Mark's Snippets, Potential works, and First Chapters

First Chapter Roll D8 for Damage (To the Timeline)


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Roll D8 for Damage (to the Timeline) ASOIAF AU

Chapter 1: Awareness

“Come on Jaime,” Gerion Lannister told Jaime as he instructed him in the basics of the sword. “You’re not really old enough to be training with the real thing yet, but you’re smart enough to pick up at least the basics.”

Jaime just looked at his uncle with a small smile as he picked up the small wooden sword that was sized perfectly for him.

“Now, we’re not going to be covering a lot yet,” Gerion told the five-year-old. “You’re just not able to do much with the strength you have yet, so I’ll be talking about the various techniques and pointing out their flaws. Then, you’ll be off to the Maester with your sister to be covering your maths.”

Jaime just nodded before standing there silently. Slowly taking in and absorbing this strange world that he had found himself reborn into. This world was strange, but ultimately he had to do what it took to survive, and he had a sister to protect, so he would do his best to learn how to survive in this world.

“Now, this, is a longsword,” Gerion unsheathed his sword and showed it to the young boy. “It is a one-handed weapon that can be as precise as you want it to be while also allowing you the option of using a shield if you so desire. This is my personal sword, and it is important that no matter what else you learn from me you learn one thing. Take care of your tools and they will take care of you. Whether it be a bow, a sword, or an axe, taking the proper care of your tools is something that can and will make the difference between life and death.”

“Can I hold it?” Jaime asked as he looked at the plain, castle-forged longsword. “It’s lighter than it looks,” he muttered to himself as he held the plain weapon in his two hands. “Uncle Gerion, are there other kinds of swords?” he asked, hoping to find something a bit more familiar to a blade from his homeland.

“There are plenty,” Gerion laughed. “But I’ve not the time to show you all of them today. You’re father and mother will have my hide if I keep you from your lessons.”

“Thank you for the lesson,” Jaime said as he handed Gerion the longsword that he had been examining. “I look forward to more of them.”

“So formal,” Gerion laughed as he patted his young nephew on the back. “We’re family, so you don’t need to be so formal. I know that Tywin expects you to show respect to everyone, but you’ve got to ease up a bit every now and then.”

“I’ll try,” Jaime said as he leaped up and hugged his uncle in a bout of spontaneous emotion. “Thank you,” he whispered into his uncle's tunic before he rushed off in that energy that only the young exude.

My name is Jaime Lannister, and it is currently the year 271 AC. But I remember who I once was, who I died as, and the people that I left behind. I, Hikigaya Hachiman am a stranger to this world that I found myself waking in, and though I have come to love the family that I have found myself born into in this new world, I am still struggling to figure out exactly why and how I was reborn here, into some strange fantasy world.

Somehow, I know in my heart that this is all Zaimokuza’s fault, and I will repay him for all of the mental anguish that I am going through currently. But first, I must go to my maths lessons. I know that the punishment will be harsh should I skip out on them, and I do not wish to face off against my father.

“Cersei,” I greeted my sister as we both entered the tower where the Maester Creylen awaited the two of us. “I trust your lessons with mother are going well.”

“Yes,” Cersei replied tersely but with a small smile shining through. “Things are going well.”

“Good, you are here,” Maester Creylen interrupted the twins. “Given the two of you have both displayed talent for the maths that I have been going over I have been granted leave by Lord Tywin to move you forward into some more advanced processes.”

“Kuso!” I swore under my breath, only to see my sister give me a strange look.

“Now, I hope that you are prepared to learn because I have quite a bit to go over,” Creylen smiled. “Given you are Lannisters, I expect that these lessons on baggage trains and trade will apply to you more than they would at any other house you might have been born into.”

“Mother, Father, may Cersei and I skip the lesson with the Maester tomorrow?” I asked as we sat around the table for dinner.

“Convince me that it will be a better option than having you studying with the maester,” Tywin replied as he broke apart a small piece of bread to dip into the stew that was our dinner for the night.

“Well, it will allow us to rest and be able to study more the day afterward,” I replied with a small childish whine in my voice. “And, if we should choose to learn how to ride our ponies better it will only make us better at riding our horses in the future.”

