Quest Star Wars - Unknown Regions Imperial Warlord Quest

Voting is open
Intro/Rules - First Post, and also Quest Introduction.


Well-known member
A bit of a jump in the deep end for a first post, but it is what it is.
All of this was pre-written in wordpad, so if the forum eats the formatting, that ain't on me.

So I thought about doing an interest check post, but realized an interest check takes up a thread the same way a introduction post would, and I had most of the background work already done. So if the quest doesn't take of, at least I've tried, and if there is an interest, people will simply join.
Do note that, this being the empire, this will be a villain quest, and not in the "good people, bad boss, so not really villain" way, because most of the good people who was in the empire from inertia has by the time of the game been sidelined by compnor, or deserted to the rebellion.
It was either this or a lead-up-to-clone wars era proto-confederacy quest, but ultimately I was just more interested in gray/white murderwedges than droids.

This is going to be an Empire Builder quest set far off in the Unknown Regions, you won't have access to the rest of the Galactic Empire unless you manage to find a way back. The game introduction will start while the Battle of Endor is occurring timeline wise. I will primarily use old material (Legacy) but will happily nick things from the newer stuff if I find it neat and appropriate. Not all Legacy content will apply, not all canon content will apply. It likely won't matter a whole lot for you anyways.

Now, I consider it important to distinguish between what information I give players, and what information characters have available. That's why I am upfront about the Empire Builder aspect, so you don't make a fleet sorely dependent upon Imperial support, and I spring an unknown regions colony adventure on you out of the blue (or, black I suppose, being in space and all). That is the feeling the characters will have, but it wouldn't be fun to players to expect to do huge battles against the Rebel Alliance/New Republic, and then end up nowhere near anything important to the Empire.
So what you as players likely know, and spoilers for an almost 40 year old movie, is that the second death star is destroyed, Vader and the Emperor are dead, and the Empire is fracturing into warlordism. Your fleet will disappear not knowing this has happened. I say this so people will understand why the next part will function as it does. As far as you know, the Empire is victorious, and still runs the galaxy, and you are part of it.

A recurring theme I've seen in quests where you play as the Galactic Empire is that players want to play the Republic but with all the toys of the Empire. That defeats the point of playing as the villains in my opinion, and is why I've added the mechanic of a hidden stat, this being Human High Culture Orthodoxy (henceforth this shall be known as... HHCO). This stat starts relatively low, but certain character creation choices increases it, along with critical successes, while critical failures lower it. If a situation occurrs where moral choices are presented, I will roll against HHCO, and should the roll succeed, options that go against Human High Culture and Imperial Doctrine will not be offered, if the roll critically succeeds, options that just barely toes the line will not be offered. Critical failures on the roll against HHCO will allow decisions in direct violation of Human High Culture and Imperial Doctrine, though this will set you in opposition to several of the groups you depend on.
This means that while your character is in charge, and will over time have chances to change things, it will be difficult and incremental, and in many ways out of character for a loyal Imperial at the time this starts.

While I consider much of the why of this mechanic is obvious, I will nonetheless explain why I thought it especially appropriate for this quest. At the point in time where the Battle of Endor happened, to achieve the rank of Fleet Admiral, you had to be a very certain type of person, and not a particularly nice on at that. Especially to be tagged as reliable enought to reinforce Death Squadron at a critical juncture. The sort of person who truly believes in the Empire, is benefited by its systems, and above all, it loyal. The Empire is a repressive nightmare regime, a monument to Darth Sidious, by Darth Sidious, and with all other things it does being incidental. This is (aside my self-percieved inability to consistently write good female characters) also the reason the main character is only allowed to be a human male. The character will be either a product of said society, or with one of the choices, a reaction to the failures of the previous society.

Setup-wise, I've had to do a number of allowances on the asset side to make it a viable quest, but I don't consider them all that out of character for the Empire in general, nor Imperial Moffs in particular. So why that sort of equipment is available to you despite the actual mission is answered with "Repaying favors" and "Political pressure from your direct superior". And as to personal collections and non-standard custom equipment, when you end up in the level of power a Fleet Admiral in good standing has, many rules and regulations only matter for other people, or if you mess up and your superiors need additional reasons to get rid of you beside "I want to".

