Five minutes of hate news

Don't be deceived by abhorsen's strawman.
You, calling for more government power:
You are then twisting "citizen protection laws" with "govt oversight".
Who's 'protecting' the citizens? The government. The same way the protected the Native Americans, no doubt. Or how the Committee of Public Safety helped the citizens of Paris in the 1790s.
I literally said for example, that AFTER we completely purge all liberals from the govt and trim govt way way down, we also put in a constitutional amendment that says the first amendment extends to businesses not being allowed to censor speech they dislike.
First, you didn't say that. You said after you take political power.
The main problem is not in finding the solution (forbid corporations from doing so), the main problem is in acquiring the political power to actually execute it.
There was no thought about maybe losing this power, because you are only able to see a single step in front of yourself. Only when I raised the (very obvious objection) did you start to move off that claim, and are now saying "Oh, also trim down the government and purge liberals".

Also, it's impossible to trim liberals from the government. They are the party of big government, they are naturally attracted to it.
I did.
Twitter was censoring people long before any govt involvement.
And nowhere does it show that twitter was fighting back against the govt censorship of conservatives
The twitter files show twitter in bed with the govt to censor conservatives.
No you didn't, if this was your takeaway.

Govt always has and always will have control over corporation.
This comes from being the govt.
You are speaking entirely in platitudes to justify your ancap stupidity
Uber says hello to your taxi medallions. Also, I'd like to congratulate Drugs for winning the war on Drugs. No, the free market is far more powerful than a government.
There is no such thing as a magically perfect system that is immune to corruption.
Some systems are more resilient to corruption than others, but you always have to fight corruption.

Your entire ancap delusion is that megacorps are all saints who just want to be good and the govt is the source of all evil.
That we just need to abolish the govt to have utopia.
That no law can ever be a good idea.

Those delusions are just that, delusions.
I literally never said any of this, so you've deluded yourself in coming up with this idea.

I've not even said corporations are good. Your false dilemma mindset where if I say "government always bad" that means I've said "corporations always good" is childish. Please come up with more inventive lies and keep this interesting.

If you had bothered to read what I wrote, you would have noted the place where I call HR departments as bad as government bureaucrats. My issue is the managerial class.

Eyerolls. There are multiple different enemies of freedom.
There are the leftists / communists.
There are the robber barons.

It is hilarious that you think that robber barons control ONLY the govt and NOT business.
Someone doesn't know what I'm referring to again. Man, your ignorance seems limitless. I didn't even talk about robber barons only controlling government and not business.

You also double down on the lie of me wanting to expand govt just because I said that I want to add 1 single law while removing thousands of others
Because the results of what you advocate for will be adding a massively encroaching far reaching law, and getting rid of zero others. You don't know how the uniparty works and it shows.

They routinely take people like you, convince them that they can get the law passed, pass it, then remove zero other laws. What's my source? Nearly the entire history of the modern republican party has been this.

The managerial class gets to play Lucy with the football, and you are Charlie Brown.
Your entire ancap delusion is that megacorps are all saints who just want to be good and the govt is the source of all evil.
I find that funny b/c a large majority of corporate money is going to Democratic and Left leaning politicians/politics. The Democrats are not the party of big business.

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You don't know how the uniparty works and it shows.
please enlighten me...
if we purge the govt of every single robber baron, every corrupt politician, and every single leftist, every communist, every utopian statist, and every lgbtqp.

of the 5 or so politicians that remain in office. which of them is the "uniparty"?

because it is very clear to me like getting rid of the uniparty was a prerequisite I literally explicitly put in place.
Because the results of what you advocate for will be adding a massively encroaching far reaching law, and getting rid of zero others.
> if google censors you, you can sue them. this is massive govt encroachment
lol. lmao even.

Also, I literally said I want to delete thousands of laws and shrink the govt vastly.
Just because I did not list every single individual law I want to delete does not mean you get to strawman me as "getting rid of zero others".
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I find that funny b/c a large majority of corporate money is going to Democratic and Left leaning politicians/politics. The Democrats are not the party of big business.
I think you meant to say "The democrats are the part of big business".
without the not. otherwise it contradicts the majority of corpo money going to democrats and leftists.

