Lilith: Rise of the Succubus (SG Goa'uld fic)


Emperor Tippy

Merchant of Death
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Synopsis: Lilith comes from an Harry Potter/ Mass Effect fusion universe. She ends up a DoM infiltrator into the N7 program (and later Cerberus) after the First Contact War and decides that beating the Reapers is an impossibility, instead she decides to relocate to another universe and manages to succeed. She finds herself on Goa'uld controlled Earth in 4122 BC, possesses a goa'uld queen spawned by Isis for Ra, and this is her story. HP magic is largely a background thing in this fic, it is not available in the SG universe and Lilith doesn't have access to pretty much any HP things.

The story will follow her rise among the goa'uld ranks and exploration of the SG universe. She does not have any "out of universe" knowledge of SG. Oh, and don't expect her to be one of those "heroes" trying to overthrow the goa'uld or make everything better. She is an amoral sociopath whose primary interest is benefiting Lilith.

Enough of that, on with the story.


Earth 2186

Lilith Hesperax had always been the odd one out. For the first eleven years of her childhood it had been a product of the weird, unusual, and inexplicable things that always seemed to happen around her. The Hogwarts letter had answered many of those questions, the accompanying Professor Rose Malfoy had answered many more. At Hogwarts it had been her intelligence, muggle nature, and desire to learn everything she could that separated her from the crowd; still, she had graduated at the top of her class before disappearing into the bowels of the Department of Mysteries to delve ever deeper into ever more esoteric magics.

When the outpost had been discovered on Mars and the Relay on Charon they had been events of note but a hundred years of life had taught Lilith patience and so she contented herself with her own research while she waited to see what others found among the stars.

Then came Shanxi. Aliens were alive and well in the galaxy, and they proved themselves both hostile and far more capable than humanity when it came to technology. Meetings were held, conversations had, decisions made, and three days after the news arrived Lilith Harrison just turned 18 year old orphan enlisted in the Systems Alliance Navy and some judicious magic use saw her selected for a special forces pilot program under the designation N7.

She excelled as one would expect from a seventy seven year old mind in a vat grown, genetically augmented, ritually enhanced body. She had learned to fight as a wizard in her teens, but under the direction of the N7 trainers she learned how to fight as a soldier of the highest caliber. She would be named liaison to the private black operations group Cerberus and disavowed by the Alliance when she went rouge with the; the ICW and Department of Mysteries had no issues with the change however.

The Illusive Man he called himself, she told Jack it made him sound like a pretentious git. Friend, lover, advisor, patron; in the end he was still just a mark. Under his aegis and with his resources it was no great difficulty for her to gain experimental subjects. First it was to determine how various magics interacted with the myriad species of the galaxy so that the Statute of Secrecy could be maintained. Then it was a more personal interest; Asari natural lifespans, biotics, and mental abilities were simply fascinating.

Life was going well for Lilith as her studies steadily bore fruit and she gained greater understanding into magic, technology, biology, and the universe at large.

And then Eden Prime happened, bringing with it a whole cavalcade of consequences that culminated in her watching over the body she had just helped to successfully resurrect. Lilith would officially die in the destruction of the Lazarus Research station. In truth, a Horcrux cared nothing about distance and her soul was at home in a newly crafted body but moments after she let the mass effect round explode her head.

The Department new she still lived, but a request for a leave of absence to recover from so long among the muggles was approved with well wishes. The Reapers were coming, she knew it. She also knew that humanity would die to them just like everyone else had for the past few billion years. Lilith would not be among them if she had anything to say about it.

She created her lab with her own hands and magic two miles under the crust at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean and further concealed behind a Fidelus whose Secret Keeper was a muggle later stuffed in a stasis pod. Earth would indeed die while she toiled away in her bunker, but after two hundred twenty seven years her magnum opus was complete.

Element Zero was dark energy condensed under the extreme gravity fields of a neutron star until it gained such density that it condensed into a form that could be physically interacted with; in truth calling it matter at all was something of a misnomer. Still, it was physical enough to be a viable medium for alchemy, enchanting, and potions work.

Imperial Jade, Living Jade, Condensed Will; it had many names and had been a curiosity of the magical world for millennia - ever since a Tibetan monk first created it while searching for enlightenment. What it was was magic first purified of any emotional component, then aspected with pure will shorn of any purpose, and then physically manifested. It's creation was the mark of a grandmaster in the mind arts and had taken Lilith fifty three of the two hundred twenty seven years she had been down here. What made it critical was its ability to transition its existence between the material and astral planes.

Developing the alchemy to combine both Eezo and Imperial Jade had only taken another three years of effort. Still, sixty two years after Earth had become a blasted hellscape she had created a tiny glowing blue cube that could fit comfortably in one hand - seven inches on a side. What made that cube oh so special was that Eezo was the finest substance she had ever seen for spatial manipulation enchantments. The inner walls of that hollow cube shaped, anchored, and maintained a cubic pocket dimension seven miles on a side. She named the cube Tesseract.

While the cube would contain an entire self contained and self sustaining biome along, its primary purpose was to house the massive quantum blue box at its core. Eezo, the Sands of Time, diamonds created from dragonbone and thunderbird blood, enchantments for heat dissipation, modified pensive enchantments, and so very much more. It was a supercomputer that dwarfed anything any Citadel species had ever conceived of. A quantum computer that operated under 360 to 1 time dilation, had essentially limitless energy powering it, was impossible to overheat, had infinite memory with instantaneous read/write speeds and no bandwidth issues - and it was a cube seven hundred and seventy seven meters on a side. Lilith had been thrilled it only took her a century of daily effort to construct.

The AI kernel had started its conceptual life under the hands of Alex Ryder before being further modified by Cerberus with insights from the Geth and Sovereign as part of the EDI project, but Lilith had steadily tinkered with it as she spawned and destroyed AI after AI until she was satisfied with a kernel that provided consistently stable results.

One hundred and sixty three years after she started, Lilith split off a portion of her soul and bound it to her Tesseract. The cube, the core, and everything else that made up the Tesseracts structure became one single, living, entity with a soul. With an exertion of will, the construct became wholly ethereal and slotted right back into the soul it had been oh so recently severed from. Another exertion and the dormant AI kernel was activated and the Tesseract gained a mind.

"Hello Selene." were the first words Lilith spoke to her creation.

The nascent AI was a true newborn, communicating in emotion not words. Lilith gave a soft smile and carefully began to feed her memories to her new daughter, starting with her own birth. She relieved her entire life with the AI, teaching her as Selene grew into maturity.

Once Selene's personality was fully developed, she was connected to the bunkers massive databases; ones that had started life as a twin of those sent on the Andromeda Initiative before Lilith had added stolen copies of a great many other notable databases. Data was analyzed, indexed, and integrated by an AI operating on the most powerful computing hardware the galaxy had ever seen; and Selene was self optimizing and improving her code as she devoured every spec of data related to information technology, computer coding, and AI research.