Mechanics wise, I will do the rolls privately, and if the thread wants it, I can put them up next to the actions, so you know by how much you succeeded or failed. I will do d100 roll under, with the appropriate skill being added to the base success chance. Criticals Successes are on 1s, confirmed against the appropriate skill, Critical Failures are on 100s, confirmed on failure against the appropriate skill. This means it is actually easier to Crit Fail, but both critical results will be rare and appropriately powerful, along with a possible increase in the corresponding skill. As critical results are so rare (or rather, statistically should be), I will be using a degree of success system, meaning low or high rolls still matter, a massive success or massive failure is still that.

Base Chance of Success (Will be reorganized into the BCoS abbreviation) will be represented to you in a vague manner, with approximate (but not exactly this every time) numbers being:
BCoS: 10 = Difficult
BCoS: 30 = Challenging
BCoS: 50 = Ordinary
BCoS: 70 = Easy
BCoS: 90 = Routine
These numbers will differ by up to around ten points in either direction, and to this you add the relevant skill value. If you use your personal action to oversee an action, you use your own skill, otherwise, you use the skill of a subordinate.
Do note that this is the Base Chance of Success, not the final score being rolled against.

Characters normally only have one action per turn. This means that you will need skilled subordinates to take actions on your behalf. Otherwise you'd only have one action to run your entire realm. By improving your bureaucracy and gaining the loyalty of other officers and administrators, you can increase your available actions. You will of course start with a number of subordinates, giving you a bunch of actions per turn.

If the main character the players design end up with a family or the like, regular "keeping up with the family" and "handling personal relations" will never take up an action slot. This is because that would shift the focus of the game from what it is intended to be. If thread-chatter makes it obvious you want more focus on that, I will probably let you vote on things for that without it impacting the action economy or even requiring rolls, but it is not the core focus of this quest.

The first four turns will represent a week, before going over to monthly turns, if this is to intensive, I might go to quarter-year length later on, but the goal is month long turns. I might also go to month long turns early if you have absurd luck in getting set up quickly.

Normally, I'd give players a bit more play before handing them a massive amount of votes for stuff, but in this case, due to the structure of this quest, It will be rather numbers intensive and honestly, storyless, for the first few updates, this is due to character creation and fleet composition being massive blocks of just numbers more or less. After that is done, you can all expect some actual play to start. I wanted to leave this in the players hands, as I would prefer to have a say in it if I were a player.
I have decided to include votes for guaranteeing certain features for the first system you arrive in, as that honestly will save me a bit of work when rolling up a system.
These votes will change how I write certain things, and as such, I want it done before writing the first actual story post.
Intro/Rules - Glossary
BCoS/CoS: Base Chance of Success/Chance of Success, the target number for 1d100 roll under.
HHCO/Orthodoxy: Human High Culture Orthodoxy, conviction or indoctrination into the Imperial mindset. Hidden Value Increases with certain backgrounds, successful checks against it removes certain choices, but also makes certain other actions easier.

FP/Favor Points: Economic and Political capital, represents your leeway to bend the rules and aquire forces or equipment normally outside your command, as well as your ability to influence what missions your have been sent on. This is essentially a resource you will want to use up before the game, there is no mechanical reason to save them, and I won't spring it on you out of nowhere.
RP/Requisition Points: Functions like FP, but for the civilian convoy. A bit of a meta thing, as your character have no influence over their equipment, but you as players do in order to make this a bit more entertaining.

Hypermatter Supplies: Your available hypermatter for your fleet. Required to keep naval operations possible.
Fuel Supplies: Your available conventional fuel for your fleet and army. Required to keep any operations possible.
Tibanna Supplies: Essentially your ammunition supply. Required to keep any military operations possible.
Bacta Supplies: Your medical supplies, WILL run out and require research into other alternatives. As Thyferra is a long way from where you are, and the obvious alternative from Manaan is an equally distant solution.
Food Supplies: Food, not much to say here. Staving of starvation is probably a good idea.
Spare Supplies: Parts for maintenance, if these run out, ships will start deteriorating.

Available Regular Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained.
Available Superior Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained, suitable for expanding COMPForce or Stormtrooper Corps. Or establishing new military branches of comparable skill.
Available Elite Recruits: Untrained but available to be trained, suitable for expanding SpecNav, Storm Commandos or Death Troopers. Or establishing new military branches of comparable skill.
Unassigned Naval Crews and Troopers: Trained but unassigned to units, used to replace losses, stand up new units or crew new vessels.

