrative Branch to an action, this will use the administrators skill and relations instead of yours.

Civilian Administration
: 1 Political Action
Administrator Skill: 10
Professional Skill: 24
Expansions: -
Bonus: -

Ministry of Production
: 1 Expand Resource Extraction or Expand Industrial Infrastructure or Expand Advanced Industrial Infrastructure Action
Administrator Skill: 23
Professional Skill: 23
Expansion: Department of Agriculture (Takes 1 Independent Expand Resource Extraction (Food) Action per Turn)
Expansion: Department of Industry (Takes 1 Independent Expand Industrial Infrastructure Action per Turn)
Expansion: Department of Natural Resources (Takes 1 Independent Expand Resource Extraction Action (Minerals/Rare Minerals) per Turn)
Expansion: Department of Strategic Materials (Takes 1 Independent Expand Resource Extraction Action (Strategic Resource) per Turn)
Bonus: -

Science Office
: 1 Research Action (No military research)
Administrator Skill: 15
Professional Skill: 22/22/10/10
Expansions: Energy Department (Science Office gains +10 to rolls using the Physics & Energy Skill)
Expansions: Biology Department (Science Office gains +10 to rolls using the Biology & Medicine Skill)
Expansions: Chemistry Department (Science Office gains +10 to rolls using the Chemistry & Materials Skill)
Bonus: +10 to any Research Actions related to Disease.

Exploration Office
: 1 Exploration Action
Administrator Skill: 20
Professional Skill: 18
Expansions: Hyperblazer Office (Exploration Office gains a +10 bonus to Chart Hyperspace Route Actions)
Bonus: +5 to any Exploration Actions.

Personal Intelligence Network
: 1 Intelligence Action
Administrator Skill: -
Professional Skill: -
Expansions: -
Bonus: +10 to Counterintelligence Rolls to keep the Personal Intelligence Network secret.

Assign to an action to gain the bonus, passive bonuses are not granted when advisors are assigned to other tasks, but are otherwise always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Actions passive)
Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Operative (+5 to Intelligence Actions)

Seed Shortage: Expand Resource Extraction [Food] suffers a -10 penalty to Chance of Success for 5 turns. (Until Main Turn 12)

Infiltration and dossier bonuses are always active. All bonuses are cumulative.

Dossier: Fleet Admiral Delste (+10 to all Actions targeting Rego Delste)
Dossier: Fleet Admiral Fird (+10 to all Actions targeting Zeth Fird)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Dalsar-Tagge (+10 to all Actions targeting Lucio Dalsar-Tagge)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Cric Horne (+10 to all Actions targeting Cric Horne)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Varlo Korray (+10 to all Actions targeting Varlo Korray)
Dossier: Administrator Andard (+10 to all Actions targeting Mina Andard)
Infiltration: COMPNOR (+10 to all Actions targeting COMPNOR or members of COMPNOR)
Infiltration: IDMR (+10 to all Actions targeting the IDMR or members of the IDMR)

Personal actions can only be taken by Kan Styndath, but advisors can still be assigned. Bodyguards are assumed to be present.

[] - Reorganize Fleets: Your current fleet composition is woefully inefficient for the circumstances, you could use your authority to reorganize them completely into smaller independent fleets reporting directly to you. There may be some animosity from the Navy for this, but overall, they like you well enough and you are in charge, so it would be fleeting unless you absolutely bungle it.
Challenging Roll
0/2 DoS

[] - Stormtrooper Training: Your immediate and rapid support of the Stormtrooper Corps request for a specialized academy has led to an offer of training. Since you're already an Academy graduate, a lot of the education can be cut out and the rest of the training focused. Should you succeed this training the stormtrooper corps will consider you to have earned the white armour. Should you wash out, that's it, no second chances without damaging your reputation with your stormtroopers.
Every successful turn grants a skill point in either Culture & Duty, Personal Combat & Fitness, Ground Strategy & Tactics or Field Survival & Navigation. Which skill is determined by random.
Successfully completing all ten turns of training grants you +1 Relations Stormtrooper Corps and a set of Stormtrooper Armour.
Challenging Roll

[] - Double Down [Action taken by Kan Styndath]: With the Moff Palace handling much of your day to day, you now have more time to devote to other goals. With this in mind, while you could undertake more tasks, you can also focus more work on something you're already working on.
Doubles Kan Styndaths Skill Bonus to the actions Chance of Success.

[] - Not Enough Time In A Month [Kan Styndath]: Although you have made great strides towards security and stability for your people, there is always more to be done, and you have no time to rest if you are to fulfill your duties to the Empire.
Grants a further personal action this turn.
Risks overworking and the negative effects thereof.


[] - Proclaim A Yearly Goal
The start of a new year is the time to decide a tangible goal for that year that you set out to meet. This is normal and nothing really worth mentioning, you could however make the goal a public proclamation, and aim a little higher than normal. While it would force you to somewhat focus on that goal, rather than other things those resources and that effort could go to, succeeding could improve your standing with your subjects. Failure to meet such a goal however, could lead to your subordinates and subjects viewing you as weak or ineffectual.
--[] Regain contact with the Empire and wider galaxy within the span of a mere year.
--[] Reach Abundant production level of any Supplies.
--[] Secure a second colony.
--[] Write In (within reason)

[] - Ministry of Production Security Forces
Found a small security force as part of the Ministry of Production expressly for the purposes of guarding MoP installations and operations agains sabotage, slave revolts, riots and outsider negligence with proper procedure. This has been a repeated request from Minister Andard, and a consequence of her inability to trust others to do things right unless they are her direct superiors or her hand-picked subordinates.
(As this was an inter-turn vote that I guess people either missed or didn't feel the need to say no to again, I included it here as a free action. If not taken, it will simply not be brought up again in the future. The only reason the request was repeated at all was the critical failure last turn affirming the need for it in the Ministers mind.)