Selene would prove a most able assistant for the next part of Lilith's great work. Ritual calculations that would take a human decades could be done in seconds, emergent scientific concepts that could only be grasped by one who had mastered hundreds of disparate fields were derived, studied, and integrated. Magic and science, artificial and organic; it was synthesis and the results were awe inspiring.

Nanomachines of Imperial Jade, Element Zero, and diamond created from Sands of Time and Thunderbird Blood were created and the swarm made the home of Lilith's soul. Without a body she could exist as a cloud of living dark energy able to move under her will and able to possess a body. With that last step done, it was only a matter of creating a portal to another universe.

With Selene's help she cracked space and time under the strength of paradox. The Department had once caused 25 people to be unborn, made Tuesday last sixty hours, and made Thursday last four hours after experimenting with time travel. If anyone else had been around to see the next thirty five years of Lilith's experiments then they would have condemned her a thousand times over for time was broken, repaired, rebroken, wound, unwound, rewritten, and unwritten countless times as they attempted to understand. Space fared no better given the experiments with extreme gravity fields, ones that would prove strong enough to actually tear space itself.

Eventually Lilith had her solution. Space-time was broken in the most precise of ways to create a portal of the most miniscule size and a cloud of dark energy flowed through it, flowed through the void, and was swept out of it once more as another hole opened for the briefest of instances.


A/N: Chapter 1 is posted immediately and it was written in the same session as this, so the A/N at the end of it covers both the Prologue and Chapter 1.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Egypt, 4122 BC

None of the guards present noticed the wisp of dark energy that preceded the god out of the Stargate; the flickering blue black visual effect of slightly twisted gravity being lost in the light of the portal of the gods.

'Well we survived. Now where are we?' Lilith mentally said to Selene as she shifted from energy cloud to nanite swarm and became able to perceive more than souls and gravity waves.

'How should I know? Our experiments showed that these openings in the Void periodically appeared and we hypothesized, correctly it seems, that they opened into another reality.'

Before the AI could continue her rant, Lilith cut in 'So we are definitely in a different reality then? Not just teleported through space or time?'

'Yes, the dark energy is vibrating at a subtly different frequency. If not for your soul compensating, your energy form would have been ripped apart from the destructive dissonance. Fortunately, you harmonized thanks to the adaptive nature of the soul.'
Selene explained.

Lilith contemplated all of that for a few moments before giving her companion a mental nod, 'Success then. Time to find out some background knowledge from a local.'

With that, the nanite cloud subtly made its way through the city of sandstone it found itself in until Lilith located her target, someone resting their eyes under what appeared to be a cypress tree. 'Embrace eternity.' she mentally whispered as she used dark energy as a medium to create a quantum resonance with her target and connect their souls. The human, Peloth son of T'lac, was the child of a well to do merchant - a peasant but a relatively well off one - blessed to live in Helios, capital of the Supreme God Ra. An ignorant boy of fifteen found himself in a mental contest with a Grand Sorceress with three centuries of experience in the mind arts, the will to survive the destruction of her own species, and the initiative. Peloth would be found two hours later brain dead; unable to handle having every experience of his entire life ripped away.

'Well it appears that we are on an Earth, Egypt based on the Sphinx and pyramids.' mused Selene

'I don't think our Earth had aliens masquerading as gods. Do you know when we are?' Lilith commented.

'If the stars are the same, then based on Peloth's memories of the night sky and our known location compared to the star charts of our time, my best guess is somewhere between two and six thousand BC. Once night comes and we can see with our eyes I should be able to refine that still further, and further still if you make your way to the Sphinx so I have a known landmark to extrapolate from when fixing our location. I could probably narrow it down to at least the right millenia, assuming that stellar bodies are the same between our realities and the Sphinx is in the same location.' she replied.

'Good enough, I'll do that and then we can spy on these gods. We need more information before I take a body, and if magicals exist then they are likely to be around the throne.'

As the nanite swarm carefully examined the creature swimming in the water filled container below it, Lilith said 'Well this really is a very different world.'

The AI gave a throaty laugh, 'Indeed, we have definitive records of human history in our reality back to the fall of Atlantis in 20,000 BC. We know that Ra, and the rest of the Egyptian gods, were wizards. They were not parasitic snakes taking human hosts and using advanced technology to pretend at godhood.'

'It is very nice technology though, and from a very different basic technology base than our own or any of the Citadel species.'
mused Lilith.

'That it is, it will be interesting to study. So what's the plan, mom?' the AI asked.

Lilith began to move through the palace complex, 'Isis is presenting Ra with a Queen tomorrow as a show of her fealty. The Jaffa have in gathered hundreds of young women for the parasite to select from. If I possess one, she will become the obvious choice for the goa'uld to select.'

'That sure of your looks, are you?'
Selene teased.

'When I possess someone, their soul will be consumed as fuel to recreate the body to my specifications. Specifications that are far superior to any human who is not genetically engineered or otherwise enhanced to an extreme degree.' Lilith pontificated haughtily, fully aware that her daughter knew it all just as well as she did; after all the AI had been her partner in designing the body in question.

'I'm aware.' Selene drly replied, before continuing more seriously. 'How do you think the goa'uld will interact with a body you're possessing?'

'Badly for the goa'uld. It doesn't matter what physical changes the goa'uld makes to its hosts brain, my mind resides in my soul and not the meat brain. Nor does it matter if it attempts direct neural hijacking, the nanites will replace the entire nervous system and again they are directly controlled by soul. What I do wonder is how I will interact with the goa'uld. We never contemplated possessing two bodies simultaneously and the rituals really aren't designed for it, and the goa'uld will have its own soul which makes things more difficult. If I still had my magic it wouldn't be an issue, and if I had time to experiment then I could probably dominate its mind via meld, or if we knew enough about goa'uld physiology then I could use the nanites to directly puppet it.'
answered Lilith, pushing her own initial thoughts on the potential interactions and hypothesized results to the AI even as she received the AI's own in exchange and continued to further refine her projections.

'But none of those are options, so what's your plan?' Selene asked, pushing her mother the dozen most viable ideas she had devised and basic outlines of each with attacked cost/benefit projections.

'Act well enough to fool the other goa'uld until I am alone in my quarters until I can stop possessing my human body long enough to possess the goa'uld itself, then use the goa'uld to puppet the human body until I can find another human to take over. On that possession, modify the blueprint for the rebuild so that it includes the symbiote as an organ.' Lilith proposed.

'It should be viable, maybe. Why not just possess one of these goa'uld now though? You don't need to trigger the body rebuild and it should at least give us a better idea of what we are working with.' said Selene even as she refined her mothers initial idea and turned it into a more detailed action plan.

'Why not indeed?' Lilith said before transforming into her dark energy form and flowing into one of the swimming symbiotes.

