Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

Its unfortunate that the lipid-fat hypothesis is apparently still influencing public opinion on diet even after being debunked.

Essentially? Forget all that stuff about bad meat, bad fat and good carbs.

Real food pyramid is:
Integral Grains
Protein (Meat, Fish, Eggs)
Fruits and Vegetables (especially leafy)

Subscribed and following this huge discussion thread very closely with intriguing interest.
*looks up intermediate fasting.*

So food is the enemy?

Cause the impression I get is "Eat 2-3 big feasts of week." while forgoing food the rest of the week."

Never would have thought we'd get to this point.
Food is the enemy, yes. Basically, what you put into yourself is what you are.

Eat bad food, you get sick.
Eat too much food, you get sick.
Eat too much bad food, and you... well.
Food is the enemy, yes. Basically, what you put into yourself is what you are.

Eat bad food, you get sick.
Eat too much food, you get sick.
Eat too much bad food, and you... well.
Call me a skeptic but I have a very hard time believing that food has been the better part of human existence since creation, (I mean we literally came from a garden with every fruit bearing tree and animal known to man yet somehow 6000-10,000 years later the very act of food consumption is now killing us. It can't possibly be the fact that people practically live in cubicals now or the fact that our food comes from factories and labs.
Something to note that even in the 1970s people ate a relatively similar diet of processed trash yet take a look at any picture and you'll note that everyone is decently healthy.

I really do think that anti-social lifestyle is perpetuating a sedentary lifestyle.

Also plastics. There is a shit ton of evidence that we've basically filled the planet with testoserone inhibitors in the form of petrochemical products.

Our clothes are largely made of plastic. We drink beverages from plastic bottles, paper cups and the like are laminated, and both the water and air supply is being polluted by the run off from these products.
Something to note that even in the 1970s people ate a relatively similar diet of processed trash yet take a look at any picture and you'll note that everyone is decently healthy.

I really do think that anti-social lifestyle is perpetuating a sedentary lifestyle.

Also plastics. There is a shit ton of evidence that we've basically filled the planet with testoserone inhibitors in the form of petrochemical products.

Our clothes are largely made of plastic. We drink beverages from plastic bottles, paper cups and the like are laminated, and both the water and air supply is being polluted by the run off from these products.

The tech industry has been very much a largly parasitic eninty, especially post 2000s tech and I have a feeling it's ownly going to get worse with the rise of AI

As far as plastics go...don'y you know that plastic is so much better for the environment than paper or glass? Think about all the trees you're saving comrade.
The tech industry has been very much a largly parasitic eninty, especially post 2000s tech and I have a feeling it's ownly going to get worse with the rise of AI

As far as plastics go...don'y you know that plastic is so much better for the environment than paper or glass? Think about all the trees you're saving comrade.

The tech industry as we knew it was born in the cheapest era of credit in human history. When the baby boomers as a mass were putting all of their money into any investment that might even have a hint of return. This did strange things to the global economy like NFT's and things like that.

The Boomers started their mass retirement in 2020, now structurally speaking they are taking their money out of retirement and putting it into banks and safe investments that they can live on. The apatite for risk is gone, the free money is gone, and this is just structurally built into the cake.

On top of that because of global aging and the US getting sick of forever worlds the global economy is breaking apart into regions. The era of being able to make things and buy things anywhere is breaking down. This affects the super advanced stuff needed for any of the AI stuff the most.

Then you get to the fact that the tech industry have been....massive cunts, and have alienated large portions of americans who are now pretty pissed at them for a lot of very legitiment reasons.

This is an industry thats in for some very serious pain, much of it well deserved.
I found a food pyramid that works for me, and is likely overall better than the one previously posted:
Maybe. I know some people got really healthy on an all-meat diet, but that may not work for everybody.
I spent 9 months on a carnivore diet.

Other than some spices, I didn't eat ANYTHING that wasn't an animal product. I didn't cheat at all.

I ate a ton, was never hungry, lost 30 lbs.

I quit because I just really missed a lot of my favorite foods, and I wanted an increase in athletic performance that requires carbohydrates.

How accurate is this article? I mean, yes it talks about chem trails but what about the other things?

How accurate is this article? I mean, yes it talks about chem trails but what about the other things?
Eh, that pyramid never applied to begin with.

Humans were carnivores for the longest time, and plants - especially grains - are a recent development:
Something to note that even in the 1970s people ate a relatively similar diet of processed trash yet take a look at any picture and you'll note that everyone is decently healthy.

I really do think that anti-social lifestyle is perpetuating a sedentary lifestyle.

Also plastics. There is a shit ton of evidence that we've basically filled the planet with testoserone inhibitors in the form of petrochemical products.

Our clothes are largely made of plastic. We drink beverages from plastic bottles, paper cups and the like are laminated, and both the water and air supply is being polluted by the run off from these products.
Actually, the processed foods of the 1970s were dramatically different than those in the 1980s up to now, in fact, the late 70s/early 80s is where the transition occurred.

What was that transition? Well it began with the demonization of Natural animal fats. To give a major food example, up until the 1980s McDonalds French Fries were cooked in a combination of animal fats that included Beef Tallow. Due to these types of fats getting (incorrectly) labeled as unhealthy McDonalds was forced to change its cooking oil to one based on vegetable oils.

Animal based fats and oils are high in good cholesterols and fats, while vegetable oils (save olive, avocado, and peanut) are high in trans fats, inflammatory, and when heated can actual turn carcinogenic.

Likewise many "junk food" recipes in the same period were changed to cut out the use of animal fats and butter (which was ALSO labeled as unhealthy) and replaced with vegetable oils and sugars. This increase in the use of sugar for flavor caused sugar prices to spike and thus led food manufacturing companies to compensate by adopting sugar replacements, most notable High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Again, here's a huge difference between the 1970s and now: in the 1970s Sodas were mainly sweetened with cane sugar, by the late 1980s soda companies had shifted over to using exclusively corn syrup. And while neither is truly healthy, cane sugar is less bad for people than corn syrup.

Basically in the 1970s even processed foods were more traditionally made: using cane sugar, butter, and animal based fats. Meanwhile by the late 1980s all those things had been removed and replaced with highly processed vegetable oils and corn syrup.
I really do think that anti-social lifestyle is perpetuating a sedentary lifestyle.
Eh, it's kind of an inevitable result of a lot of jobs not needing physical labor or exertion.

Sure, not being out and about hanging out with friends/doing sports does hurt a good bit, but if your job doesn't require you to move around a lot and you nibble away on unhealthy snacks out of boredom, it's a good recipe for obesity.

Also, people being geographically spread out means that if you don't have transportation or proximity, communicating online is the only way to hang out.

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