Personal Combat & Fitness: Individual prowess, also used to better understand the abilities and limitations of others.
Politics & Influence: Knowledge of the ties of loyalty between Imperial servants, understanding the goals of others and what part you play in them, and what part they play in yours, as well as the ability to make promises without promising anything.
Intelligence & Subterfuge: Covert action, interrogation, getting answers without outright asking, a general ability in underhanded means of achieving goals.
Administration & Logistics: Skill with planning supply lines and making sure everything is where it is needed when it is needed. Also an understanding of what equipment is actually needed where, what ships need more spares than the manual actually states, and what gear can go without service for longer than the manual states.
Leadership & Command: The skill of coordinating large groups of people, or large groups of groups of people, at the scale you work at. Also the ability to get people to obey or listen without any further incentive than your charisma, authority or leadership ability.
Naval Strategy & Tactics: Commanding and understanding space engagements, as well as commanding capital ships. Also used for aerial engagements.
Piloting & Gunnery: Use of smaller ships, like fighters, transports or shuttles. Also used for airspeeders.
Astrogation & Physics: Plotting hyperspace travel, understanding realspace and hyperspace phenomena and how they interact with hyperdrives.
Ground Vehicles & Gunnery: Use of ground vehicles like walkers, speeders and all the way up to the massive wheeled tanks.
Ground Strategy & Tactics: Commanding and understanding ground engagements, what units to use where, and what attacks counter what defences.
Field Survival & Navigation: Personal ability in the field, as well as ground navigation. Also used to better understand the abilities and limitations of others.

COMPNOR: A massive political organization involved in every part of Imperial life. Founded as COMPOR, in many ways as a public support organization for the Supreme Chancellor in the waning days of the Republic, COMPNOR enjoys great leeway in how they go about their goals, and massive influence on the population at large. Also commands CompForce, a political military unit that recruits based on loyalty, many that don't make the cut for stormtroopers end up in CompForce.
Imperial Intelligence: The primary intelligence service of the Empire, and a rival to COMPNORs Imperial Security Bureau. Responsible for and commands the Death Troopers, also the organization that organized the Imperial Navy Special Forces.
Imperial Department of Military Research: Responsible for many of the advanced technologies in use by the Empire, the IDMR was involved in the Death Star, in the Dark Trooper project and other high tech secret advancements.
Imperial Special Forces: The organization commanding the Imperial Commandos. Also jointly, with the Stormtrooper Corps responsible for the Storm Commandos, and with the Navy the Imperial Naval Special Forces, although there is very few that know of them.
Stormtrooper Corps: The Independent military branch answering only to the Emperor and Lord Vader. While they may conduct operations in the same area as the army, or from navy ships, they do not answer to the same chain of command. Recruited for loyalty and skill, and equipped better than the Army, though lacking in vehicles, which they second from the army.
Imperial Navy: The main space forces of the Empire. Massive ships with massive guns, supported by fighter swarms. Your branch of the military.
Imperial Army: The main ground forces of the Empire. Large numbers, large vehicles, large guns.
Vote - Character Creation
First interactive content, not just walls of text.
Now with this up, I'll take a break and wait to see if there is any interest. Upcoming votes in that case is the specifics of the personal collections, the makeup of your Superiority Fleet (This is where FP comes in) and a bit of tweaking the civilian convoy. After that is done, I can actually put out a proper story update. Look at these first votes like session zero in a tabletop context.

Branch: Imperial Navy
Rank: Fleet Admiral (Superiority Fleet)
Species: Human
[Name Surname]

[] - Alsakan (+2 FP)
[] - Corellia (+1 Piloting & Gunnery, +1 Personal Combat & Fitness, -1 COMPNOR Relations)
[] - Coruscant (+1 Politics & Influence)
[] - Kuat (+1 Administration & Logistics)
[] - Tepasi (+1 Intelligence & Subterfuge)

Age and Experience:
[] - Young Prodigy (1 Connection, 3 Traits, 9 Skill Raises)
[] - Steady Rise (2 Connections, 2 Traits, 11 Skill Raises)
[] - Outer Rim Sieges Veteran (3 Connections, 1 Trait, 13 Skill Raises)

