Economic Fallout: Pandemic, Brandon, Money Printer Go Brr, Ukraine.

No I am assuming that if they try voluntelling people, they will be ignored, and the national divorce movement will cease being a matter of idea, and become reality.
TV will blare how important it is to respond when voluntold. People who are voluntold and refuse will be banned from all social media and made digital pariahs, then doxxed and attacked at home. Their accounts will be frozen, possibly their property seized, and they will be unable to engage in commerce until they show up for duty. Bots will flood all media with how fun and exciting it is to go to war and anybody who posts their own experiences to the contrary will be fact-checked and their posts deleted and memory-holed, then called racist and alt-right before being banned and doxxed.
TV will blare how important it is to respond when voluntold. People who are voluntold and refuse will be banned from all social media and made digital pariahs, then doxxed and attacked at home. Their accounts will be frozen, possibly their property seized, and they will be unable to engage in commerce until they show up for duty. Bots will flood all media with how fun and exciting it is to go to war and anybody who posts their own experiences to the contrary will be fact-checked and their posts deleted and memory-holed, then called racist and alt-right before being banned and doxxed.

the fun part comes when this generation of people who have been sent to war come back from it and come back to declining liberties, declining economies, and still have all of those things done to them.

But now they have miltary experience and training.

Because america has historically treated their veterans like shit, and with the current leadership its only gotten worse.
TV will blare how important it is to respond when voluntold. People who are voluntold and refuse will be banned from all social media and made digital pariahs, then doxxed and attacked at home. Their accounts will be frozen, possibly their property seized, and they will be unable to engage in commerce until they show up for duty. Bots will flood all media with how fun and exciting it is to go to war and anybody who posts their own experiences to the contrary will be fact-checked and their posts deleted and memory-holed, then called racist and alt-right before being banned and doxxed.
Women will stuff white feathers on them.
Two nice videos about the whole fossil fuel situation, IMHO high prices were inevitable even without Russia/Ukraine, because of systemic underinvestment and demonization of the industry.

As we have discussed previously and as the Doomberg Chicken has said, energy is life, and we have fucked over the market.
Putin's price hike?
No it should be the Thumberg-Biden-Fink price hike.

On a related note, I think that passive investing should be fucking passive, why are glorified purchasing agents ordering around the companies who they hold for their investors.
Fuck ESG and fuck indexfunds pushing political nonsense on firms.
yeah this is a whole bunch in a row.....

I'm suspecting enemy action now.
I wonder what the insurance investigation will reveal? I mean all of these fires happening so close together. I'm sure the insurance companies are not in a good mood. They do like making money and someone is forcing them to pay out.
On a related note, I think that passive investing should be fucking passive, why are glorified purchasing agents ordering around the companies who they hold for their investors.
Fuck ESG and fuck indexfunds pushing political nonsense on firms.
The index fund is basically on the way out and these are its death throes. There are several factors at work there:

While some people treat economics as a Zero-Sum game, it's not, it's really not. However, the Stock Market is about as close to zero-sum as economics gets. Historically the way to win on the stock market was to pick a profitable company and then get paid dividends, nice passive income. That's not zero-sum. However, in the current model, companies hardly ever pay dividends (and indeed rarely make a profit on paper at all) and all the profits come from the stock rising in value. Companies like Twitter make no profit and pay no dividends but the stock is valuable because some people are betting on it rising more. Outside of relatively rare IPOs, every win on the stock market comes from buying stock before it rises, which means some other person missed that raise and lost that gain.

Consequently, the Stock Market does not work when there is any option that almost always wins, such as Index Funds, at least as long as it's available to the small fry, it's okay if it's something that only the big donor class can afford like advanced stock-trading AI or that one internet connection across the Atlantic that's just a few milliseconds faster than the one normal people use, and lets those robots trade more quickly. Each time there's been such an option in the past, rules have been implemented to make sure the small-time common man can't use it anymore, see: Robin Hood suddenly changing the rules on all the guys holding GameStop stock in order to protect a big hedge fund.