[] - Undermine: [Select Character or Organisation], spreads uncertainty about the loyalty or purpose of a rival.
Challenging Opposed Roll
Lower the Influence of a Faction

[] - Build Trust: [Select Character or Organisation], builds a rapport with a character or group, binding them to you through trust and loyalty. (can only improve Relations with a group twice through this, failed attempts don't count)
Challenging Roll
Already Improved: Imperial Navy x1, Stormtroopers x2, Imperial Special Forces x1 Imperial Intelligence x2, COMPNOR x2

[] - Lower Age of Majority: Although you don't have a pressing need for all ten million settlers just yet, to ensure future expansion it might be prudent to make sure your workforce and recruiting base grows quicker.
--[] 1 Year: Growth begins at turn 170. Easy Roll.
--[] 2 Years: Growth begins at turn 160. Ordinary Roll.
--[] 3 Years: Growth begins at turn 150. Ordinary Roll.
--[] 4 Years: Growth begins at turn 140. Challenging Roll.
External factors may change when this occurs regardless, this is for any offspring of your 10 million colonists to start counting as workers.

[] - Begin Rationing Supplies: Although we've started production of certain goods already, and will get to others in time at this point, it may be in our interest to ration our remaining supplies. As it stands, our projections for how long they will last is based on normal Imperial supply use, but with stricter rules we may extend them noticeably.
--[] Hypermatter Supplies (From Medium to one of Scarce/Low)
--[] Fuel Supplies (From Medium to Low)
--[] Tibanna Supplies (From Medium to Scarce)
--[] Food Supplies (From Medium to Low)
--[] Spare Supplies (From Medium to Low)
Only one action for any number of changes. Supplies start at Abundant, for every level below gain +2 months of supplies.

[] - Grant Faction Offices (You can sacrifice advisors to grant their bonuses to the branch)
--[] Imperial Special Forces (Imperial Special Forces take one independent Intelligence or Ground Action per turn.)

[] - Expand Science Office
--[] Engineering Department (Will complete the expansion of the Science Office, granting a +10 bonus to all Research Actions)

[] - Expand Exploration Office
--[] Planetary Surveys Office (Exploration Office gains a +10 bonus to Explore System Actions)


[] - Build a dedicated Academy: Although the Imperial Academy system is a good solution for massive training and education, sometimes more specialized facilities, with more select faculty is called for. If nothing else, it will show the branch you pick that you care about their needs.
Ordinary Roll
-[] Imperial Navy: Gain +1 Relation Imperial Navy. Higher Quality Navy Crews.
-[] Imperial Army: Gain +1 Relation Imperial Army. Higher Quality Army Troopers.
-[] Imperial Starfighter Corps: Gain +1 Relation Imperial Starfigher Corps. Higher Quality Starfighter Pilots.

[] - Expand Arsenal Complex: While you currently have more troops and materiel than you can use, this won't always be the case. The core complex of the Kodu Imperial Arsenal is surrounded with a large perimeter wall, with space for future expansions for specialized facilities. And as the core complex is completed and online, the question now turns to what else should be focused on.
Ordinary Roll (1 Stored Progress)
0/4 Infantry Equipment Complex (9 Personal Equipment lines)
0/4 Vehicle Complex (3 Vehicle lines)
0/4 Starfighter Complex (3 Starfighter lines)
0/4 Shuttle Complex (3 Shuttle Lines)
0/4 Blaster Gas Refinery (2 High-Grade Blaster Gas Cartridge lines)

[] - Construct an Advanced Prototying Laboratory for the IDMR: While the IDMR has adequate facilites and can do their job perfectly well, they have requested the construction of an advanced prototyping lab for future projects. This will both make reverse engineering personal equipment easier, as well as allow an easier way to make early prototypes of new developments. The other carrot is of course the chance to make custom to-order equipment for you and your favored subordinates. Doing this for them despite their ability to do their job adequately already would be a clear show of favour and allow them more sway in equipment and personnel requisitions.
Ordinary Roll
Imperial Department of Military Research Relations +1
Imperial Department of Military Research Influence +1
IDMR gains +10 to rolls using the Engineering & Technology Skill
Allows producing custom equipment from variants you already have blueprints of

[] - Expand Resource Extraction [Select Planet & Resource]: While the Lormar-class Refinery Stations where helpful in giving a head start, from now on you will need to exploit resources on a case-by-case basis.
Ordinary Roll

[] - Expand Industrial Infrastructure [Select Planet]: Although you have some industrial capabilities, you're going to need a great deal more industry if you are to expand and even to long-term support your fleet.
Ordinary Roll

[] - Expand Advanced Industry [Select Planet]: With access to better parts, more advanced projects will be available.
Ordinary Roll


Cardan V (Kodu Orbit)
Dockyard Points
: 30+2d10
Largest Capability: 1000

[] - Build [Select Ship]
For a list of ships & space stations see threadmark Info: Dockyard & Factories
Only those with Blueprint Available: Yes or Blueprint Available: Not Required may be selected.

