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one side being prejudiced doesn't mean the other isn't ALSO prejudiced. lol.

In their own country no less, haven't played Morrowind, but from what I understand the Dunmer over there have some VERY bizarre and borderline cruel social values that say Slavery & Backstabbing are great things and partially religious values.

Plus, they weren't exactly so nice with Nords and Argonians and other races, loved enslaving the latter
Boethiah is one of the Daedra they kept worshipping during the Triumvirate...

Have you done Boethiah's quest in Skyrim?

Encountered it....hesitated....then remembered its all fiction

That said, I think much Daedra worship or seeing that they got lessons or values makes it so that they make pragmatism and ambition to be virtues unto themselves. Just remember to be smart and keep your determination.

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