President Biden is Your Legitimate President (Yes, even if he cheated)

How are you defining fascism? I think it’s important to clarify since “fascism” is thrown around so frivolously these days. I think an argument could be made that modern leftism is fascist in that it’s a collusion between corporations and the state to create an authoritarian system. The major difference is that modern leftism is globalist and traditional fascism was nationalistic.

I would agree that the right needs to radicalize, because voting for Mitt Romney isn’t going to help us even if he wins, but I’m not sure about embracing fascism, though that depends on what you mean. I would agree that we should have nationalism and traditionalism.
That's the thing, it looks as though they're getting ready to swing left.

The business types are not really good with the unions, simply because they happen to be natural enemies. They are also very conscious of their public image. As far as climate change, that's more them trying to tap a new market. Wokeness is another matter, in that they're trying to tap into that business market and harness the labor force and demographics seem to be going towards a more ethnically diverse America. They want to be on the right side of where the money is. China I'll get back to.

The Republicans are going populist. So what will happen now is either there will be a split in the business vote or they'll shift over to the Democrats. Which means they're going to have a nasty fight with the Greens and the Socialists. The Socialists are by all appearances, on the way out. They did NOT impress their political allies with their uncontrolled riots and demonstrations over the summer. It's one thing for the Democrats to harness a riot for their own ends, but it's another for the most radical elements of the party to drag it as far as they possibly can before the Democrats are FORCED to disown them. Pelosi probably feels burned after the slack she gave Antifa. And that led to them losing seats that they shouldn't have lost.

The Greens are from what I hear however, still strong and growing in power. But with one of their allied blocs having disgraced themselves and proven themselves just as dangerous to the Democrats as to the Republicans, Pelosi and her ilk are instead going to try and focus on bringing in the business and national security voters. That's why so many RHINOs showed up at the DNC this past year. With few exceptions, almost the entire business community has turned its back on Trump and are hoping to embrace the Democrats, because they don't want to be swing voters. They need institutional power for the sake of their businesses.

So people like Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, and Harris are staring down a coming civil war between the more moderate Democrats, their incoming business allies...and the most energized and radical wing of the party. Those demonstrations against Biden are real and they are purely the intent of the socialists to make it known that they are NOT happy about what is happening. The Democrats are not in a position to reshape the judicial branch or the balance of the EC or anything else.

Rather, they're going to struggle to maintain their unity in the face of their internal divisions. Because all they ever agreed upon in the past four years was that they hated Donald J. Trump with the passion of a thousand suns. And now that he is gone--what do they agree upon? The Green New Deal? No. The socialists aren't even just demanding a minimum wage of $15 an hour; they want UBI. Military engagement? The SJWs think that's white imperalism and they're wholly against the idea of accepting that it's the United States's sheer power that has maintained the most peaceful era of human existence. Against a business and national security voting bloc that views these as not just the continuation of their own personal power--but as anything short of a global network as sheer insanity that threatens to plunge the world into a second dark age?

There is no unity there. It's an illusion spurred on by the past 4 years. Fed by years of the SJWs believing themselves to be the natural leaders within a party that believes itself to be the natural ruling party of the Union. Despite the fact that they've held Congress for 1/3rd the times as the Republicans, despite having over 40% more members.


You take the good with the bad.

Trump had charisma, determination, and the resources to back up his initial claim to office. He rode in on a wave of dissatisfaction with the system. And in the end, Trump broke that system. It is so broken that it cannot be repaired in the wake of all that has happened. The pandemic showed the whole world how very little we actually trust each other. The geo-economic struggle that had been ongoing for the past few decades has finally boiled to the surface and broken the lid that the US kept on the world.

You may not have noticed, but the Democrats have actually adopted some of Trump's talking points now. Strong borders to prevent the Wuhan from infecting the country. Regardless of what Biden said when it started, he's changed his tune. Not because he wants to look good, but because he knows (or has been advised) that this is the general feeling. Gun control? Regardless of what Biden said, this past summer new gun ownerships skyrocketed in the wake of the riots--and a good deal of them were liberals. You can expect any gun laws to fail to make it through Congress and any that does will not be well received from gun toting Democrats who know their own mayors and governors will turn a blind eye to riots.

Speaking of riots. The Democrats have now embraced guns and walls as a means of protecting the elite and the capital. Oops.

