Sietch Memes


Deleted member 1

This is a thread for people to post memes about The Sietch and our theme of cossacks and Fremen, and our incredible success and growth in our first week. Carry-on, gentlemen, right over the Khyber!
Here's to progress!

Bullshit, the dynamite fuze is not lit.

No doubt the "Australian artist" who made this meme is completely ignorant of how most weapons work or operate thanks to their strict laws and fear mongering media culture so naturally said artist simply reflects his/her/zer assumption of how dynamite works, much less destructive device laws in Amerika.

Probably thinks you simply go to the local Wal-Mart, buy a box of dynamite with your EBT card and simply chuck sticks of dynamite into your local school, church or handegg sporting event.
I would think so... eventually you get old or injured... even with Star Wars age advancement technologies. It seems more practical then anything.

Star Wars doesn't have extreme age advancement technology anyway. 180 - 200 is a normal maximum age for the upper classes, with 300 being rarely possible with massive amounts of organ replacement for the ultra-rich.
Had to dig this one out of the depths of conspiratorial nostalgia.

Is your family waiting for a Christmas miracle?


Just as they did with the Kieven Rus in a magical December almost eight centuries ago, they can bring a miracle to your family this holiday season.

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