It was far different from anything that she had expected. The goa'uld had a genetic memory and while it had plainly been edited a great many times by the queens of its lineage, it still stretched back more than twenty thousand years. Twenty thousand years of galactic conquest, more than five thousand years of pretending to be gods, hundreds of lifetimes lived from countless species as hosts were taken from every species encountered in the great wars of conquest. Compulsions built into its very DNA, plans for technology that made even the Reapers look like stone age barbarians. It was all taken, consumed, and fed to the shared memory of Lilith and Selene. The later would treat it like she did any other database; analyze, index, integrate, and reexamine in light of all other knowledge. Minutes after the possession, nanites would consume every spec of the body for further study and Lilith would float away to take her place as a nanite swarm on the ceiling of the room the potential hosts were put.

Sparing a sliver of attention to keep an eye on the situation, Lilith devoted the rest to the virtual lab where she worked with Selene of modifying her future body in light of the goa'ulds knowledge.

'These parasites are better gene-smiths than we were.' Selene commented in an awed tone.

'Thousands of years of experience to our hundreds, a far larger sample size of species to work with, and far more viewpoints to approach the problem from. Still, it's our knowledge now and that means time to get to work. This modification to the nervous system to resist nerve agents is inspired, but I think this bit from the Salarian mixed with this bit of Krogan would complement it nicely.' Lilith replied absently, far more interested in all of the new knowledge at her metaphorical fingertips.

'What about if we did...'

Mother and daughter would spend a little over a year of experienced time tinkering, modifying, modeling, and testing as they designed Lilith's future body.

A young women entered the privy in the night, unnoticed by any of her fellow offerings. A barely discernible shimmer of blue-black energy engulfed her. Her every memory was ripped away, examined, and stored. Her genetics were analyzed. Her soul was consumed, becoming the power used to rewrite reality on a very local scale. The matter of her body was consumed, and when found lacking more was created ex nihilo, and transmuted into a structure designed by a master fleshweaver. Six feet in height, hair a shade of red so dark that it seemed black until the light struck it just so flowing down to just above an ass of idealized sin, breasts perfectly sculpted to complement the body and hit every human genetic trigger for sexual idealization, muscles and fat layered just so to appear as perfection made manifest, skin a dusky permanent tan, eyes of brilliant emerald green set in a face that could enthrall with a look.

Below the surface was a body at the peak of human perfection. Muscles, bones, nerves; all were engineered to be as capable as the baseline human genome allowed. While Lilith could have gone far beyond that point, things like bones laced with carbon nanotubes and muscles of the same or blood that was a regenerative panacea of highly adaptive stem cells, specialized mutating hunter-killer cells that would bind and neutralize an exhaustive list of chemicals or turn themselves into the anathema of virtually any biological threat imaginable, and replace iron with Naquadah to virtually eliminate the need to eat to produce energy (although matter would still be needed to maintain the body), were all far too likely to be detected by the goa'uld. The only more than human tweak that she made was to make her blood a soporific to a goa'uld symbiote.

Once Lilith's soul was firmly anchored to her new body, the nanites that were her Horcrux were stored away in the Tesseract for the moment - again the potential for detection was too high if they bonded to her nervous system as they were intended to do.

She kept her appearance carefully concealed behind the robes that Amara had been wearing when the women had entered the privy and simply waited.

After a few hours of primping by Ra's harem, Lilith was led to the "gods" throne room besides the other potential offerings. His Jaffa stood along the walls positively covered in gold while Ra conversed with the powers that be of his court - granting the potential hosts the rare privilege of allowing a human to see his face. His queens, Hathor and Egeria, trailed a few steps behind at his left and right hands respectively - resplendent in diaphanous silks of peerless quality. Lord Yu, Celestial Emperor of Asia, was present along with Apophis and more than a dozen other, lesser, gods. Then there was the guest of honor, Isis, with a lone Jaffa women trailing at her side and her stomach bare for all to see her pouch.

A third Queen for the Supreme God; a show of fealty and a bribe worth a dozen planets if the rumors that Lilith had heard spying on the court were to be believed.

Ra and his entourage joined Isis and the Jaffa as they wandered amongst the potential sacrifices, the young Queen poking its snake like head out of its pouch to examine its choices with its own eyes. In truth it was no choice at all for barely a third of the way through the offerings the party came to Lilith and the queen immediately let out a screech.

Ra examined his future queens choice for himself before giving a nod of approval and saying to the kneeling Lilith, "Your name child?"

"This one is Amara your divine majesty." Lilith replied obsequiously, channeling Amara and the goa'uld she had consumed for just the right amount of flatter, fear, and awe in her body language and tone.

"Are you willing to become the earthly avatar of my third queen? Giving your life that she might grace the mortal world with her presence?" the Supreme God asked.

"It would be the highest of honors your divine majesty." spoke Lilith, as if any other answer would have ever been acceptable in this situation.

"Then kneel and bow your head." he commanded.

Once Lilith had knelt the Jaffa women stood behind her and the goa'uld jumped from its pouch into the back of Lilith's neck. Immediately it went to work, extending Naquadah laced nervous tissue up into the host brain, consuming and replacing the rest of the bodies nervous system with the same, analyzing its DNA, and releasing a host of tailored retroviruses and stimulants. Barely had it finished consuming, replacing, and integrating the hosts brain before the soporific did its work and put it to sleep. The barest handful of nanites returned to the material world, stimulating the Naquadah now laced through Lilith's eyes and carefully pulling on several throat muscles.

Lilith rose, gone was the hesitant and unsure steps of a young girl about to sacrifice her life for her gods and in their place were the steps of a Queen. Daughter of Isis, Daughter of Nut - She who was most favored of Apep. Born to be Queen to Ra, Supreme among the System Lords. Her eyes flashing with the golden light of divinity, she bowed her head to Ra and spoke in High Goa'uld - a language never taught to any of the servants - "I am Lilith, my Lord."

Ra gave a slight nod and spoke in the more common tongue, "It pleases me that you have chosen to descend from the Heavens my Queen. Come, let the servants take you to your quarters so that your mortal shell can be attired appropriately for your station."

He then turned to one of his Jaffa priests and commanded, "Let it be proclaimed a month of feasting in honor of my queens descent and for this day to forever more be known a holy day as Queen Lilith has chosen to descend from the Heavens to help guide humanity by my side."

'A distasteful religion usurped to serve the Goa'ulds purposes, but at least Ra is willing to play his part in maintaining the charade.' commented Selene.

'Yes, the goa'uld we consumed actually believed the lie and it would never have occured to it to concern itself with pandering to the slaves beliefs. There is a reason that Ra became Supreme System Lord and held it for more than ten thousand years amongst a species of arrogant, sociopathic, narcissists all fully convinced that they should be lord of all they survey. Not an opponent to be underestimated.' Lilith said, even as she followed one of Ra's attendants into his personal section of the palace. Gone were the torches and reed floor mats, in their place were "divine" lights and a floor of inhuman craftsmanship covered in carpets of peerless quality.

Inside the suite that was to be hers was an ornate chest that opened at her touch, the sensors built into it detecting the goa'uld in her body and the thoughts she fed the neural interface that connected with her nervous system via the tips of her fingers. Resting inside was an ornate, ornamental, gauntlet seemingly designed as jewelry. She slid her right arm into it, her fingers sliding through the rings at the end, a red jewel coming to rest in the middle of her palm. Once more a neural interface connected and with it came a panoply of knowledge and options.

