Marvel (Comics) CYOA
Narrated by Deadpool.
You pick a mentor and get an associated number of points for powers of different types, along with a variable (depending on mentor) budget for different gear.
Next page, you pick relationships, drawbacks and quests.
Seems simple enough and has a good hook.
I'm most tempted by the magic set of powers. Psychic is... well two of it's powers are pretty skeevy and precognition is not as good as Time Travel. Physical seems too limited, there's one or two good powers there but not enough to focus on. Science is gear dependent and if your stuff is taken away you lose, so I don't want that.
So magic. I don't think I'm talented enough to keep Doom happy and I don't really see myself working well with Ghost Rider so either Dr. Strange or Scarlet Witch. As I don't want most of the psychic power tree, I'll go with Wanda.
As an aside Deadpool's Renegade/Paragon rating for Wanda is
bonkers. There's no way Scarlet Witch is 90% paragon.
I'm skipping ahead a bit to the disadvantages because I don't like having to go back and change previous sections after already having done them. I don't much care for most of these disadvantages but I can go with unmasked, I probably wouldn't be able to keep up a double lifestyle anyway and it'll avoid inevitable love triangles with myself or accidentally booking two appointments at the same for two identities, not to mention the shenanigans you can get up to having to protect an identity.
15 Million Dollars, 9 Magic points, 2 universal points.
I can get any three magic powers at max but I'm going to spread out a bit, summoning Elder gods doesn't seem like a wise plan so I'll only take tier 1 summoning, and tier 1 elementalism to go with it. Maximum utility magic (anything technology can do, I can do, suck it science powers), and maximum temporal magic because that's just pure BS. There's a lot of useful powers for my two universal points but Regeneration really synergizes well with my temporal magic, I can undo any timeline
unless I'm instantly killed so being nigh-un-killable is pure win there. This technically wastes 1 point of magic because the system isn't very robust and there's nowhere to spend it, unless I use a generalist point to buy up elementalism to 2, granting me mastery of all the elements.
There isn't really a whole lot of gear I want. Most of it's redundant with magic. Guns? I can kill you with magic missile. Grenades? I can kill you with fireball spells. A teleporter? Utility magic 2 explicitly grants teleportation. Beams? see Guns. As Wanda only grants 15 million, most of the stuff I'd actually use, I can't afford. Imma go for the Batman utility belt at Tier 2, so that if I happen to get caught in an anti-magic field I've got some spare options, a lair at tier 1 so I have a house, vehicle tier 1 for an A-Team van. That leaves 5 million and not much I want to spend it on so I'll buy guns and explosives at tier 1 for equipping my allies.
Which takes us to companions. By taking 2 of them combined with my existing 4, I can get two groups of 3 and get two additional bonus companions for 8 total. I'm going to assemble a superpowered mercenary company and hire out, much like the original A-Team (Hence our van) only with magic and mutations. Deadpool would be really good here but unfortunately taking the reality warper group is contraindicated, they don't get along with each other and also half of them are irritating so unfortunately Mr. Wilson put himself in the wrong section and won't be selected. Villains have the same issue, there's too few of them and the ones available won't get along.
The Misc. and X-Men groups are the largest and let me build the best set of options.
Quicksilver because super speed is an amazing power that nobody else on the list has, and as he's brother to my mentor he's a natural for my story.
Rogue because depowering enemies is also very handy. With luck I'll get the version that can fly and has super-strength.
Gambit because Rogue shouldn't be separated from her love interest. Wasn't she dating Colossus though? Maybe Deadpool just ships Gambit and Rogue.
X-23 because I really like the character and having a bruiser who won't stop and can claw through anything is handy.
One issue that's standing out to me at this point is that nearly every available character is some form of beat stick. There's no other sorcerers (granted this is one reason I went for magic and decided physical was no good), and I've literally already taken almost everybody who isn't using a physical power set. Oh well.
Domino because good luck is one of the few powers I can't duplicate.
Ghost Spider because at least webslinging adds something besides punching to the table.
Hank Pym because finally! A genius, the only one in the list. The fact that he's mostly retired to doing science isn't a problem, we've got enough beatsticks that he'll be handier doing science than punching people anyway.
The last selection is tough. I can eliminate most of the list, I don't want to be anywhere near Moon Knight, Miles Morales is redundant with Ghost Spider, and Punisher, Black Panther, Beta Ray Bill, and Agent Venom all have jobs/obsessions already that will keep them from working with me as a new team. That leaves Tigra, Mania, and She-Hulk. I'm not familiar with Mania but all the symbiotes have some pretty glaring and well known weaknesses, and Tigra doesn't bring lawyering skills to the table, so:
She-Hulk who will finally get her wish to be appreciated as a Lawyer instead of for hitting thigns, on account of I already have a lot of team members who hit things but no lawyers.
Elemental Magic 2 (Generalist)
Utility Magic 2
Summoning Magic 1
Temporal Magic 2
Regeneration 1
Unlimited Guns
Unlimited Explosives
Advanced Utility Belt
Unmasked, no Secret Identity
The Team
Me, a Sorcerer who manipulates time to pick our fights and make sure we're on the winning side.
Hank Pym, in charge of science
She-Hulk, in charge of legal and billing.
Ghost Spider
A decent mix of mobility, strength, and bullets. Anybody who needs additional guns and explosives can draw on my stash. Considering using X-23 as a suicide bomber in emergency situations but avoid it as a standard tactic, as she can't possibly like being treated that way.
Gambit is a walking artillery piece and Quicksilver uses his speed to take advantage of openings the front liners make. Rogue is kept away from trouble until a superpowered enemy appears that needs to be depowered, at which point Quicksilver can move her into position to do so. If we get the flying, super-strength Rogue she can move to the front lines as needed.