Business & Finance Microsoft to Purchase Zenimax, the Media Company that Owns Bethesda

Begun these Console Wars have... For a Ninth time?

It's not really a story IMHO to be honest, but its making the rounds. One Industry Analyst in speaking with the above website stated that Sony could respond by making a purchase of Warner Bros Games which owns the video game properties pertaining to franchises such as DC Comics, Harry Potter and Mortal Kombat since there have been recent reports of AT&T supposedly interested in selling off that property.

It's just one analysts opinion though and later in the article he admits it'd actually make more sense to purchase a smaller property, such as Metal Gear or Final Fantasy.
The issue with Sony as they are going to do is make these Console exclusives, which honestly will hurt them. Microsoft is going with the everyone can get it on everything, You just pay for the service of having it right then and now for chheaper.

That alone makes it a huge difference, and honestly, Microsoft is trying to make the prices lower so they can get more.
Begun these Console Wars have... For a Ninth time?

It's not really a story IMHO to be honest, but its making the rounds. One Industry Analyst in speaking with the above website stated that Sony could respond by making a purchase of Warner Bros Games which owns the video game properties pertaining to franchises such as DC Comics, Harry Potter and Mortal Kombat since there have been recent reports of AT&T supposedly interested in selling off that property.

It's just one analysts opinion though and later in the article he admits it'd actually make more sense to purchase a smaller property, such as Metal Gear or Final Fantasy.
Michael Pachter? The man who, as far as I'm aware, has almost never made an accurate prediction in his entire career as an "Industry Analyst"? Why are people still listening to that incompetent jackass?
Fantasy yes. Then again I am not doing my best google fu at this moment

No, its not even a question. Even outside of that time period... the only games to approach Skyrim in terms of fantasy open world games (excluding games in Skyrims own series) would be The Witcher 3.

Also, I find it funny that no one has mentioned mods as being a reason why Skyrim is as big as it is.
Also, I find it funny that no one has mentioned mods as being a reason why Skyrim is as big as it is.
Honestly, I think a significant portion of Skyrim's success came from just how easy it was to mod. Being able to involve the community that they had already built with the Oblivion modding community and put their efforts to a newer game... Skyrim with mods is a much different beast and they were easy to get and already had a huge number of people working on them almost for the word go.
Funny you should mention that...
Funny you should mention that...

Okay, I missed your post. One person mentioned it. Its being understated in this thread though.... Skyrim is still one of the most modable games ever, and easily the most modable and most modded RPG ever, which has played a huge part in its massive lifespan.
To the surprise of no one most likely, but undoubtedly to the disappointment of plenty, portions of Bethesda's future library of games maybe limited to the XBoneX and PC's.

Sorry for all of you lads out there waiting for another release of Skyrim.
To the surprise of no one most likely, but undoubtedly to the disappointment of plenty, portions of Bethesda's future library of games maybe limited to the XBoneX and PC's.

Sorry for all of you lads out there waiting for another release of Skyrim.

all the more reason to get an Xbox. PS consols post PS3 have sucked anyway and Xbox actually supports mods.
The situation with Zenimax is that it had gone... um EA... so to speak. Originally Zenimax was created by Bethesda as a sort of management company but when you pierce the veil of the problems that Bethesda has been having, much of it traces back to Zenimax.

Microsoft is likely to take a hands-off approach for now other than the usual exclusivity BS.

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