Rings of Power Filmmakers are Evil - Galadriel the Psychopath

It is a good case study of progressive mentality in the media.
Ok, I generally prefer DoomCock and Critical Drinker's delivery, though, and tbh.
And I can't stomach even a second of that shit on raw form.

My 2 cents?
Evil is often just dumb, and the people who wrote this shit are very dumb and very entitled.
So of course they will have a feminazi power fsntsy, bet you some of them want the elf chick Mary sue they created to peg em hard without lube and make them call her Daddy.
I for one can't decide for sure whether the writers of ROP were merely staggeringly incompetent or actively malicious, and had an agenda to not just push The Message™ (as Critical Drinker would put it, complete with echo) but to knowingly subvert Tolkien's work and messages in ways to deliberately screw with his fans and their ideological enemies (increasingly, it would seem, one and the same in their eyes).

A few years ago I'd have gone with the former answer, no problem. In general I try to assume other people I haven't even met and likely will never meet aren't pure diluted 100% evil. But nowadays...and considering that it seems to be the most majestic or innocent characters in the Legendarium that they took the greatest pains to invert into monstrous mirrors of their canon selves (the ethereal, regal, sorcerously mighty yet always wise and righteous Galadriel-->worldly, uncouth, sword-swinging, genocidally hateful and insufferably self-righteous Guyladriel and the simple, kindly, communitarian Hobbits-->the pitiless Harfoots who abandon anyone whose injuries make them an inconvenience without a second thought). Well, what can I say - such creative choices do make me raise an eyebrow at the very least, where for example depicting Orcs as animalistic savages who nevertheless are trying to survive in a barren land and have some bonds of community in their little gangs wouldn't have.

To put my thoughts another way another way, it's pretty obvious that like anyone else drunk on the Social Justice juice their moral compass is completely fucked. It's more-so a question of whether it only extends to them unironically thinking the 'good' characters they made are truly good (incompetence) or they do know better and are doing what they've been doing in a concerted effort to destroy a piece of art still appreciated by their enemies, both because they hate beauty itself and said enemies with the fire of a supernova (malice).
Regarding "The Message™ ", the people behind this show know what they are doing. And in day to day life? The majority of people will just model their behavior on whatever the popular media molds them to be and will believe what they are being fed. But the very powerful individuals behind all of the subverting of western societies understand psychology and social dynamics better than any of us and know exactly what they are doing.
I for one can't decide for sure whether the writers of ROP were merely staggeringly incompetent or actively malicious, and had an agenda to not just push The Message™ (as Critical Drinker would put it, complete with echo) but to knowingly subvert Tolkien's work and messages in ways to deliberately screw with his fans and their ideological enemies (increasingly, it would seem, one and the same in their eyes).
If I have to be honest i think that they are pushing "The Message" so hard and fucking up Tolkien's stuff and trying to fuck with the fans because they are stupid.

A smart leftoid would write something original, try to make it actually good, and sneak all of the leftist/feminist/LGBTQ/global warming nonsense in a way that actually makes all of that stuff appealing.

Think Charles Dickens and Honore de Balzac and Victor Hugo.

Or, if you prefer modern stuff, there is always Lois McMaster Bujold and Paolo Bacigalupi and China Mieville.

They peddle liberal/leftist crap, but they can actually write a half-decent story.

Well, Mieville has decent ideas and starts off good, but his stuff turns to shit often.

The people writing this show have more in common with the orcs than anything else. :cautious:
HEY, wanna stop insulting the orcs!

They are better than these people.
Regarding "The Message™ ", the people behind this show know what they are doing. And in day to day life? The majority of people will just model their behavior on whatever the popular media molds them to be and will believe what they are being fed. But the very powerful individuals behind all of the subverting of western societies understand psychology and social dynamics better than any of us and know exactly what they are doing.
I would agree with that, if not for the fact that even the hordes of mouth breathing normies have rejected a lot of this shit.