And trade? The Democrats went from screaming about how xenophobic Trump's trade wars are to talking about "Make American, Buy American". Biden's plan is not to just buy American, but to invest in markets where Americans aren't even competing at the moment. His stance against China is going to be as bad as Trump's from the Chinese perspective.

There is no going back. It's too late for that now. The tech companies are going to be neutered by both parties, who had good reason to neuter them BEFORE they started mass banning and deplatforming Republicans. And far leftists are about to get theirs too, in case you're wondering. Because those crazy greens and socialists? Not good friends of the business communities. The pandemic has made people paranoid about trusting China to deliver goods and services. Instead of uniting the world against a common threat as globalists envisioned, it has instead turned into a case of "everyman for himself". Germany and the EU are right now facing the fact that their own vaccines are second-rate compared to American vaccines and they're even angrier that the Americans are fully intent on curing themselves first--and everyone else last.

That and we're likely to charge them through the nose to get it.
Almost all of that sounds more like wishful thinking than anything that could actually happen.
Likely not to go anywhere. Several Democrats have made it clear they'll side with Republicans to stop this. All this is, is a waste of taxpayer dollars to look like they're doing something. They form a committee to make a feasibility study, who then write a report and then...nothing gets done. This is how Biden can say 'Hey look, I tried without actually trying.
I mean, it's not like the communists have a documented history of lying or anything. Or the Democrats, for that matter. Kind of like how Biden said he wouldn't go after coal or oil to get those union votes and then on his first day in office he did just that.
Like I said looking at historical precidence we have one last chance to course correct ahead of us.

Sixth is right about the democrats divisions no matter who wins the knives are coming out. The republican establishment weather they like it or not were purged during the trump years and that process is going to continue.

The business comunity in my mind fucked up bad really really fucking bad.

The republican party represented their intrests first at the expense of every one else in the coalition for over 70 years. After the party got eviserated for bailing them out at great fincial, political, and personal expense they went around and stabbed the party in the back the minute some one went out and said 'were giving some one else a slight turn at the wheel' and then joined the coaliton with litteral socialists who want to murder them.

That's in the top 10 anime betrayl lists, people take that shit personally Corperate america now has three choices.

1. Come crawling back to the republicans knowing full well that every ones pissed at them and knowing that they will have to make amends and will be in the corner for a bit.

2. They have to completely hijack the democrats and hold the majority of the cards.

3. Be left with no allies and a whole bunch of pissed off people.

To me it looks like their going with option two, I give them an 80% chance of pulling it off.
Yeah and most of those Reps paid for it with their jobs. Or have lost all support. Many ran on Kitchen Table issues then turned around and voted for impeachment. They'll not make that mistake again.
You're assuming we will have any kind of opportunity to elect different people - you've had a really great example of why that won't work anymore, and the Democrats are doubling down on it, first thing. As Stalin once said, it's not who casts the votes, it's who counts them. Biden is also working to add more seats to the Supreme Court, specifically so he can outnumber the conservatives on the bench, so he and his fellow Democrats can pass whatever they want, regardless of what the Constitution or any other law says. This country is facing an existential threat from people who care about nothing except gaining power for themselves and eliminating anyone who stands against them, and you're like "oh, they won't do that, it'll look bad for them come election time." Stop of a bit and actually look at what's going on. Look at what bills are on the floor, look at what executive orders Biden has been signing.
He says he isn't going to pack the court in that and previous interviews. If he tried, it would likely not pass the Senate.
Actually he said, "ask me after the election." And he's already started to move in the direction of packing the court. And now the Democrats have 50% of the seats in the Senate, and there have been plenty of examples of Democrats voting only for their party line, and lying about it beforehand, and guess who the tie-breaker would be? ;)
I read memories of some russian who lived in Petersburg during Lenin putch.People first do not cared about then,but later,when CZK was formed and purges started,it was to late to fight.

So,if you just wait,they really could turn your Republic into bigger North Korea.But - do not overreact.If democrats start breaking laws to the degree when it stop working,you must fight - but try law first.
Democrats are controlled by Wall Street,and they are not commies,only oligarchs.And oligarchs do not support turning their countries into concentraction camps,becouse it means less money for them.

