Immigration and multiculturalism news

This story just reminds me that the Left never met a strong independent woman that they didn't hate.

Personally, I very much love tomboys. It's a shame that they're so rare. Probably will be more so going forward thanks to the Alphabet types convincing a lot of them that they're lesbians or trans.
> Feminists: We want women to be able to do anything a man does
> Feminists: Not like that! We didn't mean like that!
the woman attacking her is not of the left or a feminist. She is just trying to sell her people as the best wives Americans should be importing.
No, the politicians let them in, it's well established that basically every European country has been incredibly pissed off by the immigration issue.

All western countries are essentially conquered. "your" country is not your country; you are a conquered subject population.

The truth is the truth; whether or not you let it demoralize you is up to you.
It is illegal to run for office in most european countries if your political party has been deemed a "hate group"

Same reason why communist rulers keep on winning elections. (which, is apropos since those are communists in europe)
The AfD runs don't they?
And in some countries the right wing parties have been winning, slowly but surely, but not enough to stop the immigration because of the EU and Germany.

So still my point stands
I knew twitter/tiktok culture was diseased, but thinking that thick Alabama accents can/should only exist in men is a new one for me.
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There may be a serious chance of an AfD led Germany in the next 30 years. And even if there isn't, the establishment parties have no choice but to start pandering to public demands for immigration control to keep their hold on power.

The winds are turning.
To be fair, Israel does consider itself the protector and representative of Jewish people worldwide, and they WILL accept Jews from other countries who come there and ask for citizenship. Even if they have committed serious crimes like pedophilla, or were members of the communist secret police who operated what are basically concentration camps. I think there was a famous Polish secret police member that this applies to. Maybe @ATP remembers the guys name.
Genocider Salomon Morel.Here:

Althought many more did the same or worst,and nobody was punished/expect those executed by polish partisants till 1956/
And Izrael still blame Poland....
Becouse for them jews who joined commie secret police was no longer jews,so we could not blame jews for their crimes - BUT,if polish patriots killed them,they become jews again,and Izrael could blame them as antisemites....
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They still havnt though

Because sometimes, the parties to be banned, get too big, too fast to just squash.

AfD has enough popular support than banning them would probably turn Germany into France or worse. The riots would be pretty intense, and it would probably push fence sitters off the fence to the right.

So the establishment in Germany is desperately trying to convince everyone AfD is a hate group, and when that idea has enough popular support, they can enact the ban.

This is what happens with larger groups the establishment wants gone. They have to discredit and weaken before they can actually smash.

You can't just ban parties in most Western Countries. You have to have a 'legit' reason.

And sometimes just the right media can do it and a ban doesn't actually have to be enacted. At that point the ban is an effective social taboo.

This is how the game is played, Zach. And it has been played like this since before the Enlightenment.
I'm used to American politics.

So then the Tea Party would be something you would be aware of. And how it got labeled a hate group, and was weakened and poked and prodded until there was something major that happened and the media could basically make them person non grata?

Make being a member of the Tea Party into a social taboo?

It happens in America too buddy.
So then the Tea Party would be something you would be aware of. And how it got labeled a hate group, and was weakened and poked and prodded until there was something major that happened and the media could basically make them person non grata?

Make being a member of the Tea Party into a social taboo?

It happens in America too buddy.
And yet, MAGA, America First are growing every day.
The Tea Party died for those erreaons and jist didn't have a good enough figure to support then through it
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Migration in USA - Gordon G.Chang,member of IG,wrote about chineese infiltration of USA - all according to their military manual "Unrestricted warfare"
There are no only coming through border,but have at least one hidden laboratory making B weapons.
Authorities discovered it in Reedley/Caliphornia/ - and declared,that everything is OK....
According to american retired general,Blaine Holt,more then 10.000 of chineese who go to USA act as organized military groups.

The faster USA get rid of Biden,the better.

In Poland our german agent Tusk agreed to welcome muslims - but they would come after presidential elections in 2025.
It seems,that we are doomed.
And they are trying very hard to pin them in the same ways that they did the Tea Party.

But MAGA and America First are too big to just squash.

It's like it's a pattern. It's like we're in the middle of the timeline instead of the end.
MAGA *is* the tea party, they didn't squash it those guys went on to take over the republican party and evolve into a more powerful movement than they ever could have been if the tea party wasn't blasted on the news around the clock. The same thing will happen if AfD is banned, it will only get bigger as its appealing to very real concerns.
MAGA *is* the tea party, they didn't squash it those guys went on to take over the republican party and evolve into a more powerful movement than they ever could have been if the tea party wasn't blasted on the news around the clock. The same thing will happen if AfD is banned, it will only get bigger as its appealing to very real concerns.

I feel like this is a woooooosh response.

Being a member of the Tea Party is basically taboo. It doesn't really matter to my point that they evolved into MAGA, what matters is that the Tea Party functionally disappeared when it did indeed get squashed by the media and the uniparty.

If we take evolved as a point, it's like arguing that chickens are dinosaurs. True, from a very particular point of view, but otherwise not really relevant.

Yes, squashed parties can and usually do go on to become different movements and parties. And the cycle starts again. It's like it's a pattern.
MAGA *is* the tea party, they didn't squash it those guys went on to take over the republican party and evolve into a more powerful movement than they ever could have been if the tea party wasn't blasted on the news around the clock. The same thing will happen if AfD is banned, it will only get bigger as its appealing to very real concerns.
No, MAGA is a spiritual successor.

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