Had Trump been reelected in 2020, do you think that Putin would have still invaded Ukraine?

I thought that Globohomo was a global conspiracy on the part of the West to turn the entire world gay or at least much more LGBTQ+ friendly lol?
Let me Google duckduckgo this for you, and no, that is not a reference to parts of the reproductive system, either.

Urban Dictionary: Globohomo

(noun, can also be used as an adjective) A portmanteau of the words "global" (or "globalist") and "homosexual." Used to sarcastically denote the predominant philosophy espoused by the Western economic elite, formally known as "neoliberalism". It combines ruthless capitalism by transnational corporations with a façade of socially-liberal politics.

The ultimate end state of Globohomo is one in which all sexual, ethnic, racial and national identity is broken down, leaving the demoralized masses to work for $12 an hour in an Amazon warehouse while a small cadre of billionaires rule over them. A poignant vision of Globohomo can be found in Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel, "Brave New World".

While often used by the alt-right, the term is not exclusively conservative in nature, nor is it necessarily anti-homosexual. In fact, considering that Marxism was created in response to working class exploitation, a CEO championing leftist talking points while making 200 times the salary of their employees should be noted as an extreme case of irony.
Citizen #1: "Did you hear Coca-Cola released an ad with two men raising a baby together AND stood up against Georgia's voter ID law? I'm glad companies are finally standing up for the right thing."
Citizen #2: "This is the same company that used a paramilitary to murder union workers at their bottling plant in Colombia. It's just Globohomo propaganda."
by Dr. Swedish Fish, Ph.D. April 26, 2021

What does Globohomo mean?

Globohomo is a relatively new expression coming from the people, that represent the Alt-Right movements.

The term is used to describe the globalization and homogenization of cultures and countries, and is used in a mocking way, stating that a “globohomo” world would be boring and unlivable, as a globalized culture takes away the small differences and nuances, that form the identities of cultures.
AFAIK, Russia isn't on full mobilization right now but Ukraine is, which in turn means that Russia's ability potential over Ukraine is incapable of actually being realized. Full mobilization could trigger much more discontent in Russia since Russians might prefer it much more if someone other than themselves will actually fight and die in order to regather the Russian lands.

That is how revolution 1905 happened - tsar do not made mobilization,lost war,and people start rioting.

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