Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.
Aka follow the path of the GOP, the path of the loser.
Take your graceful loser BS, and shove it.

You are completely ignoring the massive evidence of voter fraud that is happening, the multiple instances of it being documented, because you are comfortable being a graceful loser who enables the Dems cheating

Trump has not lost, things are not over, and you are simply spreading disinformation to satisfy your own narrative.
Bacle, please calm down, I get the anger but still. You yourself warned others, so I am saying it to you. Getting upset doesn't convince any guest who are here, rational thought does.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.
Buddy, I want you to look at the electoral actions over the past few days and tell me that there isn't some obvious fuckery about. Playing the bigger man got us Dubya, Obama, and all the other rot. The worst making a stink about this will do is make people think we're a pile of stewing assholes. Which, oh wait, they already think. We gain nothing by being graceful losers. We gain something by fighting like rat bastards for every inch. That makes it an easy call for me.
A lawyer on Fox Business made an interesting point. US law says electors must be appointed by election day. He said the high court would allow only the votes that were counted as of 2359 on Tuesday. Meaning Trump would win.
All electors are already appointed, you are confusing appointing an elector and choosing who that elector votes for.

Because there was not massive fraud.
The evidence already presented disagrees with this claim.
I think that there is a very good chance that Trump will be hounded for the rest of his life by left wing prosecutors and government agencies, investigating him, changing him with crimes, forcing him to hire lawyers. All of this will be at tax payer expense, while Trump, rich as he may be, will be bled dry and forced to deal with constant harassment like the Russian farce but without presidential power to protect him.

Will this happen? I’m not sure, most leftists would love to do that. Go over to SB, SV, or FiC and they’re probably masturbating to the thought of the entire Trump family being thrown in a dungeon forever. The actual establishment leftists may be cool headed enough to not want to make Trump a martyr, though they might want to make an example of him.

It’s something that Donald Trump should be concerned about.

Seriously, this is the attitude that frustrated me with the Republican Party for years. The Graceful loser who has a stiff upper lip who could have won if he had a damn backbone and will to fight. For DECADES the Right, on the national front, has done little in the actual ways of standing up the Left because they'd inevitably be bullied by the Media attack dogs. Oh sure we got a few wins in here and there, but by and Large the Left made a mockery of us. Always making us compromise while given little away in turn. I'm not speaking of true Bipartanship, which has been rare as hell. I'm talking about every other time we were forced to take a loss and then cede more ground.

But then along came Donald Trump, a Manhattan Business Democrat. Yes, you heard that right, a Manhattan business Democrat left the party to join us...or rather the party left him. He becomes a Republican and immediately starts doing something that no other Republican really has ever done since Reagan. He fights....and he wins. And his first real victories? The Neoconservative Establishment that so undermined him in his first two years. He purged them from the Party. Mostly. He then restructured the party and revitalized it. All while wracking up win after win after win. For Conservative principles. He's done more for our party and Conservativism than quite a few of our politicians have in decades. He's done more for our Country in 4 years than Joe Biden did in 40. And you want to just let that go without a fight?

Hell no!

Recently I've been on the Hive of Scum and Villainy known as Twitter. I can't navigate that site for shit. Seriously, my Twitter-Fu sucks! But even I stumbled onto stuff that was clearly shady. And then Twitter started purging the videos showing the shady shit going down. I didn't want to believe that the Democrats stole the election. But even after all I've seen, even after all the people I follow, all of whom are way smarter than me, are all saying the same thing. I start to think...I gotta stop being Naïve and accept the fact this could have happened. And the more I see...the more I'm convinced it did happen.

Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I and the people I follow completely got it wrong. If so I'm man enough to admit it. Hell, as we've pointed out, we Conservatives do know how to take a loss. But here is the question for you. What if they're right? What if the Democrats did just try to pull off the greatest election fraud in history? Are you just going to lie down and take it? Because if they they did do it once...what is to stop them from doing it again...and again...and again? It would certainly embolden them.

But hey, don't worry. We can lose with grace, just like you want...and again...and again...and again. Until we've lost everything. What happens then?

That is why I want Trump to Fight. If anything the Left should be egging Trump on to continue the lawsuits. Bring on the Transparency. Wanna know why? That way, if they didn't do anything wrong, they can go back and point to this and say, smugly, they were fully transparent and Trump was just a sore loser. But they're not doing that. In some cases they are actively ignoring court orders to cooperate. Why are they doing that? What do they have to hide?