Act only if democrats really would be taken by commies.In that case - remember to form organization without organization - small groups of people who knew each other without one leader.
I hope you realize that there is a great deal of difference between cancelling a pipeline that will have little to no effect on domestic or foreign affairs
Doesn't it, though? All those jobs, the price of fuel, energy independence (because it was more than the pipeline)... Seems like the kind of stuff that would have an effect on both domestic and foreign affairs. In fact, we're already seeing oil prices increase.
If the vote was rigged, it was rigged during a time when it would be difficult to gauge truth and fiction--and done against a politician universally hated by the Democrats. You honestly expect that even if they were dumb enough to keep doing it, that people wouldn't notice? Please.
People have noticed. People noticed back in 2018 in Arizona. People noticed in the 2020 election. People noticed in the run-off election in Georgia. Yet we still have people like you telling those of us who have noticed that nothing is wrong and we can still somehow vote our way out of this.
I... still don't get it. Sorry. I think you're explaining concepts around the idea, but not explaining what the idea is actually supposed to represent... is it just some sort of miscellaneous 'social activism points' thing?

what does a person who describes themselves as 'woke' do? what would a 'woke' person describe an 'unwoke' person as doing? How do they measure levels of 'wokeness'?

I'm sorry I'm an idiot and don't understand.
"Woke" is basically the left-wing version of being "red-pilled." The entire premise is built upon having some truth suddenly thrust upon you. In the case of wokeness, this is to redefine things as being racist, and pushed by the state to keep non-white people down. Black kids doing poorly in math and science? Well obviously this is because of systemic racism. Also, the concepts of logic and science are racist, too, so it doesn't matter if we're bad at it anyway. In fact, it's preferable that we reject those concepts as whiteness, so any black people who are actually good at those things, or disagree with us at all are either Uncle Toms, or they just need to be woken up by their brothers and sisters.

It started as a black racial identity thing to cast themselves as the oppressed victims and shout down anyone who didn't agree with them as racist, but has been blended into the general identity politics, because feminists don't like being excluded from anything. ;)
The business types are not really good with the unions, simply because they happen to be natural enemies. They are also very conscious of their public image. As far as climate change, that's more them trying to tap a new market. Wokeness is another matter, in that they're trying to tap into that business market and harness the labor force and demographics seem to be going towards a more ethnically diverse America. They want to be on the right side of where the money is. China I'll get back to.
The thing is, I think it's very telling that these leftist businesses are rejecting the money of fellow Americans because their less than "woke" opinions somehow taints that money, yet they will bend over backwards to get money from China, and ignore all the stuff with slave labor and concentration camps. In fact, companies like Apple, are actively fighting legislation to fight the Chinese use of slave labor, because it gets between them and that Chinese money. So the upshot here is that according to these big companies, money from people who support Trump, or are even just mildly conservative is tainted, but money from a totalitarian government utilizing slave labor and carrying out a genocide isn't? I keep saying that actions speak louder than words, and this is a great example of that.

Speaking of riots. The Democrats have now embraced guns and walls as a means of protecting the elite and the capital. Oops.
And they completely justify this in their own minds. Just like with everything else they've had a double-standard about, they just don't care, and will make up any shit they think sounds good to justify it when they do it.

There is no going back. It's too late for that now. The tech companies are going to be neutered by both parties, who had good reason to neuter them BEFORE they started mass banning and deplatforming Republicans. And far leftists are about to get theirs too, in case you're wondering.
:ROFLMAO: How wonderfully naive. The tech companies are effectively being run by the party members of the same party that just cheated its way into power, and they helped that happen, probably completely according to plan. You really think the Democratic Party is going to turn around an punish these companies for helping them?

Because those crazy greens and socialists? Not good friends of the business communities. The pandemic has made people paranoid about trusting China to deliver goods and services. Instead of uniting the world against a common threat as globalists envisioned, it has instead turned into a case of "everyman for himself".
When this was first starting to happen, Democrats were loudly shouting about alleged hate crimes against Asians and insisting that if you didn't eat at Chinese restaurants that you were racist. All they're going to do is to keep with their established track record by shouting "racist!" at anyone who doesn't do what they want them to do, and a lot of people are going to go along with it because the banking system is getting in on this and effectively un-personing people who go against the flow.

