Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

Hence why every time they wind up killing tons of people, hoping with just enough murder they will get their new Soviet man.

at this point every one knows what the result of socialsm is weve been trying it out again and again for a 100 fucking years with the same result every time. The goal is the murder, oppression and gulags everything else that death cult says is a self serving lie.
at this point every one knows what the result of socialsm is weve been trying it out again and again for a 100 fucking years with the same result every time. The goal is the murder, oppression and gulags everything else that death cult says is a self serving lie.

Well,maybe there are people who belive that after killing 99% of population rest would live in worker paradise.After all,PolPot killed only 50% when viet commies stopped him.
By the way,only case in history when commies really did something good.

I think this gem from freedomtoons illustrates perfectly why we'd prevail if things went to the Supreme Court...

And good one @Aldarion if I knew what I was doing I'd photoshop one with Jesus and the merchants in the temple (I am irreligious as all get out, and I love that tale, even one such as I know the profane must not corrupt sacred places), but I lack the skills.
I tried to read marx so I can have informed opinions on him... I did not finish the first chapter.

To sum it up:
"[long list of ways in which government is corrupt].
the solution is to give government more power.

first we kill all existing members of government who are all by definition corrupt, then replace them with pure incorruptible angels, you can identify an angel by the fact he claims to be a communist. then we give government way more power because it is now in the hands of angels it will never be misused". - marx

and people wonder why it does not work

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