Culture SatanCon 2023: The Largest Satanic Event Held By The Satanic Temple


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Apparently the nontheist religious organization known as The Satanic Temple is celebrating their 10th Year Anniversary in Boston at the Marriot Hotel.

Opening ceremonies including the destruction of "symbols of oppression" which was ripping up a Bible, a Blue Lives Matter flag and taking a hammer to a keyboard (in protest of emphasis on virtual communities) while chanting 'Hail Satan!'

The highly mature, very stable edgelords apparently sold out the three day event which will include lots of far left speakers.

Among them are a University Professor named David Dillard-Wright who is a TransHindu or something:

The College Fix said:
David Dillard-Wright, who now goes by "Devi" and uses female pronouns. The University of South Carolina-Aiken philosophy professor will speak on "Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theistic Strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment." Dillard-Wright "converted to Hinduism" and writes about mindfulness and meditation, according to his bio published by the Diversity Reboot 2022 conference.

Another gender dysphoic dramatis personae making an appearance is Patrick Schade whose claim to fame is as follows:

The College Fix said:
Ash Patrick Schade will speak on the topic of Satanism in rural communities. Schade became famous because she called herself a man and then had a baby after hooking up with someone on Grindr. "Ash Patrick Schade, 28, was two years into his transition when he became pregnant in February 2020 following a date with a man on Grindr, despite the fact the health-care worker and Ph.D. student was taking male hormone blockers at the time," the New York Post reported in 2022.


There's also an event called "BIPOC Body Modification in Satanic Culture" hosted by Enma Yang.

"Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self Pleasure" hosted by University of Minnesota Professor Eric Sprankle whose an expert on "the relationships between Satanism, stigma, and mental health," "therapist biases against folks with stigmatized identities" and "the impact of stigma on marginalized sexual communities."

Also there will be a Satanic Ball!

Attendees will be happy to know Uber service and carpooling will be available for those who can't get their parents to drive them to or from the event and both a Coldstone Creamery and Dunkin Donuts are within waddling distance of the event.

There's also a Chik-fil-a nearby as well but... well... you know. Symbol of oppression.
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The lamest edgelords ever. If they wanted to be really edgy they should have ripped up a Koran and Torah as well.


Don't care for religion myself, but the more I think about it, the more it surprises me how passive and/or oblivious Christians are when faced with blatant sacrilege or ridicule from people who clearly have it out for them.

Frankly, I think we know for a fact they'd have never gotten away with sacrilege against Judaism or Islam, seeing as those communities (and the public at large, really) get much more defensive whenever perceived attacks on their faith crop up.

To the Jewish community's credit, though, I've yet to hear news about crowds of incensed Jews staging violent demonstrations, assassination attempts of authors that write anti-Semitic material, or preaching about bringing death to gentiles and infidels everywhere. Can't say the same for Islam, unfortunately, as while I'm sure lots of individual Muslims are nice people, there seems to be serious strain of "zealotry-minded" thought within their communities that makes a significant minority of them more likely to commit violent or extrajudicial acts than Christians or Jews are.
One of many reasons. You can look at his thread at kiwifarms to gauge the depths of his shitbaggery.

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