Yeah, that's right - people keep acting like this is just a matter of social media banning people (more than just Republicans, too), but it's moved far past that to the point that it's going to be impossible to do business, and it's all going to be justified because "private businesses," all while ignoring government's hand in it behind the scenes.

You keep fantasizing about how voters are somehow going to walk all this back while ignoring the fact that reality just doesn't match up with that viewpoint at all.
Staff Warning On Insults And Incitement.

...Okay people my first big post as a mod.

In the past twenty-four hours our staff has received a few reports regarding insults lobbied in this thread by members against other members as well as trying to incite, and looking into the issue which has expanded into 'open insults' on one end, and threats of not engaging in the conversation and just 'meming' on the other, my hand has been forced.

If any poster personally insults another or 'memes' another poster all the while refusing to debate their opponent points in clear words. They will be given a three day threadban for rule 2C or 2H violations in accordance with acting harassing towards other members or posting inflammatory content in a clearly inciting manner.

To be clear, nobody is currently in trouble, and I am glad you are having fun debating this topic, this is however a final warning on the issue in this thread, so take heed of it.

I read memories of some russian who lived in Petersburg during Lenin putch.People first do not cared about then,but later,when CZK was formed and purges started,it was to late to fight.

So,if you just wait,they really could turn your Republic into bigger North Korea.But - do not overreact.If democrats start breaking laws to the degree when it stop working,you must fight - but try law first.
Democrats are controlled by Wall Street,and they are not commies,only oligarchs.And oligarchs do not support turning their countries into concentraction camps,becouse it means less money for them.

Act only if democrats really would be taken by commies.In that case - remember to form organization without organization - small groups of people who knew each other without one leader.
Really, probably our best way out of this is to make the divisions between the different factions on the left solidify, and we can do that by simply telling them the truth with the receipts to back it up. Maybe now that the unions have proof that Biden just straight-up lied to them we can convince them to form their own labor party. Maybe we can show how conservative policies have actually helped blacks and other minorities while Democrats have harmed them, and get them to split off from the Democratic Party. And I think the Democrats know this is their biggest weakness, which is why they've done their best to gain complete control over the media. And when people tried to break off and make their own alternative, they've done their best to take these alternatives down - witness the attacks on Parler and other social media alternatives, witness the attacks on BitChute and other YouTube alternatives, witness now them saying that they need to take down OAN, Newsmax, and Blaze Media.
Snip of various good points.

I don't disagree, though I'm not sure I'd call it a leftward swing. The thing with the Green faction is that they're really just Socialists with better PR. I forget where I read it, but after the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, a lot of avowed Socialists drifted to Green movements because they could still fulfill their fantasies of dictating how people should live, think, and behave under the guise of "saving the environment" since, you know, the implosion of the USSR proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Socialism was a complete farce and utterly discredited.

Big Business is trying to cozy up to the Democrats because a "globalist" outlook is better for their bottom line and it makes them look "benevolent" etc, etc, plus the globalists are fine with doing business with China. However, as you correctly pointed out, it's going to bite them in the ass in the near future because people are fed up with China's shit, and they're also done with Europe's.

And I agree that Trump did make some necessary changes in breaking the political status quo in such a way as to render it impossible to go back to the old way and that that's a good thing. But what he did in changing things is a start, and you need someone with a much longer attention span and attention to detail in order to keep the new way of doing things in place. Biden and Co are largely creatures of the Old Way, and that isn't going to work.
People have noticed. People noticed back in 2018 in Arizona. People noticed in the 2020 election. People noticed in the run-off election in Georgia. Yet we still have people like you telling those of us who have noticed that nothing is wrong and we can still somehow vote our way out of this.
You can vote at the low level and primary levels. That is what matters most.
Not if they force issues on the national level, which they are already doing, through EO's from Biden, and through bills that they already have lined up and/or out on the floor. The House's first bill for the year is concerning election reform, by which I mean making it even less secure and interfering in the states' ability to regulate their own elections by requiring silly things like identity verification.
You mean after he spent months--possibly years, selling his audience conservative outrage porn, they suddenly turned on him because they've become hilariously paranoid?

Golly gee, it happened to such a swell guy.
First of all, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. Secondly; "conservative outrage porn"? Either you've never actually watched one of his videos, or your idea of what constitutes "conservative outrage porn" includes basically anything that might make people upset at the establishment.

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