So no. We are not going to take a loss if we don't have too. If Trump is right then the election was stolen from him and he damn well better fight and expose it. But if he lost? We'll be just fine and there is always 2022 and then 2024 to look forward too.
Yes. Fuck this graceful loser bs. If we are going to fucking lose, then we might as well lose fighting. Fuck this bs of the GOP. They are controlled opposition.
Yes. Fuck this graceful loser bs. If we are going to fucking lose, then we might as well lose fighting. Fuck this bs of the GOP. They are controlled opposition.

Conservatives have to stop thinking in terms of abstract ideals and start thinking in terms of power. Power = freedom. No Power = no freedom. Its useless to have high ideals if you are rotting in a gulag.
So a few notes to make, just cuz I’m in the mood.

-Trump did make some small in roads with minority voters. Clearly this was not enough. And it came indirectly or otherwise at the cost of his working class white support in the Midwest. The Republican Party can not win with Cubans and anti communist Venezuelans. It simply can’t. Trump’s gains in the black community were marginal. Not bad for a Republican but it will never be enough. Peeling away 10-12% of the black vote will not win elections.

-The Jared Kushner plan/2012 Autopsy, basically republicans need to ditch their loyal supporters for minorities was implemented. It has been shown to be a failure.
I like your analysis Lord Invictus but I have a few points to make about this and the below.

Yes, you're correct. But White people are fucking done. As this arab youtube poster said in a comment:

if you racists want to stop us, just have kids. I have 3 kids already. How about you?

White people have few kids or no kids at all. Lets not get into a tangent about why. All that matters is that this is the truth.

Never mind that white people are divided to hell with some not being woke and others being woke. So you can't even count on white people as a whole to support your party.

The White people situation is unlikely to get better with this happening:

Although now required by California law, ethnic studies courses likely to be met with resistance

White students’ resistance

In my view, the merits of ethnic studies stand on their own, especially at a time of substantial racial unrest. However, making these classes a graduation requirement will undoubtedly change the dynamics and composition of the students who take these courses.

Simply put, these classes will now have more white students who are there only because they must be, not because they choose to be.

While there is some research on white students’ resistance in ethnic studies classes specifically, there is substantial evidence regarding how they engage with other classes where race is the primary focus. For example, when college courses focus on racism, it is frequently framed by white students as a form of hating white people.

The sensitivity to perceived “anti-white” content is so high that in October 2019, Jennine Capó Crucet’s novel, “Make Your Home Among Strangers,” was the subject of a literal book burning at Georgia Southern University.

Exploring the effects of systemic racism on communities of color can provoke a reaction of what education scholar and author Robin DiAngelo calls “white fragility,” or “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.”

The problem with white fragility is that it frequently emerges within college classrooms when the subject is racism. It can also take the form of white student resistance and evasiveness. This resistance has been shown to negatively affect instructor course evaluations, particularly for instructors of color.

Part of this dynamic is that white men often see classes that address race and racism as less academically rigorous than other courses.

Compulsion questioned

More young white people feeling white guilt thus leading to killing themselves or going antifa washing black people feet to try and free themselves from the guilt or going trans, etc. I could go on.

Hence this idea of trying to get non-whites involved but as you yourself showed. Its not working very well. And we have no idea whether those minorities who voted for Trump only did so cause Trump and would ever bother to vote for the rest of the GOP.

-The notion the US is unified or has any common purpose or values ought to be shattered for anyone with eyes to see. Neither the liberals hope of a nation awokened or Q’s silly nonsense about a trump landslide have proven to have any analytical worth. The question is how much longer can this stretched breaking tent called the USA be held together? Or will one side triumph over the other? I suspect the latter.
One side must triumph at the end I agree.

Neither side can stand the other anymore. Liberals and Leftists stand for the destruction of the family, putting hormones into children, especially boys, if not turning them into drag kids and endless migration + communism. Anyone who is not a cuck will not stand for this. As for the left? They have been screaming that anything that opposes all the shit previously mentioned is a Nazi, blah blah.

-Liberals and leftists are as vicious as they are childish. They do not consider losses legitimate or believe that their enemies have beliefs that should be respected. After all racism be bad yo!
Agreed. You can no longer work fairly with Liberals and Leftists cause they don't want to do it either anymore. They have the power to not care anymore or pretend anymore.

-the media is in total alignment, anyone who wishes to claim the media is unbiased now is a liar. Or a fool. But even fools ought to know by now, the media considers itself a moral guardian and believed it has the right to tell the public what to believe and think. It coordinates and works with the rest of the system.
Yes. Though do the normies know this is the question. Its all well and good that we know that media are all lying pond scum but if joe normie still believes in them, then we are fucked or at least have a very difficult mountain to climb if we want to get anywhere.