Age Traits: (Automatic)
[Young Prodigy] - Genius Astrogator (Gain 1d5 in Astrogation & Physics, No penalty for in-system hyperspace jumps with your flagship)
[Steady Rise] - By the Book (Gain 1d5 in Politics & Influence, Automatically negates both the first Critical Failure as well as Critical Success of a turn)
[Outer Rim Sieges Veteran] - Clone Wars Militaria Collection (Gain 1d5 in Leadership & Command, Access to single pieces of old equipment and technology)

[] - Carida (+1d5 Personal Combat & Fitness)
[] - Anaxes (+1d5 Administration & Logistics)
[] - Prefsbelt (+1d5 Politics & Influence)
[] - Corulag (+1d5 Piloting & Gunnery)

Naval Academy Skills:
Culture & Duty (1d10, Added directly to Human High Culture Orthodoxy, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Personal Combat & Fitness (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Politics & Influence (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Intelligence & Subterfuge (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Administration & Logistics (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Leadership & Command (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Naval Strategy & Tactics (2d10k1, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Piloting & Gunnery (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)
Astrogation & Physics (1d10, +1d5 per Skill Raise)

Crosstraining Electives:
Ground Vehicles & Gunnery (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)
Ground Strategy & Tactics (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)
Field Survival & Navigation (0, +1d10 for a Skill Raise once only)

Skill Raises: (Just copy the one you want again if you want multiple raises for one)
[] - Culture & Duty
[] - Personal Combat & Fitness
[] - Politics & Influence
[] - Intelligence & Subterfuge
[] - Administration & Logistics
[] - Leadership & Command
[] - Naval Strategy & Tactics
[] - Piloting & Gunnery
[] - Astrogation & Physics
[] - Ground Vehicles & Gunnery (only once)
[] - Ground Strategy & Tactics (only once)
[] - Field Survival & Navigation (only once)

Connections: (You already have Navy connections, being a Fleet Admiral, no need for write-in)
[] - COMPNOR Select Committe (+30 FP, +2 COMPNOR Relations)
[] - CompForce (+1 COMPNOR Relations)
[] - Imperial Security Bureau (+1 COMPNOR Relations)
[] - Imperial Intelligence (+1 Imperial Intelligence Relations)
[] - Imperial Department of Military Research (+1 IDMR Relations)
[] - Imperial Special Forces (+1 Imperial Special Forces Relations)
[] - Stormtrooper Corps (+1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations)
[] - Imperial Army (+1 Imperial Army Relations)
[] - Corporate Sector Authority (+10 FP)

[] - Smuggler Connections (+10 FP)
[] - Extensive Networking (+20 FP, +1 Connection)
[] - Favored (+30 FP)
[] - Confirmed Loyal (+1 COMPNOR Relations, +1 Imperial Intelligence Relations, +1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations, Reveals hidden stat Human High Culture Orthodoxy)
[] - Involved Interrogator (+1d5 Intelligence & Subterfuge)
[] - Intensive Liasing (+1 Imperial Special Forces Relations, +1 Stormtrooper Corps Relations, +1 Imperial Army Relations)
[] - Uncanny Luck (+1 All Skills, Further hidden effects)

[] - Avid Hunter (Gain 1d5 in Field Survival & Navigation, and a large collection of hunting trophies, as well as a number of weapons and field equipment)
[] - Starfighter Collector (Gain 1d5 in Piloting & Astrogation, and collection of Starfighters)
[] - Gunslinger (Gain 1d5 in Personal Combat & Gunnery, and a number of customized pistols)
[] - Racer (Gain 1d5 in Ground Vehicles & Gunnery, and a number of speeders)
[] - Invested Socialite (Gain 1d5 Politics & Influence, +5 FP)