“I expect a better response next time,” Tywin replied with a small smirk as he sipped his wine. “But I will grant your request for having tomorrow as a day of rest.”

“Thank you father,” I continued to eat my own dinner. “I am grateful for the time that I will spend with the rest of the family.”

“Lord Tywin,” Maester Creylen greeted the Lord of the Westerlands as he entered the Maester’s tower. “Even after skipping several of the maths lessons that I had originally planned your children have done exceedingly well. Were Jaime not your heir and Cersei a man I would recommend you send them to the Citadel to further educate them.”

“Yes, they do not act like the rest of my nephews and nieces do they?” Tywin observed as he looked up from the reports that he had been going over. “But my children are happy and competent, so I will allow some… peculiarities to exist. No matter what other people might think, they are my children, the future legacy of House Lannister. And I will allow no thing, and no one to stand in the way of House Lannister,” Tywin looked into the eyes of the young Maester. “Take care that you do not become such an obstacle or you may find yourself removed from your position.”

Author's Note: This is meant to be cowritten with someone once they have the time to write their portion. So this fic may wait a couple of weeks or months.
When my coauthor is back and able to write I’ll start posting the full story. It’s going to be a bit different.

Please continue.
Hachiman supposed to suffer,so it would be funny to see how he suffer as Jaime.
And,her do not read AsOiAF,so he do not knew what would happen.

But - at least not incest here.

P.S Is Cersei some SI,too? she seems too smart for real one.If so,she could knew canon.
A Challenge Before Agni (Intro)
A Challenge Before Agni (Intro)

“Sorry, but you’re not going to become Fire Lord today,” Zuko said as he jumped down off of Appa. “I am.”

“You’re Hilarious!” Aula laughed.

“And you’re going down,” Katara stepped forward.

“Wait,” Azula stopped the Fire Sage from placing the headpiece in her hair. “You want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother.” She smiled, a menacing glint in her eyes. “The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!”

“You’re on,” Zuko stated firmly as Azula smirked.

“What are you doing?” Katara asked as she looked at Zuko. “She’s playing you. She knows she can’t take us both so she’s trying to separate us.”

“I know,” Zuko said as he continued to look at his little sister. “But I can take her this time.”

“Even you admitted to your uncle that you would need help facing Azula,” Katara replied.

“There’s something off about her,” Zuko responded. “I can’t explain it, but she’s slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt.”

The brother and sister faced away from each other, each in a meditative pose before standing up and facing each other.

“I’m sorry it has to end this way, brother,” Azula said as she threw off her cloak.

“No you’re not,” Zuko said as he settled into his stance, prepared for what his sister would be bringing to bear.

Shifting forward, Azula fired off a massive cloud of blue fire, Zuko’s responding yellow and orange stonewalling the blue wave as it moved forward, eventually both petering out.

Azula constantly moved forward, her stance fluid as she kicked fire at her older brother while his stance remained firm as he deflected or blocked the incoming fire blasts.

Then, spinning around, Azula launched a massive wave of flame at Zuko, only for him to slide into an earthbending stance that he had learned from Toph as he split the blue flames with his own, the flames dying out rapidly after that.

Setting his stance while Azula panted, Zuko launched his own attack; his sister narrowly avoiding the flames before bracing and using her own flames to launch herself at her brother.

Twisting in a stance he had seen Aang use against him many times over the last many moons, Zuko launched himself up and launched into a spinning kick that stalled Azula’s flames before diving down and driving through into an attack. His sister, continuing to rocket around him, found herself barely keeping ahead of her brother before he used another airbending move learned from Aang to kick fire in every direction, one of the blasts hitting his sister and knocking her to the ground.

“No lightning today?” Zuko challenged. “What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll redirect it?” Zuko confidently stepped forward.

“I’ll show you lightning!” Azula retorted as she split her chi, gathering the energy needed as the electricity sparked around her before her eyes latched onto her target. Pointing her fingers at Katara, Azula unleashed her lightning, knowing that Zuko wouldn’t have time to set himself properly to redirect lightning. Zuko, jumped in front of Katara, pulling the lightning in and attempting to channel it in, down, up, and out but didn’t manage to avoid his heart in time.