-Most of the Republican Party, the Lincoln project etc... is in total alignment with the above. It is also not our friend.
Agreed. I have said this many times before. Most so called conservative parties are leftist/liberal lite or you can call them as controlled opposition.

The Trump era has revealed the true nature of our enemies, and our supposed “allies”. It has shown what sort of governance works and how it can be obstructed. It has shown the power of delusion, and the efficacy of lies so long as they have official imprimatur.

We must take these lessons into the future.
Agreed again. The most important part of Trumps run is that he revealed the Leftists and Liberals for what they really are. I used to be a liberal aka left leaning but not part of the US or West so I had nothing to do with your issues but still left leaning.

I still hate the corporations. Not sure what I'm for anymore.
Take your graceful loser BS, and shove it.

You are completely ignoring the massive evidence of voter fraud that is happening, the multiple instances of it being documented, because you are comfortable being a graceful loser who enables the Dems cheating

Trump has not lost, things are not over, and you are simply spreading disinformation to satisfy your own narrative.

No, no no. Let's engage. I'll answer his questions.

If they stole the Presidential Election, why didn't they steal Senate Seats?

Why didn't they win the PA supreme court, which looks likely to flip to the GOP?

Why didn't the give Ossoff the win, which would have allowed for a true victory in a Biden administration?

You still haven't answered my questions, which I asked in good Faith, but I'll answer yours. Truth is, I don't have all the answers, but I can certainly speculate.

Who's to say they didn't try? We've only scratched the surface of this whole thing. And I'm wondering just how far down that rabbit hole we can go. But there was record turn out and record support for the Republican party across the entire nation. From the looks of it, I don't think they were prepared for it. Another reason why is that it is easier to focus on a singular target, like Trump, one whom they hate with a passion, then it is with other races. Doing too much in one election threatens to either expose them if they screw up or undermine getting their target. So get Trump now and then deal with the senate in 2022. Democrats certainly play the long game.

Donald Trump lost because he is a loud, obnoxious jackass who just wore people out. Good, stout Republicans in places like South Charlotte, Cobb County, Dallas Suburbs, and Bucks County all just got tired of him. They want to not have to wake up every morning wondering, "Oh, what the hell did that jackass say now?".

loud, Bombastic, Obnoxious to his enemies and rivals. And honestly? Who gives a shit what the old 'stout Republicans' think of him? I don't care what they think. They are part of the problem and those types that you mention seemed very much the snooty 'better than you, holier than though' types no one really likes. Sadly both Republicans and Democrats have them in spades. Boo hoo. Let them cry.

No, not really. He is one of the reasons our culture has collapsed like it has. He lied about the man his first wife pulled in front of and haunted him to his grave. He was disgraceful to Bork, Thomas and Estrada. He worked with more segregationists than Trump ever has. He is wrong on nearly everything foreign policy related.

But he will be quiet. And he will have Cocaine Mitch looking over his shoulder with a scythe against his neck, an investigation into his corrupt son, and a party the desperately hopes he dies.

So I can see how they would choose to vote for Biden, and then support the Republicans down ballot.

Rarely have I ever met anyone who didn't vote straight down their party line. Of everyone I know, they either voted Straight Democrat or Straight Republican. Of the ones who did, two of them broke, FOR the President, not against him.

So your idea of essentially going along to get along while Holding a Biden Presidency hostage by hanging a deeper investigation into his foreign dealings and his family is slimy as hell. So naturally, I could totally see a Washington Politician doing that, Republican or Democrat. Call me jaded if you like.

The thing is, If the allegations against Biden are true, that gives the Chinese unprecedented access and blackmail material of their own over Joe Biden. Because they too have the dirt on him. So lets say the Chinese want to do something that we'd likely not approve of, like say...going full Tiananmen Square on Hong Kong, or seizing the Spratly islands, bullying a neighbor who happens to be a US Ally, or maybe finally dealing with the problem of Taiwan. Lets say they decide to expose Joe as he looks like he's about to be replaced by Kamala after his mental faculties have finally run out and can't be hidden any longer. That kind of scandal essentially neutralizes the US for months if not years. Leaving China a free reign to do whatever they please. All unopposed.

Now that's a hypothetical that I totally pulled out of my ass. But with China you never know.

And this is what you call a better alternative? A President that can be neutralized by the Senate and influenced by an overseas nation that doesn't have our best interest at heart?