Personal Sidearm: Select One (This choice is mostly a "what sort of person is the admiral" pick, as the sort of man that carries a disruptor in place of a blaster will have a certain level of cruelty above that of his peers)
[] - BlasTech DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Standard Issue)
[] - BlasTech SE-14C Blaster Pistol
[] - BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
[] - MerrSonn Model 434 "DeathHammer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
[] - BlasTech DT-57 "Annihilator" Heavy Blaster Pistol
[] - Tenloss DX-2 Disruptor Pistol
Also, if there are any questions other than what is already addressed in my multiple walls of text above, feel free to ask, I'll do the rolls hidden, but I don't want any opacity regarding the actual mechanics or stats that aren't intentionally vague (like what picks increases Orthodoxy).
Plan: Correllian Exile
Name: Kan Styndath
[X] - Corellia
[X] - Outer Rim Sieges Veteran
[X] - Anaxes
[X] - Culture & Duty
[X] - Personal Combat & Fitness
[X][X] - Politics & Influence
[X] - Intelligence & Subterfuge
[X] - Administration & Logistics
[X][X] - Leadership & Command
[X][X] - Naval Strategy & Tactics
[X] - Piloting & Gunnery
[X] - Astrogation & Physics
[X] - Field Survival & Navigation
[X] - Imperial Intelligence
[X] - Imperial Department of Military Research
[X] - Corporate Sector Authority
[X] - Confirmed Loyal
[X] - Avid Hunter
[X] - BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol

My thinking was the following: we take someone who joined the Republic Navy because he thought he would have a jolly good time kicking ass and taking names, became disillusioned with the Republic while fighting the CIS as he learned why they rebelled in the first place. The skills I've taken are quite well-rounded imo, with a focus on politics and naval command (why he reached Fleet Admiral in the first place).
The connections because I view Kan as liking technology and helping out the DMR with research as he gets to experiment and to see how useful the things they invent are for the Navy. Corporate Sector? He loves money, simple as. I'm a bit inspired from the Tarkin family plataeu when I took the avid hunter and field survival choices, and the DL-44 because let's just say Correllians like the pistol.
Feel free to make comments if I should replace and improve the plan somehow.
The skills listed as Academy Skills you get a value in regardless of placing raises in them, I hope that was clear, but that plan seems to check out pointswise anyways. But if you just want the bare minimum in one of the Academy Skills you won't need to put raises in it. Of course, all those skills are important for an admiral, even to an extent culture and duty, which is indoctrination made into coursework.
The skills listed as Academy Skills you get a value in regardless of placing raises in them, I hope that was clear, but that plan seems to check out pointswise anyways. But if you just want the bare minimum in one of the Academy Skills you won't need to put raises in it. Of course, all those skills are important for an admiral, even to an extent culture and duty, which is indoctrination made into coursework.
Oh, I understand now. The PC automatically gets a 1d10 just from graduating the acadamy, and the skill raise just adds another +1d5. I'm content with how I've split the points right now, but someone might disagree with how well-rounded I've built the PC.
I'm guessing it's possible to gain more points and skills as the quest goes on.
Oh, I understand now. The PC automatically gets a 1d10 just from graduating the acadamy, and the skill raise just adds another +1d5. I'm content with how I've split the points right now, but someone might disagree with how well-rounded I've built the PC.
I'm guessing it's possible to gain more points and skills as the quest goes on.
Correct, and the chances to raise or gain skills will be somewhat limited but present.
I want to wait for other people to have a chance at posting plans, but I also don't want this to drag on for weeks without an update even in this early stage.
I'll optimistically assume I'll be busy this weekend, and so on Monday at 20:00 UTC+1 I'll probably call the vote regardless of number of plans or voters. That will give a few days as well as the weekend to come up with more plans or vote on the existing one.
So, vote called for Plan: Corellian Exile, no real need for the tally at this point. So I'll roll what I need, put the character up and then start the next round of choices.
Info - Main Character
Acting Moff & High Admiral Kan Styndath
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Age and Experience: Outer Rim Sieges Veteran
Academy: Anaxes
Human High Culture Orthodoxy: 42

Culture & Duty (11)
Personal Combat & Fitness (10)
Politics & Influence (10)
Intelligence & Subterfuge (13)
Administration & Logistics (17)
Leadership & Command (15)
Naval Strategy & Tactics (14)
Piloting & Gunnery (9)
Astrogation & Physics (5)
Field Survival & Navigation (13)

Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Department of Military Research
Corporate Sector Authority

Imperial Intelligence +7
Imperial Department of Military Research +4
Imperial Special Forces +2
Stormtrooper Corps +6
Imperial Army +3
Imperial Navy +6
Imperial Starfighter Corps +2