Since automation took over the market, it's exceedingly hard for a human to beat the computers and actually get ahead. An index fund is one of the best ways to beat the system since it just buys a bit of everything and ignores the high-speed world computers easily curb stomp humans at.

Putting these factors together, we can expect to see Index Funds suddenly become problematic or unethical in some way in the near future to remove this option. The first steps towards this are already being taken, it's only rumbles now but the avalanche is coming as all the MSM are soon going to find problems with Index Funds.

We're observably at the "Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" stage, note that all of these stories are very recent and present all sorts of problems from ethical to financial to political to prophetic risk, strange that so many things would suddenly be problematic at the same time, no? The powers that be have spoken and it's up to their controlled media to spin the narrative. Soon we're going to see one of these problems (Or perhaps one I didn't pick here as there're many more) catch on and get endlessly repeated when they find the issue that resonates best with people. Index funds will be killed as a vehicle that allows the common man to beat the market, the big index fund companies will fall apart (but their swampy CEOs have massive Golden Parachutes, no worries there!) and all will be well again. In the meantime the big Index Funds are seeing their gravy train coming to an end and fighting as best they can to prolong their rulership. This is also why companies like Blackrock are suddenly buying up all the rental properties they can, they know what's coming, have likely been a part of the decision-making process, and are positioning themselves to continue on when everybody who doesn't have their connections gets wiped out in the coming Index Purge.
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The index fund is basically on the way out and these are its death throes. There are several factors at work there:

While some people treat economics as a Zero-Sum game, it's not, it's really not. However, the Stock Market is about as close to zero-sum as economics gets. Historically the way to win on the stock market was to pick a profitable company and then get paid dividends, nice passive income. That's not zero-sum. However, in the current model, companies hardly ever pay dividends (and indeed rarely make a profit on paper at all) and all the profits come from the stock rising in value. Companies like Twitter make no profit and pay no dividends but the stock is valuable because some people are betting on it rising more. Outside of relatively rare IPOs, every win on the stock market comes from buying stock before it rises, which means some other person missed that raise and lost that gain.

Consequently, the Stock Market does not work when there is any option that almost always wins, such as Index Funds, at least as long as it's available to the small fry, it's okay if it's something that only the big donor class can afford. Each time there's been such an option in the past, rules have been implemented to make sure the small-time common man can't use it anymore, see: Robin Hood suddenly changing the rules on all the guys holding GameStop stock in order to protect a big hedge fund.

Since automation took over the market, it's exceedingly hard for a human to beat the computers and actually get ahead. An index fund is one of the best ways to beat the system since it just buys a bit of everything and ignores the high-speed world computers easily curb stomp humans at.

Putting these factors together, we can expect to see Index Funds suddenly become problematic or unethical in some way in the near future to remove this option. The first steps towards this are already being taken, it's only rumbles now but the avalanche is coming as all the MSM are soon going to find problems with Index Funds.

We're observably at the "Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" stage, note that all of these stories are very recent and present all sorts of problems from ethical to financial to political to prophetic risk, strange that so many things would suddenly be problematic at the same time, no? The powers that be have spoken and it's up to their controlled media to spin the narrative. Soon we're going to see one of these problems (Or perhaps one I didn't pick here as there're many more) catch on and get endlessly repeated when they find the issue that resonates best with people. Index funds will be killed as a vehicle that allows the common man to beat the market, the big index fund companies will fall apart (but their swampy CEOs have massive Golden Parachutes, no worries there!) and all will be well again. In the meantime the big Index Funds are seeing their gravy train coming to an end and fighting as best they can to prolong their rulership. This is also why companies like Blackrock are suddenly buying up all the rental properties they can, they know what's coming, have likely been a part of the decision-making process, and are positioning themselves to continue on when everybody who doesn't have their connections gets wiped out in the coming Index Purge.
That's the "free market" for you; it's basically just an elaborate form of gambling.
That's the "free market" for you; it's basically just an elaborate form of gambling.