Oh yeah, any time you can get to my questions, that'd be great.
The thing is, If the allegations against Biden are true, that gives the Chinese unprecedented access and blackmail material of their own over Joe Biden. Because they too have the dirt on him. So lets say the Chinese want to do something that we'd likely not approve of, like say...going full Tiananmen Square on Hong Kong, or seizing the Spratly islands, bullying a neighbor who happens to be a US Ally, or maybe finally dealing with the problem of Taiwan. Lets say they decide to expose Joe as he looks like he's about to be replaced by Kamala after his mental faculties have finally run out and can't be hidden any longer. That kind of scandal essentially neutralizes the US for months if not years. Leaving China a free reign to do whatever they please. All unopposed.
I'd be stupid to deny that possibility. Why should a foreign entity not have leverage over a your country? It benefits them.
Well was getting my first tattoo today, so missed most of the news.

Now that I'm caught up, I have to say I am massively disappointed in how many people are wanting to give up and say Trump lost at this point. Even people who know how bad the cheating has been shown to be, and know what is at stake if Trump loses.

We will not know who officially won till the court cases and recounts are finished.

less me being defeatest and more trying to figure out my next move should worst come to worst. I think I spent all my freakout points watching my state go blue in the face for the 1st hour of election day.
less me being defeatest and more trying to figure out my next move should worst come to worst. I think I spent all my freakout points watching my state go blue in the face for the 1st hour of election day.
Easy your best bet is prepare for the worst, so commodities like bitcoin, and tools to defend yourself if needed second develop the ability to live without the government. Many hunting or other survivalist blogs can help there. 3rd, develop an understanding of work to rule. Aka due the absolute bare minimum required of you and no more.
Ok, to all the doomers....a little story:

"During the Battle of the Bulge, the 82nd Airborne Division was digging in along the front lines in Ardennes while three other divisions on offense (the 7th Armored Division, the 9th Armored Division, the 106th Division) moved to the rear. A tank destroyer from the 7th Armored Division moving back passed a lone 82nd trooper digging a foxhole. The vehicle commander stopped the vehicle and asked the trooper if this was the frontline.

"The trooper, Private First Class Thomas Martin, Company F, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division, replied, “Are you looking for a safe place?” The tank destroyer commander replied that he was. Martin said “Well, buddy, just pull your vehicle behind me. I am the 82nd Airborne and this is as far as the bastards are going.”

Guess what...it's time we said that. Now is not the time for doom or demoralization. Now is the time to use our God-given rights to fight. Whatever you can do, do. We didn't start this, we didnt want this. But we will finish this. The right way, the way our forefathers would have wanted. I voted Libertarian this year, but this isn't about Trump anymore. If the Dems get away with this? No institution will be safe. At least, not the ones worth preserving.

So, let's commit ourselves to saying "this is as far as the bastards get." And let's get to work.
Doing so is better for the country
Well, there is one reason to fight and attempt to check questionable votes in situations such as these. Because quite simply, if the election ends in a large section of the country seeing it as having been stolen outright by blatant fraud with no attempt made to stop or prevent it, what do you think said section will start doing in follow up elections? You'll see more people on both sides starting to cheat in an attempt to match one another which causes even more cheating in response. At which point, well, do your elections still mean anything if everyone involved is cheating and is known to be doing so?
Well, there is one reason to fight and attempt to check questionable votes in situations such as these. Because quite simply, if the election ends in a large section of the country seeing it as having been stolen outright by blatant fraud with no attempt made to stop or prevent it, what do you think said section will start doing in follow up elections? You'll see more people on both sides starting to cheat in an attempt to match one another which causes even more cheating in response. At which point, well, do your elections still mean anything if everyone involved is cheating and is known to be doing so?
I keep stressing that again and again.

If one party's caught cheating, whose to say the other side will do their own delays?
You know for all the importance we place on signatures we sure don't teach cursive in public schools anymore and haven't for quite some time. Seriously I for one have the least consistent signature pretty much imaginable
I learned in third grade only.
To all of the low energy doomers here.

*Salutes* This is what I have been saying!
Take your defeatism, your 'for the good of the country' BS, your ignoring evidence of large scale voter fraud, and your attempt to sow more disinformation elsewhere.

Not all of us are as willing to give up while we can still win, and not all of us are willing to ignore the evidence of voter fraud we've seen with our own eyes.
I am glad you have this mentality Bacle
Uh uh, and I've just been crowned the Queen of France.