In one world, Zuko redirected the Lightning up and into the sky and Katara went on to win the Agni Kai. That is not this world.

Zuko, still focusing on trying to redirect the lightning, twitched wrong and the lightning returned to the one who sent it; striking Azula and sending her to the ground.

“Zuko!” Katara screamed as she moved forward, her water skin meeting her hand as she pulled water in to try and heal him.

“Don’t,” Zuko said as he felt his heart start to slow. “Go take care of her,” he nodded towards Azula. “And tell Uncle that I love him, Zuko closed his eyes as his heart stopped beating.

“No!” Katara slammed her hand on Zuko’s chest as she tried healing him, only to stop minutes later after seeing that it was making no difference.

“You better still be alive!” Katara snarled as she moved toward Azula, water out of her water skin and ready to strike.

“Hahahahaha,” Azula laughed. “Zuzu doesn’t look so good,” She crawled over the ground next to her brother and stopped as she saw he was dead. “Looks like I’m the true Fire Lord as dictated by Agni Kai,” Azula broke into laughter as her own body eventually stopped working for her and she collapsed, dead next to her brother. Both brother and sister dead due to the broken world left to children to fix.

Katara just knelt beside Zuko’s body and cradled his head in her lap as she wept, the tears flowing from her eyes and soaking her tunic as the Imperial Palace began to burn down around her.

Zuko opened his eyes, expecting to find himself in the spirit world, and was met with the face of a Dragon.

“It was not supposed to end this way,” The Dragon spoke but its mouth did not move. “And yet, the world has already shifted away, fate and destiny ever-changing.”

“Agni,” Zuko knelt.

“You are not finished yet, little dragon,” Agni said amusingly. “There are those who have need of you.”

“I am ready to enter the cycle of reincarnation,” Zuko stated. “And I accept responsibility for my actions in this life.”

“Keep your fire burning strong,” Agni spoke into Zuko’s mind. “You will need it where you are going, little dragon.”

“Azula,” Agni spoke to the young girl. “You are interesting, and fate has ever conspired against you.”

“Fate,” Azula scoffed. “I make my own fate.”

“So you do,” Agni smirked. “As has your brother before you. Now, you and your brother are faced with a choice; a challenge, as it were.”

Zuko appeared in the space beside Azula, still braced and ready for what may happen.

“You have both invoked my name for your Agni Kai,” Agni projected. “And yet, there was no clear winner of said challenge. So I have decided on a new challenge for you. The rules are simple, survive. The one who manages to outlive the other is the winner of this challenge before Agni. Now, begone with you both, there is much to see in this new world.”

Zuko was aware. His body and mind were different but similar to his old one. And yet, this was clearly a different world. For in this world, he had a father who cared. Stern though he may be, he was loved, and for all that was wrong in this world, he would never betray the love of family again nor take it for granted. This, Theodore Kurita swore as he knelt before his father Takeshi as he was taught the ways of the Samurai.
Actually, just Zuko in house Kurita. I have something different planned for Azula.
I am now imagining Zuko in a dragon and making it more than just OK. I know the grand dragon exists and all but the base dragon is the definition of OK.
A bit of a Reach for Smoke Jaguar
"Slipspace rupture detected! Slipspace rupture detected!"

"Someone turn that damned thing off," Vice Admiral Whitcomb ordered as he entered the room. "And get me ONI, I want to know exactly where these ships came from."

"Sir, we're receiving a signal on a common E-Band from before the war started."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Whitcomb demanded. "I'd like to hear whatever message they're trying to send."

"This is Ilkhan Leo Showers of Clan Smoke Jaguar, what do you bid for the defense of this world?"

"We transmitting yet?" Whitcomb asked, crossing his arms.

"Negative, sir. Waiting for your response."

"Can we identify anything about them?" Whitcomb paced a bit.

"They're not Covenant. And they're transmitting in perfect English," the officer shrugged. "My guess is a splinter group from some distant area."

"We'll have to wait on ONI to confirm," Whitcomb turned and looked out at the stars. "Get me on the horn with them. Open transmission. I want the entire fleet to hear this."