While the first purpose of the kara kesh was to protect its goa'uld wearer by generating a personal shield at need and acting as a holdout weapon able to create waves of kinetic force, it was so very much more than just that. Subspace sensors and communicators, codes and interface programs for all manner of goa'uld devices, a database of useful information; it was an omni-tool on steroids in most respects. Of course, just like an omni-tool provided by another's hands, it couldn't be trusted. Lilith would be amazed if it didn't record and report everything around her to Ra, or if he couldn't turn it against her at will. Still, it would be useful.

Lilith took the opportunity after her bath to order the servants from her presence for a bit and lounged on one off the divans in her suite. Pretending to sleep or meditate, she withdrew her soul back into the nanites and moved to possess the sleeping symbiote resting in her soulless, comatose, body. Unlike her possession of Amara, she did not recreate the goa'ulds body, instead only making a slight tweak so that it would be immune to the soporific in her bodies blood. The soul was consumed, its power added to Lilith's own, and its memories integrated.

Unlike her previous experience possessing a goa'uld, this queen was no mass spawned specimen intended for jaffa implantation. It was a queen purpose created by Isis to be consort to Ra and so with it came a far more complete and detailed collection of genetic memories. And the obvious truth that Isis had intended her spawn to be an agent in Ra's court, positioned to feed her information and later backstab the Supreme System Lord when Isis and Osiris launched their rebellion proper. For any normal goa'uld, the genetically inbuilt compulsions would not just be ironclad but impossible for the subject to question. For Lilith the meat was just that, meat, and her mind was a thing of the soul and beyond such merely physical manipulation.

'Well now, this changes our plans now doesn't it.' Lilith mused to Selene even as the two of them used their stolen knowledge to finish crafting and fleshing out the goa'uld persona she would present to the world.

'Are you really surprised? Isis and Osiris are goa'uld, and ones that survived the goa'uld conquest of the galaxy. Of course they want to make themselves the supreme rulers. And unlike most, they stand at least some chance of pulling it off.' the AI countered.

'True, pity for them that I possessed their pawn. Betraying them to Ra is not a difficult choice. We should be able to parlay this into indepence far earlier than I expected. When Isis, Osiris, and their allies are thrown down their domains will have to be distributed among the victors. I would never be able to claim even a fraction of the total, but a few choice worlds and ships along with Ra recognizing me as an independent system lord in my own right is well within reason.' Lilith said, starting to fill out her scheme and weighing possibilities.


After awakening from her possession of the Queen, now puppeting her human body as if she was a goa'uld in truth, Lilith made her way to the set of Rings in her quarters, her servants and the female Jaffa assigned to guard her by Ra picked up as she left the sitting room. The Ring Transports had been found early in the conquest, seized from a gatebuilder outpost and reconstructed by Thoth. To the Jaffa, and even most of the goa'uld, they were nothing but a transport device. To the more informed or trusted goa'uld, they were the single most important piece of technology they had after the stargates.

Subspace sensors of the most extreme precision would scan the matter inside the rings down to the sub-atomic scale before the Rings would break the matter down into its constituent parts, move the energy slightly out of phase with the rest of reality, shoot it off to another set of rings, and then those Rings would reconstitute the energy into the precise collection of matter that had been scanned before.

With a few programing changes, those Ring Transporters instead became matter reconstruction devices of almost unfathomable potential. While the goa'uld could not understand the devices well enough to completely take advantage of that potential, they were more than able to use them to transmute matter into elements lower on the periodic table and engage in precision construction with atomic scale accuracy - assuming they had the needed designs.

Lilith stepped into the rings, connected to then through her kara kesh, and uploaded the plans that she had constructed. The hundred kilogram cube of weapons grade Naquadah that had been with the hand device would be the feedstock.

The Rings rose, heavenly light concealed her form, and when the Rings returned to their resting state Lilith's clothes - the best that human hands could produce - had been replaced. Robes of black and gold designed to accentuate her every feature and conceal only for the purpose of drawing attention graced her body, around her neck was a ruby pendant, the robes seemed to shimmer and shift with every step as the technology woven into the nanites that made up the "thread" created barely discernible holograms that were dynamically adjusted by Selene based on lighting and situation to accentuate her status as divine being and seductress. Temperature control, an almost skintight forcefield that would stun any non-goa'uld who touched her in a flash of gold, sensors of every type recording everything around her; it was all included.

The mortals had been suitably awed at her change in appearance, and the goa'uld suitably impressed by her proper introduction to goa'uld high society. In time the party ended though and she departed hand in hand with Ra.

The Supreme System Lord had proven an adequate lover, if too dominant for her personal tastes; thousands of years of practice she supposed. The information he had passed onto her through his seed, genetic memories of his both for her elucidation and ones to be passed onto any spawn of hers, were interesting as well.

When they were both relaxing after the third session, goa'uld stamina being what it was they could fuck for days straight if they felt like it, she said "Isis plans to betray you, my lord. She wants me to spy on you before, eventually, backstabbing you at a moment of her choice."

Ra's eyes flashed gold and the look that graced his face was a silent command to make with the explanation promptly of suffer a most unpleasant fate.

Lilith shrugged, "She messed up her compuslisions and so I was free to choose. Unlike my fool of a mother, I choose the winning side. You did not become Supreme System Lord by luck or foreign favor, my lord. You won your throne by proving yourself the most cunning, ruthless, and capable goa'uld in the galaxy and you have held it ever since by continually reaffirming that position. Even without my warning, I have no doubt that Isis's attempt would fail."

"Flattery is always nice to hear but the honeyed words so often conceal the hidden blade. Still, your words do have the ring of truth and a lie of this nature is unlikely to serve your interests. What is it you want, Lilith?" Ra said, his tone a mixture of warning, respect, and just a touch of pleasure.

"I'll act as your agent, feeding her whatever information you want me to and helping move her into a false position so that when you strike it will best advance your interests. In exchange, well the domains of her and her allies will obviously become forfeit after their failed betrayal. A few choice planets, some of their Ha'Taks, and a place on the council as a System Lord in my own right seems appropriate." Lilith said, affecting a musing tone that fooled neither of them as she "spontaneously" decided what she wanted for her betrayal.

Ra gave a barking laugh, "You dream big for a newborn Lilith."

"I am a daughter of Isis and granddaughter of Nut, my Lord. A lineage like that...well I could never settle for anything less than a seat at the council table. Some resources to start and my own cunning will take care of the rest, and you will have another ally who owes their position to your generosity." countered Lilith, playing up the natural arrogance of the goa'uld.

"True enough, should you prove able you will have your prize my queen." promised Ra before his hand snaked down to rub her clit, his lips descended on hers in a kiss, and round four of the nights pleasure began.


A/N: So yeah, turns out that I like this idea better than the one I posted a few days ago. A character who doesn't know anything about Stargate has more storytelling potential. It also helps justify keeping the MC involved in goa'uld politics instead of trying to be as low impact as possible until shortly before canon SG1 starts.