Cardan V (Kodu Orbit)
Lines: 0/2
Shuttle Lines: 0/1
Kodu Imperial Arsenal (Kodu)
Equipment Lines: 0/5
Vehicle Lines: 0/1
Starfighter Lines: 0/0
Shuttle Lines: 0/0

[] - Increase Stockpiles [Select Non-Rationed Supply]
Build up our emergency supplies in case of serious catastrophe or military demand.
Increase the selected supply stockpile by +1 month.
Chance of Success scales with production:
Low = Difficult Roll
Scarce = Challenging Roll
Medium = Ordinary Roll
High = Easy Roll
Abundant = Routine Roll

[] - Tool Up Factory Lines [Select Free Factory Line & Equipment to be Produced]
Building a factory is one thing, but setting it up with the tooling to produce the desired equipment or vehicles takes some additional time.
For a list of equipment, vehicles, starfighters & shuttles see threadmark Info: Dockyard & Factories
Only those with Blueprint Available: Yes or Blueprint Available: Not Required may be selected.


[] - Chart Hyperspace Route: The area closest to us is completely unknown and uncharted, we need to send out hyperblazers to find safe routes we can use to secure the neighboring systems.
Challenging Roll

[] - Explore System [Select System]: Though we know where it is, we don't know anything except what kind of star there is and a general amount of objects orbiting the star. Further exploring the system we've found is necessary to plan our future expansion.
Ordinary Roll
0/1 Empty System Features
0/2 Sparse System Features
0/3 Moderate System Features
0/4 Dense System Features

[] - Communications Chain: A massive undertaking that the Exploration Office is uniquely suited for. While stable hyperspace routes through the tangle is almost a pipe dream, going system by system with small scout ships and deploying subspace communications buoys along the way may be possible. The extreme distance, heavy wear and difficulty of resupply makes any ships devoted to this as good as gone to us. But if this project is successful communications with the Empire proper may be possible.
Difficult Roll
4 Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ships and 8 Gozanti-class Transports are sent
This action repeats automatically for free each turn after being started


[] - Reverse Engineer Foreign Ship: The corvette we captured is extremely close to ancient Republic designs. Taking it apart and looking at how it works might help with deducing whether it is a question of convergent design or if the area they hail from is a lost child of the Republic, and as such, rightful Imperial territory.
Available Maintenance Schematic: No +0
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

[] - Reverse Engineer Foreign Equipment: The captured personal equipment of the crew are ready to be investigated, while most of it is nothing special, the advanced pulse-wave weaponry and the stealth field belts are promising advancements if adapted to our own technological base.
Pick One
Stealth Field Generator Belt
Challenging Roll

Pulse-Wave Pistol
Challenging Roll

Pulse-Wave Rifle
Challenging Roll

Advanced Pulse-Wave Pistol
Difficult Roll

Advanced Pulse-Wave Rifle
Difficult Roll

[] - Reverse Engineer Personal Collection: Your personal collection contains several items that are superior to or sufficiently different from general issue equipment that it may be beneficial to try and copy some of the objects within. Whether for eventual mass adoption, specialist issue, or even just one off vanity projects for custom orders.
Pick One
Must have done the free action to grant access to your personal collection.
Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
Ordinary Roll
Geonosian Sonic Blaster
Challenging Roll

BlasTech E-5 Blaster Rifle
Ordinary Roll

BlasTech DC-15S Blaster Carbine
Ordinary Roll

BlasTech DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Ordinary Roll

BlasTech DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
Challenging Roll

BlasTech DC-17 Hand Blaster
Ordinary Roll

BlasTech Bryar Rifle
Challenging Roll

BlasTech A-280 Blaster Rifle
Ordinary Roll

Theed Arms S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ordinary Roll

Arakyd Industries Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
Ordinary Roll
Merr-Sonn Class-A Thermal Detonators
Challenging Roll
Katarn-class Commando Armor
Challenging Roll

Mandalorian Protector Armor
Challenging Roll
BX Commando Droid
Challenging Roll

IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid
Difficult Roll
Balutar-class Swoop
Ordinary Roll 0/2

Flitknot Speeder Bike
Challenging Roll 0/2

[] - Investigate Pyramid Artifact: The item from the ruins that put one of your Admirals in a coma should be studied, to either if possible bring him out of it, or otherwise prevent future repetitions of the incident. While so far no progress has been made, with none of your researchers being able to make heads or tails of the item, there must obviously be some mechanism behind its function. With access to a force sensitive, an attempt to understand it further could be made, though the force sensitive in question would not be available for other purposes for as long as this takes.
Difficult Roll
Requires access to a Force Sensitive being to continue research
Mutually Incompatible with the Research Alien Force Sensitive action

[] - Death Trooper Cybernetics: Your personal protective detail contains a squad of Death Troopers, these elite soldiers are augmented with advanced cybernetic implants that require occasional calibration and tuning. Going over the technical manuals and data gathered from the checkups may give avenues for more widespread adoption of some of the less advanced and less invasive implants.

[] - Create Production Blueprints [Select Ship/Vehicle/Equipment]: Although you have maintenance schematics and spare parts for most of the fleet, you do not have access to high quality blueprints fit for ground-up construction. This would require reverse-engineering.
Harbor-class Mobile Space Dock
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/30

Novator-class Mobile Dockyards
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/25

Cardan V-class Space Station
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/20

Lormar-class Refinery Station
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/20

X-7 Deep Space Manufacturing Facility
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/15

Golan Space Defense Platform
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/24
Executor-class Star Dreadnought
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/50

Bellator-class Star Dreadnought
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/40

Mandator II-class Star Dreadnought
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/36

Mandator III-class Star Dreadnought
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/40
Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/30

Allegiance-class Star Battlecruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/30
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/20

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/22

Tector-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/22

Secutor-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/22

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/25

Gladiator-class Star Destroyer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/16
Lucrehulk Battleship
Available Maintenance Schematic: No -10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/10
Victory I-class Heavy Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/14