"Understood, sir, we're ready to transmit on your signal."

"Start it up," Whitcomb ordered. "Let's see how they react."

"Son, I don't think you understand what you're about to go and do," Whitcomb replied. "This is Reach, we're not going to let the Covenant set foot here, much less some insurrectionist wannabe. So, you can pick a God and pray, because we're not going to be accepting any surrenders or we can negotiate. Choice is yours."

"So you refuse my Batchall?" The voice replied. "We will meet you on the field of battle then."

"Ilkhan? No, I'll call you Showers. It suits you better," Whitcomb stroked his mustache. "I refute the very idea that you think you can take Reach. In fact, I'd like for you to check your scanners again. You'll find that you're not only outnumbered, but you're outgunned and in the wrong airspace. So, Showers, would you like to negotiate? Or we can do this the more... Texan way."

"All I see are those who are dishonorable and unwilling to commit to proper combat,"IlKhan Showers spat.

"We're soldiers,"Whitcomb replied. "Not warriors. If you're looking for single combat, go fight the Covenant. I'm sure they'd love to fight you before glassing the very ground you stand on."

"We will see you on the ground," Showers responded. "And you will see the might of Clan Smoke Jaguar."

The channel cut out and Whitcomb glanced at the comms Officer.

"Not on our end, sir," the officer shook her head. "They cut the channel."

"Move Battlegroup Charlie up to cut them off," Whitcomb sighed. "And get me NAVSPECWEP," he tapped the enemy fleet's dot on the glass in front of him. "I've got a job for the Spartans."

"Aye sir," the officer's hands flew across the controls. "Sending communiques now."

"And now it comes to the hard part," Whitcomb pulled out a cigar and chewed on the end of it. "We wait."
huh that is an interesting VS I didn't think about. I think they lose but dang are the mechs and elementals gonna be a pain for halo to deal with. Spartans probably out perform elementals though.
huh that is an interesting VS I didn't think about. I think they lose but dang are the mechs and elementals gonna be a pain for halo to deal with. Spartans probably out perform elementals though.
I do not plan on fleshing this out unless someone commissions it. It was just a conversation that I wanted to write.
The High Bar
Katrina packed up her books and supplies and placed them in her backpack before walking outside, the sunshine bringing a smile to her face as she made her way over to a bench and sat down.

This world was different, she knew that this was not a world in the Inner Sphere or Periphery. No, this was Terra of days past, the time before the fusion engine was invented. A Terra that had progressed along a different path.

Katrina looked at the playground before her and nodded to herself, her backpack leaning up against her feet as she enjoyed the sunlight.

Her old life had been one that was hard, but she was satisfied. She had done all that she could to provide for her children and grandchildren. Hanse was a good man, one that she could trust to take care of Melissa and be a good father to her grandchildren. The Federated Commonwealth was going to be in good hands with her grandchildren and the rest of her family should be able to carry on without her.

Yes, it had been a good life, and she was satisfied that the work she had begun would be continued in her absence. Katrina smiled. Maybe she could try something new in this new world. After all, she had always wanted to go adventuring in her old life.

As she grabbed her backpack and began walking back toward the orphanage, a newspaper was picked up by the wind and carried over and into her face.

“Hmm?” She pulled the newspaper away and folded it up, tucking it into her backpack before continuing her walk.

A few gunshots were heard in the distance, a normal thing to hear in Gotham and something that Katrina had rapidly grown used to.

Reaching the house, she opened the door, the sound of children filling the air.

“Katrina!” Calyn smiled as she greeted her. “You know that you shouldn’t be out too late. I worry that something might have happened.” The foster parent balanced a baby on her hip as she gently chastised the six-year-old. “Now, let’s get you a snack. You must be hungry after school.”

Katrina sat down with an apple and pulled the newspaper out of her backpack, pulling the paper apart to get to the crossword and comic strips.

The top sheet lay face up on the table, forgotten as Katrina laughed at the jokes in the comics.

“Gotham reeling as Thomas and Martha Wayne are found dead!”

“I’m home!” Katrina called out as she closed the door behind her, taking her shoes off and setting them down on the rack inside the hallway.