HP magic doesn't exist as such in the SG universe. Items previously enchanted still work (assuming that they weren't enchanted in a manner reliant on the magic field of the HP verse), and souls have their own power and utility independent of magic. For now, Lilith is unable to physically manifest the Tesseract in the material world and enter it or access her supplies stored inside - an oversight on her part means that both require magic.

Selene and Lilith basically share one database of memories that both can access at will. They are two separate personalities and consciousnesses but anything one knows can be known to the other with nothing more than the desire to access the relevant memories/data. When Lilith's nanite-swarm is manifested, Selene can use it as an interface point for the electronic ether of a world but when it isn't she is limited to Selene's senses. She can also use the neural interface with goa'uld tech as a path to interact with things, but that runs the risk of interfacing through technology that they have not created at the moment (and thus suspect to some extent).

In the normal course, the nanite swarm twines its way around/through/next-to Lilith's nervous system and basically overrides it. In addition to providing her with supermly strong and controlled biotics, it also gives her beyond light speed reaction times and various minor body enhancements (along with complementing the more "natural" parts of the body). When the nanites aren't manifested, she lacks biotics and thus the ability to manipulate dark energy/pull off an Asari mind meld.

Biologically, Lilith's "baseline" body is basically peak human. When able to use her "ideal" body, it is far beyond merely peak human and is a transgenic masterwork incorporating traits from hundreds of species and a panoply of augmentations that would never* naturally occur (like her muscles being carbon nanotubes that are basically electrical engines and are truly superhumanly strong).

When she possesses a body, she sacrifices the soul to power the bodies recreation to a blueprint specified at the time of sacrifice. She can also go with a more "traditional" possession where she doesn't physically alter the body. Any excess soul energy is used to strengthen Lilith's own soul (although the conversion rate from foreign soul stuff to her own soul stuff is abysmally terrible).

Stargate tech/background/setting details are being modified to some extent, but most of those are different interpretations on things or fleshing out places where canon is silent; or going with the SGC being an unreliable narrator who is often giving a best guess and can be mistaken. Things like the goa'uld using Ring Transporters as replicators (canon being largely silent on goa'uld production methods beyond some use of nanites to grow things), or actual goa'uld society as seen from behind the curtain and at its height (as opposed by explained through the lens of a Jaffa and seen after Ra has been assassinated after thousands of straight years of peace, a Tau'ri rebellion, a Jaffa rebellion, system lords being assassinated, the Tok'ra moving in a big way, Anubis coming back, etc.).
well this is interesting.
I am amused by her assuming the reapers win

Billions of years old species that has been harvesting the entire galaxy every fifty thousand years and who literally designed the foundational infrastructure of galactic civilization.

Realistically speaking, there is no way that the Reapers lose.

And in this case, they actually did win. Lilith survived the Reaper war by hiding a few miles under the ocean floor behind a fidelius.

For her the choices were to fight a war she couldn't see any even theoretical way to actually survive, flee to Andromeda with the Initiative in the naive hope that the Reapers only bother with the Milky Way, try to hide away a population to rebuild from after the Reapers left (despite knowing that they leave a watcher behind to monitor things post cycle), or flee the universe.

Ultimately, she decided that jumping realities was more interesting (and probably at least as safe) than going to Andromeda.
Chapter 2
Helios, Egypt 4117 BC

"I've decided, you can have your palace." said Ra one night as the two of them looked down upon the Earth from his quarters above the only Ha'Tak allowed in the Sol system.

Lilith smiled in pleasure before languidly trailing her fingers down his naked chest, Ra shivering in pleasure as he allowed the tailored aphrodisiacs and pheromones she was releasing to do their work on his body.

Still, she decided a little teasing was in order before the main course. "Did something happen to change your mind, my lord?"

"Isis is being too cautious, with my Jaffa constantly at your side and you but rarely leaving Helios it is simply too hard for her to safely make contact and converse with you. If you are given your own palace and domain, you will naturally need your own Jaffa and servants as well. Since she still believes you her agent, she will likely be much more willing to converse with you in a location she assumes secure." he answered, deciding to humor the young queen; she rewarded his decision most acceptably.


Lilith had wasted no time in capitalizing on Ra's largess; within a day she had selected several locations and begun visiting them in person before making a decision.

'Our first choice still seems to be the best one. The future Lake Urmia is almost ideal.' commented Selene as Lilith stood on what would one day be known as Shahi Island and looked out over the two thousand square miles of mountain lake.

'It's a massive lake surrounded by mountains, it's hard to imagine a more defensible location. Although grabbing off New Zealand as my personal domain has its own appeal.' Lilith said.

'That would put you right next to Setesh's territory, that is a potential problem that you don't need at the moment.' countered Selene.

Lilith gave a mental nod, 'True. Show me the current designs for the palace, both the ones for Ra to see and the actual plans.'

The AI did as asked, displaying the open air villa of white marble surrounded by sculpted gardens, manicured forests, and rolling fields. Then it became a three dimensional wire frame and showed a complex vastly larger buried under ground.

'Construction is going to be a bitch.' Lilith commented.

'Given that the first step is digging out nearly twenty square miles of land to a depth of three hundred meters just so that we can lay the Silaris plating? Of course it is going to be a bitch.' snarked Selene.

Lilith chuckled, 'Thank god, well the gate builders, for Rings. I shudder at the price tag to plate a bunker miles in size in foot thick Silaris if you had to pay Citadel market rates.'

'Two point five trillion credits as of the start of 2186, and it would take the total extant production of Citadel space for three years to meet your needs. Being able to simply restructure matter is very nice, even if it does limit us to relatively small plates thanks to the dimensions of the Rings.'
said Selene.

Lilith spent a moment contemplating the insanity of that price tag before moving on, 'I do like the use of carbon based superconductors instead of Naquadah for most of the power distribution, and the fusion reactor in place of a Naq reactor. Those two changes alone will save us enough from the plans we show Ra to construct another Ring Transporter.'

'One of the reasons the complex is so large, we need it for the bunker and to complete the other plans. I still worry that the hydroponics are a bit much.'
said Selene.

Lilith waved a mental hand dismissively, 'Ra won't care, especially not when I'm selling the Jaffa rations to him below market rates. He'll likely just see it as me trying to begin establishing my own resource base, which means finding something to trade for Naq. If I'm selling to him then he knows exactly how much I am receiving. Hell, he will probably decide that he's selling me the Naq for the palace instead of giving it to me and so it will be a few years at least before I would have any surplus.'

Selene nodded, 'True. On another subject, I've refined the Lilim pods and managed to get the grow time down to eight years.'

'Three to one fast growth without detrimental side effects? Impressive.'
said Lilith as she reviewed the files. 'Any changes to my last tweaks to the Lilim package?'

'The N7 genetic boosts have already been improved as much as they can with our goa'uld knowledge, I've flagged a transgenic super soldier program from the twenty teens that has potential
', files on an X5 program and its impressive results were pushed her way, 'but incorporating any of those is going to require a rework of the goa'uld symbiotes as well.'