Anyway, may direct your attention to a classic in the genre:

The reason is, that the most attentive observation of the facts of history has invariably demonstrated to me that social organisms being every whit as complicated as those of all beings, it is in no wise in our power to force them to undergo on a sudden far-reaching transformations. Nature has recourse at times to radical measures, but never after our fashion, which explains how it is that nothing is more fatal to a people than the mania for great reforms, however excellent these reforms may appear theoretically. They would only be useful were it possible to change instantaneously the genius of nations. This power, however, is only possessed by time. Men are ruled by ideas, sentiments, and customs—matters which are of the essence of ourselves. Institutions and laws are the outward manifestation of our character, the expression of its needs. Being its outcome, institutions and laws cannot change this character.

Social engineering inevitably leads to bad outcomes, and while a few snake oil salesmen and demagogues can push the crowd into certain direction sooner or later the tiger they ride throws them off and devours them.

As to the so called "elite" among which I will put the wannabe overproduced elites we get from the overpriced western humanities programs and that usually end up cleaning tables at Starbucks or showing their coochies on onlyfans, well, it does show the usual aspects of a crowd, maybe with a bit more factionalism and self-interest on the top, but ultimately it too, degenerates, falls to groupthink and intellectual inbreeding.

The SJWs are a dumb cult, their string-pullers partially subscribe to it and partially grift on it in various ways, but ultimately their cultural power degrades the same way their little slime blob does, through stupidity, overconfidence, overzealousness and simple entropy.
Well, he does have a point in that a) orcs were created in mockery of God's children and b) orcs themselves enjoy mocking and desecrating things (remember the statue in Ithillien?).
Honestly I don't give a shit about Tolkien's works, as I have said.

Da Boyz from WH40K are my preferred variety of Orc, as were those from Warcraft, I also had a half-orc fighter character in NWN.

Also, sarcasm!
If I have to be honest i think that they are pushing "The Message" so hard and fucking up Tolkien's stuff and trying to fuck with the fans because they are stupid.

A smart leftoid would write something original, try to make it actually good, and sneak all of the leftist/feminist/LGBTQ/global warming nonsense in a way that actually makes all of that stuff appealing.

Think Charles Dickens and Honore de Balzac and Victor Hugo.

Or, if you prefer modern stuff, there is always Lois McMaster Bujold and Paolo Bacigalupi and China Mieville.

They peddle liberal/leftist crap, but they can actually write a half-decent story.

Well, Mieville has decent ideas and starts off good, but his stuff turns to shit often.

HEY, wanna stop insulting the orcs!

They are better than these people.
I think the problem is that today's generation of writers can't write intelligent fiction. The Critical Drinker correctly identifies what I think is a major factor in that: they're basically still kids who never truly matured. Overgrown, spoiled-rotten, terminally online kids who have never encountered an actual challenge in all their lives - no shit, all they produce is going to be one dumpsterfire after another. Dickens was a child laborer in a boot factory, Balzac suffered from chronic ill-health (the real sort, not the BS modern leftist hypochondriacs self-diagnose and Munchausen themselves with) but constantly tried to work & remain in touch with society all the while, and Hugo had to flee overseas to avoid reprisals from the regime of Napoleon III after condemning the latter. These people had the perspective and life experience to write compelling stories even with progressive themes.

For that matter, Tolkien himself was a soldier in the trenches of WW1 and still managed to create villains who, despite unquestionably being the bad guys and representing ideals he deeply hated IRL, still have some actual depth & complexity to them. Even Sauron isn't just a cardboard cutout that wants to destroy or enslave everyone for the lulz, he's basically a modernist technological utopian who honestly thinks that everyone would be better off having their lives ordered for maximum efficiency by his hand. If you look at modern trash media there's nothing resembling this kind of nuance or layered motivation to any of their villains, ex. the racist is evil because he's racist, end of story. (Ironically I'd actually rate ROP above some of these productions, because while their ascribing 'dey tuk err jerbs' as the reason why Númenoreans hate Elves is a retarded replacement for the canon, much more logical reason that the Númenoreans feared death & were jealous of the Elves' immortality, at least competition over jobs & resources is an actual reason for racism IRL. Meanwhile in the Watchmen TV series and the last couple seasons of The Boys, the racist villains are evil because they're racist and racist because they're evil, pretty much.)