“Hey!” Shelby poked her head around the corner. “What do you want for dinner? Your dad is going to be working late again and I’m indecisive.”

“What do we have the ingredients for?” Katrina walked into the kitchen, tying up her hair into a loose ponytail as she leaned over to look into the fridge.

“Well, we’ve got all of the ingredients for a pizza,” Katrina stood back up. “Do you want any help with making it?”

“I think I’ve got it,” Shelby smiled. “You go and get your homework done. Then we can see what we’ve got to work with.”

“Okay, Mom,” Katrina kissed Shelby on the cheek. “I’ll finish up and then come help you with the pizza, I bet Dad will appreciate it too.”

“I certainly hope so,” Shelby sighed. “He’s just been so busy recently.”

“He has been working on a lot of new cases,” Katrina agreed. “Maybe they’ll let him take some time off soon.”

“Maybe,” Shelby pulled some flour out of the cabinet. “Now shoo, go finish your homework. Acceptance to a good college takes hard work.”

“I’m home!” Dave called out as he hung up his hat and coat.

“How was work?” Shelby asked as she helped him put his shoes away.

“Awful,” the man shook his head as he ran a hand through thinning hair. “I’ll tell the two of you about it at the table. Just let me sit down for a second.”

Dave shuffled over to the recliner in the small apartment and sat down, propping his feet up as he closed his eyes, a soft snore coming from that direction after a few minutes.

“Do we need to wake him up?” Katrina asked as she began brewing coffee.

“Let him sleep while we get these into the oven,” Shelby replied. “We’ll wake him up when dinner is ready.”

Opening the oven, Shelby slid the two homemade pies into the oven and set a small timer. “Now, I want to look over your homework, I know you sometimes struggle with the history section.”

“Okay,” Katrina grabbed her backpack and slid the folder over to her adoptive mother. “I think I got it all done, but it’s better to make sure.”

“You’ve got a couple of the dates wrong,” Shelby pointed out a few areas that needed improvement with a pencil in hand. “But it looks good.”

“Ahh,” Katrina erased the answers and replaced them with the correct ones. “Thanks.”

The two of them sat in silence after they finished going over the homework, the warm atmosphere allowing them to just relax in each other's presence.

“And that’s the pizza,” Shelby stood and removed the food from the oven. “Will you go wake Dave? After you clean off the table?”

“On it,” Katrina removed the schoolwork before picking up the mug of coffee and carrying it over to Dave’s chair.

“Time to wake up,” Katrina gently shook the detective awake, conscious that he had not removed his gun belt.

“I’m up,” Dave jerked awake before catching himself. “Thanks for the coffee,” he accepted the mug before taking a long drink of the caffeinated beverage. “I’m going to need it.”

“Pizza for dinner?” Dave asked as he sat down at the table. “Smells really good.”

“Here,” Shelby slid plates over to each of their seats before setting slices of the cheesy goodness onto said plates. “You can talk about your day while we eat.”

“I’ve got a case that the DA is actually letting me pursue,” Dave said between bites. “There’s no connection to any of the crime families yet, so I’m putting together everything I can, trying to keep this airtight. If this does turn out to be one of the families, I might finally be able to nail one of those bastards.”

“Dave!” Shelby glared.

“Sorry,” Dave hid behind his mug. “It’s been a long day, and it slipped out.”

“Not like I don’t hear worse from some of the kids at school,” Katrina added.

“Well, I won’t get into some of the details, but it’s a murder that wasn’t reported, and my partner and I are going to be working on this case in between our other work.”

“We should move to Metropolis or somewhere like that,” Shelby sighed. “Lord knows that you’ve suffered enough here.”

“I can’t mess up my pension,” Dave shook his head. “And we definitely can’t mess up Katrina’s tuition.”

“I can find a different way to pay for college,” Katrina offered. “I’m not worried about having to work my way through if I have to.”

“I love that you’re willing to work hard,” Dave smiled and ruffled the young teenager’s hair. “But I’d rather you not have to do that. So I’m going to do my best to stick it out until you get to college.”

“Anything interesting happen at school recently?” Dave changed the subject.