Victory II-class Heavy Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/15

Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/10

Immobilizer 418 Heavy Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/20

Venator-class Attack Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/15

Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/12
Strike-class Medium Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/12

Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes/No +10/-10
Available Example Ship: Yes/No +10/+0
Difficult Roll 0/12

Carrack-class Light Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/10

Quasar-Fire II-class Cruiser-Carrier
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/12

Ton-Falk-class Escort Carrier
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/12

Broadside-class Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/12

Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/10

C-ROC Gozanti-class Light Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes+10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/5

Gozanti-class Light Cruiser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes+10
Available Example Ship: No +10
Difficult Roll 0/5

Gozanti-class TIE Carrier
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +10
Difficult Roll 0/6
Nebulon-B-class Frigate
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/8

Lancer-class Frigate
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/10

Acclamator II-class Assault Ship
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/10
Marauder-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

CR92a Assassin-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

CR90-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +10
Difficult Roll 0/5

Raider-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

Vigil-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

IPV-1-class Corvette
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/4
MRX-BR Pacifier-class Scout Vesses
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/4

IGV-55 Surveillance Vessel
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

Skywatcher-class Deep Space Scout Ship
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/4

SCT Scout Craft
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/4
Evakmar-class Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/5

Altor-class Replenishment Ship
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/8

MedStar-class Medical Frigate
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/6
Lucrehulk-class Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: No -10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/12

Acclamator I-class Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 7/8

Field-Secured Container Vessel
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/8

Action VI Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/4

Gozanti-class Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/4
Sentinel-class Landing Craft
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/5

Lambda-class T4-a Shuttle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/4

Mu-class Model 3 Shuttle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/4

Gamma-class Assault Shuttle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/4

Theta-class AT-AT Barge
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

Y-85 Titan-class Dropship
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/8

Theta-class T2-c Shuttle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/5

Low Altitude Assault Transport/sg Space Gunship
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/4

Kappa-class Troop Shuttle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/5

TIE/br Boarding Shuttle Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/sh VIP Shuttle Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3
TIE/LD Light Duty Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Ordinary Roll 0/3

TIE/LN Line Fighter Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/rc Recon Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/In Interceptor Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes+10
Difficult Roll 0/4

TIE/ad Avenger Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/6

TIE/D Defender Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/6

TIE/HU Hunter Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/5

TIE/AG Aggressor Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/5

TIE/fc Fire Control Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/gt Ground-Targeting Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/sa Bomber Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3

TIE/ca Punisher Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/4

TIE/sr Scout Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/3

TIE/sf Oppressor Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/4

TIE/vg Vanguard Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

Scimitar Assault Bomber
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

GAT-12g Skipray Blastboat Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Difficult Roll 0/5

Z-95 Headhunter Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Ordinary Roll 0/3

ARC-170 Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

V-19 Torrent Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

Alpha-3 Nimbus-class Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/3

BTL Y-Wing Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Challenging Roll 0/3

IRD-A Starfighter
Available Maintenance Schematic: No -10
Available Example Ship: Yes +10
Challenging Roll 0/3
TIE/sn Sentinel Squadron
Available Maintenance Schematic: No -10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/10

V-38 Assault Fighter
Available Maintenance Schematic: No -10
Available Example Ship: No +0
Difficult Roll 0/10
E-11 Blaster Rifle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

DH-17 Blaster Pistol
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

BlasTech DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +10
Difficult Roll

SE-14C Blaster Pistol
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

EC-17 Hold-Out Blaster Pistol
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

T-21 Light Repeating Blaster
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

PLX-2M Missile Launcher
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

Field Armour
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

Flight Suit
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

Scout Trooper Armour
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

Stormtrooper Armour
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

Zero-G Assault Stormtrooper Armour Mark I
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Zero-G Assault Stormtrooper Armour Mark II
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Baradium-core Code Key Thermal Detonator
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll
TIE/ap-1 Mauler
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

PX-4 Mobile Command Base
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

HAVw A6 "Juggernaut" Heavy Assault Vehicle
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

HAVt B5 "Juggernaut" Heavy Assault Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

AT-PT All Terrain Personal Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-RT All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-DP All Terrain Defense Pod
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-ST All Terrain Scout Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

AT-MP All Terrain Missile Platform
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-TE All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-AP All Terrain Attack Pod
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

AT-AT All Terrain Armored Transport
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +0
Difficult Roll

AT-AA All Terrain Anti-Aircraft
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Turbolaser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Ion Cannon
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Anti-Vehicle Laser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Concussion Missile
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Thermobaric Burst
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Mass Driver
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

Self Propelled Medium Artillery - Turbolaser
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

74-Z Speeder Bike
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +0
Difficult Roll

LAVr QH-7 Chariot
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

LAVr QH-7Chariot 714-D Command Speeder
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

TX-130T Fighter Tank
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

2M Saber-class Repulsor Tank
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: Yes +10
Difficult Roll

TIE/sk Striker Atmospheric Fighter
Available Maintenance Schematic: Yes +10
Available Example Equipment: No +0
Difficult Roll

[] - Alternative to Bacta: Although you still have access to Bacta, your reserves will run out in just a few months, and Thyferra is a long way away. Since bacta is used in almost all levels of treatment against almost all wounds, ailments and illnesses an alternative will be needed. Before bacta became commonplace Kolto was used, but that is similarly unavailable. With more specialized medicine and treatments solved for now, you can refocus on discovering an alternative or synthetic replacement for bacta. With the latest breakthroughs in this work, it will more or less be concluded regardless of any further focused effort, but devoting more time and resources to it could shorten the wait, at the opportunity cost of all other projects that could be done.
Difficult Roll 7/10
Progress Increases by +1 every turn.