Clone Wars Militaria Collection
Confirmed Loyal
Avid Hunter

Admiral Cric Horne, Young Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Superiority 1 Commander
Admiral Varlo Korray, Middle Aged Corellian, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Superiority 2 Commander
Admiral Jan Kothari, Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt, Force Escort 1 Commander
Admiral Salth Hir, Young Corellian, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Escort 2 Commander
Admiral Carlist Jandi, Middle Aged Coruscanti, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Technical Services 1 Commander
Admiral Gavin Ardan, Young Kuati, Imperial Academy Prefsbelt, Force Support 1 Commander

Admiral Adan Coth, Old Kuati, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Technical Services 2 Commander
Admiral Davin Lorres, Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Anaxes, Force Technical Services 2 Commander
Admiral Jerrel Kore, Old Corellian, Imperial Academy Carida, Force Support 2 Commander
Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge, Middle Aged Tepasi, Imperial Academy Corulag, Force Support 3 Commander

Fleet Admiral Rego Delste, Young Kuati, Imperial Academy Corulag, Deepdock Fleet Commander

High Colonel Garo Terrend, Middle Aged Procopian, Imperial Academy Carida, Flagship Stormtrooper Commander
Major General Typho Avik, Old Eriaduan, Imperial Academy Carida, Imperial Army Line Corps Commander
Investigation Agent Ronar Senk, Young Coruscanti, Imprial Academy Carida, Imperial Security Bureau Investigations

Admiral Cric Horne - Commander Force Superiority 1
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 18, Leadership & Command 13, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
Other Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 8, Politics & Influence 7, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 7, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Astrogation & Physics 2, Field Survival & Navigation 1
Relations: Imperial Navy 2, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Varlo Korray - Commander Force Superiority 2
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearful
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Piloting & Gunnery 16
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR -1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Jan Kothari - Commander Force Escort 1
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Politics & Influence 14, Leadership & Command 14, Naval Strategy & Tactics 11
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Salth Hir - Commander Force Escort 2
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Intelligence & Subterfuge 12, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15
Relations: Imperial Navy 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 3, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Carlist Jandi - Commander Force Technical Services 1
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Leadership & Command 14, Piloting & Gunnery 17, Astrogation & Physics 14
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 4, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Engineering 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

Admiral Gavin Ardan - Commander Force Support 1
: Zealous Aggression: Cautious Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Administration & Logistics 9, Naval Strategy & Tactics 8
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Admiral Adan Coth - Commander Force Technical Services 2
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Politics & Influence 11, Administration & Logistics 17, Naval Strategy & Tactics 10
Relations: Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Department of Military Research 1

Admiral Davin Lorres - Commander Force Technical Services 2
: Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Leadership & Command 13, Personal Combat & Fitness 13
Relations: Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 2

Admiral Jerrel Kore - Commander Force Support 2
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Administration & Logistics 17, Leadership & Command 13
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 2, Imperial Intelligence 1

Admiral Lucio Dalsar-Tagge - Commander Force Support 3
: Loyal Aggression: Driven Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 11, Astrogation & Physics 11
Other Skills: Naval Strategy & Tactics 10, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10, Intelligence & Subterfuge 9, Politics & Influence 6, Administration & Logistics 6, Piloting & Gunnery 6, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 3, Field Survival & Navigation 1
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1, Imperial Army 1

Fleet Admiral Zeth Fird - Commander Deepdock Fleet
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 21, Naval Strategy & Tactics 20, Leadership & Command 15
Other Skills: Politics & Influence 15, Piloting & Gunnery 15, Astrogation & Physics 15, Intelligence & Subterfuge 14, Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Culture & Duty 10
Relations: Imperial Navy 1, COMPNOR 1, IDMR 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

Fleet Admiral Rego Delste - Commander Deepdock Fleet - Commander Navy
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Administration & Logistics 16, Naval Strategy & Tactics 15, Astrogation & Physics 11
Other Skills: Politics & Influence 7, Intelligence & Subterfuge 7, Piloting & Gunnery 7, Personal Combat & Fitness 6, Leadership & Command 6
Relations: Imperial Navy 3, COMPNOR 2
High Colonel Garo Terrend - Commander Flagship Stormtrooper Complement
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 14, Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Field Survival & Navigation 13
Relations: Stormtrooper Corps 5, COMPNOR 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Imperial Navy 1