There's nothing 'fair and square' about hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots mysteriously appearing in swing states just when no one is looking and the dementia patient needs them.
Hello your majesty. Nice to meet you/

Seriously, this is the attitude that frustrated me with the Republican Party for years. The Graceful loser who has a stiff upper lip who could have won if he had a damn backbone and will to fight. For DECADES the Right, on the national front, has done little in the actual ways of standing up the Left because they'd inevitably be bullied by the Media attack dogs. Oh sure we got a few wins in here and there, but by and Large the Left made a mockery of us. Always making us compromise while given little away in turn. I'm not speaking of true Bipartanship, which has been rare as hell. I'm talking about every other time we were forced to take a loss and then cede more ground.

But then along came Donald Trump, a Manhattan Business Democrat. Yes, you heard that right, a Manhattan business Democrat left the party to join us...or rather the party left him. He becomes a Republican and immediately starts doing something that no other Republican really has ever done since Reagan. He fights....and he wins. And his first real victories? The Neoconservative Establishment that so undermined him in his first two years. He purged them from the Party. Mostly. He then restructured the party and revitalized it. All while wracking up win after win after win. For Conservative principles. He's done more for our party and Conservativism than quite a few of our politicians have in decades. He's done more for our Country in 4 years than Joe Biden did in 40. And you want to just let that go without a fight?

Hell no!

Recently I've been on the Hive of Scum and Villainy known as Twitter. I can't navigate that site for shit. Seriously, my Twitter-Fu sucks! But even I stumbled onto stuff that was clearly shady. And then Twitter started purging the videos showing the shady shit going down. I didn't want to believe that the Democrats stole the election. But even after all I've seen, even after all the people I follow, all of whom are way smarter than me, are all saying the same thing. I start to think...I gotta stop being Naïve and accept the fact this could have happened. And the more I see...the more I'm convinced it did happen.

Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I and the people I follow completely got it wrong. If so I'm man enough to admit it. Hell, as we've pointed out, we Conservatives do know how to take a loss. But here is the question for you. What if they're right? What if the Democrats did just try to pull off the greatest election fraud in history? Are you just going to lie down and take it? Because if they they did do it once...what is to stop them from doing it again...and again...and again? It would certainly embolden them.

But hey, don't worry. We can lose with grace, just like you want...and again...and again...and again. Until we've lost everything. What happens then?

That is why I want Trump to Fight. If anything the Left should be egging Trump on to continue the lawsuits. Bring on the Transparency. Wanna know why? That way, if they didn't do anything wrong, they can go back and point to this and say, smugly, they were fully transparent and Trump was just a sore loser. But they're not doing that. In some cases they are actively ignoring court orders to cooperate. Why are they doing that? What do they have to hide?

So no. We are not going to take a loss if we don't have too. If Trump is right then the election was stolen from him and he damn well better fight and expose it. But if he lost? We'll be just fine and there is always 2022 and then 2024 to look forward too.

I am glad you are here with us as we stand against the destruction of the Republic!!
Ok, to all the doomers....a little story:

"During the Battle of the Bulge, the 82nd Airborne Division was digging in along the front lines in Ardennes while three other divisions on offense (the 7th Armored Division, the 9th Armored Division, the 106th Division) moved to the rear. A tank destroyer from the 7th Armored Division moving back passed a lone 82nd trooper digging a foxhole. The vehicle commander stopped the vehicle and asked the trooper if this was the frontline.

"The trooper, Private First Class Thomas Martin, Company F, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division, replied, “Are you looking for a safe place?” The tank destroyer commander replied that he was. Martin said “Well, buddy, just pull your vehicle behind me. I am the 82nd Airborne and this is as far as the bastards are going.”

Guess what...it's time we said that. Now is not the time for doom or demoralization. Now is the time to use our God-given rights to fight. Whatever you can do, do. We didn't start this, we didnt want this. But we will finish this. The right way, the way our forefathers would have wanted. I voted Libertarian this year, but this isn't about Trump anymore. If the Dems get away with this? No institution will be safe. At least, not the ones worth preserving.

So, let's commit ourselves to saying "this is as far as the bastards get." And let's get to work.
I have been using the Battle of the bulge for a lot of my references. Mainly the 101st and Bastogne but the 82nd did just an impressive job protecting the flank.

Lets be the 82nd, the 101st during the bulge, lets be 2ID during korea. Lets not give up and roll over. Let us fight until we die or give them the fight they are were not expecting! We will make sure our voice and our energy goes to protecting the Republic we live in.

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