Britain New billboards in London Have Both a Typo and a Call for Sterilisation


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Obviously, the biggest issue is the fact there's a typo.

But to be serious, as Carl points out, it is rather interesting that only "white" people are displayed on the display that calls for the prevention of ones ability to procreate. So, it would seem on top of having an already declining birth rate due to various matters is not enough, we gotta ensure it now as well. But, one can't help but feel like there's a deeper problem with this, in a time when for some reason the mere presence of "whites" in something is becoming increasingly problematic to a deranged and very loud group. Personally, I also can't help but shake the feeling that this is being done for something akin to or related to ethnic replacement of some description as when a city as left-wing as London starts over-focusing on one specific group, I feel like it is being done to single them out as a problem.

This is, of course, ignoring the fact that the signs have just the most idiotic reasoning... You want to make a city of seven-million less crowded by discouraging one group's attempts to grow in number? That isn't going to do shit nor will it actually get anywhere until a few dozen or maybe nearly a decade have passed so one can see the results. Of course, for that to happen one would need to have everyone else stop breeding and filling up the spaces the others would've taken anyway.

Finally, this is certainly just throwing fuel on to a fire for their Alt-Right boogeymen, as it is very solidly providing them a case to work with. Which one would've thought they'd want to avoid given how they like to tout how dangerous the Alt-Right is, but who am I to judge their ever so educated minds?

Thoughts from you lot? I presume most news outlets will just ignore it and those in London are either going to be pushed into it or people are actually going to be stupid enough to actually do it, which, God forbid is probably going to happen. Eugh.
Is that simply the British spelling of sterilized? Defence vs defense? Colour vs color? Tyre vs tire? I lived there for a few years, and can't reliably proof between our two languages.
But to be serious, as Carl points out, it is rather interesting that only "white" people are displayed on the display that calls for the prevention of ones ability to procreate.
It doesn't seem overly interesting? The UK is still very, very 'white' (jumping off wiki numbers from 2011 that said 87%), so the common presentation would typically be such. Add to that,--and as fair warning I haven't watched the video--but the poster looks like it was put together using stock cartoon representations, and I'd venture those have a tendency to be fair-skinned.

Honestly more concerning should probably be advertising for sterilization at all. That seems like a decidedly...weird...thing to 'advertise' in this manner, especially as some kind of population-control thing. My guess would be the folks putting it up are shit-stirring, but that might be wrong.
Removed for space
Just come out of the closet and say it Erwin_Pommel. Its so obvious now.

Hell, I will do it as well. This is a move to have white people to not have kids so that said white people will disappear and can be replaced by people from other countries and other ethnic groups. Its that simple.

Here. If this muslim guy is not a paid actor and is being honest. Then even the immigrants can see it and they are happy cause eventually the country will be theirs.

One white child policy soon?
Lol, nope. There are so many articles out there towards women about staying single and being childless. There will be no future white kids. What future white kids do exist will be convinced by the state to go transgender especially the boys.

Ultimately, this does not affect me as I'm not white and don't plan to immigrate to the west. Maybe the end of white people will be the end of SJW's too?

It doesn't seem overly interesting? The UK is still very, very 'white' (jumping off wiki numbers from 2011 that said 87%), so the common presentation would typically be such. Add to that,--and as fair warning I haven't watched the video--but the poster looks like it was put together using stock cartoon representations, and I'd venture those have a tendency to be fair-skinned.
This poster is put up in London which from what I have heard majority non-white. So this poster is basically telling the few white people left to sterilize themselves.
It doesn't seem overly interesting? The UK is still very, very 'white' (jumping off wiki numbers from 2011 that said 87%), so the common presentation would typically be such. Add to that,--and as fair warning I haven't watched the video--but the poster looks like it was put together using stock cartoon representations, and I'd venture those have a tendency to be fair-skinned.

Honestly more concerning should probably be advertising for sterilization at all. That seems like a decidedly...weird...thing to 'advertise' in this manner, especially as some kind of population-control thing. My guess would be the folks putting it up are shit-stirring, but that might be wrong.

Yeah, I can't see some "brought to you by the blanka de blank organization for global sustainability". You'd expect to see that from a legitimate public group pushing it. I suspect some sort of shit stirring.
Yeah, I can't see some "brought to you by the blanka de blank organization for global sustainability". You'd expect to see that from a legitimate public group pushing it. I suspect some sort of shit stirring.
Its complete and utter bullshit.

They say they want sustainability and thus say don't have kids but at the same time bitch about how western countries are running out of population and thus needs to import people who are known to have kids to replace those dying and not having kids.

Where is the logic here?

Its a lie, a smokescreen for their true goal.
Its a lie, a smokescreen for their true goal.