Major General Caul Darus - Commander Imperial Army
Loyalty: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 20, Leadership & Command 17, Ground Vehicles & Gunnery 15
Relations: Imperial Army 1, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Navy 1

Investigations Agent Ronar Senk - Imperial Security Bureau Investigations Agent
: Zealous Aggression: Driven Bravery: Unflinching
Best Skills: Personal Combat & Fitness 13, Intelligence & Subterfuge 18, Ground Strategy & Tactics 10
Relations: COMPNOR 3, Imperial Intelligence 2, Imperial Special Forces 2, Stormtrooper Corps 2, Imperial Army 1

Major General Typho Avik - Commander Imperial Army Line Corps - Commander Army
: Zealous Aggression: Reckless Bravery: Fearless
Best Skills: Ground Strategy & Tactics 15, Personal Combat & Fitness 11, Leadership & Command 10
Relations: Imperial Army 2, Imperial Intelligence 1, Imperial Special Forces 1, Stormtrooper Corps 1

Imperial Department of Military Research Research & Development Team (+5 Bonus to Research Actions)
Imperial Intelligence DiploServ Advisor Group (+5 Bonus to Political Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Tech Analysis Group (+10 Bonus to Reverse Engineering Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Renik Team (+10 Bonus to Defense vs. Intelligence Action passive)
Imperial Intelligence Infiltration Team (+10 Bonus to Infiltration Actions)
Imperial Intelligence Operative (+5 Bonus to Intelligence Actions)

Imperial Intelligence Destab Team (+10 Bonus to Sabotage & Assassination Actions)
SpecNav Force Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
Death Trooper Squad (+5 Bonus to Defense vs. Assassination passive, +5 Bonus to Sabotage Actions)
ESPO Walker 101 Platoon

Dossier: Fleet Admiral Delste (+10 to all Actions targeting Rego Delste)
Dossier: Fleet Admiral Fird (+10 to all Actions targeting Zeth Fird)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Dalsar-Tagge (+10 to all Actions targeting Lucio Dalsar-Tagge)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Cric Horne (+10 to all Actions targeting Cric Horne)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Varlo Korray (+10 to all Actions targeting Varlo Korray)
Dossier: Systems Admiral Jan Kothari (+10 to all Actions targeting Jan Kothari)
Dossier: Administrator Andard (+10 to all Actions targeting Mina Andard)
Infiltration: COMPNOR (+10 to all Actions targeting COMPNOR or members of COMPNOR)
Infiltration: IDMR (+10 to all Actions targeting the IDMR or members of the IDMR)
Infiltration: Stormtrooper Corps (+10 to all Actions targeting the Stormtrooper Corps or members of the Stormtrooper Corps)

Fleet Admiral's Uniform
Code Cyliners
BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Czerka Outland Slugthrower Rifle
Ceremonial Wookie Bowcaster (Gifted by a wookiee chieftain while lifting the trandoshan/separatist occupation)
BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
Personalised Field Kit
Personalised Utility Belt
Custom Advanced Datapad (+1 to all Administration & Logistics Rolls)

Katarn-class Commando Armor
Mandalorian Protector Armor
Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
Geonosian Sonic Blaster
E-5 Blaster Rifle
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-15A Blaster Rifle
DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
DC-17 Hand Blaster
Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
BX Commando Droid
IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid

1307x Peggats
11x Bags of Glitterstimm
13x Bottles of Alderaanian Wine
1x Bottle of Whyren's Reserve
16x High-Grade Bacta Patches
20x Grand Army of the Republic Issue Blaster Gas Cartridges
1x BlasTech Bryar Rifle
1x BlasTech A-280 Blaster Rifle
1x Theed Arms S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
5x Merr-Sonn Class-A Thermal Detonators
1x Balutar-class Swoop
1x Flitknot Speeder Bike
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Vote - Personal Collections
And with that post done and up, it is time to vote for the two collections you've ended up with as a consequence. These will mostly play a part in character interaction scenes as backdrop, or for availability to reverse engineer items that are no longer in inventory. Possibly as gifts or if you decide to have a safari or something like that.

The vote after this one will be for the fleet composition of your Superiority Fleet, and where you will spend your favour points and get access to the options unlocked by your connections.