[] - Research Alien Force Sensitive: Rarely does the opportunity to study force users and increase our understanding of how to detect or counter them become available. With the captive aliens thouroughly interrogated and ultimately disposed of for security reasons, only the young male navigator remains. Both the Science Office and the IDMR are in favour of further research on him, with both the ISB and Imperial Intelligence concurring that further methods to determine force sensitivity is a major boon to the future security of the Empire.
Mutually Incompatible with the Investigate Pyramid Artifact action


[] - Build a Dossier on [Select Character or Organisation]: Once complete, will grant bonuses to further actions involving them.
Challenging Roll

[] - Infiltrate Organisation [Select Organisation]: Places loyal people around an organisation, ready to supply information or assist operations.
Challenging Roll
0/2 Degrees of Success

[] - Assassinate [Select Character]: Attempts a covert killing of a specific character. (can be used to fake an attempt on yourself, if for some reason, that would be favorable)
Challenging Opposed Roll

[] - Sabotage [Select what to sabotage]: Attempts to engineer problems for or outright destroy a specific asset. (can be used on your own assets, if you for some reason want to conveniently be the target of sabotage)
Challenging Opposed Roll


[] - Set Up Patrol [Select system or Hyperspace Route] (Will repeat until canceled, assigned ships are unavailable for other purposes), secures an area for Imperial use.
Ordinary Roll

[] - Large Scale Navy Attack Exercise: Although you have a lot of troops, they have very little to actually do. You could just keep them on hand waiting, as you have, but the option for a large scale training all branches is something that may be useful for keeping them sharp. This level of operations is unusual in the current Era, but it helps knowing how it's done.
It will involve attempting to breach a blockade and forcing a landing against an entrenched opponent.
Challenging Opposed Roll
Must take all Large Scale Exercise Actions simultaneously.

[] - Large Scale Navy Defence Exercise: Although you have a lot of troops, they have very little to actually do. You could just keep them on hand waiting, as you have, but the option for a large scale training involving all branches is something that may be useful for keeping them sharp. This level of operations is unusual in the current Era, but it helps knowing how it's done.
It will involve blockading a planet to prevent or delay an enemy landing.
Challenging Opposed Roll
Must take all Large Scale Exercise Actions simultaneously.

[] - Scouting: Although true exploration is the domain of the Exploration Office, the navy is well equipped to undertake scouting focused on finding signs of civilization. This will not explore any systems found, beyond stating what type of star and whether there are signs of life there while searching for the nearby civilizations we now know are here.
--[] Rimward Spinwise (Old Republic Refugee Empire)
--[] Rimward (Reptilian Pirate Clans)
--[] Rimward Trailing (No known)
--[] Coreward Spinwise (No known)
--[] Coreward (No known)
--[] Coreward Trailing (No known)


[] - Train Trusted Citizens: Although the planetary security forces and militias of the old Republic was rolled into the Army during the clone wars and the establishment of the New Order, your current situation might make reestablishment of a militia a good idea, freeing up the Army for offensive operations. The downside is of course letting the populace have access to weaponry and rudimentary training, something COMPNOR is vehemently opposing. However, your current population is loyal and vetted as Imperials of good standing, so the risks are minimal per the estimates of Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau both.
Ordinary Roll
COMPNOR Relations -1
COMPNOR Relations +1
Founds the Kodu Planetary Security Force (Which will need to be supplied with arms, but otherwise is part of the workforce as usual, not the military)

[] - Large Scale Army Exercise: Although you have a lot of troops, they have very little to actually do. You could just keep them on hand waiting, as you have, but the option for a large scale training involving all branches is something that may be useful for keeping them sharp. This level of operations is unusual in the current Era, but it helps knowing how it's done.
It will involve defending a planet against a large scale assault.
Challenging Opposed Roll
Must take all Large Scale Exercise Actions simultaneously.
Must be done by Major General Caul Darus.

[] - Large Scale Stormtrooper Exercise: Although you have a lot of troops, they have very little to actually do. You could just keep them on hand waiting, as you have, but the option for a large scale training involving all branches is something that may be useful for keeping them sharp. This level of operations is unusual in the current Era, but it helps knowing how it's done.
It will involve assaulting a planet and taking a beachhead, while liaising with the navy for orbital and starfighter support against hardened targets.
Challenging Opposed Roll
Must take all Large Scale Exercise Actions simultaneously.
Must be done by High Colonel Terrend.

A/N: Well over a month of no progress. Feels not great as I'd like to be more productive with this. However, since I've solved some of the things that I was hung up on, I hope I can go ahead easier from now on.

As always, if I've forgotten to include something, or if something remains that is a solved issue, please do inform me.
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Ta Daaaahhhhh! I finally got it done! Yeesh...someone tell my kids that make believe is more important! :p

It's time we re-organized our fleets. They suck up a LOT of resources and we don't need all that firepower right now. I'm working on a specific template for new fleet orgs, but that may take a day or two to put out.

Put out any ideas y'all have for this as well. I'm sure I can use the help!

