Rest In Peace Jezebel Couldn't Find A Path Forward...


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Since 2007 Jezebel has been in operation. A titan of feminist and Women oriented news, media, culture and commentary, this blog founded by Gawker Media and now owned by G/O Media will now be shuttering closed.

Founded as a FEMINIST counterpoint to traditional Women's magazines, it once surpassed the popularity of own host site but unfortunately, much like the uterus of it's founder Anna Holmes, the websites productivity dried out, withering away until it could last no longer, it's interior holdings looking vast and open but alas now completely cold, empty and vacuous, and collecting dust too probably.

After Gawker collapsed Jezebel fell into increasing financial turmoil being passed around like blue haired feminist at a hipster media rave from company to company until finally it's dessicated, thoroughly used and abused form couldn't even be sold off to another media sugardaddy.

Below I've linked my favorite articles and columns from Jezebel I've archived over the years. I hope you can enjoy them as much as I have.


Whew that's it.

Rest in Peace Jezebel.
Did you write that summary yourself of grab it from somewhere else? Because that was fucking hilarious lmao

It was from my heart. Though I had to look up the word 'vacuous.' And how to properly spell it, with two of the letter 'u.'

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