Boomstick's and shooty shooty bang bang's - The GUN Thread!

Ya know, I'm surprised there aren't more fictional guns being made real due to 3D printing.

I'd love to see one of the universe specific C&C firearms recreated, such as a variant of the M16 Mk. II pulse rifle (amusingly, one of the props used was a Pulse Rifle from Aliens; an easter egg from Westwood), the AR-70 Raptor Raptor automatic rifle , or the GD2 GD2

Too niche. Most people today don’t really remember command and conquer. So less demand and so on.

Personally, I’d love to see a Mauser C96 (or one of its various knock-offs) made reproductions of. Would have them chamber in 9mm Parabellum, have the external magazine some variants had (ten and twenty round magazines). As well as a 6 and 4 inch barrel option. Oh and an option of a more modern gunsight.

Mostly because I have a massive soft spot of the c96.
Personally, I’d love to see a Mauser C96 (or one of its various knock-offs) made reproductions of. Would have them chamber in 9mm Parabellum, have the external magazine some variants had (ten and twenty round magazines). As well as a 6 and 4 inch barrel option. Oh and an option of a more modern gunsight.

Mostly because I have a massive soft spot of the c96.

A Mauser C96 replica/reproduction is pretty much never going to happen because its mechanical complexity and tight tolerances make it incredibly expensive.
The limit with 3D printing (I have one) is that unless you're willing to fork out 5-20 grand, you're not going to be able to metal 3D print. And if you do fork out that sort of money, then you now have to have a Kiln built specifically for firing that part/weapon.
The limit with 3D printing (I have one) is that unless you're willing to fork out 5-20 grand, you're not going to be able to metal 3D print. And if you do fork out that sort of money, then you now have to have a Kiln built specifically for firing that part/weapon.
Honestly, with some trial and error and some basic craftsman skills most people could probably make a simple shotgun in their backyard using common tools and supplies, even in non 2A countries. I'm certainly positive I could do it with some patience and trial and error. Where it gets tricky is ammo (specifically, primers).
Honestly, with some trial and error and some basic craftsman skills most people could probably make a simple shotgun in their backyard using common tools and supplies, even in non 2A countries. I'm certainly positive I could do it with some patience and trial and error. Where it gets tricky is ammo (specifically, primers).

I’ve heard there are websites online that can give you that sort of information.

Or so I’ve heard. I wouldn’t be able to point you in the direction of any of that on a PM. Not at all. :p

(As far as I know, there’s nothing illegal about having said information, at least in the USA. Now, using it for something is another question and depends on where you are. A lot of what I’ve collected is strictly for ‘in case of societal emergency, break glass’ situations)
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Heh, can't PM you, something about you exceeding your quota?

But, afaik just having the info should pose no problem for me, legally. I mean, I've also researched tons of questionable stuff during my time on the web for forum games, writing projects, etc. So I'd really appreciate whatever links you might have!

Heh, can't PM you, something about you exceeding your quota?

But, afaik just having the info should pose no problem for me, legally. I mean, I've also researched tons of questionable stuff during my time on the web for forum games, writing projects, etc. So I'd really appreciate whatever links you might have!


Huh. I didn't know or had forgotten that was a thing.

Moving on.

Here's the website. You do have to create an account, but it is free, though you will be limited to 10 books every 24 hours as your maximum download. Make sure you use this website, as there are some others with similar names that are not the real deal.

I would also recommend this program as a way of opening some of the various file types (epub, etc). It is likewise free.

Both websites and their products are safe- I've used them for years without any issues.

Some books that I think may be of interest, given the subject:


You can also find stuff about medical knowledge, growing plants, military manuals and so on. Also more mundane stuff like novels and so on on the site. here are two examples. I would encourage you to explore on your own.

Easy ways to make a conversation awkward...

"I've been finger-printed and photographed so many times, the FBI has me as a reference bookmark."
"good, quality made pepper spray is delicious on scrambled eggs."
"old coconuts, soaked in kerosene, make for great smoke tracers when launched from improvised catapults"
"my personal info was made public to the world via the US DoD OPM.", guess the lie or massive exaggeration in any of the above.
Lol, did a deep dive into the topic that probably put me on half a dozen different watch lists. But the fact of the matter at the end of it seems to me that, either in case of social order breaking (fully) down, or in preparation for writing a fic set in such a scenario in Germany, the easiest means for self defense for an average Joe/Jane protagonist would be a crossbow.

The heavily regulated nature of any kind of nitrate-based fertilizer (any kind of primarily nitrate-based product, really) is more likely to get you into the crosshairs of law enforcement than prepare you for doomsday, even if you where just to buy the parts and have them sit around separately.

On Youtube, people were talking about using stump remover or the content of cold packs to synthesize nitrate, but you can't get the former outside the US because of the nitrate content, and producers of the latter have moved to urea probably precisely because of that, too. Besides, in a break-down scenario, how likely would it be for Amazon to deliver cold packs to your doorstep? Though... thinking of it, Amazon would probably be the last thing still functioning by the sheer power of greed. :LOL:

I even found a review for a 3 kg bucket of curing salts on Amazon where the buyer got a visit from the police (because he wasn't running a business, and I found out 3 kg of curing salts literally is enough for hundreds of kilograms of meat), even though nitrate contents in that stuff are just 0.4-0.5%! So you'd need dozens of kilograms of that stuff, right?

So, not worth it.


A repeating crossbow has the advantage of reusing the bolts, and in any kind of scenario water and non-perishable foods probably would be higher on the list (at least early on) than any kind of weapon.
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