[x]Plan: Fleet Shuffle


--[x] Reorganize the Fleet <Kan Styndath & All Admirals>
***It's time. We need to reorganize along a few fronts. Definitely have need to build up smaller groups of forces. In addition, we need to figure out how much of our fleets, and which portions, get put into reserve status and which portions get placed in mothball status.***
--[x] Expand Science Office [Engineering] <Civil Administration>
--[x] Expand Exploration Office [Survey] <Moff's Palace>
--[x] Expand Arsenal Complex [Blaster Gas Refinery] <High Col. Terrend>
--[x] Construct Advanced Prototyping Lab for IDMR <Maj. General Darus>
--[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <MoP: Dept. of Agriculture>
--[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Ministry of Production>
--[x] Expand Industrial Infrastructure [Kodu] <MoP: Dept. of Industry>
--[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Metal] <MoP: Dept. of Natural Resources>
--[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Inner Asteroid Belt/Fuel] <MoP: Dept. of Strategic Materials>

--[x] Explore [Asteroid Filled Nebula] <Exploration Office>
--[x] Reverse Engineer Foreign Ship <Science Office> + <IDMR R&D Team> (+5 to Research Actions)
***Seems like this is something we would do from the perspective of a Commander facing a potentially hostile force on our borders. Plus, we get to auto-generate a success for the 'Alternative to Bacta' research at this point, which means it completes in 3 turns.***
--[x] Build a Dossier [Admiral Kothari] <Agent Senk> + Imptel Operatives (+5 to Intel Actions)
--[x] Infiltrate [Stormtrooper Corps] <Pers. Intel Network> + <Imptel Infiltration Team> (+10 to Infiltration Action)
This quest and me both are now one year older. Well the quest is one year exactly.

Regardless of if I continue this for years to come or if my interest peters out (no worries, no sign of that yet), I'd like to think that I've kept up longer than most people do starting their first quest.
Calling the main vote here.

Scheduled vote count started by GuyThatRunsAGame on Feb 27, 2023 at 8:01 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x]Plan: Fleet Shuffle
    --[x] Reorganize the Fleet <Kan Styndath & All Admirals>
    --[x] Expand Science Office [Engineering] <Civil Administration>
    --[x] Expand Exploration Office [Survey] <Moff's Palace>
    --[x] Expand Arsenal Complex [Blaster Gas Refinery] <High Col. Terrend>
    --[x] Construct Advanced Prototyping Lab for IDMR <Maj. General Darus>
    --[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <MoP: Dept. of Agriculture>
    --[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Ministry of Production>
    --[x] Expand Industrial Infrastructure [Kodu] <MoP: Dept. of Industry>
    --[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Metal] <MoP: Dept. of Natural Resources>
    --[x] Expand Resource Extraction [Inner Asteroid Belt/Fuel] <MoP: Dept. of Strategic Materials>
    --[x] Explore [Asteroid Filled Nebula] <Exploration Office>
    --[x] Reverse Engineer Foreign Ship <Science Office> + <IDMR R&D Team> (+5 to Research Actions)
    --[x] Build a Dossier [Admiral Kothari] <Agent Senk> + Imptel Operatives (+5 to Intel Actions)
    --[x] Infiltrate [Stormtrooper Corps] <Pers. Intel Network> + <Imptel Infiltration Team> (+10 to Infiltration Action)

I'd like the plan for how the reformed navy is supposed to look formatted as in the Fleet Assets info, with Reserve Fleet (x0.5 Upkeep) and Mothball Fleet (x0.1 Upkeep) being just a simple list of what you put there.
More admirals and fleet admirals can be promoted as needed. So don't feel confined to the already present number.
With the reorganization, you will need to decide how much fleet command you'll delegate to your Admiralty.

[] Retain Full Personal Command: No change from now.

[] Delegate All Naval Command: Remove all Admirals from Personal Subordinates, Imperial Navy gains all Admirals as Subordinates. You retain personal direct control of your flagship and any escorts.
Imperial Navy Relations +5 (Maxed Out)
Imperial Navy Influence +3

[] Write In: I'm open for suggestions on middle grounds.

Edit: As I read the post again I saw that I'd written I'll want instead of I'd like, and that makes it read like it was written by an entitled twat, rather than being a request. It may be minor, but I didn't like the way it came across.

Edit2: Will make the entire thing a second vote after this turns result proper are posted.
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Unplanned Hiatus and Future
I feel I owe a bit of an explanation on why this hasn't been updated, and where I'll go with this from here.

The personal mental shit that nobody that doesn't already know me won't be interested in we'll skip. But the thing most pertaining to this quest is that I let myself be talked into watching one of the sequel movies again, this has soured me on Star Wars for a while, and combined with my own moods made me lose motivation to work on this for a while. I've been replaying a few of the older SW games as well as reading some of the old EU books in order to rekindle interest in Star Wars, mostly because I don't want to abandon this quest just as it was getting somewhere.

I also believe I made it to needlessly detailed along with wanting some mechanical opacity, creating a greater amount of work than necessary to run it. That is however something I can live with, the lack of motivation is what was bothersome. Going forward I'll take a look over the mechanics of the quest, and might revamp them completely. This would be the right time in the quest to do so after all, with the founding of your bureaucracy and the reorganization of your fleets.

TL;DR: Saw sequel movie while depressed, lost interest in Star Wars for a while, quest is not actually dead, might change some mechanics.
Main Turn - 8 - AFE 24:1 Results
AFE 24:1 Results

Reorganize the Fleet <Kan Styndath & All Admirals>
Critical Success 6DoS

Expand Science Office [Engineering] <Civil Administration>
Success 1DoS

Expand Exploration Office [Survey] <Moff's Palace>
Success 4DoS

Expand Arsenal Complex [Blaster Gas Refinery] <High Col. Terrend>
Critical Failure 5DoF
Counterintelligence Prevent, Failure 2DoF
H.Col. Terrend Survival, Success 1DoS
Counterintelligence Leads, Success 4DoS

Construct Advanced Prototyping Lab for IDMR <Maj. General Darus>
Success 5DoS

Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <MoP: Dept. of Agriculture>
Succedd 1DoS

Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Food] <Ministry of Production>
Failure 1DoF