By comparison the writer's room of Rings of Power grew up in some of the most prosperous countries in the world during the single most materially prosperous & technologically advanced period in human history, with all sorts of comforts never out of their reach and the ability to scream at & block anyone who posted views contrary to theirs on social media. They have almost certainly never worked a 'lowly' job like retail, and probably consider such work to be beneath them. Certainly they must have had great connections to worm their way into writers' rooms after the Writers' Guild Strike of 2007, when any pretense to hiring writers based on merit was thrown out in favor of well-connected noobs whose loyalty and willingness to work for scraps as long as they can push whatever message had been drilled into their heads by academia was assured. However! I don't believe a simple lack of life experience justifies their idiocy when it's also never been easier to research what the greats have been through, historical conflicts or other sources of inspiration, etc.

So yeah, a combination of a total lack of perspective & experience (seriously, somebody who has worked in just retail or a genuinely 'oppressive' office environment would never write a scene where the heroine can yell at a superior with no consequences), an inability to express whatever ideas they have in ways that can withstand scrutiny (because they've always been able to block anyone challenging them or making them question their ideas in a debate online), and sheer laziness I think are some of the core problems behind today's writers. And it certainly isn't limited to the staff behind ROP, actually the reactions from the left to how poorly ROP has been received by dedicated right-wingers and normies alike remind me a lot of that imbecile who worked on Netflix's Cowboy Peepoop and was baffled that people neither enjoyed her cramming in a reference to some tranny breadtuber they most likely have never heard of nor had much sympathy for the crew who took a giant steaming shit on a popular '90s classic.
Also, sarcasm!

Add a <sarcasm> tag next time. This is internet, and I'm also rather bad at detecting sarcasm (even if I can be a sarcastic shit myself IRL... don't ask how that works).

Social engineering inevitably leads to bad outcomes, and while a few snake oil salesmen and demagogues can push the crowd into certain direction sooner or later the tiger they ride throws them off and devours them.

While it is true that social engineering inevitably leads to bad outcomes, I will have to note that a certain group of snake oil salesmen had been rather successful since 1917... even after their preferred type of regime has started another world war soon after the conclusion of the first one.
Regarding "The Message™ ", the people behind this show know what they are doing. And in day to day life? The majority of people will just model their behavior on whatever the popular media molds them to be and will believe what they are being fed. But the very powerful individuals behind all of the subverting of western societies understand psychology and social dynamics better than any of us and know exactly what they are doing.

With all the good will in the world, it is frankly adorable you think these people are that intelligent.

They really aren't.
Social engineering inevitably leads to bad outcomes, and while a few snake oil salesmen and demagogues can push the crowd into certain direction sooner or later the tiger they ride throws them off and devours them.

By that logic the very action of being alive leads to a bad outcome because sooner or later everything dies

Social engineering works to at least some extent otherwise we'd still be In the Noble savage stage that so many progressives dream of being a part of. Heck even at a basic level farmers have selected genes and cultivated environments for selective traits sense man was first shown Animal Husbandry. what makes us think the same thing can't be done with humans.
By that logic the very action of being alive leads to a bad outcome because sooner or later everything dies

Social engineering works to at least some extent otherwise we'd still be In the Noble savage stage that so many progressives dream of being a part of. Heck even at a basic level farmers have selected genes and cultivated environments for selective traits sense man was first shown Animal Husbandry. what makes us think the same thing can't be done with humans.
No, what works is technological and social development, not social so called "engineering".Social development actually comes from technological development.
Like for instance the ability to grow instead of forage for food and get a nice surplus that might be used to make fermented liquids brings about the need for larger and more organized settlements and irrigation.

The only truly social evolution of note was when tribes and bands find out that they can trade parts of their surpluses instead of fight over them.

Anyway, here is more Arch covering the meltdown of overpriced "Da Muhssage" peddling pop crap.

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