No, it isn't. The stock market is a hot mess right now in large part due to government interference in the form of both incentives and penalties. Some of it is also cultural mania, but a large portion is things like the 401(k) program letting people get tax breaks by investing in the stock market, rather than things like property. The Fed also mucking with interest rates has also made savings accounts an utter non-starter for at least my entire adult life.

If it weren't for all the government interference, there wouldn't have been a nigh-endless flood of money going into the Stock Market since about the late 80's (IIRC), letting the 'buy low sell high' supplant 'earn dividends' as the basic dynamic of stock.

Of course, as usual, most people don't realize just how much government interference has crept in over the decades, so they think we're still in a free market.
The index fund is basically on the way out and these are its death throes. There are several factors at work there:

While some people treat economics as a Zero-Sum game, it's not, it's really not. However, the Stock Market is about as close to zero-sum as economics gets. Historically the way to win on the stock market was to pick a profitable company and then get paid dividends, nice passive income. That's not zero-sum. However, in the current model, companies hardly ever pay dividends (and indeed rarely make a profit on paper at all) and all the profits come from the stock rising in value. Companies like Twitter make no profit and pay no dividends but the stock is valuable because some people are betting on it rising more. Outside of relatively rare IPOs, every win on the stock market comes from buying stock before it rises, which means some other person missed that raise and lost that gain.

Consequently, the Stock Market does not work when there is any option that almost always wins, such as Index Funds, at least as long as it's available to the small fry, it's okay if it's something that only the big donor class can afford like advanced stock-trading AI or that one internet connection across the Atlantic that's just a few milliseconds faster than the one normal people use, and lets those robots trade more quickly. Each time there's been such an option in the past, rules have been implemented to make sure the small-time common man can't use it anymore, see: Robin Hood suddenly changing the rules on all the guys holding GameStop stock in order to protect a big hedge fund.

Since automation took over the market, it's exceedingly hard for a human to beat the computers and actually get ahead. An index fund is one of the best ways to beat the system since it just buys a bit of everything and ignores the high-speed world computers easily curb stomp humans at.

Putting these factors together, we can expect to see Index Funds suddenly become problematic or unethical in some way in the near future to remove this option. The first steps towards this are already being taken, it's only rumbles now but the avalanche is coming as all the MSM are soon going to find problems with Index Funds.

We're observably at the "Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" stage, note that all of these stories are very recent and present all sorts of problems from ethical to financial to political to prophetic risk, strange that so many things would suddenly be problematic at the same time, no? The powers that be have spoken and it's up to their controlled media to spin the narrative. Soon we're going to see one of these problems (Or perhaps one I didn't pick here as there're many more) catch on and get endlessly repeated when they find the issue that resonates best with people. Index funds will be killed as a vehicle that allows the common man to beat the market, the big index fund companies will fall apart (but their swampy CEOs have massive Golden Parachutes, no worries there!) and all will be well again. In the meantime the big Index Funds are seeing their gravy train coming to an end and fighting as best they can to prolong their rulership. This is also why companies like Blackrock are suddenly buying up all the rental properties they can, they know what's coming, have likely been a part of the decision-making process, and are positioning themselves to continue on when everybody who doesn't have their connections gets wiped out in the coming Index Purge.

there is a reason why when the country goes into revolution that I honestly think that reporters will be the most heavily targeted, and when the civil wars are over they will get most of the blame.

My money is that the right wing reporters will be targeted for murder and violence first with the MSN gleefully supporting every bit of it and then them turning around and finding out that all of their social protections are now gone and its open season.
And this is what the Ukrainians decided to do when they were told that the temporary financing for their stay at 5-star seaside hotels was cut and they have to vacate the their hotel rooms.
I wonder if the "paint" they used was from the bathroom.
Just more oil poured on the fire of one of my country's industries.
All Ukrainian refugees IMO should just be rounded up by the EU and shipped over to the USA.

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