Expand Industrial Infrastructure [Kodu] <MoP: Dept. of Industry>
Success 1DoS

Expand Resource Extraction [Kodu/Metal] <MoP: Dept. of Natural Resources>
Critical Success 5DoS

Expand Resource Extraction [Inner Asteroid Belt/Fuel] <MoP: Dept. of Strategic Materials>
Success 4DoS

Explore [Asteroid Filled Nebula] <Exploration Office>
Success 3DoS

Reverse Engineer Foreign Ship <Science Office> + <IDMR R&D Team> (+5 to Research Actions)
Success 3DoS

Build a Dossier [Admiral Kothari] <Agent Senk> + Imptel Operatives (+5 to Intel Actions)
Success 2DoS

Infiltrate [Stormtrooper Corps] <Pers. Intel Network> + <Imptel Infiltration Team> (+10 to Infiltration Action)
Success 1DoS
Secrecy Stormtrooper Corps, Success 1DoS
Secrecy Imperial Intelligence, Failure 3DoF
Imperial Intelligence Relations Check, Success 1DoS

The month has been exhausting, in some ways a great deal of progress has been made, in the most important aspect of your planning, your success has been unprecedented. Your admirals and you have worked together on what your navy needs to look like going forward, and the Navy is backing you completely, giving you a free hand to reorganize as you see fit to any extent you deem necessary. This had not been possible without your track record of successfully navigating your precarious situation, and your stalwart reliability in maintaining proper Imperial protocol wherever possible. The newly created Starfighter Corps is also involving themselves, as they see any changes in the navy as inherently affecting them, as their wings are stationed on navy vessels.

The Science Office has been expanded with its last missing department, and now boast a full capacity to support any specialized research it is called upon to perform. This expansion happened quietly and efficiently in the background, but the results are appreciated by your scientists regardless.

The Exploration Office has also been expanded with a Planetary Surveys Office, this part of exploration is one of the most time consuming, and in many ways the most risk filled areas of exploration. But with the specialized support personnel available, internal education and an earmarked stockpile of equipment meant for the purpose, your explorers now have a higher chance to actually get work done in time.

The expansion of the Kodu Arsenal Complex hits a massive setback this month, as during a scheduled tour of the construction site High Colonel Terrend was in the blast radius of a catastrophically malfunctioning generator used for charging work-droids. The colonel survived, but will be unavailable for a good while, as he will be in a bacta tank and then rehabilitation as he learns to use his new cybernetics, as he lost both legs and one of his arms, along with disfiguring but luckily non-critical injuries to most of his face and torso.
The generator explosion also started a fire that ruined much of what had already been built, and work will have to start over from scratch.
In the aftermath your own intelligence service discovered residue pointing towards a thermal detonator having been placed in or near the generator, showing this was in fact not a malfunction, but an assassination attempt. The only irregularity in the days preceding the colonels visit was the allocation of reeducated individuals as custodial staff to the worksite, meaning COMPNOR or the ISB are likely to be behind the attack, or that someone wants it to look like they are behind the attack.

In more pleasant news, the Imperial Department for Military Research are happy with your support for them, and their new advanced prototyping laboratory. This will make the practical side of their work much easier, and also opens up the capability to produce single items of much better quality or with unusual features should you or your trusted subordinates need it.
In appreciation for this work, the first item to come out of the laboratory is a gift to you, a custom made high powered datapad with massive memory and custom specialized administration and organization software.

The work to expand food production has proceeded at a lower pace than preferred with only half the slated farms being completed and productive. The failure of the last month rearing its ugly head again. But some expansion of food production has nonetheless been achieved.

Your industrial base has likewise been expanded, but you require ever more parts, spares and goods, so that is unlikely to ever change. Steady and uneventful expansion of capabilities may not be exciting, but it is inevitably the most common form of improvement.

On the other hand, your Department of Natural Resources has increased production by large strides, opening whole new locations for exploitation, and expanding operations on already extant ones. The massive increase in available raw materials feeding your factories can only ever be a good thing. However, the downside is that all easily accessible deposits of common industrial minerals on Kodu are now in use, and expanded to the maximum sustainable level.

The Department of Strategic Materials has also been working hard, with their more specialized assets being put to use on mining the asteroid belts for fuel. Though their real reason to exist is mining things like tibanna, carbonite or other very rare and specialized materials, the current situation makes demand for such lower than regular fuel to keep the lights on in the fleet. Regardless of any of that, they have done a good job at their current task, and have increased fuel yields beyond the projected level for this month.

The Exploration Office has completed their survey of the Asteroid Nebula, and it contains a decent amount of mineral wealth, and the largest asteroid also contains at least a useful amount of chemical elements as well as a small amount of carbonite ore. The most important part of the exploration was the discovery of what appears to be a treasure cache, the contents of which has been delivered back to Kodu.

The Science Office working alongside the IDMR R&D team on loan to you has been hard at work picking apart the captured foreign vessel, with disassembly complete and organized all components are now being investigated and tested against their Imperial counterparts. What can already be told is that this ship is an iterative improvement on early republic designs. Building on the knowledge of the ships immediately predating production of the Foray-class blockade runner, most notably used in the mandalorian wars, this vessel is mostly a refinement of those early technologies, and more or less appears like a down-teched Foray-class, both in size, role and shape. A more comprehensive evaluation and breakdown of capabilities is some ways away, but this much could be gleaned by comparing what old naval manuals and history books is available to you, collected through great effort and copying of private collections of your crews and officers.

Agent Senk, as professional as always delivers his dossier on Admiral Kothari without troubles, however, appended to the datapad with his dossier is another one, detailing a secret ISB investigation into COMPNOR members.

