Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

Those poor ignorant minorities are obviously not smart enough to know what's good for them. Clearly a bunch of rich white kids must help them. No it's tottally not the new White man's burden it's being "woke".
*White ally of yours comes to your country and helps you out with a negotiation*
"Wow thanks for the help."

*Democrat trying to process this*...
"Uncle Tom!"
I legitimately do not know who that is supposed to be.

It's kinda funny, but it feels like I am not getting the joke.
Greta Thunberg, the child of millionaires who got to sail across the ocean and speak in front of the entire world and become an overnight celebrity and hang out with Arnold Swarzennegar who claims her childhood was stolen by western governments because of climate change.
People really prefer a terrorist over a teenager asking you to invest a bit more in clean energies.

we aleady do invest in clean energy, we have already invested quite a bit in them.

Their taking off in places where it makes sense for them to take off areas with sun for solar, places where you can use it with geothermal, with hydro that's some thing the enviornmentalists fight on, and windy places for wind. The problem with clean energy is two fold. So far its not a reliable form of energy and two our energy storage capabilities for it sucks.

Really that's whats holding up all of the promising tech we really want our batteries fucking suck. That's why we don't have power armor, that's why we dont have real hover boards, that's why we don't have lots of stuff you want. Its because battery tech fucking sucks, and is holding back this massive wave of tech that would be viable if our energy storage capability wasn't so shitty.

So having some one come in and lecture us about clean energy, when were already investing in it and have already put a shit load of money, resources and other capabilities when we are still working out a lot of the kinks and dealing with back problems keeping the tech from truly viable is aggravating.

It gets even more aggravating the more you know about how hard multiple industries are working on this. If you want clean tech right now that gets rid of coal and oil plants then build nuclear that's the cleanest thing we got for the bang for your buck right now but when ever that comes up the same environmentalists tell us to get fucked side ways.

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