And yes, that is the major issue. Democrat party is the megacorp party.
please enlighten me...
if we purge the govt of every single robber baron, every corrupt politician, and every single leftist, every communist, every utopian statist, and every lgbtqp.
You present "purging" as if it's an easy thing to accomplish. This is where you are wrong. People come to washington intending to clean out the swamp first, then fix X with a law (a law that only works without the swamp, and would be horrific with it). Then they decide in washington that they might as well do them at the same time. X gets done, no progress is made on getting rid of the swamp.

This is the tale, a tale as old as time. A story you are deciding to endorse, like a lamb to the slaughter. It's the classic Republican story as well.
> if google censors you, you can sue them. this is massive govt encroachment
lol. lmao even.
The civil rights law says hello. The massive HR complex, constant discrimination, etc. You want more of this, and are too blind to see it. You keep pretending that the civil rights law is going to be different when you do it. It's the same arrogance of a communist who thinks "This time, when I control the government and the markets, people won't starve."

Also, I literally said I want to delete thousands of laws and shrink the govt vastly.
Just because I did not list every single individual law I want to delete does not mean you get to strawman me as "getting rid of zero others".
I know what you want to do, but I was talking about the results of you attempting what you are trying to do, not what's in your imagination. I then told you what you would accomplish (zero laws removed, one awful one added), not what you wanted (a bunch of laws removed, and one added). That's not a strawman. At all. I didn't attribute to you any views, I just stated what your attempts would result in.

You don't seem to know what a strawman even is, if you think this is a strawman. Please actually learn what you are talking about next time.
You present "purging" as if it's an easy thing to accomplish. This is where you are wrong. People come to washington intending to clean out the swamp first, then fix X with a law (a law that only works without the swamp, and would be horrific with it). Then they decide in washington that they might as well do them at the same time. X gets done, no progress is made on getting rid of the swamp.

This is the tale, a tale as old as time. A story you are deciding to endorse, like a lamb to the slaughter. It's the classic Republican story as well.
you literally admit to making a strawman.
> Other people who wanted to purge the swamp went ahead and instead made a bunch of new laws without purging the swamp. giving the swamp more powers.
> Therefore this is what you mrttao are advocating for too.
The civil rights law says hello. The massive HR complex, constant discrimination, etc. You want more of this, and are too blind to see it. You keep pretending that the civil rights law is going to be different when you do it. It's the same arrogance of a communist who thinks "This time, when I control the government and the markets, people won't starve."
I already said the civil rights bill was far too sweeping and open ended.
It also deals with a different subject.

Hey, why don't we abolish the second amendment.
Clearly the 2nd amendment is resulting in massive HR complexes and genocidal anti white too.
because it is a law and that is the only thing laws can do according to you.

Every law is an over reach. Every law can only result in the same thing. massive govt overreach. /sarcasm
I know what you want to do, but I was talking about the results of you attempting what you are trying to do, not what's in your imagination.
> Delete 1000s of laws for every law added is your imagination of what you would do in power. What will actually happen is that you will add thousands of laws and delete zero

Any attempt to curtail oppression by megacorps is just going to lead to more oppression by megacorps and govt. megacorps censoring you are inevitable fact of life and are the lesser evil
It never fails. every time the lolbertarian reaches the same conclusion

At least it is not the gobment.

Megacorps are good guys
Megacorps are our friends
Megacorps will never do anything wrong
Any attempt to curtail megacorp abuse will backfire
Anyone who thinks we can curtail the megacorp is actually pro authoritarian big govt and just too stupid to realize that

you literally admit to making a strawman.
> Other people who wanted to purge the swamp went ahead and instead made a bunch of new laws without purging the swamp. giving the swamp more powers.
> Therefore this is what you mrttao are advocating for too.
I didn't say this is what you are advocating for. I said what you advocate for will result in:
people who wanted to purge the swamp went ahead and instead made a bunch of new laws without purging the swamp. giving the swamp more powers.

That's not a strawman, as I didn't attribute a belief or argument to you. I instead claimed that the beliefs that you say you have will lead to something bad. At worst, that's a slippery slope fallacy, except I've brought evidence, so it's not a fallacy as used here.