Although your private intelligence service with the help of Imperial Intelligence assets managed to, at great effort, turn members of the Stormtrooper Corps into informants and agents, the difficulty of this task saw Imperial Intelligence catch on to their existence. Although you have infiltrated the Stormtrooper Corps, and they remain unaware, Imperial Intelligence now knows of your own intelligence organization. They have however made no move to disrupt your operations and instead reached out to you about exchanging a liaison to each other, explaining that although it is neither strictly speaking allowed nor encouraged, it is through sheer practical necessity expected of a moff to have their own intelligence network.

Several important members of COMPNOR have taken the "accident" at the arsenal worksite as proof that the Stormtrooper Corps and its members should not be involved in matters not directly pertaining to combat and protection of VIPs. The local leaders of the ISB however simultaneously addressed the problem and supported the Stormtrooper Corps with a statement that the High Colonel, though acting outside his normal area of duty, was assigned this mission by the Moff, and the blast would have likely killed any other project lead not conditioned to such dangers. Furthermore the ISB has stormtroopers in their ranks, and can attest to the wide range of skills and capabilities expressed by these individuals.
Many member of the Stormtrooper Corps have fired back at COMPNOR stating that they should probably make sure they and their own subordinate intelligence branch is on the same page when making public statements the next time. Overall the entire debacle has made COMPNOR appear somewhat unfocused.

While this has been going on, Imperial Intelligence has worked with the Exploration Office to include intelligence liaisons into their explorer teams, leading to better on-site expertise with subterfuge and analysis work, as well as granting Imperial Intelligence a greater insight into whatever new threats to the Empire may be encountered.

The IDMR has completed their schematics and production blueprints for the Acclamator I-class Assault Transport, as well as having worked in parallel to complete the conversion scheme to restore Imperial Cargo Ships into Acclamators again. Both of these sets of documentation have been completed and are available for future dockyard work. The fact that this is completed in time for your reorganization means you have the opportunity to count all your Imperial Cargo Ships as Acclamators as far as force organization is concerned, as the refits take substantially less time than a full construction would.

The Imperial Navy has worked fully on supporting your reorganization, putting the entire month into making sure things are in order among crews and with regards to equipment and maintenance.
The Imperial Starfighter Corps have likewise worked on the same sort of review of their assets and pilots, making sure everything is ready for a smooth transition into whatever force organization you decide upon.

The Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps have spent the month supporting the Kodu Imperial Academy, with officers of both organizations being evaluated as future instructors, with the Stormtrooper Corps having a large amount of their officers tagged for future instructors supporting both the Imperial Academy and the Stormtrooper Academy. The Imperial Army however is still more or less tapped out on what officers they can lend to the Academy, and those that show promise among the ones left haven't gotten the chance to really prove themselves or simply lack enough time in the service for their superiors to know they will do well.

Arsenal Sabotage
[] Accuse (FACTION) of sabotage and attempting to assassinate one of your subordinates.
Relations (FACTION) -3
(FACTION) Influence -1

[] Don't accuse anyone yet.

Imperial Intelligence Liaisons
[] Agree to exchange liaisons with Imperial Intelligence
Relations Imperial Intelligence +1
Influence Imperial Intelligence +1
Personal Intelligence Service gain +10 to Actions targeting Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Intelligence gain +10 to Actions targeting Personal Intelligence Service

[] Disagree to exchange liaisons with Imperial Intelligence
Challenging Politics & Influence Test or lose Relation Imperial Intelligence -1

ISB Dossiers
[] Share with Personal Intelligence Service
Personal Intelligence Service gains +10 to Actions targeting COMPNOR

[] Share with Imperial Intelligence
Relations Imperial Intelligence +1

[] Share with Stormtrooper Corps
Relations Stormtrooper Corps +1

Treasure Stash
9x Well made and ornate slugthrower rifles of disparate makes and models, likely handmade.
16x Well made and ornate slugthrower pistols of disparate makes and models, likely handmade.
3x Suits of some sort of customized battle armour made of durasteel.
22x Clear crystal gemstones of yet unknown composition and provenance.
1x Hyperlane map that is largely useless without local cultural knowledge to decode the cipher.
Currency chips of unknown provenance totaling a value of 6152 of whatever currency they are.

Fleet is ready for Reorganization
Science Office Expanded with an Engineering Department
Exploration Office Expanded with a Planetary Surveys Office
Arsenal Complex stored progress lost.
IDMR Advanced Prototyping Lab completed.
Food Production on Kodu increased by +1
Metal Production on Kodu increased by +3
Fuel Production on Inner Asteroid Belt increased by +2
Industry on Kodu increased by +1
Asteroid Filled Nebula explored
Reverse Engineer Foreign Ship gains +3 Progress
Dossier on Jan Kothari Completed
Stormtrooper Corps Infiltrated by Personal Intelligence Service
Stormtrooper Corps Infiltrated by Imperial Intelligence
Personal Intelligence Network discovered by Imperial Intelligence
Alternative to Bacta gains +1 Progress
Received Custom Advanced Datapad (+1 to Administration & Logistics Rolls)

Relation Imperial Navy +1
Relation Imperial Starfighter Corps +1
Relations IDMR +1

High Colonel Terrend heavily wounded, unavailable until main turn 10

IDMR gains +1 Influence

A/N: As I've been away from this for such a long time, I might have missed something important or not listed something in the summary at the bottom. Though that risk is always there, it's somewhat greater this time. If honestly feels pretty good to be back at writing again.

Also before Main Turn 9 will be the big reorganization vote.
Voting is open

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