Lilith rapidly absorbed the files, 'That's a minor issue, this Dr. Sanderman really did good work. How come we never noticed this when designing my own body back on Old Earth?'

Selene gave a cheeky smile, 'I did, most of the animal DNA spliced into that design is a product of the Manticore program. The details were just never really relevant.'

'Ah, I figured it was just your regular superlative work. Still, this will let us push the Lilim even further; especially their senses and reaction speeds. Even if their armor will negate a lot of that. I'm more interested in the mental boosts than the physical anyways.'
Lilith said, continuing the discussion.

'I think the neural lace will handle that better than any of the more extreme potential solutions. Jack and Henry spent a lot of money and effort stabilizing the NZT and it worked, but it seemed to inherently come with an arrogant streak and an inability to play well with others when not in charge. Miranda was far and away the best product of that research, and she still isn't anything like what you want in a Jaffa. The more limited mental boosts paired with the neural lace is likely to produce better results.' Selene offered.

'Agreed. Still, when we have some free time it would be interesting to see how far we can push that project with our new knowledge.' Lilith said, making a mental note to follow up on that as she had time, before moving on. 'I assume you found no issues with the security features?'

Selene gave her the mental equivalent of an exasperated sigh, 'The genetically implanted loyalty response to your pheromones? The need for specially tailored symbiotes? The neural lace able to manipulate all their senses, directly stimulate any part of their brains, paralyze, or kill them at will? The plan to grow them from birth to maturity at the age of twenty four, subjective, in a tailored virtual reality environment purpose designed to indoctrinate them into fanatical loyalty to you? Those security features?'

'Yes, those ones.' said Lilith tolerantly, before jokingly continuing, 'Don't get snippy with me young one, paranoia is a survival trait

'I'm aware mother.', the AI said, having her mental avatar take the appearance of a bratty teen version of herself to give Lilith an eye roll before continuing more seriously. 'And no, no issues.'

Zerzura, 4102 BC

As Lilith stared one last time at the hundred pods, all she could scrounge the needed resources for without arousing suspicion, containing her Lilim she thought back on the fifteen years it had taken to reach this point.

Seven years of construction, even after she had recreated heavy construction equipment to do much of the work, to build the palace complex, and reshape the surface of the island to be aesthetically pleasing - and complement the myriad concealed surveillance and defensive systems of her home. Then the Jaffa and human villages dotting the other islands of her lake domain; far faster to construct but just as time consuming to begin properly populating.

The bunker complex that she was in now had been much easier to build, relatively speaking, but had still taken six years to become operational; although much of that delay had been waiting to reach the point where she could implement and activate the subspace scattering field over her entire palace complex, without that there was simply too much chance that Ra's Ha'Tak would notice the additional construction. Still, it had taken three years for the goa'uld nano-devourers to create the two mile deep shaft wide enough for a set of rings to traverse and then fill it back in so seamlessly that it was as if the passage had never existed. From there, growing out the rest of the bunker complex hadn't taken all that long.

Now she stared at the first true step on her path to building a power base among the goa'uld and gave a silent snarl. The, heavily modified, Jaffa destined for her personal guard were basically done growing. Their armor - a hybrid of Citadel and Goa'uld concept, design, and materials - was complete. And yet...

'You need to leave in the next five minutes if you want to arrive without arousing any suspicion.' Selene injected, reminding her once more about Ra's surprise decision to have her spawn him both a few thousand Jaffa symbiotes and half a dozen more carefully molded underlings. The spawn destined for Jaffa were nothing, she could do that with a few days in the birthing pool. Ra's underlings though... well that was going to be at least a month of effort as they carefully shaped just which genetic memories the underlings would need to receive to create the desired outcome.

'Another thing for Hathor to be jealous about, although I suppose she is quite good at it when you account for the lack of AI assistance.' Lilith mused to Selene, contemplating the closest thing to a proper enemy that she had in goa'uld society and the likely response from her fellow Queen when she learned that Lilith had once more been selected over her to create proper progeny with Ra.

'I am awesome that way. Enough lollygagging though, you need to get to court.' Selene commanded.

A few moments later, Lilith emerged from the concealed rings in the floor of her private quarters dressed in the court costume she had decided on and languidly made her way out of her private domain. The four Jaffa, two bearing her mark and two the mark of Ra, braced to attention when she stepped through the holographic wall of rippling light that identified the entrance to her quarters. Behind the wall, and unknown to any of the guards, the foot thick Silaris door coated in half a millimeter of Naquadah (and laced through with a tracery of that same superconductive wonder material for the purpose of channeling any energy away) closed and locked. If she was going to play at divinity, then she was going to do it well - especially when it let her better conceal her security systems.

Two of the Jaffa, one of each faction, fell in at her heels while the others remained as permanent guards on her quarters.

By the time she reached the public Ring room, directly below the one in her own quarters so that she only needed the one set of rings, another ten Jaffa had fallen in along with the five young women who made up her Lotar. Her completed entourage stepped onto the rings and departed for Helios.


Helios, Egypt, 4102 BC

With Ra in a good mood after receiving the half dozen new goa'uld that would become future underlings of his once they had matured, Lilith decided it was time to inform him of the armor she had designed for her Lilim; springing new technology on Ra in public was a great way to end up on his shit list.

"My lord?", she questioned, taking the glass of wine from one of her lotar - Illya - before waving a hand in a dismissive order for the Jaffa and human slaves to leave the room.

Ra's Jaffa glanced briefly at their master, receiving a minute nod of assent, struck fists to their hearts in assent, and left behind the last of the human servants.

Once they were alone Ra met her eyes from the divan opposite her own and raised an eyebrow in silent question.

"I've developed a new class of armor that I intend for my personal guard and I was interested in your thoughts." she answered while ordering her kara kesh- built, rebuilt, modified, redesigning, and upgraded a dozen times in the past twenty years - to send to him the encrypted blueprints for the Lilim mk. 1.

She waited silently for Ra to review the files. Eventually, after almost twenty minutes of silence, he began to speak.

"This super dense carbon substance is very impressive, not as capable as our more traditional alloys but substantially cheaper to produce. Very impressive. Where did you get the idea?"

"The initial idea came from a combination of Varlath and Clan'tok knowledge.", she named two of the species that the goa'uld had exterminated under Apep and that she was sure Ra had never taken as hosts himself - and ones that did actually have at least tentatively similar ideas to Silaris armor as a theoretical matter. "I spent a few years further refining it with our own knowledge and overcame the construction issues with the Rings. Trying to create the gravity fields needed for more traditional manufacture...", she trailed off with a shrug.

Ra gave a nod of understanding, Goa'uld gravity manipulation technology was good but it didn't even begin to be able to approach the extreme gravity fields that Eezo made possible. "That does reduce its potential in ship construction, but for smaller projects it is a more cost effective alternative to a great many other alloys. Why include the nine micron surface layer of Naquadah though? This Silaris of yours is already more resistant to staff blasts than the standard Jaffa armor and the Naquadah layer is a full quarter of the final resource cost."