Please learn what words mean before throwing them around.

I already said the civil rights bill was far too sweeping and open ended.
It also deals with a different subject.

Hey, why don't we abolish the second amendment.
Clearly the 2nd amendment is resulting in massive HR complexes and genocidal anti white too.
because it is a law and that is the only thing laws can do according to you.

Every law is an over reach. Every law can only result in the same thing. massive govt overreach. /sarcasm
The second amendment is a self imposed limit. What you advocate for is a limit put on another entity. A self imposed limit straight up just reduces ones power. A limit put on X by Y simply changes who holds power from X to Y. No power was destroyed.

> Delete 1000s of laws for every law added is your imagination of what you would do in power. What will actually happen is that you will add thousands of laws and delete zero

See, the difference is that I added evidence for why you would result in this. Notably, your complete ignorance of how you are exerting power (i.e. your constant denials that your law would result in a bureaucracy (either corporation or government) shows I'm right here. You don't even acknowledge how this would shift power, how the law would be exploited, etc.

It never fails. every time the lolbertarian reaches the same conclusion

At least it is not the gobment.

Megacorps are good guys
Megacorps are our friends
Megacorps will never do anything wrong
Any attempt to curtail megacorp abuse will lead to govt abuse.
> Every megacorp that colludes with govt to do bad things will immediately turn into angels who only do good things if you remove govt

lol. lmao even.
have you ever heard of DEI scores?
The second amendment is a self imposed limit. What you advocate for is a limit put on another entity. A self imposed limit straight up just reduces ones power. A limit put on X by Y simply changes who holds power from X to Y. No power was destroyed.
> If govt is wholly corrupt and does LITERALLY the exact opposite of what the law says. Then a law saying the govt is not allowed to do X will weaken the govt.

Hilarious. But such a govt just ignores laws that say they can't do X.

> A law saying X is illegal, where X is an act performed by a non govt entity, can never ever be enforced in a positive way.

you heard it here folks.
Time to abolish the laws that say "murder, rape, and theft are crimes". Because those are laws enforced by the government on people. Therefore it is impossible for there to ever exist a govt that will actually enforce these laws instead of using them as an excuse to abuse the populace and ensure they are really raped, stolen from, and murdered.
Murder and rape are just such perfect analogues.
They are laws where govt restricts non govt.
And are laws which liberals and their pet rapefugees are getting away with violating.

Rich businessmen and holliwood people are literally right now are getting away with child rape (epstein customers).

many liberals get away with murder. (ex: the guy who ran over a 17 year old boy intentionally because he wore a maga hat. and admitted to police that he specifically intentionally ran him over because of politics).

rapefugees constantly get away with rape and murder.

Meanwhile conservatives who try to defend themselves are persecuted as hard as they can. (ex: kyle rittenhouse)

Then, should we abolish the laws that say rape and murder are illegal?
Clearly not.
We will not see a reduction in rape and murder if we did.

The letter of the law is important.
But you should not monofocus on it to the point of completely excluding all other factors.
Evil psychopaths in power will subvert any piece of paper. And the biggest solution should be the removal of those bad actors.
The real problem with some of these corporations is that they have become intertwined with the US government to a frightening degree. We basically have a corporatist economy that came into existence under FDR and has only expanded since then.
Excellent point. FDR was a disaster and when govt and corporations intertwine you get both socialism and robber barons.

Although I should note that we have so many extremely serious problems that using the phrase "the real problem" is a mistake as it diminishes the seriousness of other problems.

I am guessing you didn't mean it that way though and that you are well aware. Best to say "one of the major problems".
Twitter files were WAYYYYYYYYYYY more modern than the chronology of corporations fucking over the internet.
r/fatpeoplehate being banned was the major start of reddit getting shat up, and that was back in 2015.
Google+ was invented back in 2011, and started the major shitting up of Youtube and google.
Were these both due to the government? Probably a little bit, but also majorly just because CEO's are giant assholes and nepotist tards.
Frankly the astroturfing campaigns and psyops mostly started post-2016, before that date it was primarily paid shills for corporations and products.

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