A goal which looks insane even compred to traditional power hungry assholes’ goals, given that there is no great wealth or power to be had

Perhaps a sort of glory to be put into history as a sort of the next Martin Luther Kings or somethinh similar

Frankly, I am more worried about how Europe will eventually backslide in-terms of social values as the Muslims they keep on getting are likely to enforce laws to keep even showing a fictional woman’s skin from being remotely exposed to horribly punishing women just for moving around with some of her hair out

Dogs too may eventually be killed en masse as they are likened to pigs
About what we see here and what it means. I even said it for you.
Are you trying to imply that I am an ethno-nationalist? Eh, I guess so, I've always solidly held the belief that the current owners of a country should work hard to maintain a majority population as is their right and duty and that immigration should be kept low on an equal exchange of skill and value basis. Like, I am aware of everything else you're on about and have no qualms with it but "out of the closest" would imply I was denying an identity for the most part if we go by how it is typically used. As such, I am a little confused, so apologies if I am being a bit daft right now.
when the UK snaps they will snap the hardest.

My prediction for when they do snap is when the hard Brexit finally happens its also going to be the moment when the UK runs out of other peoples money.
So hard that people get hung from the streets?

Tom Kratman strangely enough predicted the mass migration of Muslims and Sharia Law alongside the Leftists of Europe as being the cause of their proliferation

His version of Britain had its own sort of Brexit that resulted in it getting its own KING, kept telling the EU to fuck off and dumped all their Muslims onto France and other EU Countries

Considering how his version of the USA or ISA(Imperial States of America)had its own Trumpian figure except so much worse but surprisingly brilliant and insane, maybe a lesser or softer version of what will occur with Britain will happen
Are you trying to imply that I am an ethno-nationalist? Eh, I guess so, I've always solidly held the belief that the current owners of a country should work hard to maintain a majority population as is their right and duty and that immigration should be kept low on an equal exchange of skill and value basis. Like, I am aware of everything else you're on about and have no qualms with it but "out of the closest" would imply I was denying an identity for the most part if we go by how it is typically used. As such, I am a little confused, so apologies if I am being a bit daft right now.
No, no. Thats not what I meant at all.

Quoting myself.

Just come out of the closet and say it Erwin_Pommel. Its so obvious now.

Hell, I will do it as well. This is a move to have white people to not have kids so that said white people will disappear and can be replaced by people from other countries and other ethnic groups. Its that simple.

I meant that you should not hide and instead come right out and say that this is ethnic replacement. They want to get rid of white people and replace them with other ethnic groups. I came right out and said it and was saying that you seem to be implying it here:

Personally, I also can't help but shake the feeling that this is being done for something akin to or related to ethnic replacement of some description as when a city as left-wing as London starts over-focusing on one specific group, I feel like it is being done to single them out as a problem.

Hence why I said, don't hide and instead come right out and call it for what it is.
Looks like they put it up in a shitty area, maybe its taking a shot at the gypos and pikeys :p

I believe the standard Brit reaction to some knob telling us what to do is 'fuck off' Britain is tolerant to an absurd degree but it also has no problem putting people back in their place.
But to be serious, as Carl points out, it is rather interesting that only "white" people are displayed on the display that calls for the prevention of ones ability to procreate.
This is the heart of it right here. The left's (and the cucked right, which is most of them) have the ultimate goal of eliminating white people. They hate whites, they blame whites for all of the world's ills, they support rape as long as the victims are white and the perpetrators aren't. Most importantly, they support unlimited non-white immigration into traditionally white majority nations regardless of how much the natives dislike it while at the same time pushing a variety of policies which cause whites to have fewer kids.

Maybe this billboard isn't legit, but it represents a real attitude that dominates the left. Let's look at Bill Nye talking about the environment and population control:

The bio-"ethicist" thinks that people in the first world need to be limited in the number of children they can have, but not people in the third world who have far more children. Let me make a prediction, I bet he also favors open borders for European nations.

Ah, I was right. I looked up Bill Nye's guest, Travis Rieder, the bioethicist who says that first world people should have child limits but third world people shouldn't. His justification is that 1st world people consume more resources per person, but lets see what this article says

Rieder has no illusions. In fact, he says, some countries that have successfully reduced fertility rates have since reversed course, afraid that falling population will hurt their economies. (He has an answer — just as controversial — to that, too. He would have nations open up immigration to allow in the expected tens of millions of climate refugees.) Rieder's real hope is to change people's way of thinking about childbearing.

So he wants people in Britain to stop having kids, people in Africa and the Middle East to keep having giant families, and for all of them to start coming to Britain. I don't think that his primary goal has anything to do with helping the environment.
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Seems relevant to this topic:

Now, four decades later, a larger group of scientists is sounding another, much more urgent alarm. More than 11,000 experts from around the world are calling for a critical addition to the main strategy of dumping fossil fuels for renewable energy: there needs to be far fewer humans on the planet.

“We declare, with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” the scientists wrote in a stark warning published Tuesday in the journal BioScience.


The scientists make specific calls for policymakers to quickly implement systemic change to energy, food, and economic policies. But they go one step further, into the politically fraught territory of population control. It “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity,” they write.

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