Lilith mentally sent a request for a shared virtual space for the two of them to converse in, and when she received his approval a hologram - one that only existed in their two minds - of the armor floated before them. She then highlighted several of the armors features and gave more detailed schematics on each off to the side. While the visual aid appeared she spoke, "The extra protection was a secondary benefit, that it allowed the subspacial scattering field to be incorporated was the primary design consideration. If our theories on Asgard beam transporters are accurate then that should provide at least limited immunity to their just disappearing my force from orbit.

"More immediately relevant, it prevents any of our fellow goa'uld from using a simple subspace scanner to steal my design. That it also allows solar recharging of the liquid Naquadah power cell, acts as a substrate for the kinetic repulsion field, provides immunity to zat'nik'tel blasts and stun grenades, and increases the armors resistance to Ma'tok level plasma weapons by 472% - providing immunity to anything less than one staff impact every five seconds - was all just side benefits."

Ra visible hesitated for a few moments before transmitting some technical files of his own. As Lilith reviewed them her eyes widened and she let out a whispered "My lord..."

'Ra must really like you.' Selene murmured in her mind as she reviewed the modified control crystals for the traditional subspace scattering field and subspace sensor.

Instead of simply creating a disruptive jamming field that was effective but very obvious to sensors, this modification took the take of the subspace sensors in real time and dynamically modified the scattering field to instead create the appearance that there was nothing there. It wasn't perfect, there was a very minute delay between the scan and the field change that could be noticed if one looked closely enough, but it was still a drastic improvement.

"This combined with the dynamic holographic camouflage field will allow actual cloaking... Thank you for this most generous gift my lord."

The Supreme System Lord gave a gracious nod in acceptance of her thanks, "Consider it a reward for your services and compensation for this design. I trust that you understand I will be most displeased if you should allow another to gain those technologies though."

"Of course my lord." said Lilith, her tone making it plain that the very idea of giving up an advantage like this was abhorrent.

Ra dismissed the topic with a hand wave, moving onto the next part of the armor. "Exoskeletal strength enhancement seems a bit superfluous. The ability to run a nerve disruptive charge through the Naquadah outer layer makes hand to hand combat a losing game for your opposition, and the improved strength does nothing outside that range."

Lilith gave a shrug, "True, but it's all common materials besides the Naquadah that would already be included for other purposes. The impression given by one of my Jaffa punching straight through the armored chest plate of an enemy also has propaganda benefits. In truth, I was more interested in seeing how far I could push their speed. With the nano bonding on the boot soles they will have perfect traction in virtually all situations, combining that with the augmented musculature should provide them with a running speed twelve times that of a baseline, unarmored, Jaffa in distance running and an eight fold advantage in combat speeds; even with the necessary limiters to stop the armor from tearing their limbs apart."

"I'm not sure if the gains are worth the resource cost, it is that system that requires you include a neural interface system this complex. Instead of simply repurposing the subspace sensor to create the needed interface, you are going for a full nano-neural tap. The nanites alone are three quarters of the entire cost of the armor, and for the price of one of these suits you could fully equip a thousand regular jaffa."

"To make the suit fully environmentally sealed, I needed to go with nanite based joints already and those are half of that three quarters. Given the already sunk costs, I decided to go the rest of the way. The nanite inner layer makes the armor form fitting and allows a full range of movement. More importantly, when the nanites grow through the body they constantly emit energy to keep the Jaffa in peak health, scavenge and recycle waste, break down CO2 emissions back into oxygen for their use, and generally act as a supremely capable life support system. At that point, using them to tap the wearers nervous system and be the neural interface was just an ancillary benefit.

"It also provides enhanced security as anyone not authorized to wear the armor will find themselves in a world of trouble."

Ra gave a nasty smile, "And lets you manipulate the biology of your guards at will, or strike them down if they should become a threat."

"That too." Lilith said with a matching smile.

Elysium, Heavenly domain of Lilith the Blessed

Arek swayed slightly to the left, the blade of Mica's staff missing by a hairsbreadth. Areks gauntleted wrist lashed out, knocking the top third of the blade staff further to the left and consequently causing its wielder to take just half a step to correct his balance. It was enough, Arek's own staff lashed forward and the blessed, glowing, blade at its top pierced straight through Mica's heart and spread divine lighting strong enough to disintegrate even his blessed body into naught but dusk.

Selene, daughter of Blessed Lilith and goddess of the tenebrous eclipse, gave the victor a nod even as she waved her hand and caused Mica to be reborn from the blessed fields.

The recently resurrected man, armor once more pristine, brought a fist to his heart in salute and bowed his head once. "Well done brother.", before he could say anything more it happened. He and his brethren went to one knee, fist to their hearts, and heads bowed before conscious thought could occur; anything less was simply unthinkable. They simply knew in their souls that their goddess was coming.

Light swirled and condensed, and there she was. Perfection given form, her flesh unmarred by any flaw and bare for all to see. She had selected them from the mortal world as babes, brought them here into the heavens, blessed them beyond all other mortals, raised them, nurtured them, trained them, loved them. They were the first of her Lilim, the children of Lilith.

"Rise my children." she commanded, floating meters off the ground so that all hundred could see her plainly as they rose and stood at parade rest, fully armored in their panoply of war save for their bared heads, blade staff in their right hand and lighting thrower melded to their left gauntlet.

"I am honored to call you all my children, for twenty four years as the mortal world figures things you have grown here in the heavens, and you have excelled beyond my every expectation. Now it is time for you to take your place as lifewards for my mortal avatar in the earthly realm, so that I might better bring my light to the unenlightened. With my blessings you will be beyond all but those equally blessed by my fellow gods; superior to both the mortals and the lesser blessed in every way. I tell you this not because I fear you have forgotten your lessons but to remind you that while honest self assessment is a most vital trait, arrogance is unbecoming. I trust you will do me proud."

The lilim smacked their staffs into the ground once in unison, they would not disappoint their goddess.

"Before I send you to the mortal world, there is one last task that must be done." she continued, pausing even as it seemed to each and every one of them that she was meeting their eyes specifically, peering directly into their souls specifically, and given them the most intimate and loving of caresses specifically.

"Step forward Arek.", he took one step forward before suddenly finding himself kneeling in the air before his goddess.

"For twenty four years you have all been tested and you have all excelled, but like in everything some prove themselves exceptional even among the most exceptional of groups. Arek is one such. Does any among your ranks dispute this?"

The lilim remained silent.

Lilith gave a nod, "Does any dispute his right to stand as first among equals in your ranks? Does any claim to be his better in any of the arts of war or command?"

Again they remained silent, again Lilith nodded. Arek found his body standing of its own volition, Lilith bent fort slightly and laid a chaste kiss on the blessed wings that marked his forehead. They glowed golden and continued to do so as her voice rang throughout the heavens, staggering in its raw power and making the worst thunderstorms seem silent by comparisons.

"Hail Arek, First Prime of Lilith, Lord of the Lilim, Warleader of the Earthly Host, Lifewarden of the Blessed Avatar, Warden of Zerzura."

