Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

This won't go well with EU, Union wide legislation bans private purchase of automatic weapons, Czehs and Slovaks had to change their laws to be even considered for EU membership.
They could just basically ignore them the way Poland and Hungry ignored the EU when it came to their refusal to be culturally enriched. Or who knows? Maybe it will result in changes in the EU, or maybe in the withdrawal of some of these states from the EU.
This reminds me of a couple who decided the best way to see how many books it took to stop a bullet was to have one of them stand directly behind the line of books while the other one shot into them.
Stupid games, stupid prizes ...

In 1984 actor Jon-Erik Hexum accidently offed himself via. Russian Roulette using a revolver armed with only a blank.

Interesting coincidence that this takes place right after Biden announces a push for new gun control measures, and in a place that normally has security cameras, but it just so happens that they aren't working. :unsure:
Looks like DC is trying to support Biden's "ghost gun" ban. :cautious: Funny how all the homemade guns that have been around since there have been guns are getting slapped with this label. And naturally this article (and the police press release) focuses on the gun instead of the person who actually attacked her.


My city and state are so fucking stupid when it comes to gun laws; it's already illegal to carry in public parks without a CCW license, this just makes even those illegal.

Kneejerk gun idiocy is what I've come to expect in this state and city; the whole 'extended mag ban' that happened and was tossed a few years back is a prime example of that sort of stupidity.
I guess this is more political then not.

3D Printed Guns and Latin American Crime!

In Latin America, 3D-printed plastic weapons, also known as ‘ghost guns,’ are relatively new due to technological delays and high import costs. However, as drug trafficking has become more sophisticated, 3D firearms have become a booming market enabling criminal organizations to control production while reducing their reliance on imports from the US.
1791 Management sends letter to Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC) demanding they brew up an "action plan" to address serious allegations of Corporate Governance failures and Code of Conduct violations

I regrettably must communicate with you via this public forum because as of recently, it appears you have decided to cease all communications with us.

1791 Management LLC ("1791") manages certain entities that hold Black Rifle Coffee Company's shares ("Black Rifle" or the "Company"). Please do not confuse our stake as a vote of confidence in the Company's Leadership. On the contrary, in just three months of being a public company, in our opinion you have caused significant harm to your shareholders and military veterans. It is our belief that you may be one of the most dangerous CEOs in America.

Black Rifle Coffee Company has been accused of monetary shenanigans.

relevant because of their advertising, and their bailing on Rittenhouse

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