Personal Private Clone Wars Memorabilia: 20p (Clone Wars Militaria Collection Only)
[] 1p - Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor
[] 1p - Phase 2 Clone Trooper Armor
[] 2p - Katarn-class Commando Armor
[] 4p - Blaze-trooper Armor
[] 1p - DC-15S Blaster Carbine
[] 1p - DC-15A Blaster Rifle
[] 1p - DC-17 Hand Blaster
[] 2p - DC-15s Side Arm Blaster
[] 3p - DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
[] 1p - Nimbus Commando Armor
[] 2p - Mandalorian Protector Armor
[] 1p - Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion Armor
[] 2p - Trandoshan Elite Battle Armor
[] 1p - B1 Battle Droid
[] 1p - B2 Super Battle Droid
[] 2p - BX Commando Droid
[] 3p - IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid
[] 1p - Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
[] 1p - E-5 Blaster Rifle
[] 2p - Geonosian Sonic Blaster
[] 3p - Geonosian Elite Beam Weapon
[] 1p - Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
[] 2p - LJ-50 Concussion Rifle
[] 1p - LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun

Personal Private Hunting Equipment: Select Five (Avid Hunter Only)
[] - Czerka Outland Slugthrower Rifle
[] - Czerka 6-2Aug2 Slugthrower Rifle
[] - Czerka Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle
[] - Verpine Shatter Rifle
[] - BlasTech Bryar Rifle
[] - BlasTech DLT-19x Targeting Blaster
[] - BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
[] - MerrSonn LD-1 Target Blaster Rifle
[] - Tof Soren Hunting Rifle
[] - DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor
[] - Ceremonial Wookiee Bowcaster
[] - Personalised Field Kit
[] - Personalised Utility Belt
Damn, we must have rolled terribly in Astrogation and below average in Politics. The rolls could have been better, but it's not fun playing an OP PC straight off the bat.
Our HHCO stat is very high compared to our other ones, makes me worried about the future inability of passing reforms. (Unless it's on a d100 system, lol)

Regarding our personal war memorabilia, I'd definitely like the following:
The DC-17m Interchangeable, Mandalorian Protector armor, the Phrik electrostaff, the Geo sonic blaster and a BX Commando droid. Can't really decide on anything else atm.
That Blaze Armor would open up a possibility to our personal Spacetroopers.

For hunting, I'd prefer if went with the personalised gear, a Czerka outlander, the BlasTech DLT-20a and a Verpine shatter gun.

I'll make a plan later in the morning as it's quite late now.
Plan: Collection
[X] 2p - Katarn-class Commando Armor
[X] 3p - DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
[X] 2p - Mandalorian Protector Armor
[X] 2p - BX Commando Droid
[X] 1p - Phrik Alloy Electrostaff
[X] 2p - Geonosian Sonic Blaster
[X] 1p - E-5 Blaster Rifle
[X] 1p - DC-15S Blaster Carbine
[X] 1p - DC-15A Blaster Rifle
[X] 1p - DC-17 Hand Blaster
[X] 3p - IG-100 MagnaGuard Droid
[X] 1p - Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
[X] - Czerka Outland Slugthrower Rifle
[X] eremonial wookie bowcaster (gift)
[X] - BlasTech DLT-20A "Longblaster" Blaster Rifle
[X] - Personalised Field Kit
[X] - Personalised Utility Belt
I could replace one of the options with the wookie bowcaster, gives some additional flavor of going hunting on Kashyyk and impressing some Wookie Chieftain or saving his life from a dangerous creature, but I'm worried that there's a chance we have it as a hunting trophy we "won" during the Imperial siege and occupation of Kashyyk...

Edit: Switched from the Verpine Shatter rifle to the Ceremonial Wookie Bowcaster
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So I'll just move this along, and call the vote for Plan: Collection.
This won't be its own sheet, I'll edit it into the Character Sheet.

This next vote is huge, and it concerns both spending your Favour Points, as well as designing your fleet. There is no point in saving Favour Points, so if you go for options that increase them, that's mostly there to afford focusing on other areas.
Also, not all favourshave to do with the fleet.

A/N I'll hold out hope for more players eventually, but even if no one more joins, I'll keep writing, because this is a quest I'm interested in holding.
If anyone is just waiting until the actual quest starts to join, don't worry. There is only one more prepwork vote left.
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Voting is open

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