"Hail Arek, First Prime of Lilith, Lord of the Lilim, Warleader of the Earthly Host, Lifewarden of the Blessed Avatar, Warden of Zerzura." his brothers said as one.

Over the next hours she would call them up one by one, recognizing their special accomplishments, granting them their own titles, and giving them their own blessings.

Then she opened the portal to the mortal world and they began to walk through.


Lilith watched as her Lilim were brought through the Ring Transporter in groups of ten, moving with perfect - inhuman - precision to take their places even as their minds saw something else entirely. Once they were all through and standing at attention, Selene returned their senses to them and they laid eyes on her physical form for the first time.

Compared to the "divinity" she was able to display in the virtual reality environment where they had been raised, it was a pale shadow of what they were used to; but that was alright. They "knew" this mortal avatar was only able to house but the barest fraction of her true divinity.

If she was going to play at godhood then she was going to do it well dammit; and she had thousands of years of recorded human history to draw from along with a detailed understanding of psychology and indoctrination. Unlike the goa'uld, she made no attempt to conceal that her avatar's "magic" was technology - to do so was to invite potential rebellion and fatally flaw the base of the religion if the population ever advanced beyond the most base level of technology. Instead it was further proof of her divinity, being items crafted by her otherworldly knowledge to help her avatar in the mortal world and currently beyond what the mortals could understand.

So she was less than the fake VR appearance? So what, she was still manifestly beyond anything natural in both beauty and ability. That she could trigger echoes of memories and physically manipulate their brains at will via the nanites laced throughout their brains didn't hurt anything either.

After giving them a few moments to take in her appearance and come to grips with being outside heaven, Lilith gave a nod of dismissal and orders seemed to just appear in their heads. They just knew what to do, nothing needing to be said.

'This is almost too easy, and makes the goa'uld even more contemptible. They have the technology to do this and more and yet their religion and indoctrination programs are a joke. Hell, they don't even genetically lock their staffs and zats so that humans can't use them!' ranted Selene, offended that anyone would do something so shoddily.

'I'm aware. Five years and I could engineer a mass human rebellion here on Earth, and it wouldn't even be that hard. A virus in Ra's Ha'Tak to crash it into the Sun, a mass human attack on Helios with seized Jaffa weapons to capture the gate and lock down the rings, and it's practically over.

'If any of the system lords had the brains of a turnip they could engineer just such a rebellion and then take advantage of the chaos to move against their enemies off world. Ra would be substantially weakened, politically, by the humiliation; assuming that he survived the revolt on Earth.'
Lilith replied, once more running through the many plans she had for various situations. Right now she benefited from a strong Ra and would continue to do so at least up until Isis's conspiracy was defeated and she gained her own planets but after that well... situations change. Especially if she could engineer the situation so that blame didn't fall on her and she supported Ra, she had learned enough about the old tyrant over the past twenty years to doubt very much that he would actually fall so easily or that he wasn't the most dangerously competent goa'uld around.

A/N: If you are going to be evil, at least do it competently. And yeah, the technology for basically everything shown in this chapter is actually canon goa'uld tech or currently extant/near future RL earth tech save for the Silaris. Goa'uld tech used intelligently is scary yo.

Next chapter will advance the plot along a bit more, and I think two (maybe 3) chapters before Lilith has her own domain proper.

Oh, the staff is a slightly more refined variant of the regular staff weapon (without the bulbous head or funky snake head on the back end) that uses the same kind of tech as in jaffa helmets to create a ~foot long Naq-Carbon blade that is basically monomolecular before one accounts for the molecular disruption energy field on it (basically a zat's third shot in a blades edge) from either or both ends at will. Controlled via neural interface (so only approved users can use it). The plasma shot is basically the same as a standard staff. Unauthorized touching of the staff results in a zat like tazing effect, the user can also trigger that (or jack it up to killing levels) to disable/kill people with a touch.

The wrist mounted zat is basically just that, a zat molded into the armor.
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For your story, are you thinking that with most of the more powerful system lords being younger that things were more dynamic, or that even with all the time passing SG teams couldn't have actually pulled off what they did? It seemed that by the time of the show they had things set up to be mostly stable and Ra had the best technology, while also making sure nobody was innovating, but here he seems okay with what would be a powerful force multiplier, that even if shared with him won't be the last thing she creates
For your story, are you thinking that with most of the more powerful system lords being younger that things were more dynamic, or that even with all the time passing SG teams couldn't have actually pulled off what they did? It seemed that by the time of the show they had things set up to be mostly stable and Ra had the best technology, while also making sure nobody was innovating, but here he seems okay with what would be a powerful force multiplier, that even if shared with him won't be the last thing she creates
Relatively minor spoilers ho
This is before Egeria rebels, before Isis & Osiris try their coup, before Anubis stages his comeback, before the Tau'ri rebellion, and when a fair number of the goa'uld of note were active before Ra became SSL.

Ra's power relative to the other goa'uld is both less than it will be in the future and oddly more stable (well perceived as more stable). He is unquestionably the top dog but it is more a first among equals status in many ways.

When Egeria makes her move, it isn't just to stage a mass Tau'ri rebellion but also to assassinate a lot of critical mid ranked goa'uld. This is a MAJOR betrayal for Ra, Egeria was with him since the beginning. She knows Ra's weaknesses better than basically anyone else and deliberately strikes to destabilize his domain.

As a consequence, Goa'uld civil war. One that Ra eventually wins and sees him imposing a lot more restrictions on the other goa'uld. That it is followed with the Asgard-Goa'uld war that ends in the Protected Planets Treaty and an uneasy peace. Between those, Anubis's attempted return, and Sokar's antics a lot of the goa'uld of the Ra/Yu/Apophis generation end up dead.

By the time of the SGC, the average goa'uld "IQ" has fallen. It has also been more than a thousand years of relative peace for the galaxy with the goa'uld solidly as top dogs and without any enemies of note.

Then through a freak series of coincidences, Ra is assassinated. The glue truly holding Goa'uld society together is removed and all of the System Lords are fighting amongst one another for the supreme prize. That is the environment that the SGC is active in.

And their opening move? They waltz onto Apophis's primary Jaffa world, free a bunch of human slaves, and get his first prime to turn traitor on first meeting. Humiliating beyond words to put it mildly. That is then compounded by him losing two Ha'Taks to those same primitives less than a year later.

Everyone else is ganging up on Apophis.

Still, Earth was fucked until the Replicators came to the Milky Way and basically wiped out the Goa'uld.

As for Ra and Lilith, you also need to account for everything around the situation. Ra is so far beyond Lilith power wise that it isn't even funny (at least as far as he is aware). She is also acting as his agent to turn Isis & Osiris's coup against them. It will come up next chapter, but her being allowed a credible, capable, armed force inside Helios is an explicit part of her and Ra's plans to make her more valuable to the coup plotters and increase her leverage over them.

Remember that Isis specifically created the Queen to seduce Ra. That Lilith succeeds in getting Ra infatuated enough to let her become a threat to him? Isis's own arrogance will have her seeing that as her victory and not anything suspicious.

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