“Well, I’ve opted into a program that lets me take college classes while I’m in high school,” Katrina chewed thoughtfully. “Given I start high school after the summer, I figure I can go ahead and do that, get a headstart on my degree.”

Dave raised an eyebrow at Shelby, a question on his face.

“And what’s your plan?” Dave asked.

“I’m pushing for law school,” Katrina finished her food. “There’s a lot of ways to help improve the world there, and I think that it’s a good fit for me.”

“That’s your choice,” Shelby shrugged. “We expected you to push for a more scientific field, but if you want to go to law school then we’ll support you.”

“Trust me,” Katrina smiled. “I know that it’ll be a good fit.”

“Not bad for someone who had to start over again,” Katrina smiled to herself as she arrange her new desk. “Not bad at all.”
huh lawyer is an interesting path. I could see it. then again she may also decide to go scientist because she understands how important that is after the fall of the star league and being personally offended at the tech villains. otherwise I could see her aiming for political office if she decides Gotham offends her enough.
huh lawyer is an interesting path. I could see it. then again she may also decide to go scientist because she understands how important that is after the fall of the star league and being personally offended at the tech villains. otherwise I could see her aiming for political office if she decides Gotham offends her enough.
Did she knew about Batman series?

If so,she could go for science,and help Batman build his toys.
Did she knew about Batman series?

If so,she could go for science,and help Batman build his toys.
Timeline diverges in the late 80s. so batman probably existed as a comic. that said it was also separated by more than a thousand years and many many wars. prolly not well known and very niche. most the comics would have disintegrated at least before she was born.
Bittersweet Solo snip
"No, you can't dress up like Darth Vader for Masquerade day!" Leia Organa-Solo glared at Anakin Solo, trying not to look at the twins giggling behind their younger brother.

"But why not?" Anakin asked. "He wore black clothes like Uncle Luke, and he looked really cool!"

Jacen and Jaina broke into even louder laughter before Leia's glare moved to them, the twins eventually covering their mouths and leaving the room, leaving the young Anakin to argue with his mother.

"Anakin, I am telling you that you are not allowed to dress up as Darth Vader for the holiday, and that's final."

"But I already made the mask and everything!" Anakin protested. "See, I even got the breath thing right."

The boy flipped a switch behind the mask and then put it on, the vocoder changing his breath as he inhaled and exhaled.

"It's so cool!" Vader's voice came from the mask as Leia felt a cold shiver come over her. "And I can just put on the black clothes, and cape. It'll be awesome!"

"Anakin, take the mask off so I can talk to you," Leia swallowed and glanced at Han as he walked into the room. "Anakin, come here please."

Leia got down on the young boy's level and removed the Vader-esque mask, revealing Anakin's tousled hair, a cowlick sticking straight up and a grin slowly fading away as he realized just how serious Leia was.

"Son, I would rather you not dress up as Darth Vader," Leia looked into the boy's bright blue eyes, the resemblance to his grandfather never more clear than in this moment. "Do you remember Uncle Luke telling the stories about the bad guys that tried to kidnap Jacen and Jaina?" She asked.

"Uhuh," Anakin nodded.

"Well, Vader did kidnap me," Leia tried to explain. "And did some bad things to a lot of people. So, can we find someone else that dresses up like that and try to make the mask a bit different?"

"I guess," Anakin gave a dramatic sigh. "If you say so, mom."

"Here, I'm pretty sure that Jacen and Jaina will be able to help you come up with something new," Leia encouraged Anakin to go mess with the twins.

"You handled that well," Han stepped forward and wrapped Leia in a big hug, squeezing her tight before a grin came to his face. "You do have to admit though, kid's got some talent for the costume and tech part."

"Just needs a better role model," Leia agreed.

"Lando's only a call away," Han offered with a smirk.

"No," Leia beat on Han's chest. "We can find someone else, anyone else."

"I'll call up Wedge later and we'll get some people over to visit," Han chuckled. "Doesn't get much better than Rogue Squadron."

Then the noise of something shattered down the hallway and fleeing children broke them apart.

"I'll handle it," Han sighed. "You can get back to your work, Chief of State."

"It can wait," Leia followed her husband. "I'm sure that whatever the Republic needs, it can wait for a couple of minutes."

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